What Good are Gay Rights when Psychopaths Rule Our World?

I just figured that if Puck's written piece created some misunderstandings and confusion on this forum, then the misunderstandings would probably be multiplied 10-fold in other places. And thanks guys, all I can think of right now is that a lot of great points have already been brought up in the thread so maybe just add those. Maybe explain that the same people that deny gay rights today were denying african americans rights in the past, and in fact were responsible for slavery. It's the same people denying Iraqis and Afghanis the right to self-sovereignty and the millions of civilians that have been killed the right to live. Not to mention the insane amount of overseas military bases denying those countries the right to not be threatened and influenced by the presence of another nation's military at all times. It is the same people that are denying the general population the right to make up their own minds about things like 911 and instead tell them what they should think and who to blame with no evidence. It is the same group that denies us the right to keep the original meanings of words and instead twists the meanings to suit their needs (like freedom and democracy). It is the same group that denies us the right to think critically and objectively by crippling mass education and controlling the media.

And maybe just keep listing all the effects psychopaths have on our society and phrase it as the "denial of rights". And then maybe add that fighting for all of those rights is important, but as is increasingly obvious, while one hand giveth the other taketh away. It is not enough for good people everywhere to just fight for those rights, we must address the problem at the source - the psychopaths that continue to create new ways to limit and deny the rights of each individual, while at the same time proclaiming how "free" we are just to keep us believing it.

Anyway those are just some thoughts, and I think Vulcan's title suggestion is great, or maybe you could include that question as part of the essay itself, like if it follows the more specific question in the title. I think all the ideas mentioned in this thread could probably be incorporated, as they are all great points. Good luck!

Edit: Just found the doublespeak thread. You could include a bunch of examples from that about twisting of meaning if you want. I think that most words/phrases in that thread could be made into very effective posters and/or flyers, where a word or phrase is shown and then its real and ponerized definitions. Then at the end something like "Want to know how this happened? Check out SOTT.net"
Puck have you seen the movie drama
Clapham Junction (2007) , it is somewhat explicit but IMO it paints a good picture of "gay ( male) world" and perhaps gives hints why the issue of gay rights is so complicated
Hmm no I haven't caught that film. I'll give it a look when I get a chance. Maybe I can order it off the web and watch it over turkey break.

I do plan to rewrite the piece, I think it'll actually end up being a completely different work then a rewrite. I've had a lot of drama inserted into my film lately and it's been taking its toll. Just keeping up with my reading and the breathing program has been a challenge. Hopefully I get back to being more online-active soon, since things seem to be dying down and my emotions are becoming more manageable.

It's been a weird ride, considering how much emotional turbulence I've experienced lately compared to how similar matters in the past would have rolled right off me, likely due to a sleeping emotional center, it's been an adjustment period to say the least. :-[
Hang in there Brent, and if you feel up to it at some point, perhaps you can share some of what you're going through in the swamp. Whatever it is, you have my prayers and I have faith in your ability to handle it and come out the other side only wiser and stronger. Good luck!
Puck said:
I've had a lot of drama inserted into my film lately and it's been taking its toll. Just keeping up with my reading and the breathing program has been a challenge.

You do remember the definition of the General Law, don't you?

Eyes open, Puck.
[QUOTE author=AngEvil]I realize that I generalize but what I mean is that the gays themselves must be aware that they fall into the trap of caring only about their "community". However like I said, they are humans and they don't realize this. If the gay rights would be resolved, then they would be happy and fall into the same complete state of ignorance almost all the humans in the planet fall into.[/QUOTE]

This is a deeply disturbing, veiled homophobic comment.

If they would have been born straight most likely they would have never developed an interest in the gay issues.

An outrageous assumption.

The gay issue must be forgotten completely, suddenly, and all the forces must go against the elite ruling our planet, and to the awakening of the consciousness of the population. If that would happen then the gay rights issue would be obsolete as well as any other similar issue

This reads as a hidden wish.

AngEvil's post was about the idiocy of general culture/belief and recently the exclusion through "rights" that are accorded to people by those that decree them. The important point in the latter is: by those that decree them. If you are a Sovereign human being, thinking clearly and seeing clearly, "rights" bestowed by "others" are seen for what they are: a control mechanism and a joke when compared to Reality.

Unless I am completely misunderstanding AngEvil's meaning, there is no difference in understanding our automatic physical impulses whether you are gay or not. They are the same.

Companionship, lust and illusions are the same whether you are gay, hetero, or bi. Same impulses.

Knowing why one does what one does is the same process, no matter the circumstance.

So as galling as it is that some in society have been led to mechanically have an "opinion" that they will blindly follow against others, it really has no bearing on an individual that chooses to understand why it came about.
While I apologize for how long it took me to get around to it, I did the rewrite using a lot of inspiration from this thread and oddly enough, from Avatar. I hope you enjoy it, feedback, as always, is welcome.

A trend common today is the domination of one group by another. We could think of it as monarchy, oligarchy, or pathocracy - but the main theme is that the body politic of the world is controlled and directed by a small, extremely wealthy minority. This isn't conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact. It doesn't take much to see the US government being manipulated by corporate interests: Katrina, Iraq, Afghanistan, the swine flu vaccine craze, the bailout of Wall Street - all of these events 'happened' however anytime the government attempts to do something that benefits the people - universal health care, educational reform, equal rights legislation - there are stumbling blocks.

The core of this issue is psychopathy, narcissism and other severe psychological illnesses. These illnesses, unlike virtually all others in the field, are not dehabilitating to their carriers. Especially in the case of psychopathy, they are actually enabling - they use their particular psychological makeup to manipulate, traumatize, disarm and control the minds and emotions of those around them. This manipulation has been well documented, some have described it almost as if they were 'under a spell' which is interesting because Lobaczewski refers to a particular type of deviant as a spell binder.

Spellbinders are generally the carriers of various pathological factors, some characteropathies, and some inherited anomalies (such as psychopathy). They are characterized by pathological egotism. Such a person is forced by some internal causes to make an early choice between two possibilities: the first is forcing other people to think and experience things in a manner similar to his own; the second is a feeling of being lonely and different, a pathological misfit in social life. Sometimes the choice is either snake-charming or suicide.

Triumphant repression of self-critical or unpleasant concepts from the field of consciousness gradually gives rise to the phenomena of conversive thinking, or paralogistics, paramoralisms (these three are basically what we refer to as 'spin' in the media) and the use of reversive blockades (outright lying). They stream so profusely from the mind and mouth of the spellbinder that they flood the average person's mind. Everything becomes subordinated to the spellbinder's over compensatory conviction that they are exceptional, sometime even messianic.

Here's an example of conversive thinking, it's also a good show of subconscious selection and substitution of information. It starts at about 3:15 in the video, but note how Tucker Carlson cannot hear exactly what Jon says, and how he regurgitates, twists and reinterprets the conversation. If you continue, his co-host does the same thing and Jon makes excellent points as both hosts continue to evade the points and redirect the conversation.

With that in mind, I want to bring the conversation to a familiar ground for all of you, that is equal rights. This is something being fought for, very hard, all over the world right now, and it represents our ever-present struggle against The Sky People, er uhm, psychopaths and their brain-washed minions.

Here in the United States gays and lesbians, all over the country, are denied basic rights. We are denied the freedom to choose our spouse as we see fit, we're denied public acknowledgment and legal status as a married couple. Millions more are denied health care, and even more still are denied gainful employment, educational opportunities, some even basic necessities like food, water and shelter.

Taking a step back, looking at the situation globally, billions more are denied the ability to live peacefully. Their homes were/are destroyed, their farms, their families. Some are even abducted, tortured - either literally or in a much more twisted form such as sex slavery. The corporate and intelligence apparatus of the United States uses its power to dominate, control and extract resources from poorer, defenseless regions. Africa is a classic example. Iraq and its abundant oil supply another. Speaking of oil, Iran is being threatened almost daily by the Axis of Evil for its audacity to deny the global corporate elite 'their will be done'.

Take a further step back, we are not isolated in time, but We, as gay men and women fighting for our rights of self determination and self rule are in solidarity with the civil rights movement of the 60s. We share the same struggle the Vietnamese did to defend their homes and villages from a ruthless, psychotic corporate soulless aggressor. We are the heretics persecuted during the Inquisition, We are the Jews, Gays and Gypsies slaughtered during the Holocaust. Each time, our enemy has been one and the same - Psychopaths, and their minions.

We are one people, with one desire - to live our lives in peace. We will determine our own fates, our own destinies and We will not be dominated by a coterie of soulless, conscienceless beings.

To quote a good friend, "the same people that deny us equal rights today were denying African Americans rights in the past, and in fact were responsible for slavery. It's the same people denying Iraqis and Afghanis the right to self-sovereignty and the millions of civilians that have been killed the right to live. Not to mention the insane amount of overseas military bases denying those countries the right to not be threatened and influenced by the presence of another nation's military at all times. It is the same people that are denying the general population the right to make up their own minds about things like 911 and instead tell them what they should think and who to blame with no evidence. It is the same group that denies us the right to keep the original meanings of words and instead twists the meanings to suit their needs (like freedom and democracy). It is the same group that denies us the right to think critically and objectively by crippling mass education and controlling the media.

Fighting for all of those rights is important, but as is increasingly obvious, while one hand giveth the other taketh away. It is not enough for good people everywhere to just fight for those rights, we must address the problem at the source - the psychopaths that continue to create new ways to limit and deny the rights of each individual, while at the same time proclaiming how 'free' we are, just to keep us believing it."
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Great lead-in with the laying of background and the excellent video-based example you provided.

Wonderful! :)
Well done Puck, an excellent read. Addressing the struggle for gay rights by connecting the dots showed a solidarity with people who aren't gay; there's a common enemy: psychopathology.

You neutralized the 'divide and conquer' tactic that has been so successful.

It's a real "nuts and bolts" essay. Thanks for showing how knowledge can be applied to important issues.
Thanks. That is a nice quick introduction to ponerology, but who is your audience? I understood a lot of it because I know the vocabulary and the name Lobaczewski already. I wonder how it would read if I were minimally or not at all introduced to these ideas. I guess one can not explain too much or the article would quickly become encyclopedic, but is it "seductive" enough so that someone knowing little of the subject would google "Lobaczewski?" I am not saying it is not, but it is a thought that crossed my mind as I read.

This subject is an good example of how language is manipulated by the PTB to sway the fence-sitters towards certain conclusions. I will explain more.

I read a book once called "Don't Think of An Elephant" by George Lakoff, a Berkeley linguist and progressive. The book is very mainstream and thus has all of the weaknesses of any political analysis lacking the understanding of psychopathological influences on modern power structures. However it does document well the courting of the fundamentalist christians by the old right in the US and the hijacking of language and ideas by the old right in order to make even a centrist American suspicious of things like government-sponsored health care.

Lakoff talks about frames. The frame of an issue, roughly speaking, is the collection of talking points that surround that issue but not just that. It is also the tone and implications of these talking points. Lakoff points out that various right-wing think tanks have had HUGE open-ended budgets for 50-70 years now, and these think tanks do nothing but consider how to frame issues and get these frames into the mainstreams. These think tanks have their own media studios and everything.

With respect to gay rights, Lakoff points out that gay marriage is a rather central issue and that the phrase itself "gay marriage" has been framed. Many moderate Americans are going to internally squirm with the possibility that the sanctity of marriage is threatened by gay marriage because over time the frame has been created that subtly (or not so subtly) associates the phrase "gay marriage" with and undertone of "threat to the sanctity of marriage."

According to Lakoff, "progressives" must search for ways to bypass these frames when talking with moderates (because the religious right is too far gone to bother with in general). For example, do not bother with the phrase "gay marriage" until these words have been cleansed of the frame they currently have for many. Instead, one can pose the question, "Why should the government be able to tell us who to love?" or "Why should one be denied health care because of who they love?"

I was curious about this, so I tried it on my grandfather. He is an old school conservative but independent enough to break ranks from time to time. He was ranting one day about homosexuality and marriage, and I asked the question above.

"Well, grandpa... Why should the goernment have the right to tell us who we can and can't love?"

He opened his mouth for a second to reply, then closed it, and frowned in thought. It was interesting. I did not push the subject, but it was a technicolor example of how the framing of issues shapes modern discourse.

My point is that I think this is part of how spell-binders spellbind: controlling language. And in fact, Lobaczewski does discuss this point quite a bit. Heck... Orwell was onto the same thing when he described the official language of the pathocracy in "1984." I can't remember how he named that language now. Was it Newspeak or Doublespeak or something like that? Anyway...

Another question that came to mind as I read is a little off-topic. I have heard several people who are a part of "The Work" describe a feeling of not belonging entirely to our world. I feel this way sometimes myself. Is this feeling fundamentally different than that of the spell-binder who feels special and beyond the normal realm of daily life, or is the spell-binder's feeling of "speshulness" similar but twisted by the brain damage that Lobaczewski posits as one of the primary causes of characteropathy? Thanks.
Glad y'all enjoyed it. Thanks for the read through.

My audience is more or less mid-20 to mid-30 NYC gays and lesbians. They tend to be a little more liberal, and little more global-thinking, and involved in local politics enough for some of the message to carry-over. I do think some of the language can be obtuse. I mean, off the top of my head I have a hard time explaining, in simple terms, paramoralisms, paralogic and conversive thinking - but I can identify it when I see it. That is why I wanted to give the example with Jon Stewart on Crossfire. His simple, no nonsense, direct way of pointing out their flaws is constantly parried, twisted, and ignored by the hosts, which are perfect examples of not only the above pathologies but also of subconscious selection and substitution of information. They obviously 'don't hear' everything he says, which makes it all the more obvious.

I've noticed this concept of 'framing the debate' quite often in the news. It's very crafty, they often take an issue, like torture, and turn it into a question. "Can torture be justified?" - To any rational, thinking human being who knows the facts - absolutely not - but by making the issue into a question they give the impression that there is an argument there and it's something we should 'discuss', automatically bypassing critical thinking.

I've noticed the gay rights movement starting to get away from the phrase 'gay marriage' and more and more talking about equality. Which I think is an important step in the right direction. It helped me tie in all the other ways in which the psychopathic minority steal/abuse/destroy the lives of others and let me back the camera out a little bit to get a wider view of the field, so to speak.

The anecdote about your grandfather was heart warming Patience, thanks for sharing it.

Patience said:
Another question that came to mind as I read is a little off-topic. I have heard several people who are a part of "The Work" describe a feeling of not belonging entirely to our world. I feel this way sometimes myself. Is this feeling fundamentally different than that of the spell-binder who feels special and beyond the normal realm of daily life, or is the spell-binder's feeling of "speshulness" similar but twisted by the brain damage that Lobaczewski posits as one of the primary causes of characteropathy? Thanks.

I believe the phrase is, 'to be in the world, but not of it'. My understanding, which at this point remains rather limited, is that as 3D STS we by necessity have to live in this realm. We need to eat, work, exercise etc but that's covering the bases so that we can remain in this world. By doing the work, reading, studying, networking, and avoiding the draw of sleep so heavy in our atmosphere we remain 'in the world, but not of it' - whereas sleeping humans completely submersed in the machinations of everyday life are completely of the world as well.

Spell binders, are of the opposite side of the spectrum. They are completely mechanical, and suffer a pathological basis for their 'interpretation' of reality. They have no choice - they must either force people to thinking/experience the world as they do or they suffer an intolerable social pain. So while both Workers and Spellbinders have the feeling of 'not truly belonging', Workers do all they can to help others while helping themselves and Spellbinders are straight up manipulators and snake charmers. Yin and Yang, as it were. I hope that makes sense.
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