“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past" - Libraries Now Used for Information Control and Removal.

Michael B-C

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The subject of libraries during the Covid is very important, it is related, also, to the control of information. Here is a video about this subject: libraries and how from now everything will be different because of the excuse of Covid and something called the HathiTrust Digital Library.

I can go to the grocery but not to my library? This is a sign of something, right? Of something that is very very disturbing and it is not just about books or the love of books but something more dark, it is about the control of information.

Several members have posted recently about the underhand movements regarding libraries and access to information - and the increasing censorship and Orwellian editing/deleting of the past that appears to be accelerating under the curtain of COVID. I think it warrants its own thread as its implications go way beyond this PHASE 1 of the 'Great Reset' plans.

As per Loreta's post above from the COVID thread, here again is the TruthstreamMedia Video that explores some of the implications of this topic, in particular the HathiTrust Digital Library linked above (7:15 into video).

Basically national and international libraries are 'collaborating' via Google Books (of course - always wondered what part that 'antiquated' arm would play!) to digitally scan all possible texts to preserve. Sounds good until you realize the current scamdemic has given them the opportunity to

(1) limit or end actual browsing and collection from public and university libraries by removing access to texts that have been already digitalised by HathiTrust.
(2) create selective access to the texts they have scanned making them only available to universities and they are themselves then restricting access.
(3) instigate copy-write of texts copied.

If this all sounds familiar it is. Exactly the same process going on with near everything of value - be it genes, money, resources, YouTube content, you name it. First abstract, then gain total control, then create legal ownership/control of distribution, then connect to suitability for access and appropriate behavior (no doubt coming soon).

Once this has been achieved they can delete, edit and adulterate the world's collected library of centuries of information. In 1984 Orwell of course foresaw this as a logical step for all tyrants in the future:

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Unearthing the deliberate disappearance of history has been one of Laura's great achievements, particularly with regard to cosmic events, the interconnection between the above and the below and the suppression of science and well just about everything else. So this is old as time itself - and a key part of STS reset that they've been at for circa 300,000 years plus. Meet the new tyrant; same as old tyrant.

Along the same lines Corbett recently posted the following.

Some take aways.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury - and I’m sure a lot of people are familiar with that book - but for those who are not, in Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury imagines a world in which books are banned and firemen are not people who rush into burning buildings to save them from the fire and to put out the fire; no firemen are people who rush into buildings in order to burn books! If there are books found anywhere these firemen are called to the scene, spray it with kerosene and light the match to make sure those books are burnt. In fact the official slogan of the firemen in Fahrenheit 451 is

“Burn them to ashes… then burn the ashes.”

And the protagonist of the story who starts as just one of those firemen says that near the beginning of the story

"Kerosene is nothing but perfume to me..."

and Bradbury paints a very vivid picture of exactly why a dystopian nightmare, dictatorial society of the future would want to burn books. For example, the fire captain in this story, Guy Montag's boss, fire Captain Beatty says:

“So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it! Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man's mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man? Me? I won’t stomach them.”

He goes on later in the story to say:

“What is fire? It's a mystery. Scientists give us gobbledygook about friction and molecules but they don't really know. Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it.”

Today just one, very simple step that seem so trivial but really can help to preserve this information … save everything! Save all of those important documents that you come across online; text, video, audio. If it is important, if you think this is information that you would want to know in the future, save it! Save a copy of it! It is incumbent on all of us to learn how to save a video from say YouTube or to save an audio stream or to save information to your hard drive of a copy that you actually have access to, that you can access later when and if that information is scrubbed online. I cannot stress how important this is because as I say over the years please go back through the corbettreport.com archives, go to a podcast I released a year ago (let alone a decade ago) and try to go through as I always do - I link up the source documents of everything that I’m talking about - the videos, the articles, I always link them up. But the further back in the archives you go, the more and more you will find broken links, missing information, scrubbed from YouTube. That happens… so thankfully I have saved a lot of very important information to external hard drives that I have physically sitting here that I can access later…

Another sort of more meta way to approach this is that we need to stop using these controlled platforms - or at least stop using them exclusively - because it is self-evident at this point that YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter; are enemy weapons information systems. They are controlled by the people who want to selectively burn the books in the Library of Alexandria. So don't just give them the books and then trust that it will be safe there. Of course not! Let's make sure that this information is on multiple outlets, and yes of course, if you want to reach people - and reach people who have not heard of this message - then there is still value in being on some of these control platforms (although less and less value but at any rate there is still the hope that you will be able to reach people who haven't heard this information yet). But at the same time don't limit yourself to that. We need to start building up the alternative platforms; decentralized, peer-to-peer, cryptographically secure, censorship adverse platforms that do exist at this current time. I am now backing up everything I do to archive.org, bitshoot.com, lbry.com and mines.com, as well as actually uh having every mp4 and mp3 file that I do, available for download directly from my own servers. It's on multiple platforms - don't ever think there's just one backup you need - you need every possible platform to be used. And hopefully we can counter that network effect ‘oh there's no point in going on another video sharing platform there's no point in leaving Facebook - everybody's there’. Well everybody was on MySpace a decade ago…

And on the meta level, I also want to throw out the warning that this technology itself is changing and is going to be deliberately changed in order to try to weed out our ability to save information. At least at this point we have control over the devices we're using to some extent. We can refine search results and go to different platforms and try different things and we can save information to our hard drive. But in the future we will not be using desktop, laptop, even pad-light computers; we'll be having hearables and wearables and this other Alexa type devices, where you don't get control over anything. You say ‘Alexa, tell me what happened on 9 11?’ and Alexa reads you the Wikipedia entry and that's it! That's your sum total of ability to access this information in the Library of Alexandria. The access points to this library are being winnowed; we must reject that. Do not accept, do not buy, do not purchase with your own money technology that is going to be used to limit your access to the library of Alexandria. Do not accept it! When they say ‘oh it's okay, we're in the 5g internet of things. Your always connected to the world of tomorrow. You don't need a hard drive anymore. All you need is just a device that will interface with the cloud and everything will be stored on the cloud.’ Well, there is no cloud, there is only someone else's computer; that is all the cloud is. So don't leave it up to someone else… so do not aid the people who want to control access to the Library of Alexandria in that quest by purchasing these limited technologies that they are going to be rolling out…

I want to leave on this note. Think about the incredible irony given what we've just talked about that the heroes, the universally acknowledged and understood heroes, of 9/11, that everyone (whether they believe the official story hook line and sinker or not) understands to be the heroes of 9/11, were the fire-fighters. The people who rushed into the burning buildings, to save other people at the risk of their own lives. And for 343 of them, at the expense of their own lives, trying to save others that day. The fire-fighters, the ones who were held up as the heroes - as long as it was politically convenient to do so (and of course get them onto the pile to dig up the gold from the WTC vaults, but once that's found get them off the pile and forget about them) they're just political props as used by Mayor Giuliani and other politicians in a cynical ploy. And we've seen the way that their health effects have continued to plague them over the years; from the toxic dust that they were inhaling at the time that the EPA and Christine Todd Whitman told them was safe to breathe, because that's the way the empire treats its heroes as soon as they become politically inconvenient. But at any rate, the fire-fighters were brave heroes who did rush into burning buildings to save other people. And now here we are two decades later and we are now the fire-fighters. We are carrying on the legacy of those people who were rushing into the burning buildings to save others.

We are trying to save the course of human civilization.

I'm sure we've all been doing the above for years - and the total saving of information by this Network, let alone on the back ups etc of the Forum and SOTT is substantial and substantive. But we can all continue to play our part because its impossible for the team who work so tirelessly on SOTT and Forum management to cover everything. So yes, if you think it might be important, save it. Paper still best but at least a digital copy gives future choice. Because pretty soon the door is going to snap shut and the information garnering of the past few decades is going to pretty much vanish over night - at least that looks to be an essential part of their future planning.

Thank you! for taking the time to give us all this information and something to really think about it. The words of Corbett are very important. I try to save all the books a buy at Internet in another device then my Kindle. I will do the same now with all the programs at Sott.net and also articles that I think are good, like Laura's ones. What can we do more to help?

About books, there is another movie (old one) "The Time machine", based on the novel by H.G.Wells, where the principal character (played by an extremely bad actor by the way, Rod Taylor) goes to the future and asks about books, about knowledge to a group of morron, the future generation maybe.

Here is the scene:

I agree with you and the linked video, but this has been ongoing in the UK for the better part of the last decade now and most small public libraries have shut or become more restrictive in opening hours and lending even before the Covid madness took off. Throughout history there have always been attempts to control information and this is only different in the scale of it.

I haven't heard of the HathiTrust here and will ask a few of my colleagues about it. It sounds like something that is limited within the US, but likely will spread this way in the future.

That said , as someone who works in a library there is a difference between a physical book and an ebook. The ebook in many cases is merely rented as we host the link on the catalogue page and that's it. A physical book on the other hand, well we own that. The same applies to online electronic journals and print journals, the online ones can (and have) been completely lost if the journal goes bust and ceases publication. (Which has happened quite a few times already this year), while the print ones we can keep until they get damaged, disintergrate with age or get stolen by the students :rolleyes: .

There has been a real effort in the last few months to buy nothing but ebooks for the library I work in. While this is good for students accessing off campus (or stuck in their rooms) it means that there are loads of books that we have that we don't have really, and can be lost in the blink of an eye if something goes wrong. And that is the real danger to me. Physical copies must be kept. Electronic things are too fragile. That digital library, while looking imposing is really very fragile. Just think of how much of our civilisation is dependent on electricity, and should something happen - then its all gone. A book on the other hand, while that can be burnt, or damaged by water we can still read it in candle light.

(I hope this makes sense!)
Related. This story came from the internet archive email newsletter. It's partially woke, but not really...
Marygrove Library: A Living Legacy : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

What Happens to the Books When a College Closes?
“For a poet, the library is life,” mused Valerie Deering, Marygrove College Class of 1972. So when her beloved alma mater in Detroit closed for good in 2019, Deering worried about what would happen to Marygrove’s 70,000-volume library. For more than a century, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who founded the college, had been curating a one-of-a-kind collection of books about social justice, African American history and Detroit. How could these precious books do the most good in the world? Marygrove’s solution: donate the books to the Internet Archive to be digitized and preserved. Now, less than a year after the physical library closed, the.
It was interesting to note how many colleges have disappeared -- and no one is noticing. Big branding and big education continue apace to monotonized the human mind, make distinction worthless. Of course, they only mention this because of the woke-angle. But there are other angles hidden in the rubble.

I don't know how "woke" the internet archive is, are they removing the un-woke books when they scan? I don't know.
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I have been buying more books lately rather than have them on Kindle, although even thos are in my iMac, iPad and backed up on my Tower. I no longer count on Apple storage for doing the job. I am going to learn to store important videos, etc., thanks for the suggestions in your post Michael B-C. I see more and more disappearing from YouTube, FB, Twitter and Google every day.

It makes me believe, now that the veil is lifting, that someday soon the Internet will be so filtered that all that will be left on it is the PTB useless propaganda, if even that. In plain site the plan is unfolding, if it doesn’t fit the narrative then it doesn’t exist. It has gained speed and is increasing every day so now I will do my part to secure as much as money will allow. I do believe hard copy is best but will do what I can to preserve important things in digital format, Sott video, MindMatters, Important YouTube videos, etc.

Thanks for the post Michael, it is much appreciated.
Thank you Michael, this is important. The way HatiTrust works, reminds me of Elsevier publishers taking possession of university thesis and getting filthy rich from funneling information through subscription selling. Mafia? Aaron Swartz' quest (aaronsw.com).
For years i have tried saving all i found interesting, under the motto here today gone tomorrow, and to make a story/timeline how the 'end' came about for later.. Recently i upgraded with a pdf converter for screenshot effect. I find the cataloging difficult.
Would it be feasible to use a blockchain protocol to guarantee the integrity of an optical scan of a book?
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Thank you Michael for posting about this because I too think it will be very important in the near future. When the C's mentioned about the satellites possibly being fried in a recent session, that was a que to start saving things as much as I can. Since I am not that techy, I can do basic stuff but that's about it. I also like to read paper books instead of on a device for several reasons and do buy many of them instead of going to the library. There are (or was) a great used book store in our area but rarely carried important books such as ones recommended here but maybe some members have access to these types of stores near them. Ebay also may be a good place to find some books but other than the romantic fiction that I've started to read again, I'll have to check to see if anything else worth while is available. My point to the above is: I think it would be a great idea for folks to stock up on real books if they can but as in the above novel we may have to hide them and read them with the candlelight as Jebra also suggested.
Maybe here someone can explain how to keep a youtube video? I would like to about the MindMatters and Objective:Health programs. I really do not know how to do it.
Maybe here someone can explain how to keep a youtube video? I would like to about the MindMatters and Objective:Health programs. I really do not know how to do it.

There are some tools you can use to download them, such as this one

And you can install their software to make it even more easier.
There are tens if not hundres by now of millions of books and papers in either pdf or mobi or any other ebook format. I keep a dedicated 2 terrabyte harddrive only for books. My favorites are the manuals, the old ones, with indepth explanations for practical applicatios like carpentry, masonry, plastering, sanitary installations, everything and anything related to household engineering from design to finishes and maintenance. Then I like collectig the science and mathematics disciplines for each year of study from gr 1 to gr 12. You never know if or when they might be needed. Another category I like to collect is language manuals and dictionaires. Last but not least I like to collect literature but mainly the books I read in paper format. I also have quite a nice Kindle library (around 100 titles) but it comes with the internet dependant access.
I do not mean to show any ‘superpowers’, but the reason I started my own collection of digital books (legally sourced) was:
1. The lack of public Libraries
2. Very limited or no funds to buy paper books
3. Lack of any opportunity to access University Libraries.
What I am saying is that the books are still available and should you need or want to learn something you don’t necessarily have to pay an arm and a leg and wait for ever to get a book.
There are some tools you can use to download them, such as this one

And you can install their software to make it even more easier.
Thank you. I will try this.
Thank you Michael for making me ponder over that. I didn't know hathitrust either. For my part, concerning books, I buy paper books, often second hand ones, and when only available in digital form, I print and bind them :-)
I have to enhance the saving of my videos, thanks for the tools.
There are some tools you can use to download them, such as this one

And you can install their software to make it even more easier.
I did installed the software and it works perfectly. This is a good tool, really. Thank you again. ❤️
Thank you Michael for posting about this because I too think it will be very important in the near future. When the C's mentioned about the satellites possibly being fried in a recent session, that was a que to start saving things as much as I can. Since I am not that techy, I can do basic stuff but that's about it.
Hi KristinLynne, I did a little bit of research on the topic and from what I understand, our internet is mainly connected by a vast network of fiber optic connections, connecting nations via undersea cables. The satellite internet services are ancillary to this main mode of the network's infrastructure and if they go down, let's say, the internet shouldn't be largely impacted. However, if there is some sort of EMP or electronics damaging event that could fry circuits down here on Earth, that's another issue altogether.

Here are some links that could be informative:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) created the first high-speed backbone in 1987. Called NSFNET, it was a T1 line that connected 170 smaller networks together and operated at 1.544 Mbps (million bits per second). IBM, MCI and Merit worked with NSF to create the backbone and developed a T3 (45 Mbps) backbone the following year.

Backbones are typically fiber optic trunk lines. The trunk line has multiple fiber optic cables combined together to increase the capacity. Fiber optic cables are designated OC for optical carrier, such as OC-3, OC-12 or OC-48. An OC-3 line is capable of transmitting 155 Mbps while an OC-48 can transmit 2,488 Mbps (2.488 Gbps). Compare that to a typical 56K modem transmitting 56,000 bps and you see just how fast a modern backbone is.

Today there are many companies that operate their own high-capacity backbones, and all of them interconnect at various NAPs around the world. In this way, everyone on the Internet, no matter where they are and what company they use, is able to talk to everyone else on the planet. The entire Internet is a gigantic, sprawling agreement between companies to intercommunicate freely.

An NAP (Network Access Point) is essentially an older version of the Internet Exchange Point:

An Internet exchange point (IX or IXP) is the physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) and content delivery networks (CDNs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks (autonomous systems).[1]

IXPs reduce the portion of an ISP's traffic that must be delivered via their upstream transit providers, thereby reducing the average per-bit delivery cost of their service. Furthermore, the increased number of paths available through the IXP improves routing efficiency and fault-tolerance. In addition, IXPs exhibit the characteristics of what economists call the network effect.[2]

The primary purpose of an IXP is to allow networks to interconnect directly, via the exchange, rather than through one or more third-party networks. The primary advantages of direct interconnection are cost, latency, and bandwidth.[3]

Traffic passing through an exchange is typically not billed by any party, whereas traffic to an ISP's upstream provider is.[4] The direct interconnection, often located in the same city as both networks, avoids the need for data to travel to other cities (potentially on other continents) to get from one network to another, thus reducing latency.[3]

The third advantage, speed, is most noticeable in areas that have poorly developed long-distance connections. ISPs in these regions might have to pay between 10 or 100 times more for data transport than ISPs in North America, Europe, or Japan. Therefore, these ISPs typically have slower, more limited connections to the rest of the Internet. However, a connection to a local IXP may allow them to transfer data without limit, and without cost, vastly improving the bandwidth between customers of such adjacent ISPs.[3]

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