The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media - Symbol Literacy


Humans are destined to rise to the level of cosmic consciousness. Each of us is destined to actualize the level of the “Meta-Human.” This ascent from the present “embryonic” state cannot, however, be activated by will, desire, or any other conscious force, for it comes as a necessary predicate to human organic existence and is circumscribed by the inviolate laws of nature. Its impulse lies seed-like within the deepest strata of the Being. We cannot force the lotus to grow against its true nature, nor can we force the human consciousness to grow in one specific direction, at one particular rate. Attempted intervention and control of this kind results only in confusion, calamity and ruin.

If we find our natural organic development being stunted, impeded, or even in a static state, it follows that there is a reason for the predicament. Man’s retrograde spiritual development is, in the mind of this author, not occurring due to the lack of desire for attaining it, or because of Man's failure to comprehend his ontology intellectually. It is, in fact, due to subtle impediments occluding its dynamic movement. Until these impediments are removed, all the secondary incentives, strategies or preoccupations in the world are not going to avail it. During the sixties, for instance, the prevailing mood among the sensitive was that western man was approaching the denouement of his moral and spiritual evolution. Drugs and drug-taking were, at that time, even considered a means to this end. Yet, in spite of such diversions into pseudo-shamanism, despite the good intentions, the healthy mass rebellion, fine catch-phrases, and the “do or die” conviction of so many intellectuals and counter-cultural pundits, mankind still finds itself in a worse state, morally and spiritually, than it was just twenty or so years ago. Today, we find that the reactive excursion into the fields and philosophy of technology may be for the most part, as predicted, yet another escape, yet another dead-end. Technology as we see it today, for all its utilitarian benefits, is hardly bringing people together, hardly fostering social cohesion. Amongst the youth the digital “revolution” merely reinforces estrangement and the “masculine” modes of expression and cognition. This does not mean that it has to go, for the technology behind the internet, for instance, is a valuable "flaming sword" to be used by the forces of "Light" in the meta-battle that is taking place on this planet and whose end-game is definitely in sight.

Since the nineteenth century scientists have spent a great amount of time and energy delving into the paleological and anthropological records, questing after the origins of peoples and races. Many important discoveries have been made. Ethnologists know something of the manner in which forbearers lived and loved on a day-to-day basis, while biologists and archaeologists can even tell us what they ate and wore. However, little do we still know about the thinking of the ancients. We know very little about the way they communicated amongst themselves, and hoped to communicate to others that they knew would be coming after. We know that the ancients did have so much to communicate to their descendents. The testimony in stone, as well as in painting, music, folklore, etc., is all there to see and inspire. But the twentieth century is possibly the worst vantage point for looking back into antiquity. The intellectual vanity of our times distorts rather than clarifies the vision of the past. We must not forget that the ancestors were technologically advanced, and obviously considerably more-so than we are today; for it took a sublime technology to construct the Giza Pyramid and to map the heavens. Along with the technology of the ancients was the reliance on, and understanding of, great metaphysical principles. In the ancient world magic and science were never separate. The great megalithic sites were designed and constructed by theologically advanced races, by semi-enlightened priests and priestesses, not by rich technocrats and atheistic scientists. These great cyclopean treasures of marble, granite and sandstone are temples and shrines to human beings who intuited no separation between macrocosmic and microcosmic phenomena.

When it came to communication, we do know that the ancients were not so interested in words and speech. They were more concerned with symbols, colors, rhythms, numbers, geometry and with dance and music. The greatest of riches possessed by ancestral humankind was the ability to convey the most abstract philosophical concepts via composite symbols. As this writer has detailed elsewhere, no modern form of constructive intellection could even have come into being without these bequeathments. The success and skill of the ancestors in figurative and iconic communication alone lays to rest the idea that they were superstitious primitives. Now today it is unacceptable that throughout western society, where all manner of symbols proliferate, there is massive “symbol illiteracy.” Everything else, it seems, is prioritized. So, in light of this we do not feel redundant in asking how the edifice of the personal intellect may be established and oriented correctly when the very foundations are weak or mis-aligned? If we do not own our own thoughts we cannot own our own actions. It follows that someone else will.

Sometimes symbols are also expressed verbally in ancient traditions. I was talking to a friend over the phone along similar lines as your commentary and he told me about a Bill Moyers (before PBS sacked the guy) interview a couple of years back that made an impression on him.

Moyers was interviewing a Native of Southern Mexico descended from an ancient tribe that inhabited the area before war-like Maya conquered and almost obliterated them. He claimed his ancestors were the original inhabitants of a coast abounding with caves. Where his people lived in harmony and kinship with each other and nature, the Maya performed ruthless sacrifices over that sacred ground.

He said that to understand his culture one need only understand the ancient word for "greetings", which he translated as "My heart is on my face". There were ancients who had cultures based on psychopathic principles, and their symbols and traditions often reveal this. Yet, there were others who represented an inspiring example, where sincerity and harmony were the foundation their humane nature.

Although these latter were usually conquered and obliterated, here and there a spark of their legacy remains. It would be nice to hold some of those sparks and fan them into flames of inspiration...
I thought the Michael Tsarion videos were good. This is the first time that I spent much time at Michael Tsarion's web site. I see strong similarity with the themes at the Cassiopaea site. I'm going to have to spend some time there. To me it's very interesting. I'm going to have to compare this material to "The Secret History of the World" of Laura's. Thanks, Ronnie.
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