Politics and The Name of the Game


Jedi Master
[Editor's note: I originally had intended to post this in the 2020 Election thread, since that is the topic that spurned this writing and to what I thought it would mostly concern. However, as it evolved, I ended up relating to the much wider topic of STS and our choices, and how to move forward from here. I also seem to have difficulty both naming my original posts as well as finding a good place for them to rest, and this one proved no different in that regard, so if moderators feel there is a better title and/or place for this, by all means, do what you do.]

In the spirit of bravery, taking a leap of faith, and stepping up to the plate, I began writing this exposé earlier today in the hopes of inspiring others who may be feeling discombobulated from the effects of today, namely the events in the U.S. surrounding the circus unfolding around us.

With the seeming splitting of realities at our doorstep now more than ever, how do we hold our own while surfing the wave, and what can we do in order to not lose our focus so that we may better serve those around us who are losing their footing?

I don't know if I will have adequately answered any of those questions by the end of this, but I felt the need to share what was on my mind. And I hope that maybe it will give some food for thought to others, a sharing in perspective from one heart to another.

Beginning with the lead up to and current state of politics in the U.S., in my mind, the most likely scenario to what is and has unfolded regarding Trump is this:

Trump has always been controlled opposition. We know, or at least should by now, that both sides of the political spectrum are being controlled by an above hidden hand. But that doesn't mean everyone involved is aware of the game and secretly conspires at the levels of politicians to do and act out these roles, then at the end of the day shakes hands and says "good acting today, Fred." Although in some cases we can see this does happen.

Rather, from an STS perspective, it would maximize potential if neither side knew what the other side was really up to, and from everything that has been gathered and studied here over the decades, it seems rather likely that compartmentalization is the name of the game.

Donald J. Trump as we have witnessed has an enormous ego. I do not think it is part of his Art of the Deal mind games, instead I think the Art of the Deal is part and parcel of his ego. He carries himself as though he thinks he's the smartest man in the room, if not the world. Nobody is that good of an actor, and for all his many years in the public sphere, some cracks would have been identified and exposed if it was all just an act. I truly believe he believes, at least up until recently, that he WAS the smartest man around. This, nor any other of his many flaws, does not, however, preclude him from being a good person, a good father, or a good husband at the end of the day.

What I mean by "up until recently" is that to be good controlled opposition, his ego was played against him. At whatever time frame, I believe he was approached with an offer, a whisper in his ear or even just an inherent inclination - run for president at a certain time and he'll be guaranteed to win by those making the offer, thus cementing even more status in the eyes of the world as a "great man." (Sidenote: the same ego was used against Hillary, ie "run for president because you deserve it/it is your turn, etc" however her role was always to lose. You can see it when she breaks down and cries after she lost in 2016 that for a moment in time, she probably realized she had been played)

Back to the Donald - a good controlled opposition furthermore means that once in that role, there isn't a single move you can make that would not work in favor of those behind the scenes who are controlling the long-term outcome, including waking up to the fact that you are indeed controlled opposition (C.O. from here on out). For ease, Donald Trump will be Group A, although there is no one else in this group but he alone. I do believe also that sometime during his presidency, he became privy to this understanding that he is/was C.O. and thus the waking up on his part, but remember, if STS is even half as smart/clever as they should be, this too was within the acceptable scope of things, otherwise everything would too easily fall apart from their perspective. If they truly have time travel capabilities, this only makes sense.

Group B, the other C.O., would consist of everyone whom STS knows would basically lose their marbles at the prospect of such a man obtaining the position of "The Highest Office in the Land." Democrats, RINOS, and anyone else who rages against him fall into this category, and just like Trump, no one is that good of an actor, therefore they too do not know the machinations behind the scenes. The role of Group B is to be naturally outraged because they too are extremely egotistical. And boy have they played right into the hands of STS, so much so that unlike Trump, they haven't and may never see or understand their role as C.O.

The fact that so many people, politicians, "deep state" and alphabet agencies have acted out so strongly against Trump does not make Trump a "white hat" by default, rather, it means the STS plan is going along exactly as they hoped. I've been a little dismayed seeing such rhetoric and I feel it is a blind spot that many have, including here on the forum. Causation is not correlation and -A does not equal +A by default of being the opposite of -A.

Which brings me to Group C - instead of ego, Group C has been snared by hope, which, to credit, is at least the more pure of intentions to have been snared by. Hope is a fragile thing when it is placed outside of one's own self in terms of seeking knowledge and understanding, as there are an infinite number of variables opposed to the one which the hope rests upon which can cause failure of said hope to manifest. In this case, the hope I refer to for this Group C is the hope in Donald Trump to do anything, as per above, all of his actions have been thoroughly weighed by STS as being valuable to their aims, including the aforementioned "waking up" to his predicament and station.

In my mind, it would explain why there was a seeming shift in his persona, but also an inability or reluctance to truly make a move. As was said in the latest session, "between a rock and a hard place" is what he must have realized. Any move he made: invoking martial law, conceding and trying again later, spilling his guts with all the truth and evidence he may have, just sitting there and doing nothing at all; there isn't anything he could do that wouldn't ultimately play into the hands of STS and their long-term goals.

Which finally, brings us to Group D. This last group I want to highlight is the group of the individual, and seems to me to be the only thing that STS could not predict. The individual response and reaction and internalization to what is unfolding seems to me to be the only true wildcard in this whole game. If these individuals were to coalesce and form a group or network, as has been done here at this forum, it is at one level irrelevant and another level probably exactly what will be needed to "win" this game. However, a network, group, or community is nothing more than a multiple number of individuals coming together. There is no such thing as, say, the number ten. At least not at this level of experience or density. Ten is a grouping of ten ones, and is wholly reliant on those ones to form the grouping of ten.

This is what I understand from the statement "YOU will do what YOU will do," and that "it is YOUR choice and responsibility to find YOUR own way in fourth density, as is the same in third. No one will be there to assist YOU, rather it will be YOU assisting YOURSELF."

This does not negate the value and importance of a network, however at the end of it all, your own understanding and assimilation of the knowledge you encounter is solely up to you.

Now, I would like to change gears and offer an analogy to how I see our world.

The Game

When a program or game is coded and finalized, the user of the program or player of the game has zero control of the code behind the scenes. It is set, and once you press Run, the game or program is carried out. If there are bugs, or the program or game crashes, the user can do nothing about it, only the developer can. If the STS cohorts are the developers of this game, and we agreed to play it, we are within the confines of the code and can do nothing at our level to change the structure, we can only act within the structure itself.

For those unfamiliar, Randomized Number Generation, or Randomized Number Games, also known as RNG, is a type of game, usually a subset of RPG (role-playing game) whereas each playthrough will be sightly different than the last. The overarching plot and story remains the same but what is "random" are the stat growths, abilities learned, items found, etc. However even these are still predetermined from a set batch. Furthermore, it can and often is coded within the structure to always give the player a disadvantage, otherwise the game becomes too easily won and thus boring. This can take the form of, for example, a character in a game learning certain skills, which are randomly drawn, but then which triggers a switch that makes other skills harder to obtain. The effect is that the randomized nature of the game then becomes less random and more defined behind the scenes as the game is played.

At a basic level, most stand-alone games are coded this way, but if we view the STS cohorts as the developers who have constant back door access to the code, similar instead to an online game, then it becomes even murkier.

About a decade ago, I worked for the game company Blizzard Entertainment, creators of the game World of Warcraft. I was good friends of several Game Moderators or Game Masters (GM's). The role of these people are frightening when taking it into the context of our world, because their entire job consists of solely playing the game and moderating. Their avatars in the game look no different than any regular player. There is no identifying aspect, and it is their job to not only resolve disputes, but to also level the playing field so to speak, and it is often enforced in an arbitrary and unfair way.

Many times they will look for players who are a high level or overpowered, and will cause said players to suddenly lose items or levels to "restore balance."

From the user end, this could take the form of being booted out of the game, and once reloaded, items or stats are just gone, with no explanation ever given other than technical difficulties or server crashes. They will inform the player that unfortunately they are unable to restore what was lost because they "don't have a record of the aforementioned loss." Many games that require subscriptions to play result in loss of not only many hours invested, but also real money, which is not only diabolical, but also very criminal as it amounts to theft. However, those who are addicted to these games will inevitably put in even more hours and money to try to get back to where they were before the "loss."

I hope you are able to see the frightening implications of this when extracted to several things, namely the election machines, political maneuverings, and also the downloading of STS agents into human bodies and minds.

So where does this leave us as far as options? While a video game may be much more limited in scope than living in our reality, it all comes back to the wildcard: the individual and specifically free will of such.

STS cannot possibly predict the effects of individuals coming into contact with information that opens them up to a wider perspective and understanding, and even less so what that information may do regarding their DNA and receivership capability. If they can, then the only remaining option would be to stop playing the game and all that implies, but I still believe there is more to it than that. We are told that everything is lessons, and that we are here to learn the lessons of this realm, this game, and that the only true way to stop playing it is to learn all the lessons it has to offer.

What are those lessons? I believe it has to do with making yourself invulnerable to the effects of the STS tampering, to truly KNOW yourself and all the hidden corners of your mind, mastering your emotions and reactions, and choosing above all else, the one out infinite responses that STS believes is not possible to choose because it is weighted so minutely against the others that probability is in effect zero. That is the only way to "win" this game, and it begins and ends, with YOU.

Taking it full-circle back to U.S. politics, is fighting for Trump the correct response? What about allowing Biden to be throned, or even relying at all on our current understanding or structure of politicians and rulers vs ruled? Even the elusive third option, which has yet to be truly defined, seems like a dead end. So does the fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on. What IS the "correct" response, out of all the others, that will truly demonstrate mastery of the lessons here at this level?

Well, if you read this far hoping I would deliver a panacea, I'm afraid I'm going to leave you disappointed. The truth is, there is no one size fits all answer, as there are no two people in the same exact circumstances in this life. Everyone and their position is uniquely individual, and that is what makes it a wildcard. As was said before, you are responsible for you, and what allows you to "win" will be different from what allows me to "win." But if a bunch of us individuals manage to somehow, against all odds, actually individually "win," then maybe, just maybe, we will have a group that finally, after all this time, wins.
And now with news of Trump's concession, I'd just like to point out that this is what controlled opposition does best: rise rise rise....deflate.

It is, in fact, what I've felt would happen all along, as per my post from way back in the 2020 Election thread on August 24

I guess my thinking is that all of it is by design: Trump getting (s)elected, the left losing their mind, Russiagate to divide and distract while they shored up the last several years all the positions they wanted themselves to be in for the dismantling of America and the rest of the world. "They" being the real globalists, "Masters of the Universe" etc.

In what I've seen, hands being tied or not, Trump was placed there exactly for his ability to bring into light what was before hidden. In other words it's his effect, not his cause. They need people to lose all faith in the structure of our society because none of it is useful for them anymore, especially the elections. This whole thing is driving people right into rooting for Trump when it seems like that is exactly what is wanted.

Anyone who honestly believes in or is willing to vote for Biden or anyone on the left is beyond an idiot, a true fool, and a large majority of people from all sides are now flocking to Trump because it seems like the obvious thing to do. That looks an awful lot like putting the dog at one end of the field, barking and acting rabid, to drive the sheep in the opposite direction, to "safety."

Well, I don't buy it, and increasingly feel that, save for any big disaster or Continuity of Government preventing an election at all, electing anyone from this roll call, including and especially Trump, will turn out to be a huge mistake; the last Trump card on humanity. I just don't trust in someone else to make life "better" or "more safe" anymore because it really is perfect taken as a whole, and it's our job to take back control and responsibility for ourselves and those we love.

I know that last sentence is overly simplistic and bereft of any detail of what fulfilling or enacting those ideas may actually entail, and I definitely don't know what the answers to our predicament are, but I'm not doom and gloom because I do have a lot of faith and trust in the Universal Mind, as well as in the ability of goodness to prevail.

I just...don't trust politicians 😂
Thanks @pinkfreud! Here in Texas myself, it was a very strange energetic day. I fluctuated between feeling overwhelmed and also calm. It was very difficult to keep working through the day, the thought of what I was doing in my immediate surrounding being so insignificant in relation to what was unfolding. But I had to remember that in my circumstances, I was very much indeed being a great service to someone in need, namely my family, even if I see the long term prospects of what was being done in a physical sense just a bit futile. But that's not for me to decide what is futile, I just have to keep doing what I'm called upon in every moment.

At the end of the day, it started to rain. "Fitting," I thought to myself. Last night was also the first night in a very long time, that I didn't fight or run from something in my dreams. I didn't wake up sweating profusely, and you know, it's the little things that sometimes you are the most grateful for.
I like the analogy you make of the game we are caught in being like a video game with codes and parameters that are hidden, unknown to us and changed or manipulated based on the goals of the “creators”.

In regards to Hope, it seemed to many Americans there was a place of some control of our future with Trump in the White House. Today is a moment of realization that any control of our lives has been ripped out of our grasp with the cruelest of intention. The pit we are to be thrown into seems bottomless. The world is in their control. The areas of control and the lesson may well be that it lies within and most of us haven’t a clue how to find it. It’s a sobering moment into the unknown. I agree, for each of us, individually, it will play out differently according to our circumstances and level of knowledge.
@Charade yes, the witnessing of so many whose hopes were shattered yesterday is undescribably cruel, and simple words perhaps cannot do justice to that feeling.

What the end result of that revelation will be remains to be seen, however, and therein lies what I think is the one thing STS cannot predict. They have been able to control absolutely everything up to this moment, knowing with all certainly they would achieve such a destruction of the hope. The obvious effect to that end would be the bottomless pit you described, and I too have felt it at many times lately. But, can we choose differently, against all odds, what it is that effect will ultimately be for each of us?

It is weighted infinity to one, but I still believe in the hope that yes, we can.

Much love, and thank you for the response.
I don’t know about you guys, but I watched some live-streams before they got knocked out by the internet lords. I kept reminding myself that the people there didn’t really know what they were fighting for, either. I don’t mean that in a condescending way - just that their levels of understanding, or their views of what was taking place, were likely far different than mine, and I don’t even know what to do about the situation, right?Otherwise I would catch myself starting an emotional investment.

It was a day of strange energy. We’re in Michigan. I also went to work and did the usual things, and no one seemed especially interested. Even when the news popped up on the break room television.
I would go from that golden calm feeling to a slightly racing heart and work back down fairly quickly.
We had a family moment of clarity and peace just before falling asleep.
@pinkfreud I agree and I think it's part of the ruse. The people yesterday are neither right or wrong for feeling what they're feeling, but it is obvious that it is driven by blind emotion. A civil war plays right into the hands of the overlords; just imagine the STS feeding feast on that kind of chaos. At the conclusion of such, barring cosmic calamity, we can see from history that things only calm down for a few generations at most, but along the way, the screws have only gotten tighter.

There's got to be another way, and if there isn't, because a large amount of people are Organic Portals, aka animal instinctive, then it again comes back to the individual choice. To me it is evident that a large amount of people aren't going to "make it." But I can't let that affect my choices to whether I will or not, I can only work with what I'm given.
@Charade yes, the witnessing of so many whose hopes were shattered yesterday is undescribably cruel, and simple words perhaps cannot do justice to that feeling.

What the end result of that revelation will be remains to be seen, however, and therein lies what I think is the one thing STS cannot predict. They have been able to control absolutely everything up to this moment, knowing with all certainly they would achieve such a destruction of the hope. The obvious effect to that end would be the bottomless pit you described, and I too have felt it at many times lately. But, can we choose differently, against all odds, what it is that effect will ultimately be for each of us?

It is weighted infinity to one, but I still believe in the hope that yes, we can.

Much love, and thank you for the response.
Hello again,

As all is lessons, then perhaps there is hope. They have certainly positioned themselves to enact their evil on the world. They will be in full view as they tear the idea of Freedom to shreds in the years to come. My hope is that the lies will be more obvious to even those individuals without some of the insights we are fortunate enough to know from this forum, unfortunately, because of the suffering they seek to impose. Yes, Truth lies somewhere within us.
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