
FOTCM Member
I have just received an invitation to submit a paper for
as part of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007) spring symposia series held at Stanford University, March 26-28, 2007.

Quantum Mechanics (QM) is emerging from physics into non-quantum domains such as human language, cognition, information retrieval, biology, political science, organizations, and social interaction.

The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers working in these areas for the first time using artificial intelligence (AI) as a background theme. For example, whether a QM approach to AI can be supported by field results in a specific content area; e.g., non-monotonic reasoning (NMR), or organizational decision-making.

The symposium will present research dealing with the use of concepts taken from the general body of research in quantum mechanics on the physical, epistemological, mathematical or philosophical levels and applied to modelling and better understanding phenomena in social, political, linguistic, cognitive, mathematical and computer sciences.
Isn't it getting interesting? Long live Quantum Future!

Remember what C's said

A: Quantum first needs to be graduated from the realm of theory.
Q: (C) It means it needs to be proved, right?
A: No. Proving is a concept we should now be moving beyond.
Q: (C) When they said 'graduated from the realm of theory,' I assumed that meant that it needed to be proven. So how does it get graduated? What is the next realm after theory?
A: No, my dear, you are missing the point. the currently imposed protocol for "proving" theories is a bit pas-se, we thinx. Can you imagine trying to fly a plane if you must first prove that there is a sky?
Q: (C) So, don't try to prove quantum theory, just go ahead and use it, I guess.
A: Pretty close.
Q: (A) Are you laughing at quantum theory?
A: No. We are lauging at 3rd density scientific protocol!
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