Telomere Extension with Russian Biopeptides


Padawan Learner
I know people on this board are interested in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, which is something I have also been interested in for many years due to the studies showing it extends telomere length. I only found out about the soft shell models recently through this forum, and am considering purchasing one.

But I was having a conversation by email with another company that specializes in therapeutics for extending telomeres about another compound I am taking when I realized they were not even that aware of this other technology even though it has been around awhile. You might have heard about the injectable Epitalon that resulted in some pretty impressive life extension in randomized controlled trials in Russia nearly 2 decades ago. What people might not be aware of is that the biopeptide is small enough it has oral bioavailability and showed activity in increasing telomere length. Well there is a person who read about this and started taking the oral version in 2015, along with several other Khavinson Peptide bioregulators (primarily it seems thymus, CNS, and blood vessel; Epithalon is pineal) and he increased his telomere length from the equivalent of 72 years when his real age was 66 in 2012 to a level last year that was the equivalent of a 23 year old at age 77 today! He has done tests every few years and it was a consistent decline in telomere age.

With hyperbaric chambers one hypothesis is that the oxygen saturation could be killing senescent cells, which enriches the population of cells with larger telomeres - so you are lengthening the average by getting rid of the shortest. No one knows for sure. But when you are increasing the length 54 years below your chronological age, something real is going on there! The only question is whether that alone has actual longevity benefits beyond what we saw in the Russian trials (where they only occassionaly injected the peptide throughout the year!)

Anyway Bill Lawrence who you can see in the video below (can skip to around minute 59) did an informal trial with a few dozen people and the results were largely replicable. The average person had a decrease in telomere age of 21.62 years over a 3 year period. He is also showing epigenetic age reductions for those of you who are familiar with the Horvath clock measures (the other major biological age clock people focus on). I mean the data is crazy impressive!

I am currently taking these peptides along with TAM818 (which I am reconsidering now, I only learned in the email conversation yesterday that there might be safety concerns because I was told it was a new chemical entity when I assumed it had to have a natural origin because otherwise, how could they be selling it without breaking the law, especially using the name of a very respected researcher who would know better plastered over the bottles) hoping to get the same effect. The reason for the combination is because I am unsure if this works in all body tissues - might only be the blood cells that people use to measure telomere length due to trace expression that might not be present in say heart and lung cells that do not need to divide as many times. People don't exactly know why this works so well, though there are theories such as amplifying the production of existing telomerase, in which case you would need an actual known telomerase activator like TAM818 for it to work where there is little to no telomase expression (although if stem cells in these tissues still have trace expression, this might be a moot point). That was my thought behind combining the two; but safety might be an issue there since it appears there has not been proper safety testing if what I was told was true.

Anyway thought people here might be interested in this information.
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