Robotic/Droid Invasion Force


The Force is Strong With This One
I have alway had very vivid dreams but ever since I became a "paragon of sobriety" since 7/14/2005 my dreams have really gone into overdrive.
There are two dream in my lifetime (i'm 44) that really stand out. One when I was between 10-12 years old, I had what I think was an Out of body experience.
The last one was about a year ago. It was at night, very late/early morning and I was chasing some noisey kids out of a neighbors swimming pool because they were being too loud and they weren't supposed to be there.
When I had finally chased them all away, I looked up into the sky. The sky was filled horizon to horizon with moving points of white light in a pattern of straight evenly spaced lines. I originally thought they were high in the sky. As I tried to focus on what was going on I saw one of these lights peel off from the stream of lights and realized that they were not that high because the object began to be discernable very quickly. I noticed or felt that it was coming directly towards me. My initial reaction was, uh oh what the heck is this?...I'm going to duck out of sight, but it was upon me very quickly. The object was about half the size of a Volkswagon. It had two camera type appendages at top and a speaker or grill down lower in the middle of the main body of this robot type machine. I seem to remember that it also had arm like appendages on either side but not extended, but appeared that they could extend. Too late to duck out of site I stood my ground. This thing approached me at head/chest level floating in front of me, no noise coming from it. It had invaded my personal space and this angered me. There was another person with me, I think it was my brother. Not looking at my brother but talking to him I leaned toward the robot/droid and said "this thing doesn't initmidate me". I raised a fist and was about to punch this thing and just as I was to swing, the robot/droid paralyzed me. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't breath and I felt as though I were falling.

I literally woke from my dream trying to stop my fall, sitting up very quickly, gasping for a breath and feeling quite intimidated. With all of the vivid dreams I have had in my life none have ever caused me to awaken like this. If I see one of these robot/droids I will definitely be ducking this time. I find myself looking skyward day and night since.
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