

Padawan Learner

since I did not have unfortunately the possibility, everything in the forum to read , my question I hope so yet was not placed. Can it is possible, and/or be it that Psychopathen are exactly the Echesenwesen, which has nothing property with our mankind in the sense?

The reason for my question is the new remake from V - The Visitor, in this terms I can see a lot of things in common to the hidden live. This ist not exactly the reason for my question, because my awakeness its already 5 years ago (I hope Iḿ awake?!) I've so many questions :cool2:

Some times it will be better, to read german text for a better understanding. :P

It is not posible, to write a hole text in english, because I dont need this. But sometimes I hate, to translate very interesting websides into broken german but I must do this if I want to know. It is unfortunate to read more important books for example "The secret histroy of the world" and other to recognize entire is connected.

For a better understanding who I am I can make some description?

Ich bin auch relativ neu hier, und habe auch eine Million Fragen... Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es unwahrscheinlich schwer ist alles auf Englisch zu lesen, und darüber zu schreiben! Ich fühle mich auch etwas überfordet.
Ich habe Deine Frage nicht ganz verstanden, aber ich kann Dir und Andere gerne helfen Fragen und Sätze zu formulieren und übersetzen.


I myself am pretty new here, and also have a million questions... I can only imagine how difficult it must be to read everything here in English and write
about your views or queries. It's very demanding!
I didn't quite understand your question, but I will willingly help you and others translate and formulate your questions in English. (I do make a few mistakes in German, but it's good enough to get the points across.)
This is a suggestion to all German forum members who want to improve their
English. Try to develop contacts to native English speakers.
In my youth before emigrating to Canada there was in most German cities a
so called "America House" which offered cultural events and in general was
involved with promoting German-American understanding.
Also listening to Broadcasts and reading newspapers helps.

Hier ist ein Vorschlag für alle Deutsche Forum Mitglieder, die ihr Englisch
verbessern möchten. Versucht Kontakt aufzunehmen mit gebürtigen Engländern
oder Amerikanern.
In meiner Jugend, vor meiner Auswanderung nach Kanada, gab es in vielen
Deutschen Städten ein sogenanntes "Amerika Hause", dass kulturelle Veranstaltungen
anbot und allgemein die Verständigung zwischen Deutschen und Amerikanern
zum Ziel hatte.
Anhören von Radiosendungen und das Lesen von Englishen Zeitungen hilft auch.
That's a good suggestion, Leo, and I think that cassandra's suggestion to help each other out when there's trouble translating something, is a good suggestion, too.

I just want to emphasize again, that you need not feel discouraged because of the language barrier. Many members on this forum have another native language than English, and you know what? They started posting nonetheless! :) Yes, it takes effort and is difficult when beginning to do it, but as you know by now, there are other German members, too, and they're willing to help. So just dare and trust in your ability to learn. :)

Das ist ein guter Vorschlag, Leo, und ich finde cassandras Vorschlag, sich gegenseitig zu helfen, wenn Schwierigkeiten beim Übersetzen auftauchen, ebenfalls gut.

Ich möchte nur noch einmal betonen, dass ihr euch angesichts der Sprachbarriere nicht entmutigt zu fühlen braucht. Viele Mitglieder dieses Forums haben eine andere Muttersprache als Englisch, und wisst ihr was? Sie haben trotzdem einfach angefangen zu posten! :) Ja, es ist mit Aufwand verbunden und ist am Anfang schwierig, aber wie ihr mittlerweile wisst, gibt es auch andere deutsche Mitglieder, die bereit sind zu helfen. Also, wagt es einfach und vertraut in eure Fähigkeiten zu lernen. :)
[quote author=nofretete1969]Can it is possible, and/or be it that Psychopathen are exactly the Echesenwesen, which has nothing property with our mankind in the sense?[/quote]Well, that's actually not the idea/concept of psychopaths according to the Cs, according to the forum, according to all the material and available knowledge. To be "exactly" applies rather to those entities known as "robot humans" and "men in black" more or less, again, according to the material and knowledge available to us.
+ Dies ist eigentlich nicht das (derzeitige) Verständnis über die Natur des Psychopathen unter Zuhilfenahme des verfügbaren Wissens, insbesondere den Hinweisen der Cassiopaeaner. 'Dasselbe' trifft somit eher für die Wesen oder Art von "Mensch" zu, die wir dem Material zufolge als Men in Black und "Robotermenschen" bezeichnen.

See: [quote author=020713]
Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," [discussed in book III]. The idea is that pre-Adamic
human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly
discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no
"inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are these ideas Mouravieff
presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?
A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."
Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we
assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of
"pre-Adamic" beings?
A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.
Q: Based on what Mouravieff has said, it seems to be so that any efforts to try to raise the consciousness of such individuals is doomed to fail.
A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines. The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are "failures." The best ones cannot
be discerned except by long and careful observation.

Q: (V) Have I, or anyone in this room, ever encountered any, and if so, can you give us an example for reference?
A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled" person's life, that person will
encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of "growing" and strengthening the soul, the
Control System will seek to insert even more "units" into that person's life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those
with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?
Q: (BT) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution of the bloodline" that the Bible talks about?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) This certainly gives a whole new meaning to all the experiences we have had with people like "Frank" and Vincent Bridges and Terri Burns, Olga
and the rest of the gang! What this means is that the work of discerning these organic portals from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the so-called
ascension process. Without the basic understanding of transformation of, and conservation of energies, there is no possibility of fusing a magnetic
center. No wonder the Bridges gang and the COINTELPRO types went bananas while I was publishing the Adventures Series! And sheesh! They will
go bonkers with this organic portal stuff! (V) In thinking back over my life, it seems to me that my father is certainly one of these organic portals.
A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration. Remember that very often the individual who displays contradictory behavior may be a
souled being in struggle.
Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we
discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no
will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?
A: Do you ever hurt for another?
Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in
pain or misery, they don't know how to care.
A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so
as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.
Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?
A: Genetics marry with soul if present.
Q: Do "organic portals" go to fifth density when they die?
A: Only temporarily until the "second death."
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?
A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave
Q: (A) Now, I was reading in the transcripts that sleep is necessary for human beings because it was a period of rest and recharging. You also said
that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping. So, the question is: what source of energy is tapped to recharge both the body and the soul?
A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.
Q: (L) I guess that means that the life force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals is something like the soul pool that is theorized to exist for
flora and fauna. This would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of psychopaths, that is so well defined that they only differ from
one another in the way that different species of trees are different in the overall class of Tree-ness. So, if they don't have souls, where does the
energy come from that recharges Organic Portals?
A: The pool you have described.
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?
A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being
blocked by the lower intellectual cener and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the
higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved
by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more
available to the other higher centers.
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of
constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff relate at all to the idea of "chakras?"
A: Quite closely. In an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in effect" by stealing that energy from souled
beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a mirror of their own soul when they
ascribe "soul qualities" to such beings.
and: (interesting thread)
and much more...
You could also take a look at the idea of the first appearance of the psychopath in history triggered by the mixing of genes between Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal (described in The Wave series, book four).
+ Du könntest dir auch die Idee über die Entstehung des Psychopathen im geschichtlichen Rahmen ansehen, die mit der Mischung der Gene des Cromagnonmenschen und des Neandertalmenschen zu tun hat. (siehe The Wave, Buch IV).

And, do not not worry about your English. This can be learnt. Working through all or most of the material plus reading forum threads and networking here gives you certainly a good opportunity for improving it.
+ Und keine Bange wegen deinem Englisch. All das kann man erlernen. Wenn du das gesamte Material oder große Teile davon durchkämmst und studierst sowie Forenbeiträge hier liest und "netzwerkest", wird dir gewiss eine Gelegenheit, Englisch zu lernen oder dein Englisch zu verbessern, offenbar.
Leo40 said:
This is a suggestion to all German forum members who want to improve their
English. Try to develop contacts to native English speakers.


FWIW there is an option called "sprach-tandem" _ you help another person to speak German or any other language and the other person helps you in English. :)

Es gibt so etwas wie Sprach-Tandems (siehe Internetseite) wo man sich gegenseitig hilft eine Sprache sprechen zu lernen.

nofretete1969 said:
It is not posible, to write a hole text in english, because I dont need this. But sometimes I hate, to translate very interesting websides into broken german but I must do this if I want to know. It is unfortunate to read more important books for example "The secret histroy of the world" and other to recognize entire is connected.

Maybe skip "secret history" first, cause it is a really heavy read and makes you in the end more frustrated. Where you are at the wave series? So that you can read at the same time in English and if you are unsure about anything read the German version.

Lass eventuell "secret history" ersteinmal weg, weil es ein sehr schweres Buch ist zu lesen und macht dich am Ende nur noch frustrierter. Wie weit bist du mit der Welle? So das du zeitgleich in Englisch und Deutsch lesen kannst, und wenn du dir mit etwas unsicher bist, schlägst du in der deutschen Version nach.
Enaid said:
That's a good suggestion, Leo, and I think that cassandra's suggestion to help each other out when there's trouble translating something, is a good suggestion, too.

I just want to emphasize again, that you need not feel discouraged because of the language barrier. Many members on this forum have another native language than English, and you know what? They started posting nonetheless! :) Yes, it takes effort and is difficult when beginning to do it, but as you know by now, there are other German members, too, and they're willing to help. So just dare and trust in your ability to learn. :)

Das ist ein guter Vorschlag, Leo, und ich finde cassandras Vorschlag, sich gegenseitig zu helfen, wenn Schwierigkeiten beim Übersetzen auftauchen, ebenfalls gut.

Ich möchte nur noch einmal betonen, dass ihr euch angesichts der Sprachbarriere nicht entmutigt zu fühlen braucht. Viele Mitglieder dieses Forums haben eine andere Muttersprache als Englisch, und wisst ihr was? Sie haben trotzdem einfach angefangen zu posten! :) Ja, es ist mit Aufwand verbunden und ist am Anfang schwierig, aber wie ihr mittlerweile wisst, gibt es auch andere deutsche Mitglieder, die bereit sind zu helfen. Also, wagt es einfach und vertraut in eure Fähigkeiten zu lernen. :)

dem kann ich nur zustimmen.
Am Anfang war es auch schwierig für mich, aber im laufe der Zeit wird es immer einfacher das Englische zu verstehen und in Englisch zu kommunizieren.

also lass dich nicht entmutigen, dass klappt schon :)

PS: noch einen Tipp: ich habe immer einen online übersetzer nebenbei geöffnet ( is not an online-translator. It is an online-dictionary, however a very good one.

I read Secret History in my English learning phase :lol:. I have a small DIN A5 pad full of English words, each with its German meaning written in green colour below.
SH is definitely not the most easily digestible book for German readers with a moderate English understanding. It consists of around 870 pages. Laura's English is clear and understandable for German readers, but this book has many terms belonging to history, peoples, tribes, myths, etc. whose German equivalent must be known and then of course the meaning too.

It is better to start with The Wave. You could try to read the English original blockwise and afterwards the German translation and then compare them.

+ ist kein Online-Übersetzungsprogramm, sondern ein Online-Wörterbuch, jedoch ein äußerst gutes.

+ Secret History las ich während meiner Englisch-Lernphase :lol:. Ich habe sogar noch einen kleinen DIN-A5-Block voll mit englischen Wörtern (die mir damals unbekannt waren) mit jeweils den deutschen Übersetzungen in grüner Farbe darunter. SH ist mit Abstand nicht das am leichtesten zu "verdauende" Buch für deutsche Leser mit bescheidenem Englisch-Verständnis. Das Werk umfasst annähernd 870 Seiten. Lauras Englisch ist recht klar und für den deutschen Leser durchaus verständlich, nur enthält gerade dieses Buch sehr viele Ausdrücke aus den Bereichen Geschichte, Völker, Stämme, Mythen, usw., deren deutsche Übersetzung (beim Lesen) bekannt sein muss, vor allem aber auch der Inhalt. (... was zu Eigenrecherche animieren sollte)

+ Besser ist es natürlich mit The Wave (oder der deutschen Übersetzung, Die Welle) zu beginnen. Du (Themenstarter) könntest versuchen das englische Original absatzweise zu lesen und daraufhin mit der deutschen Übersetzung des jeweiligen Abschnittes oder eben des gesamten Kapitels zu vergleichen
Pashalis said:
Sirius said: is not an online-translator. It is an online-dictionary, however a very good one.


sehr schlecht Pashalis

das Beste, was ich empfehlen ist, Englisch zu lernen

I think people that have problems with other lenguages just need to learn them, it takes effort but it helps a lot, if it wasn't for a wasted school year because I had to learn english, I would not be her posting and reading lot of the material.
cubbex said:
Pashalis said:
Sirius said: is not an online-translator. It is an online-dictionary, however a very good one.


sehr schlecht Pashalis

das Beste, was ich empfehlen ist, Englisch zu lernen

I think people that have problems with other lenguages just need to learn them, it takes effort but it helps a lot, if it wasn't for a wasted school year because I had to learn english, I would not be her posting and reading lot of the material.

kannst du mir bitte sagen warum du "sehr schlecht" zu mir sagst ?

why "very bad" please explain ?
Pashalis said:
cubbex said:
Pashalis said:
Sirius said: is not an online-translator. It is an online-dictionary, however a very good one.


sehr schlecht Pashalis

das Beste, was ich empfehlen ist, Englisch zu lernen

I think people that have problems with other lenguages just need to learn them, it takes effort but it helps a lot, if it wasn't for a wasted school year because I had to learn english, I would not be her posting and reading lot of the material.

kannst du mir bitte sagen warum du "sehr schlecht" zu mir sagst ?

why "very bad" please explain ?

Scherz :)
cubbex said:
Pashalis said:
cubbex said:
Pashalis said:
Sirius said: is not an online-translator. It is an online-dictionary, however a very good one.


sehr schlecht Pashalis

das Beste, was ich empfehlen ist, Englisch zu lernen

I think people that have problems with other lenguages just need to learn them, it takes effort but it helps a lot, if it wasn't for a wasted school year because I had to learn english, I would not be her posting and reading lot of the material.

kannst du mir bitte sagen warum du "sehr schlecht" zu mir sagst ?

why "very bad" please explain ?

Scherz :)

Ach so.... na dann :)
Please y'all keep the bilingual style so that everyone can understand what is being said. Thank you.

Bitte haltet euch an das bilinguale Schreiben, damit jeder versteht, was gesagt wird. Danke.
Thank you @Sirius for sharing your wisdom. :D

I have begun to read Wave 2 in german for my better understanding and to catch the importend things.

I know, to lean the english language is the better way for understanding. I mentioned already but I did not use it so far.

If I want to write something in your forum I use babelfish an I hope it will be the better way to go through. Naturally I read in the forum however only in broken german translation. Sometimes I can catch the sense, but I m not be abel to write in the other treads.

I cant describe all the stange things to hapend in my live all the time but one thing begun with my awaking for 5 years ago. An unknowing person send me a link to the wave side in german and I begun me reading. Since this time my world always broke down and were confirmed which I felt, which was wrong with this earth.
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