
It seems to me that many, perhaps almost all German members have found the Cassiopaea Experiment through the German translation of The Wave (by following a link, either given or found independently), including yours truly.

+ Mir scheint es, dass viele, wenn nicht fast alle deutschen Mitglieder durch die Übersetzung von The Wave auf das Cassiopaea-Experiment aufmerksam geworden sind, so auch ich (indem sie einem Link folgten, der ihnen entweder gegeben wurde oder den sie durch eigenes Suchen fanden).
nofretete1969 said:
Thank you @Sirius for sharing your wisdom. :D

I have begun to read Wave 2 in german for my better understanding and to catch the importend things.

I know, to lean the english language is the better way for understanding. I mentioned already but I did not use it so far.

If I want to write something in your forum I use babelfish an I hope it will be the better way to go through. Naturally I read in the forum however only in broken german translation. Sometimes I can catch the sense, but I m not be abel to write in the other treads.

I cant describe all the stange things to hapend in my live all the time but one thing begun with my awaking for 5 years ago. An unknowing person send me a link to the wave side in german and I begun me reading. Since this time my world always broke down and were confirmed which I felt, which was wrong with this earth.

The Babelfish Instant Translation Addon for Firefox might be a great tool for everyone reading in this forum or on sott who isn't familiar with the english language. Are you already using it?

After activated, this Addon translates every word you mark by double-clicking immediately and automatically into your chosen language. I am using it for months now and it has greatly improved my english skills. The best thing is that you safe time because you don't need to open a separate web dictionary or book.

Das Babelfish Instant Translation Addon für Firefox könnte ein großartiges Werkzeug für jeden sein, der hier im Forum oder auf Sott liest, aber nicht mit der englischen Sprache vertraut ist. Benutzt du es schon?

Nachdem es aktiviert ist, übersetzt diese Erweiterung jedes durch Doppel-Klick markierte Wort sofort und automatisch in die gewünschte Sprache. Ich benutze es schon seit Monaten, wodurch ich meine English-Fähigkeiten drastisch verbessern konnte. Am Besten ist, dass man dadurch enorm viel Zeit einsparen kann, weil man zur Übersetzung keine separate Webseite aufrufen muss.
Stranger said:
nofretete1969 said:
Thank you @Sirius for sharing your wisdom. :D

I have begun to read Wave 2 in german for my better understanding and to catch the importend things.

I know, to lean the english language is the better way for understanding. I mentioned already but I did not use it so far.

If I want to write something in your forum I use babelfish an I hope it will be the better way to go through. Naturally I read in the forum however only in broken german translation. Sometimes I can catch the sense, but I m not be abel to write in the other treads.

I cant describe all the stange things to hapend in my live all the time but one thing begun with my awaking for 5 years ago. An unknowing person send me a link to the wave side in german and I begun me reading. Since this time my world always broke down and were confirmed which I felt, which was wrong with this earth.

The Babelfish Instant Translation Addon for Firefox might be a great tool for everyone reading in this forum or on sott who isn't familiar with the english language. Are you already using it?

After activated, this Addon translates every word you mark by double-clicking in any given language. I am using it for months now and it has improved my english skills dramatically. The best thing is that you safe time because you don't need to open a separate web dictionary or book.

does it work even if you don't have firefox ?
Unfortunately not. After all, Firefox is the only browser with such a great variety of available addons. But it is possible that there are programs for your OS which do the same as Babelfish, though I've no idea about that.
Stranger said:
Unfortunately not. After all, Firefox is the only browser with such a great variety of available addons. But it is possible that there are programs for your OS which do the same as Babelfish, though I've no idea about that.

ok thanks.
can I ask you, are you a member of the translation group ?
Stranger said:
nofretete1969 said:
Thank you @Sirius for sharing your wisdom. :D

I have begun to read Wave 2 in german for my better understanding and to catch the importend things.

I know, to lean the english language is the better way for understanding. I mentioned already but I did not use it so far.

If I want to write something in your forum I use babelfish an I hope it will be the better way to go through. Naturally I read in the forum however only in broken german translation. Sometimes I can catch the sense, but I m not be abel to write in the other treads.

I cant describe all the stange things to hapend in my live all the time but one thing begun with my awaking for 5 years ago. An unknowing person send me a link to the wave side in german and I begun me reading. Since this time my world always broke down and were confirmed which I felt, which was wrong with this earth.

The Babelfish Instant Translation Addon for Firefox might be a great tool for everyone reading in this forum or on sott who isn't familiar with the english language. Are you already using it?

After activated, this Addon translates every word you mark by double-clicking immediately and automatically into your chosen language. I am using it for months now and it has greatly improved my english skills. The best thing is that you safe time because you don't need to open a separate web dictionary or book.

Das Babelfish Instant Translation Addon für Firefox könnte ein großartiges Werkzeug für jeden sein, der hier im Forum oder auf Sott liest, aber nicht mit der englischen Sprache vertraut ist. Benutzt du es schon?

Nachdem es aktiviert ist, übersetzt diese Erweiterung jedes durch Doppel-Klick markierte Wort sofort und automatisch in die gewünschte Sprache. Ich benutze es schon seit Monaten, wodurch ich meine English-Fähigkeiten drastisch verbessern konnte. Am Besten ist, dass man dadurch enorm viel Zeit einsparen kann, weil man zur Übersetzung keine separate Webseite aufrufen muss.

Hey, seems to be a fine thing, thanks for it. I notice, one never finish learning :cool:
Stranger said:
That would be nice. :)

I think it's easier when you contact them yourself.

ok first of all here is topic called "Becoming a SOTT translator: Help needed":
there is a lot of information how it works and how to contact.

the fast way is that you contact Data via PM. you can tell him that you are interested in joining the group.
than he will send you a invitation. you can olso contact Ailén or Gandalf. (maybe other moderators too ?)
<off topic>I have done a little search, and no, there seems to be only a plugin for Firefox. No Safari support. IE? No. Opera? No.</off topic>
People who use Opera browser can highlight a text and then rightclick for a roll down menu which contains a translate feature with quite a lot of possibilities (19 in all; from English in 5 other languages; from French in 5 other languages; from German into English and French; idem ditto for Italian and Spanish into English and French; from Portuguese into English; from Japanese into English and vice versa). The roll down menu also contains other features, like dictionary and encyclopedia for instance. Very useful inbuilt gadget about which surprisingly few people are aware, it seems.

I wanted to demonstrate its workings by highlighting the above and give a few translations, but it appears I cannot do that while still in pre-posting mode. So I will continue with the translations in the next post.
It uses the same bablefish translation service, I learned while going to a new webpage which shows the translation. So here goes:

Leute, die Operenbrowser benutzen, können einen Text hervorheben und rightclick dann für ein Rollenunten Menü, das eine Übersetzungseigenschaft mit Quite a lot Möglichkeiten enthält (19 in allen; von Englisch in 5 anderen Sprachen; aus Französischem in 5 anderen Sprachen; vom Deutschen ins Englische und französisches; idem dito für italienisches und Spanischen ins Englische und französisches; vom Portugiesen ins Englische; vom Japaner ins Englische und umgekehrt). Das Rollenunten Menü enthält auch andere Eigenschaften, wie Wörterbuch und Enzyklopädie zum Beispiel. Sehr nützliches eingebautes Gerät, über das überraschend wenige Leute bewusst sind, scheint es.

La gente que utiliza el hojeador de la ópera puede destacar un texto y después rightclick para un menú del rodillo abajo que contenga una característica del traducir con el bastantes de las posibilidades (19 en todos; de inglés en 5 otras idiomas; de francés en 5 otras idiomas; de alemán en inglés y francés; idem ídem para italiano y el español en inglés y francés; de portugués en inglés; de japonés en inglés y viceversa). El menú del rodillo abajo también contiene otras características, como el diccionario y la enciclopedia por ejemplo. El adminículo incorporado muy útil sobre el cual asombrosamente pocas personas son conscientes, parece.

Os povos que usam o navegador da ópera podem destacar um texto e então rightclick para um menu do rolo para baixo que contenha uma característica da tradução com completamente muitas possibilidades (19 em tudo; do inglês outras em 5 línguas; do francês outras em 5 línguas; do alemão em inglês e em francês; idem ditto para italiano e o espanhol em inglês e em francês; do português no inglês; do japonês no inglês e reciprocamente). O menu do rolo para baixo igualmente contem outras características, como o dicionário e a enciclopédia por exemplo. O dispositivo inbuilt muito útil sobre que surprisingly poucos povos estão cientes, parece.

オペラブラウザを使用する人々はメニューテキストを強調し、次にのために可能性(すべての多くの翻訳の特徴をの19含んでいるロール右クリックできる; 5つの他の言語の英語から; 5つの他の言語のフランス語から; 英語およびフランス語へのドイツ語から; idem同様に英語およびフランス語へのイタリア語そしてスペイン語のために; 英語へのポルトガル語から; 英語への日本語からまたその逆にも)。 ロールメニューはまた辞書および百科事典のような例えば他の特徴を、含んでいる。 意外にも数人がわかっている非常に有用な作り付けの小道具、それはようである。

All this took just over one minute to display.
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