This dream


Jedi Master
THis night I had an interesting dream that i'm sharing.

This is my first post and I haven't fully read the rules and regulations of this board as I intend on doing when I have more time. If in fact something I sat or do infringes on the rules please bring it to my attention so that I will not make the same mistake twice.

Let me preface this dream information with a Hopi elders speech that has some bearing to the dream.


You have been telling the people that it is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that it is the HOUR.
There are many things to be considered. Where are you living? What are you doing? What are you're relationships? Are you in the right relation?Where is your water? Know you're garden.

It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time.
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there will be those that are afraid. They will hold onto the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know that the river has it's own destination. The elders say that we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river. Keep our eyes open and our heads above water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred way and in celebration.
For we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Very beautiful. Gainst this template I will apply my dream.

Basically I am at a river that is flowing very swiftly under a bridge whose sides are masoned with large river rocks. where the main flow has dammed up. Here, in front of me is a is a small-4by 4 log amist some very large logs about 15' long--logs aht are cut by a chainsaw-not natural.

I seek to cross this eddy to get to the embankment of the bridge. As I pick up the smaller log it morphs into a larger log and splashes end over end into the water. I have it to walk across the logs to get to the embankment. But the logs are too slick. and roll and I fall right in almost immediately.

The water is really not too scary--beautiful--and the undertows, a great fear for me, are minor. Nevertheless, the current is swift and I seek to extricate myself on the pier/embankment of the bridge. And as I do my morphed tree log swings around, end overend into the torrential rush of the river. Having secured myself on the mortered river rock of the embankment I then get out of the river and call for help. Dream ends

O,K. The river is self explanatory as are the logs which relate to the sexual center connecting to all that is. The bridge may refer to STS forces and a choice to ask for help/programming from them. This is especially interesting in light of the discussion of Mr. Bridges. It must have taken on an archetypal significance relating to my doubts about myself.

My purpose of joining this network is to network, and to increase the effort to develop will. Nevertheless, networking takes place in the river, when we look around an see whose heads are bobbing. The dream suggests that part of me thinks that networking implies asking for help, in fear, outside of myself. This is disturbing, though I have certainly done this, I must be ever vigilant that I don't do this, or stop doing this. And if someone responds to this cry I hope it is a Get back in the river idiot! Good advice, though perhaps its really all a part of the river. I believe that. Not to discount that I must align myself with the river and not STS. My purpose of joining these discussions is to incease my knowledge, and to celebrate.

My name is Nathan and there is someone in membership with my name so I added a c and 7. 7 was chosen because its a mystical number and c 6, while funny, might not go over too well!

By choosing c 7 I did not mean to imply that I am some godlike being that perceives the law of seven-foldness in everything he sees. Remember I'm STS, working to become 4th density STO.
Hello Nathan:

Nathancat7 said:
This is my first post and I haven't fully read the rules and regulations of this board as I intend on doing when I have more time....

You didn't have time to read the rules, but you had time to post a lengthy description of a dream you had last night.... I'm curious as to why you felt that it was more important to post your dream before taking the time to learn about what is required of those who post here?

Nathancat7 said:
My purpose of joining these discussions is to incease my knowledge....

The Forum Guidelines are a good place to start, and it would be beneficial to become familiar with the concept of External Consideration. It's also very useful to spend some time reading through threads (especially those in The Work section, in order to get a sense of the forum and the interaction of its members. If you are not familiar with some of the concepts and/or terminology tossed around, the Cassiopeaea Glossary can be extremely helpful. Or simply ask.

Hi Nathancat7,

Welcome to this forum.

First of all, you wrote a long post and it is difficult to read because you wrote your text in just 2 paragraphs.

When you wrote something, remember that the members of this forum will read it and it is your responsability to
facilitate the reading. As a new member of this forum, become familair with the concept of "external consideration"
and of course the rules.

To help you to understang that concept, you can use the Search function and search for "external consideration".

Nathancat7 said:
Remember I'm STS, working to become 4th density STO.

Don't worry for that. We know that and everyone living on that planet is STS.
I will read the rules more carefully.
This is the first membership/posting I have done in I don't know how many years. I'm rusty--even with typing--it may take some time but I'll get there. I'll read the rules and associated info before I post or go further after posting this brief response. Basically I just skimmed over the agree rules noticing bits and pieces and found I was in concordance with it and decided to read them in detail later.
I just wanted to share my dream that morning and get feedback. Behind the scenes I read the online material of the wave amd about half of adventures in Cassiopia.
First , thankyou to both posters for saying welcome to me. Until I get my other computer up and running I can only only view half of most threads. It's running netscape 7.

That said, I believe external consideration is important because it dually reflects my internal consideration of who I am and who I am are communicating with.

So if I don't take the time to communicate well then people are going to say that I don't care what they think. Honestly, I do care what people think--but I should also be more conscious and also considerate in communication.

This "doing" will be my action, even if it falls far short of quality.
PepperFritz said:
Hello Nathan:

Nathancat7 said:
This is my first post and I haven't fully read the rules and regulations of this board as I intend on doing when I have more time....

You didn't have time to read the rules, but you had time to post a lengthy description of a dream you had last night.... I'm curious as to why you felt that it was more important to post your dream before taking the time to learn about what is required of those who post here?

I think that it can be understood that very often, if we do not "tell" a dream, we lose it, forget it. I think that reading the content of the post of new posters and making fair assessments amounts to practicing external considering ourselves.
Nathancat7 said:
I will read the rules more carefully.
This is the first membership/posting I have done in I don't know how many years. I'm rusty--even with typing--it may take some time but I'll get there. I'll read the rules and associated info before I post or go further after posting this brief response. Basically I just skimmed over the agree rules noticing bits and pieces and found I was in concordance with it and decided to read them in detail later.
I just wanted to share my dream that morning and get feedback. Behind the scenes I read the online material of the wave amd about half of adventures in Cassiopia.

Hi Nathancat7,

I edited our post for line spacing.

You have the possibility to see your post before sending it in using "the preview" mode. In doing that, you will see how your post looks.

As a tool, you can use too the "spell check" buttom. Very useful for typing errors.
Hi Nathan. Welcome to the Forum :D

Interesting dream. A call to adventure?
Nathan said:
I seek to cross this eddy to get to the embankment of the bridge. As I pick up the smaller log it morphs into a larger log and splashes end over end into the water. I have it to walk across the logs to get to the embankment. But the logs are too slick. and roll and I fall right in almost immediately.

The water is really not too scary--beautiful--and the undertows, a great fear for me, are minor. Nevertheless, the current is swift and I seek to extricate myself on the pier/embankment of the bridge. And as I do my morphed tree log swings around, end overend into the torrential rush of the river. Having secured myself on the mortered river rock of the embankment I then get out of the river and call for help. Dream ends

Jung's Archetypes

The clues to self-realization in myths, and in many other cultural phenomena, are according to Carl G. Jung the archetypes, symbolic elements containing aspects of the workings of human life and mind. The term is not one of his invention, but he used it in an elaborate way in his theories of psychology and culture, giving it his own specific meaning.

~Water, the unconscious and the emotions.

~The tree, the growth towards self-fulfillment.


The Hero

According to Joseph Campbell in the Hero with a Thousand Faces, “a hero is any male or
female who leaves the world of his or her everyday life to undergo a journey to a special
world where challenges and fears are overcome in order to secure a which is then shared
with other members of the hero’s community.”

The development of the hero has changed with time. In its earliest form, heroes were
associated with religion or god-directed. Later they were more secular or military as seen
in Beowulf. Then with realism, they were realistic representations of their society.
Today, many are anti-heroes.

1. His/her mother is a royal virgin
2. His/her father is king
3. The circumstances of his conception are unusual
4. He/she is reputed to be the son of a god
5. At birth an attempt is made, often by his/her father, to kill him/her, but
6. He is spirited away and
7. Reared by foster parents in a far country
8. Is victorious over a king and /or a giant, dragon, or wild beat
9. Marries a princess/prince
10. Becomes king
11. For a time reigns uneventfully
12. Is driven from the throne and city and meets with a mysterious death
13. The hero is naïve and inexperienced
14. The hero meets monsters or monstrous men
15. The hero has a strange, wise being as a mentor
16. The hero yearns for the beautiful lady who is sometimes his guide or inspiration
17. The hero often crosses a body of water or travels on a bridge
18. The hero is born and raised in a rural setting away from cities
19. The origin of the hero is mysterious or the hero losses his/her parents at a young age
20. The hero is special – has gifts
21. The hero struggles for something valuable and important
22. The hero has a guide or guides
23. The hero has help from divine or supernatural forces
24. The hero goes through a rite of passage or initiation
25. The Hero undergoes some type of ritual or ceremony
26. The Hero has a loyal band of companions
27. The Hero makes a stirring speech to his/her companions
28. The Hero engages in test or contests of strength
29. The hero suffers a wound, sometimes emotional or spiritual from which the hero
never completely recovers.

Thanks for all these wonderful responses. It's funny, I mentioned in my first post not to take things personally and then I go and take some responses personally. At least my defense mechanisms are wheel-like.
Thanks for the paragrarph advice as well.

It seems In the dream I was following the river of knowledge but not willing to get wet. Also in the dream the perpendicular bridge had a steep bank of mortered riverrock. Well...without getting too personal I have been building a fireplace wall in my house for a free-standing stove. I had considered river-rock but chose travertine marble for the most part (this was before the dream, and will continue to be so because it's so beutiful). The fireplace is of course about fire and passion; and I am all about developing a will am I not--not wall, a will.

Regarding the post about the hero and archtype--I will have to read that and understand it more before responding.

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