Transgender "out of the blue" - a new kind of Gender Dysphoria

i only watch videos in mute. who is she?
Laura Aboli she is the co-founder of World Check
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La carrière entrepreneuriale de Laura Aboli a débuté en 2000 lorsqu'elle a cofondé World-Check, une base de données de personnes politiquement exposées (PPE) et d'individus et d'organisations à haut risque, qui est rapidement devenue la norme de facto pour l'identification et la gestion des risques financiers, réglementaires et de réputation au sein des institutions financières et juridiques du monde entier. Suite au succès de World-Check, elle a cofondé Wealth-X en 2010, qui est devenu le principal fournisseur de renseignements sur les personnes très fortunées.

Après s'être retirée de ces deux entreprises en 2014, elle a poursuivi sa passion de toujours pour la décoration d'intérieur en créant une société de promotion immobilière et de design qu'elle continue de diriger. Née dans une famille d'artistes, Laura est passionnée par l'art, la sculpture, la musique et la danse. Son esprit critique et curieux l'a amenée à s'intéresser aux domaines de la métaphysique, de la spiritualité, de la santé et de la psychologie. Son expérience et sa volonté d'aider les autres l'ont amenée à se lancer dans l'arène publique afin de partager ce qu'elle considère comme des leçons de vie importantes dans son propre parcours. En mai 2020, poussée par la façon dont les événements entourant la pandémie mondiale affectaient les moyens de subsistance, les droits civils et la santé mentale des gens, Laura a fondé le Mouvement international démocratique uni pour la sensibilisation et la liberté (UDIMAF), une organisation dédiée à la création d'un monde meilleur par la sensibilisation, l'inspiration et la poursuite incessante de la vérité.
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This is such a difficult thing for any family to go through.
A few years ago, my daughter decided she is Trans. She is on the spectrum and also has ADD.
She has changed her name and wears "boy" clothes. I have told her that she must wait until she is 18 to make permanent decisions regarding her body. [As in no hormones or surgery] I pray that she changes her mind before 18.
I am in no way transphobic, if she had ever even shown the slightest twinge of this issue while growing up, I would be behind her. She was and is still a girl.
As a parent it's hard, what she is going through is harder.
Give her all the information, science, when this trend started, what happens to organs, glands, hormones when surgery and meds are taken. Give her info on the % of those that have surgery/take hormones regret it.

Being on spectrum/ADD is tough. I was diagnosed with ADD in middle school my parents forced Ritalin down my throat …

I would lean into techniques, exercises, nutrition to help with spectrum/ADD… also maybe introduce her to new musics hobby’s…

She’s trying to grasp into something for stability and or meaning…trans topic is now in society so it comes across her eyes and ears…

I wouldn’t put a time on anything bc when 18 comes there it is… help her craft a reality with stability, meaning… I am not saying you aren’t trying or doing this but lean into it more instead of the fear or the rules about trans or not trans IMO

There are threads on this forum about autism/ADD and in a wholistic healthy way

In the 60’s how many young ppl said they wanted to be hippies and then the times change… not equation hippies to trans… but show her that it’s best to choose something with healthy longevity and not an unproven fad
quotes: Reimer said that the previous Swedish guidelines were based upon the WPATH Standards of Care 7 (SOC7) but when the internationally respected professional association released its SOC8, debate broke out amongst Swedish doctors over the removal of all lower age limits and the inclusion of eunuch” as an innate gender identity even children can possess. Reimer, as well as many other experts, believes this is a sign that WPATH is not a scientific organization but instead an activist group.
From ZeroHedge via the Brad Jones for the The Epoch Times who delves into the depths of WPATH

“But while WPATH publicly supports minors and their families consenting to these hormonal and surgical treatments based on a nebulous inner sense of self, privately, some members admit that consent is not possible,” states the report. “Behind closed doors, WPATH-affiliated healthcare professionals confess that their practices are based on improvisation, that children cannot comprehend them, and that the consent process is not ethical.”

and goes on to cite:

In video footage of an internal WPATH panel, Dianne Berg, a child psychologist, said experts wouldn’t expect children and youth to fully understand the effects of transgender procedures, because it is “out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them,” according to the report.

A Canadian endocrinologist then said:

...gender doctors are “often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven’t even had biology in high school yet,” adding that even adults have limited knowledge of many of these medical interventions.

A California law even enables 12-year-old children “to run away from home and seek refuge in LGBTQ homes to emancipate themselves” to pursue medical interventions such as the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone replacement therapy, and surgery without parental consent, she said.

This is all being justified and underwritten by these pseudo-medical standards even when doctors privately and openly admit they don’t know all the long-term effects of “their radical procedures” or how to deal with them, she said.


They push aside any patient mental health issue, regardless of whether its severe schizophrenia or a dissociative disorder,” she said. “They know that these people ... have severe mental health issues and they transition them anyway.”

Erin Friday, western U.S. co-leader of Our Duty, speaks at a seminar in San Francisco on Sept. 24, 2023. (Lear Zhou/The Epoch Times)
Ms. Friday, whose daughter formerly identified as transgender but has since accepted her female form, anticipates the WPATH Files will lead to congressional hearings.

The WPATH Files reveal much more than an organization that has overstepped its bounds, she said.

They have admitted to medical malpractice. They have admitted to lying,” she claimed.

Hospital boards and medical societies, Ms. Friday said, would be “well-advised” to use the leaked WPATH Files as “an off-ramp,” to move away from such harmful practices.

It goes on and on and seems to only get worse for those who are not old enough to decide for themselves.

If the "off-ramp" were to take place en masse, one might hope that the lawsuits would fly fast and furious, however they all seem to have great ponerogenic shielded.
I just picked up The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Johnathan Hadit and I think it relates quite a bit to this phenomena.

I've just made it through the introduction and am now making my way through the first chapter and so far he's making a very interesting case about the impact on mental illness, the constant access to unlimited internet and the kind of internet that kids have been consuming since cellphones became a thing, truly breaks them down mentally and physiologically.
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