T-Shirts for SOTT, QFS, Cassiopaea, or Ponerology and a movie?

As I was reading the Session 3 September 2008 thread, I was reminded of an idea or two I had along the way in addition to an idea that one of my friends had/has that is closely associated with some of the concepts within the Cassiopaea site not to mention that a few of my other friends could possibly help implement these ideas. Considering that I am basically nothing but a machine that can do nothing but be a machine I basically threw the idea to the side because, in reality, my impression is that there is nothing that I could do that could possibly make any difference whatsoever anyway. However, despite the reality of being nothing but a machine I thought I would share my idea(s) anyway.

One of my friends knows some people that are in the T-shirt business not to mention that he is also working on creating an esoteric type of website himself. (Though he hasn't allowed me to see it yet because of his desire for me to understand its intended purpose first.) I also have another friend from Palestine (not that it really matters where he's from but I thought I'd throw that in there anyway) who is somewhat in the music business and also has an interest in the esoteric and UFO's as well. This latter friend of mine has a brother who is a videographer that, in the past, more or less "hooked him up" to have one of his songs to be played on a Smallville episode in season 3. His brother has also worked with the director Frank Darabont who has directed movies such as "The Mist", "The Green Mile" and "The Shawshank Redemption" and he is also good friends with Michael Clarke Duncan (the big black guy on The Green Mile) among others as well. His brother also has many other "connections" as well and is currently working on a movie with Mel Brooks (all they need is a million more dollars for it to become a reality).

This friend has talked with me about writing a book based on some ideas he has had that is more or less based on the idea of aliens coming from the future to alter our/their past and all of the implications that may be derived from such a concept. He asked me if I would like to help him write it. What is strange is that He knows nothing about the information contained within this site yet his ideas would make it seem otherwise. It was actually mind blowing to hear someone else talk about such ideas that he said has been "brewing in his mind lately". He said that if his brother was given a good script to "work with" he was sure that there would be a good chance that his brother could talk to the right people and possibly make it a reality. (His brother is dying to become a director one day and Frank Darabont has more or less taken him "under his wing" so to speak and has become more or less his mentor.) Of course the first thing I thought of was the reality of the story of The Wave and The Adventure's of Cassiopaea and all that that implies. Thus, I told him that I would be more than willing to collaborate with him on writing such a "story". However, before I agreed I suggested that he read "The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive" by Laura. I felt that a movie with the theme that he was proposing would definitely benefit from the knowledge contained within her book. He agreed that his movie idea would require much much more research and was open to reading her work. He hasn't read this book nor Laura's other works and I am patiently awaiting a cue from him to introduce those concepts inherent in her book that are related to this movie idea. I will keep you all updated of any future developments if and when they occur.

Now on to T-shirts, I was thinking one day about what would be a good T-shirt design that may possibly have the effect of causing people to think differently. I came up with a few and thought I would share a couple for starters. One idea is of a label called Paradox wherein the design would have phrases on the front and/or back that would represent a sort of paradox that may cause one to think more "deeply". One simple example is that the front of one T-shirt could say, "I am Truth" where the words "I am Truth" would be made up of the words, "You are being lied to" repeated over and over (with an "attractive" design). The back of the shirt would read, "I am False" and the following would make up its words, "The Bible is true" repeated over and over as well. Another simple design idea I had was one where the front read, "Be different" while the back would read, "Everybody's doing it". I have other ideas but these are two that I know that I'd probably wear if I saw them at a store somewhere.

Another design label idea I have is one that would be called the "Tribe of Dan" that would be more focused on other aspects of truth. One idea I have is of a jacket with the word "Faith" on the front and sewed into the jacket as though it were an undershirt is a "shirt" that reads, "Truth". Thus, it would be an actual jacket and when partially unzipped it would appear that "Faith" is being split apart and replaced by "Truth". Another idea is a shirt that on the front reads, "To Love is To Know" that is sitting atop the underground roots of a tree. A closed eye (sleeping eye) would be in the background of the words "To Love is To Know" and would be in the shape of a UFO as though it were the tree itself. On the back it would read, "Knowledge without Condition". It would have a similar design as the front except with a background of a DNA helix with the words "Knowledge without Condition" forming part of a new strand, the eye is now open and the pupil reveals a reflection of a blackhole with the head of a lizard in the center holding a test tube.

I have a few other ideas but these are the main ones that have currently been "bouncing around" in my mind. My main motivation of such a project would be to help spread a greater degree of awareness about the truth of our reality as well as contribute as much money as possible for the livelihood of this site. I realize I am nothing but a machine striving to become "real", but I feel the worst that I can "do" is not attempt to "do" something.
Some additional info.:

I just learned that the videographer mentioned in the previous message has directed and produced films as well. His name is Constantine Nasr and a list of the films he has directed or produced can be found here and the company he works for is called New Wave Entertainment. My friend said his brother is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and has a really good heart. He then said that his bro was probably even nicer than himself. And all of this was being said while he was pulling over his car to save a frog (he said it was a toad) he had just seen sitting in the middle of the road! (and it was pouring down rain!)

[edit: I wonder if he would be interested in doing a documentary on Ponerology?]
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