What I heard about Iraq


The Living Force
Yesterday on BBC Radio 4 for 'The Friday Play', they broadcast a production of "What I heard about Iraq". The play is available to listen to online HERE until Friday 18th May, running time is just under an hour.

I saw a theatre performance of this a little while ago, it was very hard to watch. You want to leave the theatre, call out, cry, anything but have to sit there and endure the relentless evil spouting from the actors mouths - words which are all verbatim verified quotes from, Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Generals and soldiers and others gathered over the last four years. They just don't stop. Lie, after lie, after lie. When you have it all condensed down like that into an hour, the effect is a shock. The play is still touring in the UK until mid June if anyone has the chance, info HERE. I think there are current productions running in the U.S. too. There was a Q and A session afterwards with the actors, it was good to be able to process some of the emotions raised by talking with them, just sharing the knowledge that there are others who feel the same, that talk could have gone on a long time.

The piece started as an article by Eliot Weinberger in the London Review of Books HERE. Much of the material is the same, so that will give a feel for it, but hearing the words spoken, the lies stacked up against one another, changes the whole thing.

Its a reminder I think of the importance of learning how these psychopaths 'create' the illusion, and of why the Signs page is there. The live performance brings home the reality of the lies and suffering, the "terror of the situation". I recommend others to go listen to it, though not in the sense that it is entertainment. The play is shocking, provoking anger, disbelief and sorrow at the lies, hypocrisy and suffering inflicted at the hands of Pathocracy. Its a wake up call to the emotions.

Edit: Caveat. The play is for an adult audience as there are some very disturbing scenes, particularly descriptions of atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Fallujah.
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