Talking during sleeping


Dagobah Resident
Why people talk during asleep. What is happening then ?

When I was a child, dad told me, that at night he opened the door to the room, and I was with my eyes very wide open, and I had a big smile on my face. He asked me what I was doing, and I replied that I was digging graves for him and mom. This is way out of my character... and I do not remember any of it, period.

I am sure there are plenty of other times when talk in bed. I know that.

I am still thinking sometimes what has happened. Was is some sort of posession or what a heck was that ? :)
Why would you think it is some kind of possession?

On the night of Jan 3/4, I had a strange experience that I think must have been a past life memory surfacing (which could have been the case in your experience as well).

I'm pretty much buried in finding the final pieces of the Moses puzzle and that has led to the necessity of following some obscure trails that include trying to find out as much about the Hittites as possible.

Well, I was plugging away at a truly dry tome entitled "The Kingdom of the Hittites," (not very creative, eh? well, neither is the text!) and I usually read for an hour or so before going to bed.

On the night of Jan 3/4, I was reading a long passage of the history according to several translated Hittite texts (along with the opinions of the author of the book) and at a certain point I realized that the entire Hittite royal
family/social group MUST have been totally psychopathic. There are other considerations about this I won't go into now, but what is important is the fact that I dreamed about this in a very unusual way.

In my dream, a Hittite was after me, I saw his shadow cross the window before he came to the door at the end of a darkened passageway. I knew he had entered the passagway and was proceeding to the room I was in, though I couldn't yet see him. There were other ladies in the room with me, and I quickly warned them, sending one of them to get help and "alert the guards", while I covertly got a dagger into my hand and concealed it in the folds of my dress.

Then the Hittite - full battle dress - burst into the room and started to grab me and I started fending him off with the dagger which he was trying to take away from me, all the while I was shouting for the other ladies in the
room to help me, to hurry and get the guards, and so on. Well, the guards showed up in the nick of time... and I woke up.

Now, what is really strange about this is that I had apparently awakened Ark with my cries and he was listening and observing and as soon as I woke up he started asking me what I had been dreaming because I was talking and calling out in some strange language!!!!

I told him the details of the dream (which is a good way to remember dreams, tell it to someone right away and then you don't lose it) and it was quite fascinating to hear that he had been listening to me and trying to make out what I was saying. He was trying to decide whether to wake me up or not when I awoke anyway.

Now, there are only a couple of other times in my entire life that I have talked or done anything in my sleep, and both of them were with Ark, when I was deep in research, and thinking very hard during the day. Usually I do
not do anything like that! I'm not a "restless sleeper" and I don't talk in my sleep or anything like that.

This dream was similar to a few other dreams I HAVE had that I knew were past life related because of certain clues available in my waking life and researches. The most fascinating part of it was the use of an ancient language even if I suspect that my pronunciation may have been a bit rusty!

I also wonder if Ark's wakeful and observant state had any influence on the outcome of the event in the dream and in the timeline?
Laura said:
I'm pretty much buried in finding the final pieces of the Moses puzzle and that has led to the necessity of following some obscure trails that include trying to find out as much about the Hittites as possible.
Hittites.... Ummmm. Hittites...! Like 6 months ago i borrowed couple of academic books in history from the close lifetime friend of my parents, professor of History and Religion ( he is now retired). I was allowed to 'unpile' his vast home library with thousands and thousands of volumes. The rules were i had to take any 3 books for as long as i needed, no deadlines. Tought task! I chose 3 books, one of them i already returned, the two others were just lying on the bottom of 'need to read pile'. One of them is a little book 'the Moon, Falling from the Sky' – an anthology of ancient literature and mythology of Asia Minor 2000-1000 BC; translations from Hatti, Hittite, Akkadian, Hurritic, Luwian, Palaic, Phoenician, Lycian, and Lydian languages, and hieroglyphic Luwian with commentaries. Book is in russian, published in 1977, 300 very small format pages.
Laura, could you write, what 'white spots' exactly do interest you?

Whenever a possibility, i always cut on correct spelling 'russian', and write just 'rus' as i did now.
I thought it was some sort of possession, because I was saying something way out of my character, I seemed to be wide awake (according to my father), and I remember none of it. But it’s true that I should not make conclusions just based on that, I am open to a possibility that my mind produced “side effects" or was overloaded.

I should study it more deeply. And who knows, may be it will lead to needed discoveries. Everything leads to it. About a year ago I was planning to start recording what I say during the sleep. Now I think will be a good time to put my act together and do that.
I am not a single person,I am ALL the people I have been to get me to this point in time!
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