The battle shows as weather here in 3D …


Jedi Master
That’s roughly what the C’s said. They also stated, we here in 3D would not understand what this battle is or how it is done, but our weather here in 3D would be a representation of the battle.

What about location? What we see is a weather event focused on a certain area. I would suspect that the battle is actually at the same location just in another density and reality and possibly from multiple realities to make it happen.

The battle being fought and what possibly could that mean? To us a battle is a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing forces …

The stage of the auditorium is empty today, the curtains pulled fully open. As people filed in a man wearing work boots and overhauls came out of a room to the right of the stage, he had a remote control in his hand. He didn’t look at the audience, he walked up to the front of the stage and turned his back to them. All watched as he futzed with the buttons on the remote, a screen dropped down from the top of the back wall on the stage.

He turned around to them and said, “Sorry folks, this thing is being finicky. But your instructor for this session is stuck at home today, he’s connecting remotely. Just as soon as I get him on the screen. Ah, here he is …” As he was now showing on the big screen.

“Sorry folks got stuck at home, the bridge to get in has been damaged during that last storm, their repairing it as I speak. Let me continue …”

I reference games that we have here in 3D for a possible explanation.

‘In the Risk board game, the goal is simple, players aim to conquer their enemies' territories by building an army, moving their troops in, and engaging in battle. Depending on the roll of the dice, a player will either defeat the enemy or be defeated.’

But this is all dependent on the roll of the dice, luck?

This reality that we are in, and all the souls therein are being controlled by STS forces, an army of opposition to the STO forces. The battle is like the game of Risk, but the outcome of this game is STO control of this world and the souls in it all for the deeper lessons to be learned by us during these battles. This is the prize of this battle, the trophy is us and the game of ‘Risk’ may not be far from representing what we are talking about here. (We must be playing with loaded dice this time.)

What is the actual battle?

I could speculate here but I will let documented history tell this tale. I have attached a file of miscellaneous paintings of times past. They show effects of these battles here in 3D, but it is more than that. The comets and falling stars are part of the battle too, physical elements of the battle and may well be part of the event itself. Each one of these paintings may show a different form of the battle.

For our need of the day, I am going to propose a simpler concept to use here for the battle. A proverbial wall, two opposing sides pushing equally on each face of it, an increase in force on one side pushes the opposing side backwards. It sits on a plateau with a cliff behind each side. Right now, the wall has been moved to the STS side reducing their area to a cliff, that makes them more aggressive in their tactics. This is where we are today as you can see …

The other day we had a storm, not mild but very aggressive, like a hurricane just pulled in today, not a normal in my area. I sat there thinking about this and how it could be a battle in higher densities. What exactly are we seeing, is this heavy storm the effect of what was happening in another dimension, in a different density?

I got three inches of rain in a few hours, not completely out of the ordinary but notable. In my observation I see that the world produces X number of inches of rain every year. If one area of the world gets more then another part of the world gets less. Like right now with the northern hemisphere getting inundated with weather, the southern hemisphere is in drought. This is not taking into interpretation of the amount coming in from space.

So, from my observations something is drawing the weather here. Now what could be happening in some other density to bring this water to this place to produce this weather?

I accept the fact that something that happens in one density has an effect on the other densities and this one weather event is the effects of this. It is a very good reason that the PTB do not want a nuclear bomb to explode here as it will affect other densities in turn, unless that is, if it is part of the lesson.

The closest thing I can compare it to is a hydrogen fuel vehicle. Yes, first we have to split the water into its basic components, chemicals. Then we take the hydrogen and generate electricity with it and in the process, we recombine the chemicals to make water again. The end result is water running out of the exhaust pipe, drawn here to this point, like what is happening out there today.

On average a hydrogen car produces about one to two gallons of water per hour. The military vehicle the ZH2 produces about two gallons per hour. So, this last storm that went by could have been created by a million hydrogen fuel cars passing by all at the same moment and circulating every few minutes.

Now we produce electricity in a hydrogen fuel car to turn the electric motors which drive the car. And the amount of electricity generated from a million hydrogen cars would be phenomenal. What is generated in say 4D could be just electricity, but I suspect it is something else, I am going to call this 4D X-energy for lack of a better term because it may not be electricity as we think of it.

But producing it in large amounts can draw the water in our 3D atmosphere to a single location, better than a magnet.

Now I lack the knowledge or out of the box insight as to what they need this energy for, how are they using it in this battle. I also don’t understand what the actual battle is and how is it preformed, in their reality what does it produce. I have to compare it to something that we can wrap our minds around.

This is why I presented the proverbial wall (a situation in which someone has come up against an obstacle or issue that seems insurmountable), call it a shield, a bubble that covers an area. One side is inside the bubble, the other is outside it, both are pushing really hard against the other. If one or the other pushes harder, the wall moves and the bubble either shrinks or grows from the effect. But it would take more energy to do this which affects us here at 3D level, in this reality, I would suggest that most items done in realities can affect other realities at variable levels.

But back to this reality and the weather. Now we all know the STS are in control right now with a transition to STO management. And I suspect that right now with this weather event, the STO are winning or hedging on their level of control of this place, attacking it area by area, pushing on the wall a little further. So, I came to the conclusion that the STO are the ones producing the greater amount of water here at this time.

What you have is a battle going on right here, right now over some condition to lessen the hold of the area by STS forces, moving it closer to being a 4D STO world. They need this 4D X-energy to do this. It is questionable if this 4D X-energy is used by both STO and STS forces at this time, STS forces might use fear as their energy source, it is perceivable. It’s usage could differ the result depending on which side is using more. What I mean is that STS could cause a dry condition and wet for STO application, that’s an interesting thought but I doubt it is that cut and dry.

‘As above, so below’. I expect that the weather that we see on the surface is connected to other events that could be extending from a sub-surface event. This could be interacting with an expected future event here in this area. Let me come out and say it, I believe that the Cascadia fault line is aggravated right now preparing for the next major event. This aggravation is calling in this storm to this area and the battle is here. Below the surface of this planet is a torrent of magma, of which we do not see, that may be matching what is happening on the surface, what we see. I’m still looking for up-to-date thermal-graphic imaging that I could track, they keep taking the ones I find down, imagine that. I expect all of California, Oregon, Washington, US is a hot picture right now with the focus around Cascadia fault lines (you had to know that I would come back to Cascadia once again). But this same sub-surface flow could also be causing the drought in Brazil so it’s not independent to this area.

Somehow it reminds me of someone playing a strategy type board game like Battleship. Two players staring each other down countering the attacks of the other. At the point of the battle they fight in some fashion, could be arm wrestling but I doubt that (just kidding). But the result is that we see weather events from their actions right at that point of interaction from their usage of this 4D X-energy which not only affects this reality but all of them.

Another example of this is the earthquakes in Afghanistan, before the earthquakes started, they had weather localized to the area. This was the build-up needed to trigger these earthquakes and this included a heat-up of the magma under the area which loosened and lubricated the events.

But I don’t expect that it is limited to natural disasters, I suspect that we could see similar happenings drawn to other events, but it all starts with the build-up, the weather in this case but is not just limited to that. The C’s said that we the souls in this reality could cause a similar issue with enough of them at work. Then there will always be a controlling factor at work, those at 4D tweaking our reality so our lessons have been prepared properly.

One more rant … this build-up of energy, it’s happening right now … two million people pushed into a smaller and smaller area, throw in a few bombs and the fear bubble grows around them. We in a way, see this fear energy building, we should understand by now that the STS use this fear energy, their 4D X-energy, for striking at this reality. I suspect that this is a standard process for STS, their build-up of fear before they let loose their spectacular event, like the weather build-up. This fear bubble is going to pop or explode with ferocity. And those of the right alignment are swimming in the fear energy not only from those in the Gaza, but from their own people. Those of the opposing alignment in the area are feeling this fear too, it is causing a different level of anxiety in them, more energy for the beast. Now the beast is changing from this energy to not only show what they really are to the world, they are starting to look the part. They are starting to appear like the demon that they really are, think grin of the gargoyle here. Rant done …

“That’s my presentation for the day, I hope you all enjoyed it.”

‘This is a reality, it is 100% manipulatable, anything and everything can be changed adjusted or just replaced. All realities are like this, you just didn’t know what was going on around you all this time.’ Haiku …


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It makes sense that weather is made between densities, and comes across as something we don't understand. When humans cut down trees, farm and build things, second and first densities probably feel like some chaotic weather disturbance has occurred. And scale that up to 4D interactions that we perceive here in 3D.
Few thoughts on the subject.

I always wondered how this upstairs STS vs STO battles work. In practical sense, it is between 4D STS vs 4D STO with 5D being a contemplation zone, 6D being unified thought forms that needs proper receivership.

4D STS has limitless time travel abilities, genetic modification and complete freedom to do whatever they want. By definition, STO can only do anything by "natural" means. In our world, 1D, 2D is too weak to do any thing and 3D is too much limited by genetic body and ineffective w.r.t limitless time travel abilities. Which soul decides to get born in 3D is not in 4D control. 5D and 6D balancers (STO) has some influence through guidance to decide who can get born on the planet. But those souls are again limited by genetic body, family nurture, surroundings and so on ( Ex: 64 million wanderers concept). In this sense, without proper receivers STO looks helpless. Much worse, if a soul doesn't have knowledge of 4D when it is in 3D, it can't even plan (in 5D) to learn about it in 3D. It is perpetual cycle. but nature seems to find balance. C's also mentioned that the 4D battles are NOT like 3D battles, they battle through us - that needs receptors.

Once, C's said the fate Kantek met, will not happen to Earth. I wondered how does it work? What if it is through periodic meteor rocks visiting us (where information is king), there is some sort of check can be placed (cleansing), until Wave comes along and flip it to 4D where 4D STO can help the new entrants without violating the "free will". A level playing ground, though it won't be "Happy Ever after".

These rocks normally we have is 3600 year cycle (set by 27 million years companion sun). We have some extra set of rocky streams, much more frequent and closer to earth, through the remnants of gain comet disintegration, that we see in the form of yearly Lenoids etc. Most of them are smaller, but when bigger pieces come, it will be too late. It is nature's way to create pain, so that 3D can keep looking. These space rocks has creates has whole set of interlinked mechanisms as mentioned in Pierre's book (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, stream disruptions etc.)

so what we have is some periodic, cycle with in cycle, all interrelated, effect each other to create a ridiculously complicated mechanism for our 3D mind.
  • Meteor streams
  • Sun's solar storms which itself connected to unknown set of electrical phenomenon and activity
  • Earth itself has a reaction mechanism of cooling and heating based on what population does
  • There may be certain type EM radiation that is emitted in 4D battles that seeps into earth's frequency fence, just like nuclear explosions on the earth effects 4D.
How much location specific STO can influence the out come? If It is through space rocks directly hitting where information is King, it is possible. even with volcano eruptions, it is possible to some extent. But, if it is through other means (earthquakes, tsunami etc.) It look to me it is hard to be location specific. (Ex: Indonesia tsunami which C's mentioned it as outlet of anger of population, but most of the anger at that time is in West due to post 911 actions).
Few thoughts on the subject.

I always wondered how this upstairs STS vs STO battles work. In practical sense, it is between 4D STS vs 4D STO with 5D being a contemplation zone, 6D being unified thought forms that needs proper receivership.

4D STS has limitless time travel abilities, genetic modification and complete freedom to do whatever they want. By definition, STO can only do anything by "natural" means. In our world, 1D, 2D is too weak to do any thing and 3D is too much limited by genetic body and ineffective w.r.t limitless time travel abilities. Which soul decides to get born in 3D is not in 4D control. 5D and 6D balancers (STO) has some influence through guidance to decide who can get born on the planet. But those souls are again limited by genetic body, family nurture, surroundings and so on ( Ex: 64 million wanderers concept). In this sense, without proper receivers STO looks helpless. Much worse, if a soul doesn't have knowledge of 4D when it is in 3D, it can't even plan (in 5D) to learn about it in 3D. It is perpetual cycle. but nature seems to find balance. C's also mentioned that the 4D battles are NOT like 3D battles, they battle through us - that needs receptors.

Once, C's said the fate Kantek met, will not happen to Earth. I wondered how does it work? What if it is through periodic meteor rocks visiting us (where information is king), there is some sort of check can be placed (cleansing), until Wave comes along and flip it to 4D where 4D STO can help the new entrants without violating the "free will". A level playing ground, though it won't be "Happy Ever after".

These rocks normally we have is 3600 year cycle (set by 27 million years companion sun). We have some extra set of rocky streams, much more frequent and closer to earth, through the remnants of gain comet disintegration, that we see in the form of yearly Lenoids etc. Most of them are smaller, but when bigger pieces come, it will be too late. It is nature's way to create pain, so that 3D can keep looking. These space rocks has creates has whole set of interlinked mechanisms as mentioned in Pierre's book (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, stream disruptions etc.)

so what we have is some periodic, cycle with in cycle, all interrelated, effect each other to create a ridiculously complicated mechanism for our 3D mind.
  • Meteor streams
  • Sun's solar storms which itself connected to unknown set of electrical phenomenon and activity
  • Earth itself has a reaction mechanism of cooling and heating based on what population does
  • There may be certain type EM radiation that is emitted in 4D battles that seeps into earth's frequency fence, just like nuclear explosions on the earth effects 4D.
How much location specific STO can influence the out come? If It is through space rocks directly hitting where information is King, it is possible. even with volcano eruptions, it is possible to some extent. But, if it is through other means (earthquakes, tsunami etc.) It look to me it is hard to be location specific. (Ex: Indonesia tsunami which C's mentioned it as outlet of anger of population, but most of the anger at that time is in West due to post 911 actions).
an interesting comment, but what was the question at the origin of your analysis..?
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