Very interesting information, about transgenderism

There's been an interim resolution in James Younger's case, though it's not the best. The crazy mom will still have access to him, but the dad will now have a say too. Geebus, people are losing their minds. Any right-thinking judge would have given the dad sole custody and ordered the "mom" into psychiatric care, right off the bat.

The judge presiding over the case of the father, Jeffrey Younger, ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child. Unfortunately, the judge also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot speak to the press about the case which means that the Save James website will have to be shut down.

However, Blogger Matt Walsh started the hashtag #protectjamesyounger on Twitter that has been used in tweets over 41,000 times and a petition created by LifeSiteNews in support of Jeffrey Younger's efforts to protect his son from being 'transitioned to a girl' has been signed by over 58,000 people.

Transgenderism is a very interesting subject, because it's always been there, but has never been put front and centre as it has now. The subject of interference with natural childhood development is of paramount importance, but, in balance, we should not be excluding in any way people who are developing in a very idiosyncratic way. As a child who suffered from loneliness and exclusion in the tears 5-7, I really empathise with those who feel like outsiders. I reached out to teachers as a 7 year old, and all the troubles vanished almost instantly. Children who I seemed distant from became friendly almost immediately, and I began to love school from that point. I genuinely love how people can become amenable once you thrash things out, both kids and adults.

My brother had a period in childhood where he'd dress in imitation of a Nun (headgear and a dress, lol) and he'd scoot around the house carrying papers, imitating the Headmistress of our Catholic school. I found him (as a 12 year old) absolutely hilarious and endlessly entertaining. The banter was unique. He gave as good as he got, let's put it that way. My Mum thought it hysterical too. Anyway, he's now a heavily bearded bloke with a love of horticulture, and his manliness is never in question. But I still find it amazing that he was fascinated by a 50 year old Nun as a child. Just let kids grow, and they'll find their own way.
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