Meaning of life?

When we open ourselves to life, no matter the hardship, if we accept the challenge no matter the pain - God, the Universe can then act through us and do some Good, whether we are aware of the full chain of the events of our deeds or not. If we contract, retrieve from life, same rules apply only for spreading the dark, evil.
It’s helpful to keep reminding myself of this!
From Ark's blog, :thup:

This is the beginning of a new series of posts by Laura Knight-Jadczyk (if you are curious - my wife). I was curious about Goff's views, so I asked Laura to have a look at his book with the intriguing title "Why?". I alway ask myself this very question "why?" about next to everything. I also noticed that Goff touches some questions related to physics. But that will come later in this series, and then I will post my own observations as they developed in my discussions with Laura.

So, here it is.

I think the Cs stated that the universe is one grand school, so the meaning of life would have to be the act of learning in all and any ways. from the "karmic and simple" lessons to the most arcane and esoteric subjects, we are constantly in a state of flux, taking onboard new info constantly. I am unemployed at the moment, so I spend a good 6 hours a day either reading or spending time on X or on here. I live frugally and eat well. I keep myself healthy so I can be in decent condition to continue to learn new life lessons. That's meaning enough for me, and if I can have a positive effect on those close to me, (and on social media), well then all the better for all concerned. I've worked damn hard for 20 years to understand this tumultuous world in various fields and disciplines. The understandings have been hard-earned I think, and it required patience and dedication on my part.

All I'd recommend to people in life is drink coffee, smoke cigs, eat bacon and beef, read carefully and with discernment, and perhaps most importantly, love and nurture your inner child. I'm not an intellectual so I prefer to keep things simple and not too complicated. We're all on differing steps on the grand cosmic staircase to the stars, and if we help each other on the way up then I can't see us going wrong. Sometimes, and particularly since Oct 7th, we learn to live for our duty, and to trust in the process. Sounds cliched and corny perhaps, but it works for me.
I think the Cs stated that the universe is one grand school, so the meaning of life would have to be the act of learning in all and any ways.
And this very simple notion, is huge.. maybe even infinite when you think about it. I've pondered about it, mostly when I am in some sort of emotional turmoil, what is the purpose? and once I travel through the dark nights of the soul, sorrow, pain and joy and happiness, it does always come down to learning.

It's not just remembering, it's the learning that sticks to your skin, so to speak, the one that changes you for good, that's the learning that we're here to enhance, for ourselves, but also for the universe itself.
And this very simple notion, is huge.. maybe even infinite when you think about it. I've pondered about it, mostly when I am in some sort of emotional turmoil, what is the purpose? and once I travel through the dark nights of the soul, sorrow, pain and joy and happiness, it does always come down to learning.

Oh yes, we have been told that we are eternal souls and the lessons will literally never end. I take solace from this statement by the Cs, it emboldens me as I face reality as best I can. Finding the correct purpose has taken me a good 20 years to really get right, or so I think at least. I've had those dark nights of despair and self-doubt, but increasingly in recent years I have a base line that isn't going to buckle under pressure. I tend to see those nights through the lens of a 4d STS attack, testing the will of the seeker. Certainly reading Gurdjieff and Castaneda helped in assembling one's spiritual arsenal as you face the ineffable in the cosmos. Not wishing to sound too esoteric though, it's essentially a practical skillset you employ I find, having good habits and a sound daily routine mostly works for me.

Knowing that I bear witness to what's going on in Ukraine, or in Gaza, gives me a shot in the arm, knowing that I'm essentially doing the right thing. I'll take the "karmic and simple" route through life, it suits my intellectual level, and if the lessons are never going to end then let's learn them well. In understanding and trusting in the process, life is subsequently filled with meaning, perhaps more so than was previously assumed. That's enough for me to be getting on with.:cool2:
It’s important to note that the Cs call this place one big school however I believe most take this as WE humans soul/consciousness beings learn and that’s where it ends but we are in a system a system that created the school. It’s ALL learning not just the human avatars in the system.

What happens at a school? Not only learning by the students but the curriculum is updated /amended, teachers learn from students update their lesson plans and the system evolves the individual classrooms and the school as a whole is updated based on feedback and performance/choices of the students/teachers and those in control then choose to update or not or update in a certain way…

Next time one is faced with a tough decision or makes a big choice observe what life the system presents infront of you…it will tell you what grade you are in…The system also helps you if you lower your disorder entropy and help it…grading on a curve possibly…

I don’t know if there is a meaning per say more there is a “way to live” either evolving or de evolving you can’t stay the same for long the system doesn’t allow idling for very long…if you come back to this system reincarnation your quality is intact even though your memory isn’t…

The Cs say after 3D the memory in intact so I guess one can say the meaning is to update/improve/enhance your beings quality over and over again until the Principle hands you the diploma
I think the title of this topic should be "The meaning of STS human life in 3D" because obviously "life" extends far beyond the level of humans and 3D and STS.

Anyway, at this level, the "meaning of STS human life in 3D" seems to me to be to be to have the experience of material existence and all that that entails, and in doing so, ultimately experience and 'know' its limitations and make a choice to move on from those limitations to a more expansive version of experience.

Everyone, by default, gets the "basic" human experience by being human. That is to say, a non-physical consciousness stuck in a limited body with all sorts of incorrect beliefs and hormonally-driven misunderstandings and confusion about the nature of the self and others and about the nature of existence.

The process of learning is by definition learning (slowly) about the true nature of the self and others and the STS orientation. Basically, we try to 'get' and do things that serve the material body and existence, things that we believe will make our material existence free from suffering and thereby enduringly "perfect". But in that process we find that that is not possible, it's actually a dead-end street. Material existence is, by definition, at odds with our true nature, the true nature of the universe, and therefore can never provide true fulfillment and therefore meaning.

This process naturally produces suffering and "unhappiness", and at some point we may have "had enough" of the suffering and "banging our heads against a wall" and come to a "bankruptcy" whereby we are willing to finally accept that we should try a different approach.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
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