The Philip factor

Metis Wallace

A Disturbance in the Force
Yet again, sorry for my poor english...
Will do my best.

I was wondering if any of you guys ever heard of this entity called Philip? Boy, do i like this case! Philip is an imaginary entity created/channelled by a group in a controlled experiment in the 70s up here, in Toronto. After numerous attempts, It actually worked... I will not attempt to explain the case because a lot will get lost in translation. 2 women who were part of the experiment, Iris Owen & Margaret Sparrow told their story in a fabulous book called "Conjuring Philip" and I would love to get opinions or explanations, if any, from you guys.

Why, at the end of this book, did i have both arms raised up high in the air, screaming : "VOILA! PSYCHOKENISIS, VOILA!"

The Psychokenisis factor in all of this?
Could it be? Could it explain a lot of these channelled entities?

Would love to get the C's input on Philip's case...

Hopefully you guys will help me out trying to understand where this case falls in all of this?

Meanwhile, i'll go & continue to bang my head against these walls here, trying to make sens, if any, of this Urantia Book i got...
If you think Ra's Law of One is hard to handle wait until you try out the Urantia book. A book which makes a lot more sens if you consider the Philip or the psychokenisis factor!

Just saying...

Stay safe & healthy, world!

Au revoir!
Bonjour MW

I'm not sure how many Forum members are familiar with that experiment, so let me help you and them a little bit.

Basic entry on Wikipedia:

The Philip experiment was a 1972 parapsychology experiment conducted in Toronto, Ontario to determine whether subjects can communicate with fictionalized ghosts through expectations of human will.

The experiment was conducted by a Toronto parapsychological research society lead by mathematical geneticist Dr. A.R. George Owen and overseen by psychologist Dr. Joel Whitton. The test group consisted of Owen's wife Iris Owen, former chairperson of MENSA in Canada Margaret Sparrow, industrial designer Andy H., his wife Lorne, heating engineer Al Peacock, accountant Bernice M, bookkeeper Dorothy O’Donnel, and sociology student Sidney K.

Their goals were to create a fictional character through a purposeful methodology and then "attempt" to communicate with it through séance. The character created and agreed upon was named "Philip Aylesford", referred to as Philip during the test. His fictional history partially coincided with actual events and places, but with multiple contradictions and errors. He was born in 1624 in England, had an early military career and was knighted by the age of sixteen. He was involved in the English Civil War and became personal friends with Charles II, working for him as a spy. Philip was unhappily married to a woman named Dorothea and later fell in love with a Romani girl who was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. In despair, Philip committed suicide in 1654 at the age of thirty.

The group was seated around a table with initial séances yielding no contact, no communication, and no phenomenon. Owen changed test conditions by dimming lights and changing the environment to mimic that of a more “traditional” séance. Participants began feeling a presence, table vibrations, breezes, unexplained echoes, and rapping sounds which matched responses to questions about Philip's life. At one point the table tilted on a single leg, and at other times moved across the room without human contact. Although audio, video, and witness accounts document the paranormal phenomena, Philip never appeared to the participants

A more in-depth entry in Psi Encyclopedia here.

One of the recorded seances to be found on YT:

Actually, it was a nice surprise (if true) to find the following comment below the video:

Stevie Peacock
6 years ago
My father was an original member of this Toronto Society for Psychical Research group, who conjoured up Phillip. (My dad, AL Peacock is seen in these video's red blazer with dark rimmed glasses)
What this group accomplished was amazing.. when I was 13 years old I witnessed some wild things that happened as seen in video.. even heard the card table fly across the room.. and cause damage, even when there was NO One else in that room.
So for those non believers. all I can say is .. Its amazing and unbelievable.. but SOOOO True !.
That is quite the interesting story actually,

So, the investigators attempted to channel a fictional character of their own creation correct? And they received a psi response. It makes me think if there's some possibility of the concerted effort of several individuals who have the intention of getting a result, to actually make it a reality in some form. It reminded me of the following session by the C's:

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?

A: And all others.

Q: (T) All others involved in the search?

A: All others on the planet.

Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?

A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?

A: Yes.

Then, there's also the possibility of it being simply a disincarnate entity toying around with the researchers giving them sings of what they were expecting to get as a way to feed off of them or just for the fun of it.

Either way, it's truly an interesting story.
Pretty sure Stephen Braude discusses this case in some of his books. It's an interesting one! While I don't know for sure what all is going on in this particular case, it seems to support a few hypotheses that parapsychologists have had over the years. For example, there's the idea that a lot of psi has to do with the unconscious (not necessarily other entities, but that is possible too). So it could be that they are "channeling themselves." Even that is quite a remarkable feat and says something about the nature of the mind (and minds) on that level.

If I remember correctly, these guys were familiar with certain phenomena relating to psi, and tried to test them. For example, if you sit a person alone at a Ouija board, chances are nothing will happen. But if you trick them into thinking another person is at the board with them (e.g., blocking their view of the other person, who only pretends to touch the planchette), the planchette will start moving. The test subject will be convinced the other person is in fact moving the planchette. It's a form of automatism. So, by removing the sense of personal agency, it allows automatic, unconscious processes to manifest. Similar to biofeedback, I suppose, or automatic writing.

That seems to be what was going on with the Phillip experiment. But maybe not all? I wonder if they actually made contact with something, or if it was just a product of their own unconsciousnesses.

According to the Cs, there's a whole range of possibilities: channeling the self, dead dudes, and different levels and orientations of beings.

Looks like the Cs didn't have much to say about Urantia (could only find these two references):

Q: (L) Who dreamed me up?

A: Not important just yet. You literally are the "figments" of someone's imagination, and nothing more!!!

Q: (L) You mean God dreams and brings us into existence?

A: Remember, "God" is really all existence in creation, in other words, all consciousness. This is because all existence in creation is consciousness, and vice versa.

Q: (L) So, the issues of racial superiority that are brought up in the Urantia book can be answered by 'anything is possible?'

A: Close, but remember, all there is is lessons!

Q: (L) Is it true that the 'dregs' of other planets are being sent to earth?

A: That would be subjective.

Q: (L) I want to ask again about the Urantia book. My reading of it tends to make me think that it is elitist and racist. Is that a valid assessment?

A: Open.
I did read the Urantia book. At first, I was very interested in it and found it very interesting. But towards the end, an entity that was supposedly writing sounded very arrogant and condescending, and even a little scornful of us humans and seemed to be putting us down. I got very turned-off at that point. Later, I was working in a bookstore and a mother and son (early twenties, maybe) came in. The son asked if we had the book, which we might have, I can't remember. His mother asked if I had read the book and, if so, what I thought about it. I told them what I just stated above and she said that that's how she saw it, too. So, instead, I recommended Secret History of the World, by Laura. :whistle: Which they bought. :-) It is a much better book.
Then, there's also the possibility of it being simply a disincarnate entity toying around with the researchers giving them sings of what they were expecting to get as a way to feed off of them or just for the fun of it.
This reminds me of an ouija session I had with my family in our sitting room about 50 years ago. Not really anything like the Philip experiment but we were trying to contact something, anything. It was all just a joke really. Lots of messing around with the glass by some individuals. I cannot remember all the details but one has stayed in my memory to this day. Towards the end of the session we contacted an entity by the name of Aildron Q. This contact seemed completely out of step with our jovial messing around. It was supposedly a message from someone who came from the future. It is not a name I had ever come across before. I cannot remember the context of any message from this entity. Only the name remains with me. Nothing appeared sinister at the time and we, the family, never thought any more of it.

This supposedly harmless ouija session had an effect on my father though. He started to become obsessed with the board and we noticed that he was using it by himself. I say board - it was actually a circle of letters and numbers and a yes and no at the top of the table. An ordinary table glass was used. I advised him that he should not be doing this by himself. It worried me. It did not seem to be a game anymore. One day I came home from school and found that he had disposed of the ouija accoutrements with a directive to all of us that we were never to touch anything like this again. I asked him what had happened but he refused to talk about it. Obviously something had happened to cause him to completely abandon the experiment. I asked him from time to time about this and he would never say what had happened, even up to the time that he was very elderly.

Aildron Q continues to remain a mystery.
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