The Consortium, the Quorum, the alien interface, depicted in 'romantic' fiction - what the heck?!

Rocco was such a weary soul...
Yes, his life sure showed this weariness. And all things considered, it stands to reason too.

When finishing this book - could feel it leaning to what was later discovered, although not at first considering it somewhat blended in with a few other characters in other books. It took a different end tangent from what was expected, which left things in mind.
Apologizes, my post looks incoherent, so many links in my mind going off at one time, Something within me compelled to read this series, I don't know why. Strikes me so many triggers are being pulled, it is like a light bulb going off. With so many comparisons between popular culture and reality. My first impression on reading the first book (I am almost through with the second book on kindle) which for me is unbelievable; I am not a fast reader.

Yes, I read the sex scenarios, all of them, pure titillation for those that like to read that stuff, but what brought to the forefront of my mind is this, a grooming exercise (after reading the first book). I could not help thinking at the back of my mind about young people reading this book without prior knowledge of the workings of the world/reality we live in). And also the so called sex education classes, that young people are subjected to at this time.

And it's just a romance series, a young poor nineteen year old that has a body and face that is to die for, and all of a sudden is whisked into a world, of immense riches, where money is an object and everything can be bought, with the power of money. I imagine young women could be entranced by the prospect of wearing designer clothes and shoes, given the material culture we live in.

The life and personages that are presented to the general public are just bread and circus, how far this series goes to disclose the circus will be interesting. My first impression.
I finished the 1st series: It's a big job on the confidence that is played out. To me. Luckily maybe here I am a survivor :-)
And then the warnings came at just the right moment:

July 17th, 2021
… A: The changes are near as witnessed by this desperate push for control.
... A: Things will get worse before they get better. Stay alert and use knowledge!!! Goodbye.

Finally, I jumped straight into the 2nd series, as if to get rid of an embarrassing uncertainty. I want to know. And experience it.
Blackmailed by the beast then The Russian billionnaire: The same rich guy, the same poor girl, the same sex started again from one page to another ...
I remain stunned by this strange repetition of the same story. I'm really bored - and the author? - stuck in such a repetition? What's this ?
And there is always something very dark revolving around it, despite the romance. I really wonder where we are! (which planet?)
Then 2/3 of the second book, Laura's 'promises' show up (-one morning after waking up from a nightmare!).
In the 3rd, The Other Side of Midnight, I am captivated by the strength of this reading and the discovery is unequivocal: under the condition of these "privileged" worlds, everything seems in its place, it is live and clear now, and above all terrible! -in parallel with our world news.
For strong and informed souls, what we are becoming!
I'm curious about the next step and I thank Laura :flowers: for having placed us on this path, it's quite astonishing and I know that I can strengthen myself in this experience. (as was the case with M. Balogh on another aspect)

J'ai terminé la 1ère série : C'est un gros travail sur la confiance qui se joue. Pour moi.
Par chance peut-être ici je suis une survivante ;-)
Et puis les avertissements sont arrivés juste au bon moment :

17 juillet 2021
… A: Les changements sont proches comme en témoigne cette poussée désespérée pour le contrôle.
... A: Les choses vont empirer avant de s'améliorer. Restez vigilant et utilisez vos connaissances !!! Au revoir.

Finalement, j'ai sauté directement dans la 2e série, comme pour me débarrasser d'une incertitude gênante. Je veux savoir. Et faire l'expérience.
Chantage de la bête puis Le milliardaire russe : Le même mec riche, la même fille pauvre, le même sexe recommencé d'une page à l'autre...
Je reste abasourdie par cette étrange répétition de la même histoire. Je m'ennuie vraiment - et l'auteur ? - coincé dans une telle répétition ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Et il y a toujours quelque chose de très sombre qui tourne autour, malgré la romance. Je me demande vraiment où nous sommes ! (quelle planète ?)
Puis les 2/3 du deuxième livre, les « promesses » de Laura apparaissent (-un matin après s'être réveillé d'un cauchemar !).
Dans le 3éme, L'Autre Côté de Minuit, je suis subjuguée par la force de cette lecture et la découverte est sans équivoque : sous la condition de ces mondes "privilégiés", tout semble à sa place, c'est vivant et clair maintenant, et surtout terrible ! -en parallèle de notre actualité mondiale.
Pour les âmes fortes et averties, que nous devenons !
Je suis curieuse de la suite et je remercie Laura :flowers: de nous avoir placés sur ce chemin, c'est assez étonnant et je sais que je peux me renforcer dans cette expérience. (comme ce fut le cas avec M. Balogh sur un autre aspect)
Just finished The Other Side of Midnight. If the other series like The Billionaire Banker described the emotions and culture of the human elite at the level of the consortium, The Other Side of Midnight (TOSOM) seems to portray 4D STS or perhaps those humans who live underground with STS 4D endowed with 4D characteristics because of their proximity. The act of living off of humans, is depicted as consuming blood in this novel, although the connection of 4D STS living off negative human emotions for people of this forum can be easily made. The main character, Rocco, is Prince of this dark world and he is repulsed by the world he comes from. He wants his race to end. His race is literally rotting out of their bodies because of their level of entropy. Underneath wigs are boils and the stench of rotting flesh. Those who hunt humans and put them into torturous situations for their adrenaline (shades of adrenochrome) are rotting the fastest. Also an interesting tidbit is that the Vampires can put thoughts into the heads of humans to sway their decisions and actions.

The Vampires keep humans in underground towns but they present as soulless. They extract blood from them in exchange for easy living and safety. How to get to this underground base and how it looks from the outside, is something like how Skinwalker Ranch is portrayed.

There is a prophecy that only the other main character, Autumn, who is a human and an innocent, can save this dying race of Vampires/4D STS by allowing Rocco to drink her blood. Won't give away the ending, but it the end love does conquer all and the Rocco's family dies a painful death until he takes pity on their pain.

What this book made me think about is "what about those humans who live with/interact with 4D STS?" Those who live underground and perhaps have never see the surface of the earth.

From Session 17 August 2003:
A: Remember Carissas' story? It points to the source. Aided by 4D influences of course.

Q: (L) Wow, that rhymes! (S) So is Mossad part of that?

A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.

Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?

A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you wonder where they come from. Think "deep."

Q: As in underground bases?

A: Well, what a concept!

Q: (L) Is this where Helen came from?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So no wonder nobody can figure who... Is this the story of Demeter and Persephone? Are they talking about going to bases underground in the myths of the underworld?

A: No. Mixing up concepts... but good try!
I'm guessing that by Sargon in the transcripts, it's Sargon of Akkad. Akkadian Empire - Wikipedia
Can't say that I know too much about Sargon. But this bit about his tale certainly sounds like the tale of Moses:

Sargon of Akkad defeated and captured Lugal-zage-si in the Battle of Uruk and conquered his empire. The earliest records in the Akkadian language date to the time of Sargon. Sargon was claimed to be the son of La'ibum or Itti-Bel, a humble gardener, and possibly a hierodule, or priestess to Ishtar or Inanna. One legend related to Sargon in Assyrian times says that

My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not. The brothers of my father loved the hills. My city is Azurpiranu (the wilderness herb fields), which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates. My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river which rose not over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me. Akki the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener. While I was gardener Ishtar granted me her love, and for four and (fifty?) ... years I exercised kingship.[31]

Hmm sounds odd. What does changeling mean in this context? Did his mother hail from Nephalim/different stock? Does anyone know if there is a connection between Sargon of Akkad and Akhenaten? I'll have to do some more digging.
I've just started reading this series after finishing the survivors club series..

Big change of pace, and I have to say, so far, I like it! mind you I am only 15 chapters into the first book.
Looking forward to the rest of it from what others have described
I am currently on the fourth book "Seduce Me". (I use a translator, which makes it difficult because the translation is far from good.)
I don't know if this has already been said, sorry if it is, I haven't found it, there is a short passage about hair as antennae:

‘Why do you keep your hair long?’

‘It’s what hair does naturally: it grows. Shouldn’t you be asking the other men why they cut theirs instead?’

I pull a face.

He chuckles. ‘Hair is not what culture leads us to believe, a cosmetic preference. During the Vietnam War special forces in the war department combed the American Indian Reservations to look for young men with outstanding tracking abilities—experts in stealth and survival.

‘But once enlisted an amazing thing happened to these men. The talents and skills they had possessed on the Reservations seemed to mysteriously disappear. Recruit after recruit failed to perform as expected. Extensive interviews and testing proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when the men received their military haircuts, they could no longer ‘sense’ the enemy or ‘read’ subtle signs. When the men were allowed to grow their hair back their ability to ‘sense’ came back. Hair is an extension of the nervous system, a type of antennae.’

Anyway, it's a very surprising series and I can't wait to read more.
I just finished the fourth book "Seduce Me". A very exciting story! Sometimes it is difficult to break away, so you can throw all the things around. It is easy and fast to read. Moreover, the sex scenes are very voluminous and can be skipped without sacrificing meaning. But the sensations after reading are ambiguous. From joy and relief (when you see how the light of Lana's soul chases away the darkness in Blake, you rejoice in their love and unity), to unrelenting heaviness and depression (when you again return to the thoughts that we are here in prison held hostage by these dark forces and their servants , psychopaths). And this eternal struggle of light and darkness, good and evil in the whole world and in every person.
And it's just a romance series, a young poor nineteen year old that has a body and face that is to die for, and all of a sudden is whisked into a world, of immense riches, where money is an object and everything can be bought, with the power of money. I imagine young women could be entranced by the prospect of wearing designer clothes and shoes, given the material culture we live in.

The life and personages that are presented to the general public are just bread and circus, how far this series goes to disclose the circus will be interesting. My first impression.
Just in the 4th book such a girl is shown. She raves about a glamorous rich life, dreams of branded things from glossy magazines, an ideal figure, envies someone else's happiness ... and even envies someone else's tragedy. Oh, she's disgusted at first. But, as often say, all our troubles and complexes come from childhood. It was good training for me to immediately see in her a wounded woman, deprived of the love of her parents, a child traumatized by the cruelty of the world around her. Such people sometimes meet me. And if earlier I was categorical in my assessments about them. Now I try to treat them with more understanding, to be more generous even if they do not understand themselves. Alas, not every one of them will be given a chance to meet loving sincere people who can cleanse their souls of anger, envy and self-deception. Not every one of them, even having a chance, will be able to escape from the tenacious clutches of 4 STS
I've just started reading this series after finishing the survivors club series..

Big change of pace, and I have to say, so far, I like it! mind you I am only 15 chapters into the first book.
Looking forward to the rest of it from what others have described

I just started as well after finishing the Bedwyn Saga. I'm 10 chapters in and I haven't rolled my eyes this much in a long time. So yeah, big difference between Le Carre and Balogh. :lol:

That said, the brutal nature of the type of elite people thus far presented is already hitting home in a way that my previous reading of psychopathy books either never did or never did to this degree. Before the knowledge was still detached from my emotions, it was more intellectual, maybe even theoretical. But already this is changing. Like all the previous readings on psychopathy and the 3D STS hierarchy are now finding an emotional connection and becoming more viscerally real.

Looking forward to seeing where all this goes. :read:
I just started as well after finishing the Bedwyn Saga. I'm 10 chapters in and I haven't rolled my eyes this much in a long time. So yeah, big difference between Le Carre and Balogh. :lol:

That said, the brutal nature of the type of elite people thus far presented is already hitting home in a way that my previous reading of psychopathy books either never did or never did to this degree. Before the knowledge was still detached from my emotions, it was more intellectual, maybe even theoretical. But already this is changing. Like all the previous readings on psychopathy and the 3D STS hierarchy are now finding an emotional connection and becoming more viscerally real.

Looking forward to seeing where all this goes. :read:

Yes, those are the emotions, that have stirred in me also. The repetitive sex scenes get a bit too much, so gloss over them, it becomes an irritation. I wonder, if this sexual obsession is some kind of imprinting that is part of the so called educational process of the elite, they themselves are subjected too. I recollect from the last Dune book in the series, I think it is called Chapterhouse There is also mention of a sexual imprint program of sexual obsession, to manipulate and control, the use of sexual energy to corrupt.

I am also at the end of the fourth book in the series, for me it's a fast reading if one skims through the sex scenes and gets to the meat of the information that is embedded in the series.

What strikes me is that the real human emotions, love, truth, honesty and the pureness of ones essence, can overcome the programs that have been put in place by that vast monstrous reality, that has been created by these so called elite. And this is what sets us apart and negates the programs set to entrap us.

The example of Victoria, the proposed marriage partner for Blake, to my mind is an example of wishful thinking, dismissal of reality, and the psychopathic rage, and the need for revenge when thwarted, resulting in utter madness, in a mind that has no boundaries, or social restraints. That is my impression.
Does anyone find it interesting that Lana is Iranian? And the positive representation of Russians in "The Russian Billionaire"?

I've been thinking about the abundance of sex scenes, most of which occur in the early parts of each book. I think that might be to draw the reader in and get them in the right state of mind so that the lessons about the reality can then slip in under the radar. Sort of like using their own weapons against them.
Many people have mentioned skipping or "glossing over" the sex scenes. I'm about 150 pages into the first book and I think I have read two sex scenes so far, with the third about to happen.

I think skipping or not reading them fully (though I won't linger on them if all the details don't sticking in my mind when reading) may be a mistake. I think the sex scenes in combination with the rest of the interactions with Lana show the development, in subtle ways, of how the Blake guy is possibly having his conscience awakened by Lana. That he has primal or animal attraction that is predatory and is purely physical right now, but since Lana is who and what she is she is starting to touch his heart and conscience. And that is done in a big way through the physical intimacy they share.

I'll keep reading and pay closer attention to what I just wrote and see if maybe I'm off and the sex stuff can be skimmed or skipped.
Just finished The Other Side of Midnight. (sniff). I think it should be read before The Russian Billionaire, as I remember a mention of Rocco and Autumn in it, but can't remember the context.

I didn't tune in that Rocco was a vampire, I thought that Autumn's memory had been wiped which is why "they" knew her and she didn't know them. Rocco didn't crawl away to hide at dawn, he was there in the mornings to wake up with Autumn and spend the day with her, though always indoors, but it wasn't obvious.

The creepy thing was at the end when the people of Parallel were offered the chance of freedom to go up out of the underground city, most of them chose to stay below because of fear. Just reminds me of all the fearful sheep going along with the jabs and lockdowns cause the virus is just too scary to do otherwise. :rolleyes:
Does anyone find it interesting that Lana is Iranian? And the positive representation of Russians in "The Russian Billionaire"?

I've been thinking about the abundance of sex scenes, most of which occur in the early parts of each book. I think that might be to draw the reader in and get them in the right state of mind so that the lessons about the reality can then slip in under the radar. Sort of like using their own weapons against them.
Yep, Lana's Iranian roots picked my curiosity as well. In the fourth Billionaire series book Lana answers thusly to Julie's question about Iranians most of them being terrorists:
‘When you read the papers and listen to the news have a care. You are listening to that particular piece of news above all else that is happening in the world because somebody wants you to hear that. Have you ever wondered, Julie why we need to hear that Justin Bieber has been arrested for some minor infringement twenty times a day? Did nothing else important happen that day?’
I must say I've found Lana's reply refreshing :cool2:

Also, I've had similar thoughts about the "vehicle" being used in order to deliver some pretty precious gems of knowledge through the following novels, talking about flying very low under the radar, even better, going underground while delivering knowledge that would have been suppressed or discredited by the STS gang if tried to be delivered more openly.

I may be off here but this "underground method" made me think of similar groups of like minded souls throughout history that delivered important knowledge to the future generations in a similar stealth "underground" manner, through art, literature, architecture and so on (Da Vinci and Co.) as if to skip the watchful eye of Sauron, that is, the entropic center and it's followers. It seems that this underground method has been applied as a necessity thousands of years ago starting with the killing of the feminine creative goddess and all that implies thus being replaced by an ever watchful psychopathic and sadistic One STS God, smoothly promoted by the 4D STS and their minions through the monotheistic religions. No wonder that we are founding ourselves in this mess nowadays. Just a few thoughts. Now back to reading the fourth book from the Billionaire series.
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