The "God Lab"



It appears the "Intelligent Design" gang are furiously at work in the laboratories, attempting to "proove" that evolution is all wrong, according to The New Scientist article which can be found here:

If what the channeled sources have told us are correct, would not BOTH camps be right? Certainly "designer gods" have been responsible for creating life forms-but when those life forms are left to their own devices on a planet-and of course we only have Earth as a model so far-they mutate under the special conditions found there-i.e. they evolve.

So essentially both would be correct-but I think the case for the evolutionist is a lot easier in that the evidence for life forms coming from similar ancestors can be seen through fossil records-where as attempting to "proove" those ancestors were "created" by an intelligent creator (God in their eyes)is going to be quite a bit more difficult I should think-how do you "proove" that life was made (in the manner they think of) but if the Cassiopaens, Pleiadians et al were giving straight information-then the Intelligent design gang are a lot closer to the truth than they think-and the Creationsists as well-according to those sources reality and everything in it has been "wished" or "dreamed" into existence-which includes us.

Too bad these folks cannot perceive reality with an open mind-then perhaps they might see that ALL may be correct in some aspects about the same thing!

What will happen if as the same sources noted above indicate-these "designer gods" DO re-appear here on Earth? Talk about a shock to the system. It will be "God games" for real then.

The problem is people confuse evolution with natural selection.

It seems that the strongest argument for natural selection is that we can observe microbes evolve resistances to antibiotics.

The strongest arguments for intelligent design are us. We now can do genetic engineering. And we have done breeding for millennia.

Hoyle's work on Panspermia theory is interesting in that regard, too.

Of course the proponents of intelligent design are usually religious types, but the general idea is not as absurd as secularists think.

tschai said:
Too bad these folks cannot perceive reality with an open mind-then perhaps they might see that ALL may be correct in some aspects about the same thing!

What will happen if as the same sources noted above indicate-these "designer gods" DO re-appear here on Earth? Talk about a shock to the system. It will be "God games" for real then.
Indeed. But one would think natural selection DRIVES evolution-but if we look at examples in nature-say the sharks-which have gone essentially un-changed for 400 million years, we can see that sometimes only minor tweaks are required to "select" a species-not to mention the good luck not to get wiped out by natural (or not) cataclysm-hey if it ain't broke...What pressures force evolution-what forces radical change in a species-

Yes they have undergone some changes-but the basic "shark" formula is still there-and certain microbes have been found that appear to be EXACTLY the same as their fossil counterparts-3 BILLION years old!

So what engine, then, actually drives the climb to intelligence? We are finding out that animals-even insects are a great deal more intelligent than we ever thought-some even appear to be approaching cogent and abstract thought-attributes thought as human only traits. But to US they are still "animals"for all that.

Chimpanzees are extraordinarliy bright-and share a good deal of our genes-but yet, chimps they remain. We do not think of them as "almost" human-even though based on genetics they really ARE(or are WE almost CHIMPS?) -so WHAT happened to MAKE us-basically hairless simians-US?

One has to wonder if the quantum leap to higher intelligence doesn't REQUIRE a helping hand from outside?

Someone-something to do the tweaking-but then we reach that delicious paradox-Ahhh-but who then tweaked the tweakers?Where did THEY come from-and that's where our intelligent design-and Creationists come in.cOULDN'T BE ALIENS-cause someone had to create them FIRST! But how then did God come into being-Well-they say-he just DID 'cause he's-well-GOD!

The fact that a majority of the "intelligent design" camp ARE religious types probably means their efforts-while noble-will be doomed to fail. Religion will get in the way of Science (can the two REALLY be practiced together?) and blind the seekers because they will not be able to view their results or the results of their peers objectively-they are so busy "Looking for God" in the Creation that they cannot see the Creation IS the God they seek. Or at least a part of it-according to the Pleiadians the Prime Creator answers to yet a HIGHER authority (a God for God?-whooaa-now how would they explain THAT?)

They also cannot see how intelligent beings from elsewhere could possibly be responsible for OUR rise to intelligence-and any evidence they might find suggesting such sacrilege will be willy nilly supressed (as it has from the beginning) such things cannot be true-it negates their devotion to their "One" God and therefore cannot be given serious consideration. Even though we are ourselves meddling with what we consider to be lower life forms-dolphins, chimpanzees and other simians, rats, mice-and even our pets.

Next time you look at your dog or cat-really LOOK at them-and see if living in close proximity to us doesn't seem to have ignited a spark of cognition in their eyes! Mirrors to the soul-yes indeed.
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