South Park Claims 9-11 Conspiracy Theories Created by Gov't!


The Living Force
In last nights episode (strangely timed with all the recent craziness) Trey Parker and Matt Stone poke fun at the 9-11 Truth movement. I only caught the last 10 minutes of the episode, but the point of the story was to claim that the 9-11 conspiracy movement was created by the gov't because 1/4th the population refused to believe the official story, no matter what it was. They mix truth with lies in that they claim "all 9-11 conspiracy websites were setup by the gov't" which, well all know is a partially true statement. But they pile on the BS with their limited knowledge of the events by claiming that it was 9-11 was actually perpetrated by "pissed off muslims".

I'm going to look online for the whole episode so i can report back in more detail, but i wanted to bring it up and see if anyone else saw it.
Watching it now - First thing i noticed is that Cartman (the shows resident psychopath) is proporting 9-11 conspiracy, when Stan and Kyle (shows usual good-guys) are skeptical. In the first 5 minutes they've done a good job of convincing clueless American's that:

Kyle: Anybody who think's 9-11 was a conspiracy is a retard.
Cartman: Oh really? Did you know that over one-fourth of people in america think that 9-11 was a conspiracy? Are you saying that One-fourth of americans are retards?
Kyle: Yes, I'm saying one-fourth of americans are retards.
Stan: Yeah, at least one-fourth.

Through the use of conversive thinking. IE, while a fourth of Americans may infact have dim-wits, they generally aren't the same fourth that disbelieve the 9-11 offical story (IE Physicists and anyone that scratches the surface via their own invesigation). Obviously the targets here are people who have yet to investigate the issue for themselves. Further - Notice the repetition, that the phrase "One fourth of americans are retards" get's said 3x in rapid succession, lending to those that believe in a conspiracy.

Cartman then asks Butters (character on the show known for his dim-wits) what he thinks of 9-11.

Butters: Well I mean, ya never know. The Government does some spooky things. The Government and the Corporations headed by the Jews that carried out 9-11.
Cartman: That's right butters.

Here, Cartman (A psychopath) is shown to have convinced an unsuspecting Butters that "Jews carried out 9-11". And while there is evidence linking Zionists to the crimes, the distinction between them and all jews is not made.

Cartman then storms out of the school and busts into the following song:

Is it wrong for me to ask questions, is it wrong to seek the truth?
I can't just blindly accept their version, i can't base my logic on proof. (see the switch here?)
Almost all the evidence points one way, but I'm like Charlie Sheen and Gloria Estefan. (show is known for attacking celebrities, esp those who take political stands)
I need to know what really happened on 9-11.

The next scene is a show and tell. Cartman begins by going over the two big points conspiracy theorists make. Jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt the steel girders, and the hole in the pentagon doesn't match a plane impact. He also mentions "where's the rest of the plane". After this, he goes on a non-sensical rant, demonstrating Kyle (show's resident jew) to be the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks. Thereby associating genuine evidence(truth) with his non-sense(lies), a similiar ploy used by psychopaths who frequently attack SotT and WingTV.

Next scene i'd like to point out is when Stan and Kyle goto a 9-11 truth web researcher and ask him to help prove Kyle's innocence. The researcher opens with this:

Researcher: I know it seems crazy, but 9-11 was pulled off by our own government, so they could gain support for attacking the middle east (true).
Kyle: What? No, no, no.
Researcher: I know it's hard to believe.
Stan: Dude, why would the government attack it's own buildings?
Researcher: It's called the false-flag policy, make it look like the enemy has attacked you, get all your citizens riled up and waving American flags, then you're free to invade any country you want (again, truth).
Kyle: That's retarded.
Researcher: Look into the evidence for 9-11 and you'll see that they're alot of holes in their story.
Kyle: There's a lot of holes in the theory of evolution, it doesn't mean it's wrong. (i forget what this is called, but there's a name for it)
Researcher: You don't understand! The government controls everything! The media! The corporations! They have the power to do anything they want!

Subsequently the three of them are arrested and taken directly to Bush. He opens:

Bush: Shutup! You don't think we know your name! We know everything! We control everything! We've all worked very hard to keep our involvement in 9-11 a secret, but you just had to keep digging.
Kyle: Really?
Researcher: You won't get away with it! People know!
Bush: People? You mean sheeple. We have the majority of them kept in blissful ignorance, just one more leak... to fix.
(Kills 9-11 truth guy)
Stan: Jesus Christ!
Rumsfeld: Ha ha ha, he died like a pig.
Bush: Some pigs never learn.
Kyle: No Way.
Stan: He was right! You guys did cause 9-11!
Bush: Yes, quite simple to pull off really, all i had to do was have explosive planted in the base of the towers then on 9-11 we pretended like four planes were being hijacked when really we just re-routed them to pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the world trade centers filled with more explosives and shot down the witnesses and flight 93 with an F15 after blowing up the pentagon with a cruise missile. It was only the worlds most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.
Kyle: Really?
Stan: Why?
Bush: Oldest reason in the world, Money. The towers fell and the american sheeple all waved their flags, finally we could invade iraq, and get the oil which made us all richer then before.
Rumsfeld: Beautiful money, ahahahaha.
Stan: Is the whole government in on this?
Bush: We are all knowing and all powerful. Goodbye boys.

Cheney shoots at them, and misses, and they escape. They then run into the researcher that was supposedly killed, chase him, and track him down. He then gets killed by some other guy.

They follow this guy back to his house where he explains that all they've experienced was setup to make the government Look all powerful. That all 9-11 conspiracy theories can be disproven scientifically. That all 9-11 conspiracy websites are run by the government. That the 9-11 conspiracy is a government conspiracy. Bush then busts in and claims that they did cause 9-11, dropping secret documents that "prove it".

Bush: Boys you don't understand, people need to think we're all powerful, that we control the world. If they know we weren't in charge of 9-11 then we appear to control nothing.
Kyle: Why don't you just tell people the truth?
Bush: We do that too, and most people believe the truth, but one fourth of the population is retarded, if they want to believe we control everything with intricate plans why not let them.

Stan then is revealed to have helped them all along, as he was the one who dookied in the school urinal (subplot).

After all of this Kyle asks: Then who was responsible for 9-11?
Stan: Whaddya mean? A bunch of pissed off muslims.
Hardley Boys: Ya, what are you, retarded?
(everyone laughs, heartily)

So all in all its a wonderful piece of cointelpro. However, i don't think Trey Parker and Matt Stone are "in on it". Undoubtedly their useful idiots in a ponerized society. They have influence with their satire, and honestly the episode was funny as hell if you can't see through the distortion. Even if you can, it's still funny, it's just disturbing to think that people eat it up reasonable.

Anyway i hope that analysis was worth something.... honestly i just like south park.
Thanks for your analysis Cyre, very insightful. Classic mixing in of truth especially when Bush says

:Bush: Yes, quite simple to pull off really, all i had to do was have explosive planted in the base of the towers then on 9-11 we pretended like four planes were being hijacked when really we just re-routed them to pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the world trade centers filled with more explosives and shot down the witnesses and flight 93 with an F15 after blowing up the pentagon with a cruise missile. It was only the worlds most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.

Without an understanding of ponerology you would really struggle to work this out.
Had some time so i editted the above, added links and posted to to my livejournal. I then threw the article up on shoutwire, its available here:

Appreciate your shouts and comments if you have the time.
Something seems different or off. This episode struck me all wrong, for the obvious reasons, of course (I mean, they really rubbed it in by presenting some of the actual evidence of holes in the 9/11 story, didn't refute it, and still insisted that it's crazy to ask questions), but also because I didn't expect this gov't protectionist attitude from the South Park creators, who generally seem to hover around Libertarian sentiments, politically, while still expressing pure negativity toward loads of minority stereotypes (gays, hippies, celebrities, military, politicians, corporatocracy, Canadians, religious people), while defending others (smokers, immigrants, pro-choicers). It's a mixed bag, as you can see, but still, I was not expecting this. Cartman was simply the wrong character to choose for this role.

I mean, Cartman, as the psychopath has always been so right-wing and hateful (created an organization with the goal of exterminating Jews, formed and led a genocidal movement against ginger people, started a business specializing in exterminating hippies, will engage in any low pursuit to make money, goes to outrageous lengths for personal satisfaction regardless of who gets hurt, never accepts responsibility, etc.). He was simply the wrong character to represent a 9/11 truth seeker. It seemed almost like someone else made this episode. Does anyone else feel that way? I mean, I could be totally wrong, and these gov't-apologetic sentiments could be in character, but it still seems odd.
Didn't see the episode so I may be way off but maybe by choosing cartman to represent the 911 truth movement they were trying to point to something very real about this movement. Maybe they are trying to say that the 911 truth movement itself is riddled with psychopaths and right-wingers (like cartman) who indirectly (or directly according to the description of the episode given here) helps to maintain the government's very real conspiracy regarding 911. Based on what we know here there are many who pretend to represent 911 truth but are really just COINTELPRO. While I wouldn't go as far as to say all of the 911 truth movement is this way and if this is what the show implied then it is way off. There are many sincere 911 truth members. I would say however, that a lot of the so called 'leaders' of said movement seem more like vacuum cleaners sucking up and removing any semblence of truth which only serves the PTB in the long run.

I could be way off but it's just a thought.
I think they are trying to tell the truth, but at the same time, not get in trouble, legal wise. They gotta protect their ass.

Some people will get it, the others wont. Just laugh at a cartoon.
I have seen heaps of truth in tv. Most of tv is ads and crap shows, but there is truth if you can see it. ( The shows just will not admit it, for they have to look after themselves, dont they.)
I am with nktulloch on this one, after seeing 11 seasons of South Park its clear that they can deliver the message on many levels, and I think chosing Cartman for this was not an accident.
AdPop said:
Something seems different or off. This episode struck me all wrong, for the obvious reasons, of course (I mean, they really rubbed it in by presenting some of the actual evidence of holes in the 9/11 story, didn't refute it, and still insisted that it's crazy to ask questions), but also because I didn't expect this gov't protectionist attitude from the South Park creators, who generally seem to hover around Libertarian sentiments,

It seemed almost like someone else made this episode. Does anyone else feel that way? I mean, I could be totally wrong, and these gov't-apologetic sentiments could be in character, but it still seems odd.

Yeah, I had my mouth drop open during the first part, couldn't believe they were actually admitting to some of the truth. I do agree with the "cover their @ss" theory of the ending, although I was really disappointed in it.

Although I've been a long-time fan, it does seem South Park is deteriorating, the last season was just awful. They did have some really good ones, like the "Canecelled" episode where the kids are kidnapped by aliens and find out that life on earth is just one big reality TV show for the rest of the galaxey. Oh, and Tom Cruise in the closet was just hysterical.

I think they mix nuggets of truth in some episodes, but of course, nobody is going to believe them.
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