
I just watched Dr Klinghardt's presentation again ( and it reminded me of something else I found highly interesting.

At about 33:25 he talks about some recent research that he did involving mould cultures. They put one in a Faraday cage (guarding it from electromagnetic radiation of all forms, cell phone/microwave etc..), and left one out (i.e. exposed to the ambient fields in the lab). They left them both to grow for 3 weeks and then measured the amount of microtoxins that had been produced by both the moulds. The one that was not protected had 600 times the level of microtoxins of the one kept in the Faraday cage. He then concludes at 37:50 (paraphrasing):

The microbes that have lived in us symbiotically for 4.5 billion years are now feeling attacked by the environmental toxins and electro-smog. The bugs in us feel attacked and are producing more biotoxins than they ever did, and this is causing the autism, the symptoms of Lyme disease, the neurological diseases, learning disabilities, dyslexia, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, brain degeneration, short-term memory loss, hyperactivity and insomnia that we all have. It all goes back to the biotoxins in us that are being produced at unprecedented rates.

That pretty much says it all and explains exactly why the bugs in us are suddenly not our friends anymore, and why people with the more exotic conditions seem to do better in a more natural environment.
A very good article on this topic:

Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria) 2017: A Major Piece of the Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease
by Scott Forsgren, FDN-P and Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
@Gaby ,do you know any lab in Spain that test for Pyroluria? I have been trying to find one, but the only result I get is some weird clinic in Madrid(it looks too esoteric)...
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