

Jedi Council Member
I think that many of forum members would like to know how to engage in sexual life in a way which would minimize, or even completely eliminate any energy transfer to STS 4 dimentional beings. Available C's transcripts and SOTT glossary shed some light, but only in most basic way.

It seems that even to try such feat as reducing this feeding requires considerable knowledge, practice and individual developement. The situation is, there aren't many teachers/schools of eastern techniques (if any) available for a westerner. Intensive bias covering chakra developement, the number of schools, workshops, usually led by people lacking proper, profound knowledge and wide range of New Age scam make the situation of honest seeker almost hopeless. But, somewhere one could start.. Could You direct me to source materials, titles, authors? Maybe there are some viable materials on the public domain?

Or would such research derail one from most important issues and it would be best to give up whole sexuality matter and be done with it?

thanks in advance,
Yeah, me also wants to know. I tend to well... lets not go there - I'll just say that i dont tend to "make love" but rather end up needing to satisfy my biochemistry which i have a feeling isn't very sto at all.
I think that as long as we are in this world and have a body, we need to take care of it needs.
The C's say that we can only become STO candidates, not pure STO while incarnated in this density.
So I think we shouldn't stop eating, having sex, etc. since this can have very bad results to our mind/body/soul complex and spiritual development. I remember that Gurdjieff said in "Fragments of an unknown teaching" something like working on the sex center is one of the last steps. If you stop physically having sex but mentally still desire it, you will have thoughts about sex all the time and your sexual energy will be wasted mechanically by the intellectual or even the emotional center if this results in negative emotions.
Even if you control your thoughts about sex, this repressed energy will dye all your actions making you anxious, violent, and so on. So seems like one needs a lot of work before properly controlling sexual energy.
I also read somewhere I can't remember now, that once the Work has begun with some of the centers it can happen that sexual desire suddenly calms down in some people.
I think to have sex inspired by love renders a healthy sexuality, although sexuality is a very complex issue since it covers ALL aspects of to be human.
As a matter of a fact, to be human is to be sexual.
Not to have sex is not to be non-sexual. This is something no book will teach. One is to learn to express our sexuality (and to take proper care of it). I think, in general terms, what feels uncomfortable is not for you. Or it means one is not ready yet to that set of sensations.
To have sex is not just to copulate, and those thinking it all comes to the ohhh ahhh stuff, have a wide panorama ahead to contemplate and discover, which happens with time and, as in everything, with self knowledge: A beautiful morning, full of sun, fresh air and lots of flowers, that is a sexual experience.
A poem, without women/men, flesh or carnal sensuality on it, can be very sexual: Say it aloud (memorizing it is great!), any poem of your taste, and look at the tone of your voice, the way you move to say it, the very same feeling expressed through the poem... that is sexuality.
What is not sexuality? The abuse. The exploitation of sex. The "pornographyzation" of sex (excuse and correct the term and the spelling please) (when it is explicit, exaggerated, aggrandized as to cover all else -or when you pay for it, in whatever coin it might be). Sex comes naturally and, when it comes naturally, it does not magnifies as to cover all else: It comes to enrich it all with it's energy, vivifying the experience/thought/quest in question.
And... keep your heart and intentions pure.
I think sexuality are the feelings in motion, in whatever fashion you can imagine. From the sublime to the ecstasy. Beyond that, you are on the need, and it should not be a need, but a natural pleasure to give it, to feel it and receive it, to express it.
How problematic is this on our societies? Well thats where the Control System kicks in and it all goes to hell.
Last podcast was fantastic on this regard.
The issue of sex comes up quite often. There are a few things I can mention that might help, but as it is with everything, each individual is different and their specific situation can be different and the Law of Three must be utilized: There is Good and There is Evil, and there is the Specific Situation that determines which is which.

So, the first thing I would like to insert in this discussion is a "Reading" done by Al Miner who, under hypnosis, channeled Lama Sing. I was never entirely happy with Lama Sing even though he did make several really good hits on a couple of personal readings for me. Actually, some rather astounding hits. But still, I always felt that he was way too ambiguous. So, with that caveat, here is what he had to say about sex which is, in fact, one of his LESS ambiguous talks:

Lama Sing said:

In the spiritual or energy state, entities love one another in a way beyond comprehension of the term "love" in the earth. Two entities may merge and become one being in order to express their love for one another, and then they emerge and become separate again. It is a means of heightening one another's energy.

During the times which were before the actual physical manifestation of mankind in the earth plane, there was much experimentation with forms which could be used for the development of consciousness.

As this activity went forward, many souls became fascinated by their own thought creations -- they wished to better understand the three dimensions they had manifested and there was a consequent movement, or projection of spirit force into the physical expressions. Many souls entered into plants and animals for the sheer joy of experience. As they did so, they found that their force was drawn within and concentrated in the periphery of the body inhabited. This created a uniquely intense experience so that it was sought and repeated over and over again. As this was repeated, it caused a reaction in the spiritual energies which was to crystallize, in a manner of speaking, in three dimensions. This crystallization became, as it were, a veil between consciousness and soul energy. As souls forgot their source, they created energy imbalances by acting in ways which did not consider the free will and choice of others.

A group of beings not engaged in this activity sought to create a way to heighten the energies and perceptions of those entrapped in the cycle of reincarnation which was the result of the imbalance created by separation of consciousness and soul energy. A physical form was directly manifested to accomodate this purpose. The differentiation of the sexes in this higher order of animals was an attempt to enact the process of spiritual merging and strengthening on the earth plane.

During sexual activity, changes take place in the glandular centers of the body which enable the reaching of high creative energy. A cycling orb of energy can be observed around the female which creates a conduit for creative energies to enter the earth plane. The conduit is manifested by the female into the higher realms through the solar plexus and out through the crown chakra unto the male. This may reverse direction several times expressed as orgasmic activity. The movement generally begins as a wide orb around the entities and commutates until it has formed into a sort of tunnel of light to the higher realms.

The effects of this energy exchange can significantly affect the astrological, anatomical and the mental influences of the bodies involved. Subconscious and karmic links are affected as well -- either strengthened, weakened or balanced.

After the sexual activity has ceased, the energies continue to cycle about the entities for a considerable period of time, usually clockwise for the male, counterclockwise for the female.

Sexual activity between two harmonious individuals who are of equal vibration and who have harmonious intent, can greatly accelerate the spiritual sensitivity of both. Each comes away from the encounter with a strong magnetic field which is a part of the partner with whom they have shared. In those who are monogamous in their relationship, and whom have remained firm in their commitment, we find that this is so strong that it is extremely beneficial and powerful as a pathway to spiritual growth. The light, simply put, becomes strong and pure. The subsequent incarnation will be one of great light because the entity carries this balance.


In a relationship where there is no mutuality between the individuals involved, no common goals, will, or purpose, the shaft of light, the conduit reaches forth form the crown chakra and is insufficient and falls short of the higher realms into realms filled with desires of self and ego. These energies are then drawn back into the participants. The individuals may come away from the experience with attachments or influences of detriment or darkness around them. This is not always the case, but occurs quite frequently. Such individuals move further and further away from the light and eventually seek other partners, other kinds of sex, or other activities altogether in an attempt to reconnect to the heightening of the glandular centers.


When the body is stimulated and the mind is artificially directed to induce the flow of energy, there is the effect of grounding the energy. This has a neutralizing effect. This can be beneficial when it eliminates obstacles of frustration or focus on sexual activity. However, excess in this manner can cause an individual to become too grounded -- too neutralized -- and they may then have difficulty raising the energies completely for any purpose.

It would be better for the individual to raise and release the energy through meditation. If the energy is released by masturbation, it is not available for use by the mind and will. The raising of those energies by individuals who have chosen the celibate path is a way to master the limitations of the earth.


During homosexual sex, the cyclic energies are polarized in the same direction. There is either two positives or two negatives. There can be no exchange at higher levels, no balancing. The result is usually to cause imbalance in certain of the glandular centers causing all manner of difficulty physically. Mentally, the inability to cycle the energies results in limited terms of cooperation, sharing, harmony and patience.

This activity is limiting mentally, physically and spiritually. The body cannot cycle the energies and there is abnormal off-shoots of energy which can result in metabolic changes. There is a definite ion alteration within the body fluids and the secretions from the glandular centers is changed. Cell structures change and the red cells will often show marked differences. Since such individuals cannot balance their polarities from level to level, they only intensify their same polarity with each encounter.

Homosexuality seems to fulfill a need, a choice within certain people. In most cases, the individuals involved have chakras which are dull -- one or two, sometimes three -- or nearly extinguished. They may find someone who has the corresponding chakras especially strong and they artificially exchange energy from one to the other. But they cannot move, grow, cycle. They remain static. But because something has happened to make them feel a bit more complete, they believe this to be spiritual growth. It is an illusion. But, it is a part of their progression and growth to experience this.

Homosexuality can be caused a number of ways. Often it is karmic -- a result of an act of violence or the receipt of an act of violence -- which causes the individual to wish to punish someone or themselves. In some cases these are individuals who have suffered through social actions and they wish to retaliate against society. In other cases, homosexuality is the result of imbalanced sexual energies of the parents which causes an imbalance to the entering soul. There can also be shifts in the polar axis which can cause some entities to be imbalanced upon entry and they then become more active in certain glandular centers than would be desirable. Finally, there is group karma. Many of the followers of Belial from Atlantean times are incarnating in this context because of their treatment of those less developed than themselves -- the "things".


Consider a bisexual male who interacts with another man and with a woman. All three would suffer imbalance because the polarity of all would be severely disturbed. This is a result of the male intensity of polarization which then cannot be balanced by the female. The physical effects would become marked over time -- anemia, kidney problems, bladder problems, liver dysfunction. Gradual discoloration of the eyes and circles under the eyes; dulling of the skin, the hair, the fingernails -- very significant imbalance to the body. Equally true with two females and one male when the females interact together and then one interacts with the male. If continued for a great length of time, this can literally destroy tissues in the body. The energies can become so unbalanced and intense that they become quite depleting. More detrimental than homosexuality.

The idea that Evolved Sex is to be able to relate to both sexes equally, and to manifest both sexual characteristics within oneself is an illusion. At the point an individual has reached a state of great spiritual evolvement, they recognize that there is no need for either expression, that they are total and complete within themselves. Carnal law is, of necessity, polarized and it is an error to attempt to apply universal law in this manner. As has already been stated, the natural order, the male/female sexual bonding, is the manifestation of the spiritual union on the higher planes. To attempt to do this in any manner other than that of the creative, is to short-circuit the polarized energies. Sexual activity is a reflection of the eternal action of giving joy to others -- sharing love, compassion and honor.

Those who claim the ultimate sex act to be impregnating the female through interaction of energy fields without physical intercourse are engaged in limiting pursuits. It is possible that this can be accomplished with perfect union of two souls who are soulmates. It would be necessary for them to know one another's soul tone in order to strike this harmony. However, a male and female who have reached such a point of development would find no need for such actions. Such individuals would be considered masters and would not require interactions of a sexual nature of any sort. They would interact through energies, but not to procreate.


It is natural for young people to feel curiosity about themselves and their environment, for curiosity is a spark of the divine. However, when, in general, though this can differ from culture to culture, the energies of sex are raised within the glandular system before the full or complete development of all of the centers, there can be an imbalance of these centers which can be felt for a very long time. Since the energies have not sufficient strength and clarity, they often fall short, as described previously, and permit attachments of darkness, guilt, secrecy etc. These imbalances can be extremely difficult to rebalance and may, in fact, require an additional incarnation to do so. When the glandular centers are shifting and malleable, as they are in children and teen-agers, the release of these energies can be extremely detrimental to mental, physical and spiritual growth. If this activity is initiated by an adult as an act against a child or one who is not fully developed, the karma is very great indeed!


Individuals who are in harmony and who have formed a bond to work together during the course of an incarnation, should allow their own feelings on this subject to guide them. Of the methods we have reviewed, we find that what you call "the pill" has the ability to induce certain desirable characteristics in the female body in terms of greater regularity. We do not encourage this method, we just indicate that it is the preference of all the artificial methods. That method which causes the product of ovulation to be expelled, the IUD, is somewhat detrimental to the body.


Each individual must follow the pathway chosen for growth and development. In order to accelerate the process, or change the process, karmic influences must be understood. To try to overcome tendencies to this or that behavior without understanding the causes will create greater frustration and can be very detrimental.

If you are seeking help, or wish to help another overcome an idea or fixation which is not of the highest attainment, you must delve into the subconscious and past life forces motivating those desires. It is also helpful to observe the aura to determine if any of the glandular centers are awry.

Individuals who have formed a matrimonial bond of mutuality, work, love and compassion exhibit the greater and more desirable action which can be achieved through sex. It is not necessary to have sex to have growth, but this has been provided as a way to release energies which are highly harmonious and mutually beneficial.

Sexual activity is a way to bring joy, harmony and balance to your partner. If you satisfy your desires at the expense of the other, both will suffer want. Carnal desire might overshadow this for a time, but ultimately the incompleteness of the energies will manifest and will cause a reaction to seek out balance again.

Any individual who engages in sexual activities simply for the physical pleasure and without intent to further a relationship of mutuality and commitment is using the sexual energy for self-aggrandizement. There will be the lessening of the spiritual energies and will require great effort to rebalance these. The thought form which is created by these activities is not in harmony with the light. There is a depletion of the energies from the individual who is involved with multiple partners. In the case of a male who interacts with several females, each of the females will receive from the male, some of the energies of the other females with whom the male has interacted. This will then cause the females to become imbalanced which will then cycle back to cause imbalance in the male. The end result will be a state of great confusion mentally and emotionally which can lead to the attachments of darkness for all involved.
VERY interesting! Thanks for posting that Laura. Its making me think of how much Karmic & energy imbalance must be out there in the world due to the vastly changed attitude to sex in the last 100 years. When you think of how the first 50 years of the previous century sexual relationships were conducted very differently to the last 50 years which seemed to start with the sexual revolution of free love (and advent of the New Age) and how that morphed into the 80's & 90's with "Swinging" and all of the categories and sub categories of sexual deviance combined with sexual energy enhancing "dirty" drugs like Cocaine , and the advent of "performance" enhancing drugs like Viagra. Its a really messy picture.

It seems to me that everything BUT "Sexual activity between two harmonious individuals who are of equal vibration and who have harmonious intent, can greatly accelerate the spiritual sensitivity of both" is taking place in every corner of the globe. It seems that instead of working through already huge Karmic burdens that we apparently have, people are creating more & more on top of already existing by deviant sexual practices with multiple partners. I guess thats just the world we live in.
Well, as someone who knew she was gay by the time she was in the fourth grade, and who never wanted to be, the section above on homosexuality leaves much to be desired. The energy that defines a person often has much less to do with their genetalia than you might think - or so it has been in my experience. And to think, all this time I just lived the best I could knowing that I could not be like all the other girls, no matter how I tried, when according to this information:
"This activity is limiting mentally, physically and spiritually. The body cannot cycle the energies and there is abnormal off-shoots of energy which can result in metabolic changes. There is a definite ion alteration within the body fluids and the secretions from the glandular centers is changed. Cell structures change and the red cells will often show marked differences. Since such individuals cannot balance their polarities from level to level, they only intensify their same polarity with each encounter.

Homosexuality seems to fulfill a need, a choice within certain people. In most cases, the individuals involved have chakras which are dull -- one or two, sometimes three -- or nearly extinguished. They may find someone who has the corresponding chakras especially strong and they artificially exchange energy from one to the other. But they cannot move, grow, cycle."

This leaves me with wondering if this Lama Sing 'person' ever walked in my shoes for a mile, or even fifteen feet for that matter. My take on that is 'no' - not in any lifetime, because if he had, he would have understood that it is, almost always, not a choice - and that behaving as if one is not homosexual, when one is, results in what feels like death to not only the spirit, but the body. I did try to be 'normal', you see, and it was much worse than I could have imagined as far as the recoil in my body and energy, because, it was a lie. So it is for me, and perhaps not one other - but in this case, 'me' is enough.
As interesting as the Lama Sing excerpt is, I have to agree with Anart there. I always think of it as: what if same-sex relations was the norm and you were attracted to the opposite sex? Would you conform? No. Of course not. It most definitely is not a choice.

So this excerpt leaves many people between a rock and a hard place.

I recall reading the C's saying that homosexuality originated when heterosexuality did, which makes sense to me, but have they said anything further on this?
anart said:
"Homosexuality seems to fulfill a need, a choice within certain people."

This leaves me with wondering if this Lama Sing 'person' ever walked in my shoes for a mile, or even fifteen feet for that matter. My take on that is 'no' - not in any lifetime, because if he had, he would have understood that it is, almost always, not a choice - and that behaving as if one is not homosexual, when one is, results in what feels like death to not only the spirit, but the body. I did try to be 'normal', you see, and it was much worse than I could have imagined as far as the recoil in my body and energy, because, it was a lie. So it is for me, and perhaps not one other - but in this case, 'me' is enough.
Could it not be a pre-incarnational choice? What if lamasing had said that being born middle-class "seems to fulfull a need, a choice within certain people." If we accept karma (say, atlantean karma? holocaust?), this makes sense on a certain level. People (like the Palestinians) sure as hell won't think "well I really did choose this life of abject poverty and suffering," but it seems to me to be a choice of lessons. A few paragraphs down, lamasing says "Homosexuality can be caused a number of ways. Often it is karmic." What I got from this is that:

1) homosexuality is often karmic (what isn't?)
2) for 'certain people' it is a choice (perhaps even a conscious one in rare cases)
3) for non-OPs, at least, it wouls most-likely be 'chosen' in 5D
4) for OPs, perhaps the more 'mechanical' explanatios apply, like parents' karma

What do you think, Anne?
Like I said, I was never quite satisfied with the discussion though I certainly knew from experiences with hypnosis that sex was one of the major ways of getting attachments, so that part certainly interested me.

We published an article on Signs the other day about some studies that showed that the chemistry of the mother and whether or not she had had several boys already could influence a subsequent child to be homosexual. It was also pointed out that it was partly genetic and could "run in families." That DOES tend to support the part where Lama Sing says in some cases "homosexuality is the result of imbalanced sexual energies of the parents which causes an imbalance to the entering soul." This study related specifically to boys and nothing was said about women, but I expect that something similar can be the case with women. Reading this study is quite compelling for understanding that it is not a "choice" in the sense of just up and deciding one day to be gay.

When I first read the Lama Sing comments, I didn't like the idea that chemical imbalances of the parents could have such an effect because it suggests that things can be "done to" or "happen to" a person that they have no control over and can't fix or do anything about and it's not their fault and so on. In other words, it just seemed unfair.

But then, what is fair? I have some genetic conditions related to my type O blood which my children have inherited, and they are real issues for all of us and we have just had to learn how to cope.

And yes, the C's said that homosexuality was pretty much there from the beginning which also suggests that it is related to what Harrison suggests: pre-incarnational choice.

C's transcripts said:
Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?
A: Yes, precisely.
Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their
A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.
I think that, at some level, I must have chosen the genetic line that I came through because there were important elements of it that matched spiritual needs. That's probably true for everyone. Yeah, one of the "side-effects" of this genetic line is the above mentioned organic issues. So, maybe one of the side effects of the genetic line you needed for your spiritual purposes is gender issues?

Does that mean that what Lama Sing said about spiritual potentials of homosexuality is true?

I don't think so. It is counter-intuitive to me.

I think that there is a good possibility that the emphasis of this "reading" was somewhat skewed as we know channeled material can be - and skewed by the prejudices of the channel.

I think that the bottom line for everyone is this: "Any individual who engages in sexual activities simply for the physical pleasure and without intent to further a relationship of mutuality and commitment is using the sexual energy for self-aggrandizement. There will be the lessening of the spiritual energies and will require great effort to rebalance these."

So, whatever a person's internal make-up, that is the key - the SPIRITUAL key that expresses the spiritual intent. If that principle is honored, I don't think it makes any difference. We deal with these bodies we have to use as our vehicles the best way we can.
The best book this reader has ever encountered on the subject is "MAN & WOMAN, BOY & GIRL" by John Money, MD, and Anka Earnhart, Ph.D.

In terms of accurate research, drawn from extensive clinical studies on the subject of human sexuality at the biological level, these experts have gathered and published more than 2 decades of results saying that, from homosexuality, to intersexuality (formerly called hermaphroditism or pseudo-hermaphroditism - present in about 4 births out of 1000), to transexuality, it is NOT a matter of choice, but of genetics and/or of the strong influences of hormonal levels in the mother, (most potent among them the STRESS related adrenocortical hormones), that determine such things.

Another investigation is currently under way regarding the effects of environmental pollutants on the incomplete masculinization syndrome, (also called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) that is becoming a far more frequent birth defect in the oldest, most crowded cities of the developed/industrialized nations than has ever been seen before, far above the old 0.4% levels. Something is causing an epidemic of intersexed births, bringing some researchers to begin sounding an alarm about a potential mass sterilization ahead among humans from environmental pollutants. Plastics seem to be implicated in some types of the new sex-linked birth defects being seen in the past decade. And the frequent birth defects of this kind among Iraqi infants, well documented between Gulf Wars I and II, brings the question of how this also relates to the increased global radioactivity due to U.S. Depleted Uranium usage since 1989.

It seems Lama Sing might not be very well informed on this topic, from whatever sources the information was derived.

One idea that occurs is that no Being can ever do more, or less, than to Live by the commandment "To Thine Own Self Be True." Where could this be more fundamentally imperative, for any Being, than at the levels of gender and sexuality? We all simply must BE as we are, for doing otherwise will destroy us, one way or another, sooner or later. It is the LIE that endangers and can kill the Soul, not the Being who Lives in Truth. It has long been obvious to me that the anti-homosexuality Lies are just among the most widely acceptable of the many means used to condition people to living in the ways of prejudice and bigotry of all kinds, so as to continue to divide and conquer Human Beings.

A Good Journey to All,
Laura said:
There are a few things I can mention that might help, but as it is with everything, each individual is different and their specific situation can be different and the Law of Three must be utilized: There is Good and There is Evil, and there is the Specific Situation that determines which is which.
That pretty much sums it up for me. So the issue is the understanding of the "Specific Situation", which is hard enough to deal with where onself is involved let alone setting guidelines for others. There is a comment from the C's regarding the soul quality of empathy to the effect of: Would you hurt another?

I would like to extend it as: Would you hurt yourself or another? And to not hurt oneself or another (given there is no desire to do so willingly) regarding each and every specific situation, self-knowledge is a must. However one chooses to act or not to act sexually, knowing onself and applying empathy with others can prevent disharmony, and if that doesn't always work lessons are learned both positive and negative through the fruits of action.

And if there is one arena open to empathic application it is sexuality. It, along with a striving to know oneself can help avoid the bigger bumps along the way most of the time. Otherwise, hindsite is a great teacher. IMO any generalization should be obviously presented carefully, and taken equally carefully, even though it may seem to promise to spare us from risk of hurt. If you have a conscience here, I believe if you listen to it (as long as you can tell the difference between that and a guilt trip), it will usually guide you right. Self-knowledge helps that conscience to mature its abilities of discrimination adaptive to complex scenarios that often evade generalization.
Magus said:
It seems Lama Sing might not be very well informed on this topic, from whatever sources the information was derived.
I agree and that is why I gave a caveat with the "reading." He was VERY good at certain things, and really awful at others. I don't think it is what you are born with that matters, it is what you do with what you are born with...
Ruth said:
Well, I have a past live 'memory' of being a homosexual male during WW1 (which I don't know whether is true or not) and I believe it may have been a 'bridge' of some sort between sexes, for me that is. That is, for me it was a 'transtion' between what 3rd density see as a polarity.... Male....Female, never the twain shall meet, or so it seems. Well, I'm not so sure. The soul does not have a sex, you know? Or didn't you know?!! I'm beginning to wonder whether it is the blokes who don't know.... I like to think that this is not the case. They do seem altogether 'cut off' from their feminine side (dark and manipulative as it is - just listen to the propaganda)

The fact is, I chose to 'transition' to female via this way. And funnily enough, a person (recently) said to me that I was having 'difficulty' with this But, I think it may have been a 'glitch' in the program adaptations for both of us...long story.
This reminded me of what Ra said on the subject. It seems to suffer from some of the same distortions of lamasing, possibly, but has some interesting info.

Ra said:
Questioner: We have what seems to be an increasing number of entities incarnate here now who have what is called a homosexual orientation in this respect. Could you explain and expand upon that concept?

Ra: I am Ra. Entities of this condition experience a great deal of distortion due to the fact that they have experienced many incarnations as biological male and as biological female. This would not suggest what you call homosexuality in an active phase were it not for the difficult vibratory condition of your planetary sphere. There is what you may call great aura infringement among your crowded urban areas in your more populous countries, as you call portions of your planetary surface. Under these conditions the confusions will occur.

Questioner: Why does density of population create these confusions?

Ra: I am Ra. The bisexual reproductive urge has as its goal, not only the simple reproductive function, but more especially the desire to serve others being awakened by this activity.

In an over-crowded situation where each mind/body/spirit complex is under a constant bombardment from other-selves it is understandable that those who are especially sensitive would not feel the desire to be of service to otherselves. This also would increase the probability of a lack of desire or a blockage of the red ray reproductive energy.

In an uncrowded atmosphere this same entity would, through the stimulus of feeling the solitude about it, then have much more desire to seek out someone to whom it may be of service thus regularizing the sexual reproductive function.

Questioner: Roughly how many previous incarnations, shall we say, would a male entity in this incarnation have had to have had in the past as a female to have a highly homosexual orientation in this incarnation? Just roughly.

Ra: I am Ra. If an entity has had roughly 65% of its incarnations in the sexual/biological body complex, the opposite polarity to its present body complex, this entity is vulnerable to infringement of your urban areas and may perhaps become of what you call an homosexual nature.

It is to be noted at this juncture that although it is much more difficult, it is possible in this type of association for an entity to be of great service to another in fidelity and sincere green ray love of a nonsexual nature thus adjusting or lessening the distortions of its sexual impairment.
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