What is % amount of entangled photons in universe comparing to all photons.


Jedi Master
My question is exactly like in the title, plus:
- is the amount of entangled photons changing along with universe expansion?
- if so, how its changing, rising? decreasing?
- how many entangled photos were just before Big Bang moment?
@Laura @ark
I hope you will find this question useful.
My question is exactly like in the title, plus:
- is the amount of entangled photons changing along with universe expansion?
Is the Universe expanding? Which universe? What if most of the photons are in 4D, 5D, 6D?
- if so, how its changing, rising? decreasing?
Probably depends on what the meaning of universe is and how does that encompass the concepts of 4D, 5D, 6D.
- how many entangled photos were just before Big Bang moment?
Was there a Big Bang? Are there uncountable Big Bangs? What does right before the Big Bang mean?
@Laura @ark
I hope you will find this question useful.
I like your questions but I think they are full of assumptions based on our limited understanding of reality.
From 5/27/2000 session for a 5Dish use of photons/neutrinos for the soul:
Moving along to the next question: we have been discussing memories and how memories of, say, past lives are stored, and that leads to the question of what is the structure and composition of the soul? How does the soul remember? How does it carry its memories from lifetime to lifetime, from body to body, whether simultaneous or sequential? How does the soul "store" them?
A: Has to do with atomic principles. These with gravity present the borderland for the material and the nonmaterial. Which theoretical atomic particulates would you think form the basis here?
Q: (L) How about tachyons?
A: Maybe neutrons?
Q: (A) Neutrons? Or neutrinos?
A: Neutrinos.
Q: (A) Well, first they say neutrons, then neutrinos. Or "maybe neutrons." I say "neutrinos" and they say "yes." So a "maybe" is only a pointer. Neutrinos are funny particles because they are mass less. But, some people don't believe that neutrinos exist. My guess would be neutrinos. Do they exist?
A: Okay, we are going to throw caution to the "winds," and say yes. [Laughter.]
Q: (L) In terms of these neutrinos and soul composition, how are memories formed or held or patterned with these neutrinos?
A: Contained within for release when and if suitable.
Q: (L) Memories are contained within the neutrinos?
A: Sort of.
Q: (L) Are they contained within patterns formed by the neutrinos?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) So, that means that if one "consciousness unit," or soul, has more memories or experiences than another consciousness unit, it would have more neutrinos?
A: No.
Q: (B) Different patterns?
A: No.
Q: (L) What's the difference?
A: More data per unit, sort of.
Q: (L) Does that mean that an individual neutrino can be, in and of itself, more "dense" in data, so to speak?
A: So to speak.
Q: (L) Does this increased density of data change the nature or function of the individual neutrino?
A: Maybe it changes the function of the awareness, thus the environs.
Q: (L) Is there a specific number of neutrinos that constitutes a consciousness unit, or soul?
A: Number is not quite the right concept. Orientation is closer.
Q: (L) What are the orientational options?
A: Vibrational frequencies.
Q: (L) Do the vibrational frequencies increase or decrease with density of data?
A: Change; better not to quantify.
Q: (A) We are talking about soul. Soul is what density, in concept?
A: Ark, are neutrinos related to the concept of a bridge into pure energy in some way?
Q: (A) Yes. I was going in that direction. I was wondering why you speak about neutrinos and not photons, because photons are also a bridge to pure energy, I would say. The difference between photons and neutrinos is that photons are bosons and neutrinos are fermions. Neutrinos have to dance so that they don't touch each other. Bosons are like pairs of neutrinos and photons, as bosons, are free to move in space any way they want.
A: We would mention photons in terms of this discussion, but for the tendency of some reading the WebPages to misinterpret in terms of the "love and light" fantastic.
Massless particles like photons would experience a timeline through a universe all at once so it would be very 6th densityish in terms of perceiving what for us would seem like a distant future or past and you would probably need to entangle them to form thoughts you could think of as a single entity's timeline. But not being limited by time like we are, it really wouldn't care about any increase/decrease in entangled photons as the universe expands as we perceive it. The expanding universe is likely an entropic death of sorts and it might end in just a bunch of stable small black holes, kind of the STS end:

Q: (L) Among the things that were discussed among the
Germans in the Thule Society and the Vril Society, was the
"Black Sun That Illuminates the Interior." Can you tell us
what this "Black Sun" is?
A: Ultimate destiny of STS orientation.
Q: (L) Is this Black Sun an actual astronomical
A: In essence.
Q: (L) What would we know this Black Sun as? A black
A: Good possibility.

Okay. Recently there was some information about
a VERY distant and intense explosion seen with the Hubble
telescope... I am interested in what this was.
A: Reflection of other universe's genesis.
Q: What other universe?
A: They all start, and end that way!

It might mean the information of small black holes are used to start a new universe. The information might all preexist and there would kind of just be travel from end of one to beginning of another universe and this would likely be at the Planck energy 7th density level.

Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?
A: Big bang.
Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up?
We will all become one and it will all start all over again?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!
A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is
the light you see at death of the body.
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