Recovering from Arthritis

On January 21st I had another talk with the doctor who made the graft proposal, because I felt the need to talk to him again to feel safe.

He explained that there is a 20% failure rate for the graft not to attach to the bone, but that it is the same percentage for someone healthy or for someone like me who has arthritis. He says it is worth a try since the graft is not as invasive as the prosthesis. That I should see my way to a shoulder prosthesis eventually, but not now at 37 years of age, that I have clear.

If the graft does not work, then I would have to have the prosthesis, but I do not want to get ahead of myself.

I have been talking about the surgery in therapy since December and it has helped me a lot to be calm, to take action, to not get paralyzed and above all to be aware of when I get paralyzed and where it comes from.

On Thursday January 27th I had another session with my therapist and it was very interesting what we worked on and I feel that I am ready to go through the surgery. Of course I am scared, nervous but in general I am calm.

Today Monday January 31 I had a session with my Astrology teacher and she gave me some possible dates to do the surgery, it would be in March.

Another thing is if you have suggestions of supplements that I can take before and after the operation to help my body to accept the graft, I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your prayers and comments.
I agree, although I am saying this as a layperson. After reading your latest post I was wondering whether near infrared light could help you heal after the procedure, Claudia? It could help cellular repair and has effects on the inflammatory processes? I am just thinking off the cuff here, although I have done some research into photobiomodulation myself. A few weeks ago I bought a small hand-held lamp (infrared and red light; different frequencies) from a UK company which was not very expensive and good quality. All the best to you. You are in my thoughts.:hug2:
I do have an infrared light, the good thing is that it is not too big and I can take it to my parents' house.
I started taking it a month and a half ago, 200 mg daily, I don't know if I should increase it to 400 mg. What I noticed is that at my parents' house in December my brother and Toño got sick with flu symptoms and at the ranch everyone was sick except me.
I think that HCQ 200mg twice per day will be a better dose. That's what I take most days a week since the winter started for protection. I still got sick back in December, but I see hundreds of sick people per month and I was truly sick like for 3-5 days.

I think it will keep the inflammation at bay for you, and at long-term, it will prevent joint inflammation, so the surgery might give better results too.
A small update, we have already put in the paperwork for the medical insurance, we are just waiting for the surgery to be authorized.

I hope they authorize it soon since the surgery is expensive because of the graft.

I have been dreaming about the shoulder issue, but the most recent dream is that another doctor tells me that I have to put the prosthesis and told me other strange things that I do not remember, maybe it is my nervousness or fear of what is coming.

I will keep you informed when I have a date for the surgery.
I was reading recently that the French word for wound is 'blessure'. It is related to the English word for 'blessing'. It seems that you have found the blessing in your shoulder - slowing down, accepting your body, gathering information, and trusting yourself.

I think you have done remarkably well in all of your preparations. You are an excellent example of perseverance in difficult times! All the best with your upcoming surgery, Claudia. We will be with you!
I was reading recently that the French word for wound is 'blessure'. It is related to the English word for 'blessing'. It seems that you have found the blessing in your shoulder - slowing down, accepting your body, gathering information, and trusting yourself.

I think you have done remarkably well in all of your preparations. You are an excellent example of perseverance in difficult times! All the best with your upcoming surgery, Claudia. We will be with you!
It is curious that you mention the meaning of wound, in my last Family Constellation therapy we saw the metaphor of union, reconstruction, not only at the physical level, at the emotional level, at the level of family of origin.
The surgery has been authorized by the insurance company. The date will be March 10th at 12 pm Mexico time.

My parents made some modifications in the house so I can be more comfortable, for example in the shower, bedroom and on the stairs.

I have seen many youtube videos of people who have had shoulder surgery and there are very good recommendations for example the type of clothing, a cold machine to help with the pain and reduce inflammation.

I have a sense of calm but at the same time nervous, I have not been through many surgeries.

I feel confident in the support of my husband and my parents, I think this surgery comes at a time when I am at peace with my parents, that for at least 8 years I have worked on my childhood wounds, my traumas, I have fewer and fewer triggers and if I have them I know how to get back to me, my inner work has been intense and I feel very proud of me.

I see these months that I will spend in my hometown and with my parents as a form of reconstruction and repair as well as my surgery, funny isn't it?

It is to let them take care of me from another place, less chaotic, harmonic and stable.

Thank you for reading me and for your good thoughts.
I have seen many youtube videos of people who have had shoulder surgery and there are very good recommendations for example the type of clothing, a cold machine to help with the pain and reduce inflammation.
Have you tried Turmerich for the inflammation? I take it when find I've overworked certain muscle groups and before I turn in for the night.
Nature's Way is the brand I use but there are many on the market so here's the 2022 Top-Rated Turmeric Curcumin Supplements What To Avoid, and the precautions.

Good luck with your surgery, progress, and rehabilitation!
I feel confident in the support of my husband and my parents, I think this surgery comes at a time when I am at peace with my parents, that for at least 8 years I have worked on my childhood wounds, my traumas, I have fewer and fewer triggers and if I have them I know how to get back to me, my inner work has been intense and I feel very proud of me.

And you should be, Claudia, you have worked very hard to be where you are now. It is natural to feel nervous before a surgery, but you also have the support of your loved ones and the support of all of us here too, to get through this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, especially on the day of your surgery :hug2:
J'ai noté la date de votre opération dans mon agenda pour penser à vous et vous envoyer de la lumière blanche et dorée encore plus particulièrement ce jour là... Prenez bien soin de Vous... Je vous embrasse...

I noted the date of your operation in my diary to think of you and to send you white and golden light even more particularly on that day... Take good care of you... I embrace you...
Awesome! Date noted. I second what Alana said. If you are a place where you can do this and get support, you have given something good to life that sends that back to you. So, yes, maybe everything happens for a reason now, where you can accept that support, while still having your boundaries and wanting to do this for yourself.
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