Queen Hillary


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

:cool: :cool2: :cool:
Russia Insider's article on Hillary new book led me to read the amazon's reviews

Very Funny Amazon Reviews of Hillary's New Book (83% Give it 1 Star!)

As I started reading the 1 star comments just for little fun ( 72 pages of them came in few days), it was obvious that some body made a anti-clinton campaign, but many comments are witty. Most probably they are from Bernie campaign. These are some comments from first 20 pages of total 72 pages( all were posted in last 12 days). Obviously Amazon didn't delete it for whatever its reason. Probably they thought it will create another scandal. Most of the commentators are took Clinton's misdeeds and converted into comments. Here are some.

If you see ':' in the text , left side of the colon is the title of the review.

Customers who bought this also bought a rope and a stool.

I was disappointed to learn there is not a chapter on "How I stole the election from Bernie Sanders, and stupidly expected the victims to then vote for me so I could further destroy this country for my profit as my final wish before I die".

Hillary is great because I don't want to die by 'suicide' from two bullets to the back of the head.

{ I had a comment but Hillary deleted it }

Pretty tough reading, It was all redacted.

Sent to local inmates, sent back as it was deemed cruel and unusual.

It can be dangerous for your heslth : I started reading it but after few pages I started coughing heavily, lost a shoe and then fainted.Then I got visions and started losing contact with reality.

Damn.... thought this was a book ...: Damn.... thought this was a book on how to legally smuggle weapons and cocaine .... should've named it stronger without the xlinton policies

The title of the book, Stronger Together, is ... : The title of the book, Stronger Together, is quite misleading and probably should have been, something along the lines of How To Run A Campaign of Lies and Deception.

I cant read in the lizard language.

Do a faceplant for America! : a true story of a Presidential candidate who is only stronger when others are around to keep her from falling on her face. It takes a village to keep Hillary upright!

She needs a full time nurse & lawyers to combat the health & slush funds crimes Tim Kaine is against abortion so great job DNC

The Title STRONGER TOGETHER is a slap in the face to the voters cheated by the Democrats through RIGGING the election against Bernie Sanders. Also the criminal Clinton needs support especially with her crippling blackouts. Parkinson's disease is so serious it causes coughing fits & pneumonia. She needs a full time nurse & lawyers to combat the health & slush funds crimes Tim Kaine is against abortion so great job DNC. Never Hillary! - Dr Jill Stein Green Party

I was given this book in exchange for an honest ... :I was given this book in exchange for an honest review of my own book. My book is about a woman detective who solves crimes. She has a lady lover but she is not really a lesbian since she was married until her husband and girls were murdered. Anyway, Ms Clinton has since changed her mind and told me that she can't read beyond the bit where the two women kiss since it reminds her so much of her husband. I find that odd since he is well known for kissing other women. So, as she only gave me one star, that's all she's getting.

Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight

It was a difficult read, considering that several thousand pages were missing, presumably deleted prior to the public release of this material. But what does it matter? There's no point to actually buying this book really, considering that you can just download the ePrint edition directly from her private server for free, or wait for Wikileaks to drop it online in free monthly instalments.

1.0 out of 5 starsI kamf stand this book.

Hillary Rottenham Clinton is at it again. Another work of fiction threatens to dislodge the devil's bible as the most sinister book ever, with the puppets doing a salute to their role model and inspiration Adolf Hitler. Before you read it let me tell you, that soldier had his fingers crossed in that photo for a reaso

Did anyone notice all of the 5 star reviews are doubled on here? She rigged the reviews too?

#BringBernieBack :
The tale of a sickly villian whose dream of the Presidency is threatened by a man beloved by the people. It has everything. Election fraud. Voter suppression. Collusion with the media. Murder(s)? Russians! Russians! Russians! I won't spoil it, but the WikiLeaks chapter brings a major plot twist! PS Please Don't kill me.

Halfway through it I ended up fainting and losing a shoe, wouldn't recommend it. Would make a great fire starter but it's a little too coarse for toilet paper.

"That Other Woman" "Those Other Candidates" "Spoilers" A Vote For A Hillary Is A Vote For *cough* Tim Kaine.. kay done.

This book is confusing: seat, ready to read what new surprises were contained within the Kindle version I purchased. But it was just a green screen.

Something's Gone Missing : I was super interested about how she was able to rig a primary election, collude with the media, buy corporate and celebrity supporters, and destroy Bernie Sanders' integrity. She must've forgotten that chapter. Maybe there'll be something about that in the sequel?

Both the book and the candidate are full of more crap than the trash bin down at the dog park.

Stronger Together is a major disappointment. Two thumbs down: Stronger Together is a major disappointment. Two thumbs down. I was expecting a great work of fiction, a thriller about back room deals, election rigging and murder of political opponents like "House of Cards." Unfortunately, after most of the text was inexplicably deleted along with those "personal emails", the interesting parts were left out. Luckily, I can read the missing pages for free on the wikileaks and anonymous websites :) Save your money.

Scared to give a bad review : Everyone who gave this bad reviews will mysteriously shoot themselves twice in the back of the head.......

I'm absolutely certain that $hillary's fingers never wrote a single word of this crap! She's been way too busy giving speeches and not giving press conferences. $he would never have time to type or even be able to dictate with that horrible cough! I wouldn't waste my time reading this trash even if I was offered $$$ I am, however, enjoying immensely the reviews! $hillary haters are so creative! <3

Terrible - but don't blame the authors, blame the Russians.

I finally understand. The health problems that she does not have are the reasons she can't remember the crimes she didn't commit.

Dear Amazon, Please publish all of the comments in Book form. The comments are hilarious.

A waste of time, just like he author.

Can't wait for her next book to come out...so I can read more hysterically funny reviews...

I originally gave this book 2 stars but am revising downward because I just found my cat dead and nailed to my front door. For the record, I am not suicidal, I have a perfect driving record, and my recent lab tests are better than Trump's. If I am found dead, assume that I was done in by one or more of Illary's minions.

At best, a few notches below mediocre. : I originally gave this book 2 stars but am revising downward because I just found my cat dead and nailed to my front door. For the record, I am not suicidal, I have a perfect driving record, and my recent lab tests are better than Trump's. If I am found dead, assume that I was done in by one or more of Illary's minions.

My intent was to like this book, but clearly that did not happen. However, let me stress that my intent was good. So, we are good, right? No pillow over the face while sleeping?

I was disappointed when the chapters "How to Blame Your Ineptitude on YouTube" and "Setting Up an ER in Your Daughters Apartment" were deleted at the editing table.

Deleting Emails is as Easy as 1-2-3 : I had the Clinton approval to purchase this book prior to the release date for just $353,000. My edition had the now-deleted chapters: "I Didn't Cheat the Democrats out of the Candidate who Actually won the Primary, but if I Did, Here's How I Would Have Done It," "Deleting Emails is as Easy as 1-2-3," and "How to Pretend to be Dumb When Asked Questions You Can't Answer Truthfully." I must say, I really learned a lot and I look forward to the shift from the freedom to choose to a complete dictatorship under the Clinton oligarchy. Honestly, I'm thrilled because making decisions and controlling my own life is so annoying!

I'm giving this book one star because the second I opened it, I got a notification from my bank that $25 was withdrawn from Hillary for America and has been subsequently withdrawn every month since. I can't get a hold of a representative to stop the payments, but I'm okay with it since I realized my money is going to a millionaire who doesn't need it. I figure she's busy campaigning, fainting, and dodging press conferences so she probably doesn't have time to raise money by giving "speeches" to Wall Street.

All in all, I appreciated reading the lies saturating every page. I learned that it's possible to rise to the top and break all social barrier - as long as you were already at the top and had lost all sense of morality you can achieve anything! Thanks, Hillary!

Thanks Hillary!: I want to personally thank Hillary for helping to write the best thing ever written, by writing a CRAP book that gets all of these awesome reviews! I sat down all day and read them and giggled. I haven't read anything so fulfilling in years. It gives me hope that so many people could write such intelligent and thoughtful reviews. I love you all!

Terrible read by a vile warmongering liar with nothing but dollar signs in her eyes. This is going to be used as a fire starter in my wood stove tonight.

Waiting for E-Mail Version Release : I am waiting for it to be released through hotmail.com or whatever server the Hacker intends to share it with. Get back to you in a few minutes.

This book gave me seizures.

I wanted to check out this book so I can learn how to be a warmonger and learn how lust for oil in Libya, Syria & Iraq can spin us into a global catastrophe. Let us not forget our pro-life VP when it comes to child birth and Pro-Death VP when it comes to war!

Domestic sales of book are but but foreign sales report ... : Domestic sales of book are but but foreign sales report copies going for $300,000 each

More crap than a bathroom at a buffet. :Book reflects her career, full of crap. It's ironic that it's called stronger together when ever since she win the nomination, she has been geting less and less strong against Trump. #FeelTheBern #JillNotHill

This book cured my Insomnia, in just five pages ...: This book cured my Insomnia, in just five pages! The only problem was I had nightmares, of a little old woman steeling my money!

Must-have in your medicine cabinet : Recommended by the Poison Control Center as emergency emetic. Induces nausea quickly and effectively.

Omg the criminals guide to conning half a nation is Must read for aspirational felons

I Started Reading This Book Last Sunday.... : But I started to feel overheated and woozy. It was 73 degrees after all. I put on a pair of blue sunglasses but that didn't help very much. So I told my traveling associates I wasn't feeling well and they escorted me to the street corner where we waited for our ride. I tried again to read the first page but became so lightheaded and fatigued that my associates essentially had to drag me into the van when it arrived. They wanted me to go to the hospital to get checked out but I declined and instead went to a relative's apartment to take a nap and rest. When I was napping, I had a strange dream. I was at an airport somewhere in Europe and someone was shooting at me. I looked up, saw balloons falling from the sky and reached out to touch one. It took me to Benghazi.....

Only bought this so I wouldnt be found dead with multiple self inflicted bullet wounds to the back of the head. Gave one star because it was helpful for sopping up an oil stain on the driveway. Worst book ever from the worst person ever.

I read it, but I don't recall anything!

Imagine my disappointment when all it was was a book of lies : I was hoping to get more information on how to commit dozens of felonies and still run a for profit charity to myself. Imagine my disappointment when all it was was a book of lies, half truths and Marxist Socialist trash as taught by Saul Alinsky, her hero.

Old news. The Russians read it off her server a year ago.

I've been looking for a more pleasant alternative to ipecac ...: I've been looking for a more pleasant alternative to ipecac syrup for inducing vomiting in cases of poisoning ...and voila ! Now if I can only find something for the side-effect...night terrors.
The article is also up on SOTT: https://www.sott.net/article/328615-Hillary-Clintons-latest-book-Stronger-Together-flops-is-mocked-by-Amazon-reviews-and-called-ghost-written-campaign-drivel
Saw this joke on another forum and had to share.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump go into a bakery.

As soon as they enter the bakery, Hillary steals three pastries and puts them in her pocket.
She says to Donald, “See how clever I am? The owner didn’t see anything and I don’t even need to lie.” I will definitely win the election.

The Donald says to Hillary, “That’s the typical dishonesty you have displayed throughout your entire life, trickery and deceit. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result.”
Donald goes to the owner of the bakery and says, “Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick.” Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. Trump swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then Donald asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, “What did you do with the pastries?” Trump replies, “Look in Hillary’s pocket”.
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