The day the sky split.


The Force is Strong With This One
I useualy don't like to talk to random people about my dreams, but I thought you guys may get a kick out of this one. It's, for me, really unusual. I can't remember the last time a dream has ever continued itself after I woke up and went to sleep.

the dream starts with the usual, I'm browsing Steam and buy a couple things and set them to download. But then it's time for work. [dream skips over the going to work part up until...] It's that time for lunch we decide to go the the mall, which was next to some sort of factory. I notice my grandma and grandpa there shopping for something, my grandpas a bit strange in his old age so I just play along with him while my grandma gets things done. All the sudden, the lights go out. People have no clue whats going on, but then the fire alarm sounds and i decide to get everyone out the door. On the way, I see why it went off, the top of the Christmas tree, set up in the hall is on fire somehow.

After a brif interruption, the dream continues when I fall asleep, as I said, a first as far as I can remember.

I get home at night time and an old friend is there, we don't talk much sense both our lives went different paths, but anyway. He was sleeping in the living room, as was I to for some reason unknown. I accidentally startle him awake for a bit but after we get each other situated we sleep untill morning. As the morning comes, I awate my chance to play my new games that have been downloading, but other matters need tending to first. One of which was that my friends classes has already been well underway and my mom and I decided to have a spat*. After that, I go outside to see a group of people wondering around "Have you seen Niki?" one of them asks "No, I haven't seen her. I remember her, but I don't know the person." I responded, so the group continued their search. A couple of them stayed behind though. They decided to go to the garage, for some unknown reason, where one of them decided to clean his hands with some petroleum jelly. I tell him to use the pants next to it because thats what my dad always uses. As I'm telling him this though, I notice a lot of work being done in the background. Power saws, large hammers, and various other noisy tools can be heard in the distance. So I take a peak outside the garage and notice something strange off the corner of my eye. I look up to see a rainbow arching to the right, while in its wake is an odd view of the starry night sky. The stars didn't look right**, but shown brilliantly in the strip of night. I call this to the attention of the others, but the other guy says in a sort of gruff but unwelcome tone "I didn't know you were one of those people." and vanished. I started to wake from the dream. "This better not be another one of those ****ing dreams!" I shout to the sky above. Then, I wake up.

That last part there I said because I was starting to wake up, each preceding dream of the night had me convinced I was seeing reality for some odd reason. When I woke up I realized, of course, it was a string of dreams, but I was confused a bit when I did.

* during the fight, my mom called someone, presumably a bank, to order what I think was a money order. She was ordering a dollar to "***hole* but it seems the person on the other end didn't understand, my mom spelled out "A-L-L-" but then it cut off there for all i remember and the dream moved on.

** In the strip of stars in the sky, it didn't look right in that the starts shown brilliantly and that they were unfamiliar to me. Not that I know the starmap off the back of my hand or anything. It just struck me as diffrent from the average night sky. To elaborate a little: The tear in the sky was sort of like that, a tear, with one end squared and the other pointed, like a elongated triangle. Along the edges you can see the gasses of the atmosphere swirl around, but never leaving a certain boundry or at least they apeared that way, it was the blue hue that I could see swirling around really... The rainbow actually seemed more like a side effect then anything else, but it was right up near the edge of it.
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