Psychomantium Mirrors - Past, Present, Future?

Re: The Psychomantium

guimondaniel said:
The C's mention, that even THEY are sometimes visible with this tool!

I don't recall reading that in the Cassiopaea transcripts, perhaps I missed it. Could you please provide the quote and indicate which session and/or Laura Knight article you found it in? Thanks.
Re: The Psychomantium

Hey Pepper, it's in session 970117:

C's said:
A: Time to consider construction of psychomantium.
Q: (L) What is a 'psychomantium?'
A: Use Latin knowledge. [Group discusses possible definitions]
Q: (L) Is that it? Something that's in your mind?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it something that you use your mind to direct or control or power?
A: Chamber for viewing other realms, possible futures and entities residing in other densities. Need clear depth... such as
large polished mirror on stand, which can be adjusted as to angle... walls must be completely covered in black, so as to
eliminate reflection... soft, low, indirect lighting.
Q: (L) Wasn't it Dr. Moody that did the life-after-death thing? (T) He's got a room with the mirror with the black velour
walls and the comfortable chair that you can look in the mirror without seeing yourself...
A: Yes, and it is real and it works. In the clear depths, you can even see us, on occasion!
Re: The Psychomantium

bedower said:
Something really strange has happened here.

When I first saw this thread it was 'PSYCHOMANTIUM' from guimondaniel. His was the first post on the thread; the other nine were missing from my screen. Hence my question addressed to him.

Coming back to see if he had replied, I find that the thread was started by JosephGCaldwell, and there are nine posts preceeding guimondaniel's.


Since a thread on this topic already existed, the threads were merged. When merging is done, the posts appear in chronological order.
Re: The Psychomantium

Thanks for the explanation, Laura. I'm glad it wasn't me and my techno-thumb! :D

SAO, thanks for the Cass transcript quote, which I don't remember seeing before. It has gone some way towards explaining the weird problems I have with mirrors sometimes. Now I really am spooked out!

- Has anyone used the PSYCHOMANTIUM principle in practical terms?
Yes, I have worked with a psychomantium a number of times in the "past."

- If so, I would like to ask some questions:
My answers to the following questions come from both personal experience and a lot of research coupled with networking with others who were actively experimenting with their psychomantiums at that time.

- 1 - Is this technology useful in gaining knowledge?
In a word yes.

- 2 - Is it a tool that can help to better understand the past (as we perceive it)?
That really depends on your perspective. It's a tool that can show you the past from different points of view, however.

- 3 - Can it give us glimpses of possible futures?
Absolutely, and not always the futures that personally effect the viewer.

- 4 - Is it something one is better to do alone? Or can we do it as a small group?
This answer comes mostly from my own personal experiences. It appears to work fine both ways, but for me it was much easier to "see more clearly through the window" while in a small group. Either or, it seems that being in a light trance is essential to be able to see anything clearly at all.

- 5 - Could it be described as an oracle? (as in turning to it for answers?)
I would say yes that's possible, but I've found that results vary quite a bit it on using it for this reason. The accuracy of what is seen seems to vary depending on a few factors; such as: how the questions are phrased, if they are personal questions or not, who is asking them, etc. I still need more experience in this area before I can answer this question more fully and confidently.

- 6 - If it is capable of answering some questions would it be better applied to questions of global concerns, or if this is a tool that can be just as well adapted to answer questions of a more personal nature? (Both are intertwined, obviously! )
Again, I need more experience in this area before I can answer fully, but so far it seems to be capable of answering both kinds. However, there is a marked improvement in what you see when the questions are asked without any preconceived ideas about what the answers should be; which is obviously much harder to do when asking personal questions. Also I need to add that it has been my experience that using the psychomantium in this way works much better when done in a group (because someone else really needs to be asking the questions, NOT the one viewing). There are many reasons for this: one, which is probably obvious, is when the viewer asks the questions it becomes vary difficult to maintain the trance. Another reason is that when the viewer ask the questions there seems to be a lot of discomfort for the viewer accompanied by only partial images; I have not yet discovered why this happens.

- 7 - Lastly: Is there any knowledge of specific individuals who may have used the Psychomantium to generate prophecies? Individuals who's work exists such as in books, etc.
Well, the C's indicated that nostradamus used a kind of psychomantium, but I think he used a bowl of water rather then a mirror. Hope this helps.
Re: The Psychomantium

Well! Thank you wizard 98_98 for that!
That is most interesting...
I have one more question for you, when you say that it works better when the viewer is in a light trance, can this trance be a basic self-hypnosis trance, or do you think it should be a trance induced by third party? Also, you say, when one asks the questions, is it your feeling that the questions need to be adressed out loud, or would you think that an individual who puts himself into trance with the desire to address specific issues may have results, without the calling forth of question(out loud)?

I have read somewhere that Nostradame used a bowl of water with some oil in it? And it is a technique that some ''gypsies'' still used when I lived in Montpellier, 25 years ago to do readings... As well as others.
Maybe a strange coincidence, as I read bedower's post, that states:
This is not a divination method I would try; I have enough weird problems with mirrors as it is.

It made me think that I have never had mirrors in my surroundings, and that I sometimes go for days without looking in one, because of something that I thought I saw in a mirror as a child.

I wonder if bedower would be so kind as to maybe explain a little bit more about his\her problem with mirrors?
Or if this person prefers no to, that's free will...
Re: The Psychomantium

guimondaniel, and others, before you get started on any kind of spirit communication process, might want to read this thread:

Thank you, Wizard, for an excellent response. But I think it is important to repeat a particular part of your response:

Wizard_9898 said:
My answers to the following questions come from both personal experience and a lot of research coupled with networking with others who were actively experimenting with their psychomantiums at that time.
Re: The Psychomantium

Thank you Laura, it is definitely good for one to look before leaping! And the thread is very insightful!
Re: The Psychomantium

Hi, guimondaniel,

Your comment about mirrors and something you thought you saw in one as a child has reassured me that perhaps my own (unlooked for and most definitely unwanted) experiences with mirrors cannot just be explained as 'hysteria' (imaginary)! Thanks.

Where to begin... where to begin... It seems to me now that I've always had this problem, although this may not be true. However, it is the same as you described, more or less.

On occasion, I've seen shadows pass inside a mirror in a stable light. Until I came across this thread, I used to put it down to imagination. But I still can't look in a mirror without wondering what I will see besides myself. This impression is VERY STRONG!

Sometimes, on occasion, when I am looking in a mirror I get the distinct impression that there is a 'presence' looking in the mirror with me. But after reading about the 'Predator's brain', this may just be my own 'predator' looking back at me. It still freaks me out, though.

Once, in a new house, I hung a large mirror on the only convenient wall. Then I read in a book that mirrors should never be hung on a north-facing wall. That very same night, the mirror crashes to the floor, and yup! you've guessed it; it was a north-facing wall! Coincidence? Loose nail?

I went through a short period three years ago where I became convinced that some 'thing' was stepping out of my wardrobe mirror at night. This was just after I had read 'The Wave', and felt physically ill and nauseous by learning about the 'lizzies'. Thought association? Too much cheese for supper? However, this stopped when we moved house. No more problems with the wardrobe mirror now.

Nevertheless, I still have a problem with mirrors, and will avoid looking in them if possible.

No scrying for me, thanks - I'll stick to dowsing. ;D
Re: The Psychomantium

I think the following transcripts apply to the Psychomanteum tech, as much as board channeling!

Sorry I lost the exact date of transmission, but it is from a date more recent than the posted transcripts (after 2002)

Q: (L) I have the idea that we should make a video to show people how to safely and effectively use a board-type instrument to work through their issues, to find out what's lurking in their own subconscious mind, possibly to do spirit release therapy on themselves (one of the few ways it can be done), and just in general to bring some light to the topic of using a board-type instrument as a means for self-development. What do you think about this idea?

A: 5 of us think it is stupendous!!!

Q: (L) Are there any particular dangers to this plan? If people who are ignorant or spiritually weak would attempt to use a board-type instrument, obviously they would have problems. Is that not correct?

A: Of course, but that is just the sort of person who would try trance channeling with absolutely no warning system in operation.

Q: (L) What do you mean by a warning system?

A: No conscious feedback.

Q: (L) What about people who talk about having played with a Ouija board or spirit board and they had some sort of bad experience and they felt like there was something evil there and they got scared away or creeped out? What about those kinds of stories?

A: Some of them are true, but most of them are just made up.

Q: (L) What about the ones that are true?

A: That is what we mean about a "warning system."

Q: (L) What do you mean that's what you mean by a warning system?

A: Those kinds of entities are around a lot of people, they just don't know it unless they interact in a way that removes the veil and exposes the fact.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when they use a board, it shows them what's there, and otherwise it's there and they don't know it. Is that what you're saying?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And does that also mean that if such people were to try some other form of channeling, that they would be interacting with something that their conscious mind would not perceive as yucky or unpleasant?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And why is that?

A: When an invitation to "come in" is given, the entity can produce pleasant sensations that override the conscious warning system. When a board type device is used, it gives a distance and a layer of protection. You then can choose if you wish to continue the contact or not. You don't have that choice when the entity has already been invited "in".

Q: (L) So it's kind of like the vampire movie! The vampire says, "Enter freely and of your own free will!" And if you do, you're screwed. And if you say, "Come in and talk to me, you're my higher self!" you're screwed! Very interesting. So in other words, when people are using the board and they have an unpleasant experience, it's actually a good thing because it's warning them to not proceed and to have no further contact with that entity. They can choose to send that entity on down the road. Is that basically it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Will that entity go away if they tell them to go?

A: Yes, normally: and they also have their full body sensorium to warn in the event that the entity does not. But having said that, it is also important to remember that most entities that are encountered this way are already "in residence." A person who has a direct personal encounter with a repellant entity is usually only meeting the "neighbors".

Q: (L) So you're saying that what people most often encounter in these exercises will be attached entities that they don't even know are in residence in their space? Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, anybody who encounters something really yucky and wants to throw the board away has just thrown away probably one of the best methods for finding out about this entity and helping to get rid of it. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Because just because they have thrown the board away, that doesn't mean the entity they've encountered has gone away. He has just been enticed to speak, and once the board is gone, he goes back to lurking. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Most unpleasant. (J) Is there ever a case where using a board could attract an entity that wasn't there beforehand? That seems to be the key question...

A: Yes, if the individual is knowledgable and the entity needs help. Also it must be made plain that young people, because of their natural tendency to dissociate, ought not to be around such activity.

Q: (Ark) Well, we still have the question about what happens to passive participants. (L) Passive participants in what respect? (Ark) I mean because we were talking about people who do the session, and they are so to say "active" at the board, but there are usually observers and a lot of entities attached to them...

A: That can present problems in some cases. Ideally all participants and attendees ought to be "clean."

Q: (L) Alright. So we'll deal with that some other time.
Re: The Psychomantium

I`ll share an experience that I had in 1994 with a mirror that still bothers me because it was so strange.

This wasn`t initiated by me in any way, and I wouldn`t want a repeat. To Scary.

I was at my Mom`s house in Florida and I had just stepped out of the shower, as I was drying off I glanced up at the mirror and it was the strangest thing.

Near the center of the mirror I thought there must be a crack that just happened because I could see a little tiny bit of colored light, like from a prism that hadn`t been there before.

But then when I looked again it was even bigger and it was moving and spreading upward and downward. I looked around to see if maybe something was reflecting there, light from the window or from some other place, but there was nothing that could be causing that to happen. The mirror was facing a white wall and there was diffused natural light only, in the room. I had taken a cool shower and there was no steam or water on the mirror.

I checked for that to.

So like an idiot I looked at it again. By now it was even more elongated and was taking the shape of an escalator with colored steps moving upward, then it began to turn over on itself again and again, and it was getting much bigger. It looked very very much like a twisting escalator of colored light getting bigger and bigger in the mirror.

Then I could see in the mirror, that the colored light seemed to be in the room, on the white wall behind me now as well and I totally freaked out! I ran out of the bathroom still wrapped in the towel, to my bedroom and I swear this swirling colored lights thing was following me!

In my room I had to continually turn in a circle to keep an eye on it, because it kept going behind me in the room over and over again. I was so frightened that I just threw myself on the bed and buried my face in the pillow for a few minutes and when I peeked up again it was fading away and almost gone. It was awhile after that, that I saw DNA on TV and I swear that's what it was, that`s what came out of the mirror and chased me!

That's the one and only experience I ever had with a mirror, but that was enough for me.

The idea of someone trying to have an experience like that, on purpose, just does not compute!
Re: The Psychomantium

Re my above post on mirror-phobia.

Since pressing 'Post' on same, there was something niggling me at the back of my mind. This morning, I woke to the conviction (?)/knowledge (?) of what my so-called mirror phobia really was - it was a programmed response.

And the clue to this, smacking my in the face like a wet kipper, I had actually written; i.e. and to whit - "...this may be just my own 'predator' looking back at me".

This knowledge, that my so-called mirror phobia was a programmed response to prevent the predator from being discovered and 'called out', as it were, has been reinforced within the past few minutes when I felt an extreme reluctance and hesitation in posting this discovery.

So I intend to take this in hand and fight it; not by staring in a mirror until I go cross-eyed, but by remembering this it is just a programme, and treating mirrors as a utility rather than something to be 'feared', because what is the fear in this case after all? This does not mean that the events described in my previous post did not happen as I perceived them, but rather that when I wrote that post I actually believed it!

Also, I am only writing my own interpretation on this as it applies to my own case; I am not questioning or denigrating in any way the mirror-phobia or experiences of others.

I apologise to all for writing what I now see is a piece of self-indulgent rubbish. Several metaphorical kicks up the pants have been administered (with a couple for the predator), but also thanks to whatever it was that opened my eyes to this.
Re: The Psychomantium

I just built a psychomantium and have been experimenting with it for the past few weeks. I have not yet seen anything in the mirror, but while sitting in the tent I feel quite peaceful, the atmosphere feels very serene. I was just wondering if it is better to think of one question while sitting and concentrating on that particular question, or is it better to just have a blank mind. I tried meditating with a particular question and also I tried meditating with an open mind. I am using a mirror.

Your feedback will be appreciated. By the way, I hope everyone is having a great holiday. It is already 6pm here in Calgary, but I had my dinner yesterday, we follow a European tradition. Canadian families are having their dinner just about now. I wish I was invited to one of those, I could handle one more dinner full of goodies. I have a confession to make, I seriously did try to stay away from my mom's cookies but could not. I am a weak soul, I know. I will get back to my healthy eating tomorrow, I hope, or monday the latest.

Enjoy your dinners tonight. And don't forget to be extra nice to your members of your families, especially to those difficult one. A few shots of Metaxa will do the trick. It sure helped me be nice to my sister.
Re: The Psychomantium

Mona, how are you doing with the EE breathing/meditation?
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