The Black Death revisited


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi all,

When clicking on links left here and there in the most recent SOTT “Connecting the Dots” article, I was lead to reread one of Laura’s most fascinating articles: “New Light on the Black Death: the Cosmic Connection”. I had read the whole series back when it was first posted and I had taken a mental note to avail myself of some of the literature that was referenced there, like Cohn’s “The Black Death: Transformation of the West” and Horrox’s “The Black Death”. As it turned out, I was sidetracked in this commitment by the relentless downpour of prosaic preoccupations that seem to flood us all (like, how to make ends meet and keep “head above the water” in the midst of everyday life struggles).

Something struck as curious when rereading Laura’s Black Death article which could only have become significant after reading the June 20 Session Transcript. In this transcript the C’s seem to have directly discredited the much taunted 2012 marker as a “distraction” in favour of 2014 by saying something like “5 more years 2 go to 0 new year”. Well, as you all know, Laura relates in the article that the Black Plague probably had nothing to do with the Bubonic Pest, rats, fleas, or anything of the sort, and it’s ultimate cause may have been something more “celestial” in origin. After reading all the article and trying to correlate it with other concepts expounded by Laura, like the that of the “Crypto-geographic entities”, as well as that of the upper-dimensional origin of manifestations that we tend to take as merely local, as severe weather, lightning and storms, the whole Black Plague scenario seems indeed to be a 3rd. density manifestation of some “upper” cosmic drama directly traceable to something that we could describe as an archetypal “crypto-geographic Beast” with capital “B”, or, to put it another way, some oversized Lord of Entropy.

As Laura writes, the contemporary chronicles abound in references not only to “rains of fire”, toxic vapours coming down, major earthquakes, etc., but also references to major and “minor” beasts of all sorts playing a part:

It says in the same letter that in this year [1348] fire falling from heaven consumed the land of the Turks for 16 days; that for a few days it rained toads and snakes, by which many men were killed: that a pestilence has gathered strength in many parts of the world. (Horrox)
From Samuel Cohn's book:
... a dragon at Jerusalem like that of Saint George that devoured all that crossed its path .... A city of 40,000 ... totally demolished by the fall from heaven of a great quantity of worms, big as a fist with eight legs, which killed all by their stench and poisonous vapours. (Cohn)
A story by the Dominican friar Bartolomeo:
... massive rains of worms and serpents in parts of China, which devoured large numbers of people. Also in those parts fire rained from Heaven in the form of snow (ash), which burnt mountains, the land, and men. And from this fire arose a pestilential smoke that killed all who smelt it within twelve hours, as well as those who only saw the poison of that pestilential smoke. (Cohn)

So if my line of thinking were correct, then 666 would indeed be, and quite rightly so, the “Number of the Beast”, because the Black Plague took place exactly on 1348. Now, you may have already figured this one out, but only 664 separate that date from 2012, but exactly 666 lay between 1348 and 2014.

Food for thought or mere ramblings? Can I ever be sure which?

Hi Rodmen,

Perhaps this quote from Foucault's Pendulum, by Umberto Eco, is appropriate here. (Foucault's Pendulum, Eco, 1988, pp.288, 289)

Amid all the nonsense there are some unimpeachable truths... I invite you to go and measure [an arbitrarily selected, but specific] kiosk. you will see that the length of the counter is one hundred and forty-nine centimeters - in other words, one hundred-billionth of the distance between the earth and the sun. The height at the rear, one hundred and seventy-six centimeters, divided by the width of the window, fifty-six centimeters, is 3.14. The height at the front is nineteen decimeters, equal, in other words, to the number of years of the Greek lunar cycle. The sum of the heights of the two front corners is one hundred and ninety times two plus one hundred and seventy-six times two, which equals seven hundred and thirty-two, the date of the victory at Poitiers. The thickness of the counter is 3.10 centimeters, and the width of the cornice of the window is 8.8 centimeters. Replacing the numbers before the decimals by the corresponding letters of the alphabet, we obtain C for ten and H for eight, or C10H8, which is the formula for naphthalene. ...With numbers you can do anything you like. Suppose I have the sacred number 9 and I want to get the number 1314, date of the execution of Jacques de Molay - a date dear to anyone who professes devotion to the Templar tradition of knighthood.

...Multiply nine by one hundred and forty-six, the fateful day of the destruction of Carthage. How did I arrive at this? I divided thirteen hundred and fourteen by two, by three, et cetera, until I found a satisfying date. I could also have divided thirteen hundred and fourteen by 6.28, the double of 3.14, and I would have got two hundred and nine. That is the year Attalus I, king of Pergamon, ascended the throne. You see? ...The universe is a great symphony of numerical correspondences... numbers and their symbolisms provide a path to special knowledge. But if the world, below and above, is a system of correspondences where tout se tient, it's natural for the [lottery] kiosk and the pyramid, both works of man, to reproduce in their structure, unconsciously, the harmonies of the cosmos.
Yeah, most appropriate indeed: it’s the old debate about the merits of the phonetic Cabala as opposed to the numeric Kaballah, and surely I may have somewhat yielded to the temptation to take the Kaballah approach, but what I really meant to do with my posting is to try and jump-start an exchange of ideas about more general topics that may lead to valuable realizations.

In this case, the 666 theory would serve us just as well if it can lead to, for example, a discussion about something more important like: are all prophesies “Lizzie inspired”? And even if that were the case, should we dismiss them off-hand and risk throwing away the baby with the b... (you know how the saying goes)? Hasn’t Laura herself not said that even Lizzie inspired material may contain elements of truth around which some other more dubious layers are wrapped? Should we consider that perhaps those truth cores may turn out to be pieces of the puzzle?

That sort of thing. Mind you, I'm not generally fond of prophesies, except as some sort of skeleton blueprint for cyclical events that may tend in general terms to be recurrent only because their ultimate cause may lie in an eternal play of Archetypes staged at higher levels. And if we are indeed pieces on a chessboard, I think it behooves us to try to figure out just what's on the mind of the Players.

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