Thoughts on autism


crazy croc

These are my own thoughts on this subject. Now certainly, a mercury substance is not welcome in the human body. It certainly is possible that the policy of injecting many multiple vaccines to infants during a single visit if they contain thimerosal could damage an infants body theoretically. However, there are thimerosal free vaccines available in the U.S. and they are used. I was careful about this back in 2000 when my son was born. My thoughts are that the increase in autism is linked to the broadening of the definition of the condition. Recently, there is a t.v. ad campaign here in the u.s. called autism speaks. To me, it;s the same old game of if you're different you've got a problem and we will label you. You know, if the elite want control of a generational scope then there must be many methods put into motion to achieve this. In the future, the need to debunk thinkers or those of a high i.q. profile will need to be in place. It seems that persons with a high i.q. differential always have trouble assimilating into the social norms. Well, let's label it a problem and tag it in their records that they are autistic. This guy or gal is "autistic". Don't listen to them. They are "dumb". Stick with "u.s." kids.
I'm no expert on mercury in vaccines, but according to several parents I've talked to, it can be a struggle to get preservative free vaccines for their infants. Apparently, the nurses don't like giving them as it requires 2 or 3 jabs as opposed to a single jab for the preserved multi-purpose vaccine. The mothers had to be quite firm and insist on preservative free vaccine. In short - they had to make a fuss about it. - many people wouldn't go that far even when they know they should.
Also, there has been disinformation from the drug makers - during at least one period of time, for at least one of the vaccines, the drug company was telling the medical community it was no longer sending out vaccine with mercury in it. That was misleading, as there were months worth of mercury preserved vaccine that had to be used up before the preservative free vaccine was shipped and used. Many clinicians were unknowingly giving mercury-preserved vaccine and calling it mercury-free. For what it's worth, my experience has been that very few clinicians and fewer nurses have much of any idea what is actually in the vaccines they're giving.
Another issue with vaccines is microbial contamination. The egg yolks used to grow the vaccines are guaranteed to be free of some strains of microbes but they can't possibly test for all of them - and there are some very small, hard to detect and insidious microbes out there that are surely getting into vaccines - some of these are only beginning to be understood in human pathology - some connected with chronic and immune disorders that have historically been very hard to treat.
I fully respect that increased reporting and a broadening of the definition(s) of autism can make it appear the incidence is increasing when it may not be, but if I recall correctly, at least a few of the studies have taken those factors into account - and they still show a marked relative increase in autism since vaccinations began.
As a disclaimer, I'll state that I've become deeply distrustful of the drug companies - and the more I learn about them the more there is to distrust. So I'm not entirely impartial.
I tend to agree with you about the use of labeling as a method to make the ideas of others seem less worthy of attention or consideration
I totally agree with you on all points. It is hard to bully the docs but it can be done. I did it. You're right about more shots needed, etc. There is just so much going on today to screw people up, it is hard to point the finger at any one thing with absolute certainty that it is the culprit for these developmental problems. After all, there are planes in the sky spraying crap on us all around the world. This stuff has been analyzed to be harmful to humans and the entire environment. There is no question though that there is a push to label kids that a normal as having problems. For example, I have had certain teachers at my son's daycare try and coherse me into seeking pschological evaluation of my son. Why? Oh, well, let's see. He can be a nuisance during nap time. Also, sometimes, he likes to spin in circles and laugh. Also at times, he enjoys playing alone and pretending instead of playing in a group. They told me this and literally tried to force me to have him evaluated by big brother type county shrinks. I was like, ya, right. I gave them an ear full and layed down the law and said I will take my son and my money elsewhere if you bring this up again. I will decide if my son needs a shrink or not and I will decide who the shrink is, not you. Having children these days is such a burden. I love my kid but just living a normal life is full of so many traps because of all these bizzare freaks running around tring to control everyone and everything. As far as vaccines go, I just think it's a slippery slope to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon about everything. After all, we all consume things which we do not produce nor do we supervise their production. For all we know, the baby formula is poisoned. I mean, you can take this paranoia concept anywhere you wish and worry yourself sick. What good does it do? We don't have enough information about anything to draw any conclusions except to say, sucks to be human these days.
crazy croc said:
I just think it's a slippery slope to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon about everything. After all, we all consume things which we do not produce nor do we supervise their production. For all we know, the baby formula is poisoned.
Giving the child baby formula instead of breast milk decreases its IQ as does mercury in vaccines and car fumes. It might just be a couple of points for each person, which doesn't really affect the individual, but at a global level it does matter.
I suppose in a round about way, my point is this.... Yes, there is danger out there. If you sense it, then step up and protect yourself and those you are responsible for the best you can. However, we need to be careful. All I can say for sure is there is a campaign of fear being propagated against all of humanity. No, this is not new but I do feel it is accelerating exponentially. When we get hung up on something based on specualtion and fear then we become somewhat paranoid and obsessed and basically paralyzed. There is a lot of talk these days of people needing to wake up and do something. That is the crux of the matter. What is going to be done? I don't have an answer. I wish someone did. It's like a group of ants tossing grains of sand at a castle. Is it going to breach the door? No, I am not negative or hopeless. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here sharing. People need to stay awake and not obsessive. There is something happening that is multidimensional in scope. It's like, why worry about staring at a weird mole when you have lung cancer. Too much of that goes on when people start looking at the matrix. That's all I am saying.
Regarding my last post, lest it be interprated negatively, I am not directing those comments towards anyone in particular or even to this forum as a whole. I think this forum is perhaps the most balanced and multitudinous resource around for current event information. I am directing those comments on the "truth" movement as a whole which exists primarily on the web. Whether it be a blog or radio show, podcast or whatever. I agree with Mcfarland that in "general" people lack creativity in dealing with our times. I guess there are too many victims of the "bread and circuses" of the past 20 years at present. What the "truth movement" needs is a domino to fall. There is 911 that seems to garner the most hope in that regard. But it's a quagmire because there are also, as most of us sense, lots of disinfo agents out there mixing it all up. There is only one way to engage an enemy. That is in battle. What is the target?
crazy croc, while the points you raised about "labeling," etc. may be true, or partially true, there is no reason to take vaccinations, no scientific basis for any claimed benefits. See the article in the link below.

The name of the game in a pathocracy seems to be to make the most profits while doing the most harm. And notice the vaccine manufaturers are protected from any liability.
Also check out this article linked below.

Make sure to read the SoTT Comment and the article linked in the Comment.
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