When C's were 3D

andi said:
It helps me think of this concept of cycles and time in terms of Photoshop layers, or any layer used by us on the computer.
For example, the are infinite possibilities of how many layers can be created in photoshop. Changing something in one layer can become visible through all the layers and be part of the top layer even if it does not belong to it. Many analogies can be drawn from here.
So top layers are dependent on the bottom layers. At any time, all layers can be merged together; etc..

I think, this has been talked in the transcript somewhere.

Wow thats a nice way of looking at it!
OneSoul said:
I'd like to place three things alongside each other for a moment and do a little speculation. First some ideas as background. Regarding Rigel and Betelgeuse as supernova candidates:

And with these things alongside each other:

the anticipated expansion of Betelgeuse which has been in the news lately, next to ...

the Cassiopaeans' response of "... Star expanded... Now: "Shocker" For you. It hasn't become a cinder yet..." from November 1994 transcripts, concerning the place where the human race was originally seeded, alongside ...

the grand cycle and its closing ( more than one thing happening "simultaneously" ).

These together might give the possibility of D'Ahnkiar being the planet in the system of Betelgeuse ( or Rigel ), at the time of the realm border crossing, which is / was / will be facing its destruction when the star expands.

Any thoughts, other insights? I haven't seen speculation about this on the forum but can't read every page!

i'm not sure betelgeuse is the candidate, the Cs said something about this in the Feb13 2010 transcript:
Q: (Andromeda) Do we want to ask anything else about that? Has Betelgeuse already gone supernova?

A: No.

Q: (Ark) What you mean already? Already when? (L) Like in the past so that we would soon be likely to see it. (Ark) Well, if it went in the past so that we would see it, we would see it, which means it didn't yet went off. (Andromeda) Well, doesn't it take time from the time it goes supernova? (Ark) How many? Like 3000 years. (L) Right, so that's what she means.

A: Who said Betelgeuse was going to go?
Awesome analogy Andi. :D
andi said:
It helps me think of this concept of cycles and time in terms of Photoshop layers, or any layer used by us on the computer.
For example, the are infinite possibilities of how many layers can be created in photoshop. Changing something in one layer can become visible through all the layers and be part of the top layer even if it does not belong to it. Many analogies can be drawn from here.
So top layers are dependent on the bottom layers. At any time, all layers can be merged together; etc..

I think, this has been talked in the transcript somewhere.
A quick google search for the word d'ahnkiar automatically transfers to Ahankar. In looking for the definition, SikhiWiki defines it as such:


Ahankar is the Gurmukhi word which translates to means ego or excessive pride over one's possessions, beauty, talents, material wealth, intelligence, spirituality, authoritative powers, charity work etc. An individual can come to feel that these 'gifts from God' make him superior to others, who are therefore are at a lower level than him. It leads to jealousy, feelings of enmity and restlessness amongst people. Sikhism requires that a person serves society and community with Nimrata or humility. And this is obtained by Sewa and hence, one sees the practise of devotees cleaning the footwear of visitors to a Gurdwara so that the mind of the devout Sikh is made more humble.

Apparently our current breed of psychopaths are insufficient for their needs. Although, especially here in the US, this term can be used to describe the majority of the population, the word excessive in the above description could also mean criminal. What I've learned of our Neanderthal ancestors comes to mind.

The five evils or five thieves or panch doot (five demons) or panj vikar (five sins) as they are referred to in the Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, are according to Sikhi, the five major weaknesses of the human personality at variance with its spiritual essence. These are the five traits that bring misery and pain the our lives; the Guru Granth Sahib asks us to overcome these internal demons and clasp the virtues of the "Super soul".

The common evils found in mankind far exceed this number, but a group of five of them came to be identified because of the major obstruction they are believed to cause to man's pursuit of the moral and spiritual path.

The five evils are 1.Kam (Lust) 2.Krodh (Rage) 3. Lobh (Greed) 4. Moh (Attachment) 5. Ahankar (Ego) Of these five evils, Ahankar is considered the worse:

This Cardinal Evil is often regarded by Sikhs as the worst of the five evils. Pride makes human beings believe that they are more important than others. It makes them treat others badly and unequally, leading to injustice. Pride makes human beings take personal credit for the successes, good qualities, wealth and talents they have. It makes them forget that God is responsible for these things and leads them away from reunion. Pride leads to Haumai because it makes people believe that they are the most important thing in life and leads to self-centredness.

The language Gurmukhi is described by Wikipedia as follows _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurmukhi

Gurmukhi etymology

Although the word Gurmukhī has been commonly translated as "from the Mouth of the Guru," the term used for the Punjabi script has somewhat different connotations. The opinion given by traditional scholars for this is that as the Sikh holy writings, before they were written down, were uttered by the Gurus, they came to be known as Gurmukhi or the "Utterance of the Guru". And consequently, the script that was used for scribing the utterance was also given the same name. The term that would mean "by the Guru's mouth" would be "Gurmū̃hī̃," which sounds considerably different but looks similar in Latin script.

However, the prevalent view among Punjabi linguists is that as in the early stages the Gurmukhī letters were primarily used by Gurmukhs, literally those who follow or face the Guru, the script came to be associated with them. Another view is that as the Gurmukhs, in accordance with the Sikh belief, used to meditate on the letters ਵ, ਹ, ਗ, ਰ which jointly form ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ or God in Sikhism, these letters were called Gurmukhī, or "of the Gurmukhs". Subsequently, the whole script came to be known as Gurmukhī.
maryjk_99 said:
A quick google search for the word d'ahnkiar automatically transfers to Ahankar.

I do not know if it is worthwhile to make a connection between d'ahnkiar and "ahankar" but just fyi the word "ahankar" is not unique to the Sikh Gurmukhi script. The original Sanskrit word is called "Ahamkara".
"Aham"-self or me in Sanskrit;
"kara" - usually refers to doing or working with something
Taken together, the word "Ahamkara" (and its variants in various present day Indian languages of which Gurmukhi is one) is used to denote "excessive identification with the self" or egotism.
Total no matter who is who when important to make up for their lessons.
Actually, more on that in total I think I once thought the more I wanted to 'be' c's in the future.
Fortunately, it is important to concentrate on work here no matter what is to be practically do not know what will make the decisions when it will be bad or good.
just the thought of all this happening is mind blowing having all these endless possibilities creates a billion more questions and in turn sparks a "fire" inside each and every one who wishes to learn. The gaining of knowledge is the fuel to keep this Fire going!
that transcript is amazing-incredible (and i use the word incredible in its most positive sense).

the more one reads the c's transcripts, the more flexible the mind's grasp of time-space can become.

4d seems to be completely different. totally open ended. if 4d being is situated outside of time and space there are no limits...

Bar Kochba said:
I was perusing this thread, and when I read the quotes from the C's, I stopped and pondered. Then an odd thing happened...my head exploded! Obviously I havent created enough of the correct *cicuits* in my brain to grok everything that was said. But, the lessons keep coming. ;)

I've felt this to before. Reading lots of the C's transcripts, some Ra and Seth, and a bunch of cosmology from gurdjieff to i Ching, I realize often how little I truly understand. But I guess even if I was able to comprehend truthfully the complexity of the matter, without lies to myself, that may not actually help my ability to "do" in third density, aside from better appreciating the theoretical necessity for objectivity and all that.

transientP said:
that transcript is amazing-incredible (and i use the word incredible in its most positive sense).

the more one reads the c's transcripts, the more flexible the mind's grasp of time-space can become.

4d seems to be completely different. totally open ended. if 4d being is situated outside of time and space there are no limits...

I think seventh density is the only truly limitless state of being/non-being. Although fourth density sure sounds remarkably freer and unbound by laws compared to this density ("no such thing as left or right there? Whaaaaat?"). Maybe we're just limited in ways we don't even realize yet, but fourth is in the process of learning about them and getting rid of them, since they're a more simple and direct "distortion" of intelligent infinity, to use Ra's term. FWIW.
transientP said:
that transcript is amazing-incredible (and i use the word incredible in its most positive sense).

the more one reads the c's transcripts, the more flexible the mind's grasp of time-space can become.

4d seems to be completely different. totally open ended. if 4d being is situated outside of time and space there are no limits...


If you haven't already, maybe you would like to read Laura's books, free online, Amazing Grace and the Wave series. Both can be found here.

We actually recommend that forum members read these to get an understanding of what this forum is about. They delve much deeper into what was actually being said, what was going on at the time, etc.

I have found that I cannot put down books written by Laura. She has a way of writing that keeps you glued to the pages wanting to know what happens next. Not only this, but her books are so informative on so many different topics, it is just mind-blowing.
hi Nienna Eluch

over the years i've read all of the available Wave series, most of Amazing Grace and have continually gone back to read over transcripts and parts of the books each time i find myself assimilating new info or contemplating things in a new way.
the wave series has, for me, been a mirror for cleaning out the sub/unconscious mind, re-energizing and has been a main source for balancing in general.

this forum is awesome.
i would like to just give a shout out to everyone involved on the forum; Keep doing what you're doing. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

there is a kinship here that is absolutely remarkable. :cool2:
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