Why do we not remember our past lives?

I have thought about this from a slightly different angle which is why some humans come here over and over without learning lessons. Is that also a lesson? But as to your question, I think that most experiences and lessons are probably more nuanced with layer upon layer as well as from different perspectives in the karmic dynamic that we strive to balance. If we knew that we have gone through a lesson then we may not learn anything else from it believing we already have all the information needed to process the lesson.

I think that understanding that knowledge is infinite while our ability to learn it is finite in the time we have on this plane of existence also may factor in as well. As our knowledge grows, if that is what we strive for, then each experience and life can bring more meaning and a deeper understanding of our world, ourselves and relationships which may be part of our lesson plans. Just some thoughts...
The question, however, is what determines this degree of development of the mind and whether it is the mind itself. In a situation where even hypnotic regression can unlock the memory of past lives, perhaps it is just a question of finding the key to some specific property of the mind, or rather something that is beyond the mind. I sometimes call it pure, timeless consciousness. Perhaps it is not just about developing the mind, but about the ability to make the transition to which we have some innate potential. Although it may well be that it is precisely developing the mind in the right way that allows this transition to be made. How do you consider it?
Meh. I think they pulled that answer out of their saffron robes. It could also be theorized that it’s a matter of being or consciousness and not mind.

Either way, if our DNA is being manipulated to dumb us down and the advanced human souls are being closely studied and monitored and receiving self-destructive programming and weird implants then you have to consider that too. It is not a level playing field. We are not in a neutral vacuum. Perhaps the containers are not designed to remember.

If and when we DO remember, what is it we are remembering?
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On why we don't remember...

I proposed a notion that the reason is we don't want to remember - that it is more of an experiencing.

So, I was thinking about how life from one generation to the next is continuous - that life is threaded. It is ongoing, though we are mortal and die, the thread carries life in continuity from the beginning of time.

That is like immortality in a sense. So, even in our mortality, there exists a eternal property that is procreation.

So, at what point has a life begun, and ended if our lives are threaded - with its stages of dependency, liberation, inheritance, becoming... A memory of lives previous could be anybody in the thread - inherited. So, in a biological sense, you could claim to be your mother and father in a previous life - or anyone in the thread prior - because you are descended from them.

I wanted to add this because I thought the continuity of life in the physical plane gives us a sense of a spiritual reality - though in a linear fashion. And ancestry can be seen as mortal and immortal.

We wouldn't want to remember because we are always finding our own path, but bound by the continuity which teaches the same lesson - in experience.
As I'm sure you know DiscoveryTruth there are countless cases that do suggest that a very small minority do have strikingly vivid memories of past lives - but does this ever entail them actually remembering the lessons of that life...? I've never seen that suggestion, so yes, maybe its fair to say we come here blind to that subject... but then again...

A few possible answers to your question :

1. How about because its simply designed to be that way by those who have hijacked this awareness domain for their own purposes? Couldn't have food running around knowing about being food now could we? If one considers the Fall, part of that concept entails blind acceptance of the predatory rules of 3rd density existence - and one of those may be that souls who inhabit here don't get to have the advantage of easily remembering anything concerning what they are here to learn, part of which being perhaps that they are to be hunted.

2. You say we don't remember our lessons but maybe we do in the inherent choice of the next incarnation in that we know what is best for us to learn via the next set of lessons and so we reincarnate into circumstances that enable us to proceed with that. If whilst doing this we actively remembered our previous lessons these could easily distract and or deflect us from the free will opportunities that then arise for us to learn afresh what we need so as to progress. After all just because we have maybe learned a set of lessons doesnt mean this learning creates a continuity of understanding of the implicit nature of all lessons to be learned. Look at scientists today - they learned loads of lessons but they re still believing in the lies of Covid! Also, the idea of being allowed to bring our lessons with us sounds a bit like being allowed to take crib notes into an exam. I know the subject matter seems new but actually it may be very familiar - we just need to apply our selves 'correctly' and the lessons necessary for each incarnation naturally materialize. The choice to learn or not seems to me everything. The ancient Greeks used to say we do not come here to discover but to remember (and this remembering is not about things that happened before but about how familiar or important a lesson feels and how well we can address the learning in the here and now) and I think this hints at that.

3. If say your previous lesson had been hugely traumatic or even horrific (i.e. events that we either do to others or experience done to ourselves that are extreme) it could severely impair our mental and emotional capacity to function at all down here again knowing this. Sort of once bitten, twice shy. We'd just hide under the bed and scream 'I'm not coming out!')

Just a couple of minor thoughts - others will no doubt find better.
Love these insights!
I think it is known that beings have altered our biology/DNA and this alteration is a or is the or is part of the reason
On the one hand, it may be so, on the other hand, some genetic and epigenetic studies show that there is something like "DNA memory". You can read a little about it, for example here: Genetic Memory: How We Know Things We Never Learned

Sometimes I myself have the impression that I remember certain events about my ancestors, but this is especially the case with my great-grandmother.

Although there are more unusual facts connected with her. I have a middle name after her, which I usually use in place of my first name, and I took her maiden name because she was always very close to me.

At the same time, my great-grandmother was born on the day when another person close to me, whom I know in this life, was born, and died exactly on my birthday at the same time as I was born, 34 years before my birth. 34 is also my numerological number.
I will share one more unusual reflection. This thread is about "our past lives". However, I have the impression that the standard concept of reincarnation is a huge simplification.

We assume that there is some higher self (soul) that is something like the essence of our being. This self evolves over time and is given to us forever, it defines who we are.

It seems to me, however, that this issue may in fact be much more complicated, given parallel realities, the fact that time is probably a phenomenon observable only in the physical world, and moreover, in the spiritual world also logic is probably not the same as our understanding of logic . A logical operation is also distinguishing individual units, defining "I", "you", "we", etc.

So I seriously consider the hypothesis that we are observing only manifestations of something that exists in a higher reality. These may actually be other categories that we interpret in this world as, for example, our past lives.

Recently, I have been reflecting on this in the context of Hegel's specific logic that seems to exist in a realm where time is somehow looped.

I believe time is very important here. I think that time distorts our perception in some way, time forces us to introduce some simplifications.

Hence, I always repeat that answering the question what time really is will open a certain gate. Time can be the boundary between the physical world and the categories of spirit.
New member here.

Great thread!

Sharing my thoughts on the topic:

From my personal perspective, my realization is that if information about our past lives is relevant and important to our personal growth and embracing of knowledge this life time, then it will unfold and deploy into our conscious awareness in some manner. I think that the actual manner/method varies by individual in many cases as we all come from different streams of experiences.

Metaphor incoming: I see us all as on the same roller coaster ride, but we each are sitting in different seats on the coasters, and we each experience the ride similarly in some ways and not at all similar in other ways, according to our chosen path.

If however, such information would distract or somehow delay or derail out quest in this lifetime, my take is that it's best that it remains behind the veil so to speak. It's there. Your intuition can catch glimpses when it is important to do so. It may be relevant at certain node points in our lifetime of experiences and may communicate to in more subtle manners (you know.. that goose bump moment you can't quite explain, or that aha moment in your new understanding and knowledge. But if it is going to distract or delay you in this lifetime, I believe in most cases it simply remains silent and just out of reach, because it is not required in the moment.

The beauty in all of this is Consciousness is the key. We all have a silver cord connection back to our higher self and beyond, right? So the connection of our total consciousness is always there in some manner, so it is all about need rather than want.

For the sincere seeker of information and knowledge, my view is that consciousness always has your back while you are incarnate. So if you are listening to your intuition and are continuing to make forward progress in your chosen life path, if you need access to past life information for some key reason in this lifetime, it will find it's way to you, but only enough for what you actually need to continue forward progress.

If we think about it, in my view above all else the Cassiopaean messages for the most part are quite pragmatic in nature and approach. By this I mean they reveal what is necessary, yet they do not distract or "lead the witness" in most cases and instead encourage the seeking of more knowledge and understanding as the key forward in our current incarnation. They also challenge the student of their message too, to learn, to know, to know enough to not be duped by deceptions. Sometimes when I read them, they feel very Socratic in their approach with us. They are always careful not to trample on free will, even if we beg them to because we at the moment are having a "forest for the trees" sort of clouding. Also, it occurs to me that some of us might be distracted to obsession by knowledge of our past lives in this lifetime, and again pragmatic as Cassiopaean's are, they caution persistently about avoiding obsession.

Pragmatically speaking, I don't think most of us are here to admire OR work through our past life experiences in any conscious way. These are already past events and are done, and if we were meant to focus on them in this lifetime, it will be to a pre-incarnation script that we wrote for our life this time around. Some of which brings Karma forward I imagine, but it is covert Karma in most cases as part of planned experience before incarnation takes place. Actually, if we were meant to work with our past timelines, it would seem that would be best suited in 4th D when we get there, as time is no longer a barrier to consciousness at that point.

The Universe is exceptional in nature, and so exceptions are permitted (or perhaps even required) for particular experiences that break the norm. I think most of us are instead here to focus on being more real and genuine in our life than when we were born, the implication being that we successfully grow in knowledge, experience, and community in our consciousness, whether we are consciously aware or not. That said, we are humans, and one thing about humans is they have an insatiable curiosity and can even be distracted by it, and take us off our life's purpose.

Anyway, that is my nickels worth on the topic. Off topic: I remember when a nickel would get you a candy bar at the local grocery. Then again, I was just a wet behind the ears kid seeking candy too. 🤣
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