Stop the 9-11 cover-up


Russia Today covers latest on 80,000 New Yorkers petitioning and marching for new investigation though no such coverage I've been able to find in the US media. (Search results for "9/11 truth" have become increasingly skewed toward non-existent for me here in the PNW over the past 3 months; having to become much more cryptic in acquiring such reports).
It's interesting that I was unaware of this even though I live and work in New York City. I don't think 80k people marched.
I just read this on the SOTT news:

It's true, in New york more and more people demanding thorough investigation about 9/11.

If you walk through Manhattan, many places people have signs, pictures, collecting signatures and giving fliers.

Once I got a DVD, when I was walking near by the Ground Zero. But later these guys disappeared, I heard the police told them to go...
Yeah, apparently I got the 80,000 petition signatures stat that Badillo cites on the France 24 piece (I found while posting this) minced with the number of protesters he's shown speaking amidst during the Russia Today piece (pardon the muddling). But it does sound like that signature count will put the referendum on the November ballot to ensure all New Yorkers get to weigh in. I likewise found that other News 24 piece equally compelling. Given Badillo's citing the majority family members and first responders don't believe the official conspiracy theory, it is a great insult to human reason that there is virtually a blackout of reconciliation to 9/11 truth by major US media which is ignoring the growing outcry of conscience and throwing up misinformation blocks. Maybe the absurdity of denial (see chagrined clown face of France 24 reporter) will become more readily apparent for all but the spooks are hard at it.
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