Plume-Gate - Fukushima catastrophe


The Living Force
Plume-Gate by Hatrick Penry features a well documented investigation through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information documents (NRC FOIA) and public/non-public disclosure documents on the Fukushima catastrophe. Information on Chernobyl is also presented.

Penry breaks down the information in seven parts, starting out with an outline to the chapters, which are presented below in full, along with copies of NRC FOIA documents, video's and other referances to corresponding documentation.

Plume-Gate: the world’s largest, provable cover-up and conspiracy

Allow me too summarize what I have learned thus far from reading the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima:

1) The damage to the Fukushima Daiichi facility was much greater and the ability to respond was much more difficult than we have been led to believe. There is a reference to a 46 foot tsunami, the height of which was measured by TEPCO on the walls of Unit’s 1 and 2. There is evidence Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) #4 and #3 went dry and had a ‘zirc fire’. At times, dose rates at the facility were lethal or near lethal and as such workers were, at times, unable and unwilling to make repairs. There is talk of 450-600 REM/hr between Unit’s 2 and 3 and MOX sludge causing access problems. Bulldozers were used to push rubble into piles to reduce the dose rates. Engineers and workers were unable to follow protocol as there was/is no known procedure that will rectify a prolonged station blackout due to saltwater inundation of switch boards, circuitry, electrical components, diesel generators etc. from a tsunami. The force of the wave dislodged and damaged the diesel fuel tanks that held the fuel that would have powered back-up generators and when the diesel generators themselves were not damaged from being submerged, the control panels that operated them were. The water-cannons and helicopter water drops were marginally effective and did little to cut dose rates. In the end, it all came down to shipping the Bechtel pumps from Perth, Australia…hooking them up and pumping (in most cases) saltwater into the reactors (At least one pumping unit was delivered to Japan on March 22nd, 2011 but I’m still hunting evidence that shows the pumps were even used.) DOD foot the bill on the Bechtel pumps which means John Q. Taxpayer actually covered the cost…approximately 9.6 billion dollars. It was at least two weeks before power began to be restored to any significant level in what can only be described as a slow, painstaking effort. There is proof of multiple radioactive plumes being emitted from the Fukushima facility…some well into the month of April, 2011. There is discussion that NOAA tracked a 19 mile radioactive cloud along the Japanese coast. There are TEPCO maps of measured (not modeled) plumes, some of which are over 60 kilometers long.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 13th, 2011…an excerpt from the Eliot Brenner memo to NRC OPA staffers: (snap shot of memo)

2) The world’s largest, provable cover-up is indicated in the NRC FOIA documents. Some of the agencies/figureheads implicated are: NRC, DOE, EPA, CDC, HHS, DHS, FEMA, NOAA, USAID, DOD (Navy, Naval reactors), White House, President Obama, Bechtel, GE, IAEA, INPO, NEI, and others in an orchestrated attempt to downplay and conceal the radioactive plume and fallout from Americans. Documents, plume models and SitReps (situation report) were denied to China, US states and global ‘stakeholders’. NEI and the ‘Federal Family’ had a password protected database for US Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) ‘rooftop grabs’. Information was suppressed by use of prefabricated ‘talking points’, Questions and Answers and Press Releases. NRC spends millions to search for negative press and to actively and aggressively perform countermeasures in the form of disinformation and careful gatekeeping by their agents (bloggers) online, on TV or in print (i.e.; we know them as trolls and shills). In one memo Eliot Brenner states (in regards to the NRC press release): ‘while we know more than what these say, we’re sticking to this story for now’. There is evidence of subversion of the Freedom of Information Act by the NRC. There is evidence that plume and fallout models were based on 96 hours or 4-5 days of emissions and there is proof that emissions continued up to the end of March and beyond. Officials did NOT issue rainwater warnings or ANY warnings based on these models. There is talk of modeling fallout in Alaska, California, Hawaii, and Midway. Conservative estimates ranged around 4.5 REM to children in a transpacific model. There was plenty of discussion of a ‘President’s worst case’ scenario…it was also based on 4-5 days of emissions. There is discussion about having the benefit of knowing all about Chernobyl even modeling based on Chernobyl depositions. FEMA was told to ‘stand down’. There is concern about a ‘diverging perspective’ and discussions about staying ‘aligned’.

3) It is obvious by the level of importance that the NRC, Japanese authorities and others placed on Potassium Iodine (KI) throughout the FOIA documents that it is a very important part of protecting oneself from fallout following a meltdown. This contradicts what US authorities have led us to believe over the years…that KI is not that big of a deal. I am not aware of any requirement that US Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) must stock KI in case of an accident.

4) There is evidence that ships from the US Navy were not relocated but that officials knew there were plumes and high levels of radiation all around the coast of Japan. NOAA tracked a 19 mile long radioactive cloud along the coast of Japan and on at least two occasions TEPCO measured (not modeled) radioactive plumes over 60 kilometers long. NRC officials state that most of the emissions blew offshore.

5) The NRC’s response to nuclear catastrophe is inhibited, in particular the ability to speak freely and communicate openly, because participants know they are being recorded and email saved for the Freedom of Information Act. In many cases participants were not at liberty to discuss the extent of the meltdowns as they really were. There is evidence of a ‘non-recorded’ line.

6) President Obama called for a review of our domestic fleet of reactors but to my knowledge no action is taken to rectify any of several critical issues. There are emails that indicate we have many non-seismically qualified spent fuel pools here in the US and that our nuclear plants may not be able to withstand a co-event 8.9 earthquake with a 46 foot tall tsunami (or tsunami of that height alone). NRC official admits that GI-99 manual proves they do not know everything about the seismicity of the CEUS (Central and Eastern United States), thus East Coast NPPs are vulnerable to a significant earthquake.

7) TEPCO intentionally discharged radioactive water into the Pacific beginning in March of 2011 and there is abundant proof of this in the NRC FOIA documents. Interestingly enough, I reported this fact before mainstream media did.

Throughout the NRC Freedom of Information documents pertaining to Fukushima there is evidence that officials are very much aware of the effects of the fallout from Chernobyl. There is discussion of using data recovered following the Chernobyl event in modeling of the fallout from Fukushima. There is even discussion of the number of fatalities that resulted from Chernobyl fallout. Officials cannot claim ignorance when you consider they admit they know all about Chernobyl, even using the data from the 1986 incident to aid in modeling. And consider also this: we are in the direct line of fire from the Pacific Jetstream…the same Jetstream that pilots ‘piggyback’, when returning from the orient, to save fuel. Can officials claim ignorance of the Pacific Jetstream?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “We’ve got the benefit of knowing everything there is to know about Chernobyl.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: more evidence that officials used data from Chernobyl fallout for modeling Fukushima fallout. Note the discussion of doses for children based on conservative assumptions.

below) From Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Note that Officials in Oregon issued rainwater warnings in 1986.

(below) From the study above: Fallout from Chernobyl detected in the Southern Hemisphere.

While it is true TEPCO withheld information from NRC officials they still had an excellent idea of what was unfolding and that Fukushima Daiichi facility was experiencing a ‘worse-case-scenario’…i.e.: a prolonged station blackout (PSBO). Ultimately this meant the nuclear reactors would be without power and proper cooling for weeks. When the nuclear fuel gets hot enough it begins to melt and will eventually take the form of a ‘corium’ blob, sublimating through concrete, rebar, steel and eventually down into the earth…forever irretrievable.

(below) NOT FROM THE NRC FOIA DOCUMENTS. Units 4 and 3 from left to right.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence that access was restricted due to high dose rates.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a discussion of how to drop the lethal dose rates so workers can make repairs.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: workers bulldoze rubble into piles to cut dose rates but dose rates still are ‘incredible’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Japan slow to assemble Bechtel pumps due to high dose rates. Note that time and time again NRC officials state that the water cannons and helicopter drops are ineffective.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: talk of 450-600 REM/hr between units 2 and 3.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: no real plan, just making it up as they go along. Discussion of strapping lead to Humvees to be able to drive in to make repairs.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: TEPCO considering entombment.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence of the ‘President’s source term’ and more proof that Obama’s administration knew the seriousness of the situation.

(below and continued from above) From the NRC FOIA documents: Discussion of the ‘President’s case’ and multiple ‘worst case’ scenarios. Models were not only downplayed by basing them on source terms of limited duration but by running multiple ‘worse case’ scenarios and choosing the ‘least-worst-case’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence of a ‘President’s run’ in Hawaii and California.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 29th and lighting is just being returned to Unit 4 control room where there is still no access due to high dose rates.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 16th email suggests SFP of Unit 4 has lost all water. High dose rates make entry impossible.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 14th email suggests Fukushima is a ‘worst case’ scenario i.e.: a prolonged station blackout.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 15th email suggesting that “U2 ex-vessel, U4 zirc fire SFP, catastrophe”. Note that redactions are likely further description of grave conditions at Fukushima, not military or trade secrets. We only get to see what they want us to see and yet we are expected to believe the levels of radiation and the damage were minimal.

(below) From the worst probable nuclear incident at an industrial facility is a fire…(especially with MOX fuel)

below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence that the March 14th Unit 3 ‘lube oil fire’ was not a lube oil fire but something much more serious.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Officials know all about plumes and fallout from a Mark I as they have already done a study of the possibility. Also note Chuck Casto’s contention: ‘…in a station blackout you’re going to lose containment.”

The result of the prolonged station blackout and subsequent meltdowns would produce an incredible amount of radioactive emissions from the Fukushima facility: many, many times more than Chernobyl. The radioactive plumes and clouds would be carried aloft, out to sea, and in the direction of the USA. The initial plume was a lethal cocktail of plutonium, strontium, cesium, iodine and other radionuclides and made impact with the West Coast just six days after the catastrophe. Officially, Americans were told not to expect harmful levels of radioactivity and no warnings were given. Meanwhile, as far away as France, rainwater and green leafy vegetable warnings were issued. It is interesting to note that in 1986 Oregon issued rainwater warnings over Chernobyl fallout.

(below) While President Obama told Americans to expect ‘harmless’ levels of radioactivity and to take no precautions beyond staying informed, countries much further from the Fukushima catastrophe did give rainwater warnings (just as Oregon did in 1986 over Chernobyl fallout) and green leafy vegetable warnings as well.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: prevailing winds carry the bulk of radioactive releases out to sea.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence of a massive plume.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NOAA’s big blunder (admission of tracking a 19 mile long radioactive cloud down the coast of Japan) draws the ire of NRC officials.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “Now we’re getting calls from ordinary citizens from CA and OR wanting to know if they need to evacuate.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Talking points deflect the American public’s pesky questions.

(below) from the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence that EPA had lead role on plume effects in the US.

(below) NOT FROM THE NRC FOIA DOCUMENTS: EPA busted for ‘rigging’ the RADNET monitoring equipment to report lower levels of radiation. Meanwhile, US Nuclear Power Plants that detected fallout from Fukushima forwarded the data up the chain of command into a password protected database accessible only by the ‘Federal Family’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Admiral Willard admits the plumes are a ‘repeated event’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence of venting from Unit 3 blowing offshore.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Moving Navy ships en masse would have been indicative that the situation was worse than Officials were willing to admit. Many of our sailors are already suffering from the effects of radiation sickness.

I will remind you that the modeling done by NARAC, DITTRA, SANDIA and the NRC appears to have been based on 96 hours or 4-5 days of emissions and thus evidence of dose rates will be greatly underestimated. These downplayed models and ones like ‘the President’s run’ were what ‘harmless’ levels of fallout were based upon. In the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima I found hard evidence that plumes as long as 60 kilometers were being emitted as late as the 30th of March and beyond. I would also remind you that in July, 2013 Unit #3 had several days of what TEPCO labeled ‘mystery steam’. The simple fact is, radioactive emissions from Fukushima have been and will continue to be ongoing: to conduct modeling based on 4-5 days of emissions is madness! Again I remind you that the numbers expressed in the following screencaptures will be extremely conservative:

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: discussion of dose estimates in California.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: over conservative transpacific model shows 4.5 REM iodine to children…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Transamerica model shows 4.5 REM to thyroid of infants in California.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: modeling suggests up to 35 REM thyroid dose to children in Alaska and 4.9 thyroid dose to children in Midway. Remember, modeling was based on short durations of 4-5 days of emissions. In the NRC FOIA documents, there is proof that emanations were ongoing well into the month of April, 2011. Recently, TEPCO announced a ‘mystery steam’ coming from Unit 3.

(below) NOT FROM THE NRC FOIA DOCUMENTS: Reality: following the Fukushima disaster the EPA rigs the RADNET system. Also, much of the RADNET system is found to be inoperable at the time. Later, Obama would allow the permissible radiation threshold to be increased dramatically. (This screencapture is not from the NRC FOIA documents. Credit and special thanks goes to Alexander Higgins.)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Note the Ambassador is requesting a 'pessimistic scenario' and this request is forwarded up the chain of command to the White House for 'alignment' before being allowed. They don't want anyone speaking out of turn. In certain cases plume models and situation reports (SITREP) were denied to U.S. states, stakeholders outside the U.S.A (NPP owner/operators) and China. It is critical you understand 'gaining alignment' means prior approval of the task being requested (often modeling of the plume/fallout) or approval of information to be released and thus a unified voice as a result.

(below part 1) From the NRC FOIA documents: The next screencapture is a 3 part series. In this first segment there is a discussion taking place about some information that has leaked and made it's way to the Wall Street Journal. When Larry Camper says 'It's amazing how people know this staff and we can't seem to get it', he is referring to whoever leaked the information and the fact they should have known better. Sounds like the 'staff' does not have out best interest at heart...

(below part 2) Note the term 'consolidated viewpoint'.

(below part 3 ) From the NRC FOIA documents: Note the term 'consolidated input'. They want to be sure they are all giving the Ambassador the same story. Whatever the story was it was a much less alarming picture of reality, so much less alarming the Ambassador felt he needed to request a 'pessimistic scenario' (see above).

(below) This email is fairly self explanatory. There is one official plume model provided by the IAEA and everyone is to refer to that. Please note that in my article (included in this complete work) Seek and Destroy, I show where the NRC Cyber Security Team had several leaked plume models pulled from online.

(Continued in next Post)
Forgot to mention - click on any document at the site for full screen viewing.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: The NRC and other agencies withheld information (plume models etc.) from the U.S. states even though they made the claim that the plume and fallout were harmless. Samples from U.S. nuclear power plant 'rooftop grabs' were logged into the NEI's password protected database that only the 'Federal Family' has access to. If the plume, fallout and subsequent measurements were harmless, why is this information being hidden from us?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: This screencapture from the NRC FOIA documents show U.S. states (and other stakeholders) were denied the situation report for Fukushima (SITREP). If the disaster was insignificant, why is this information being withheld?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: If it's going to make waves, they want to approve it first. 'Share with others the need to respect OUO' (official use only) spread the word to keep your information to yourself unless it has been approved for the public.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Actually got more obvious: DOD and NRC are worried about a 'diverging perspective' regarding the 'current severity'...

Throughout the NRC Freedom of Information documents pertaining to Fukushima there is quite a bit of discussion concerning modeling of the plume and fallout. In order to issue radiation warnings, knowledge of the plume’s speed, direction and intensity must be known. This is done by way of computer analysis: the two fundamental variables being the source term(s) data (sources of radiation being emitted) and the length of duration that the emanations will last for. Other possible factors to consider are the type of fuel itself, such as the Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel in Unit #3 (which is more dangerous than the standard fuel that was being utilized in Units 1-2), and certain atmospheric conditions such as wind speed and direction.

The reality of the Fukushima disaster is that it WAS a worst-case-scenario for reactors 1-4. Consider the loss of electrical power for weeks on end and the initial ‘Plan B’ type of ‘water-cannon-concrete-truck’ cooling system response that NRC officials said was all but useless. How does it get worse than no cooling and no power for weeks?

If one considers the source terms and length of emissions that a true ‘worst-case-scenario’ would represent, it is easy to understand why the NRC and DOE had to downplay, delay and purposefully bungle the modeling of the radioactive plume and fallout. As a result President Obama was able make the statement that experts did not expect harmful levels of radioactivity to reach the U.S. and thus there were no warnings or alerts issued for American citizens. Meanwhile, other countries as far away as France, did issue rainwater warnings and green leafy vegetable warnings as well.

Tactics used to downplay modeling/sampling:

1) To reduce the size and intensity of plume and fallout models, simply reduce the length of duration of the source term(s), ie: reduce the length of time that radiation will be emitted from the damaged reactor(s). Throughout the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima a 4-5 day emission period was considered for most of the modeling of the radioactive plume and fallout. What’s wrong with that? Over 2 years after the catastrophe there are still emissions by air and sea and no end in sight. If, as many experts suspect, we are facing a quadruple ‘China syndrome’ the radioactive effluents will continue to be released for many years.

2) To reduce the size and intensity of plume and fallout models, reduce the number of source terms. Of course with Fukushima, they knew right away that all power had been lost to Units 1-4 and that those units, without power or proper cooling for weeks on end, would all be source terms of a very high magnitude. The evidence shows that there were plenty of models circulating that downplayed the number of source terms, just like they did with the duration of emissions.

3) To reduce the intensity of plume and fallout models, simply delay taking measurements and samples until 24 hours after the initial criticality. A 24 hour delay will allow time for the plume (and higher concentrations found in the initial release) to blow away. Subsequent measurements in the same location will not be as high.

4) When a measurement or sample from the field is alarmingly high, simply question the veracity (methodology or type of test) and insist that another sample be taken to double-check the first. By the time that person can take another test, the concentrated plume that he or she sampled from originally has now shifted with the wind direction and the subsequent sample will naturally read much lower as the plume is no longer in the same place. The 2nd, much lower test result, will be the one utilized.

5) When it comes to sampling, choose only short lived radioactive isotopes such as Cesium and Iodide. Never test for long lived radioactive isotopes such as plutonium. The less number of radionuclides you sample for, the less alarming the result will be.

6) When sampling H2O, especially seawater from the ocean near Fukushima, take samples from the surface of the body of water and not from the sea floor. Heavy particulates which may be more radioactive, such as plutonium, will naturally sink to the bottom and can be avoided in this way.

7) When it comes to a ‘worst-case-model’, create a wide range of possible ‘worst-cases’ with one of them being the ‘least-worst-case’. This is the one to promote. Although logic dictates there can only be one ‘worst-case-model’ the NRC and DOE are not the kind of agencies to let logic get in the way of their work protecting citizens and the environment (or our men and women in the armed forces for that matter).

Now let’s have a look at evidence obtained from the NRC Freedom of Information documents pertaining to Fukushima:

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Note the date of April 12th, 2011 and the estimate of the radioactive discharge from Fukushima as being 10% of Chernobyl. At best this estimate is based on a month of releases and at worst (and most probably) 4-5 days.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: An IAEA briefing, also from April 12th: "Russia also (correctly) pointed out that the accident at Fukushima is still ongoing and it is premature to speculate how much radioactivity will be released..."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Again, please note the short duration of 96 hours for this modeling. Plumes were ongoing and TEPCO measured (not modeled) plumes over 60 kilometers long as late as March 30th, 2011.

(below) This screencapture is NOT from the NRC FOIA documents but is a headline from Note that on July 18th, 2013 steam was seen emanating from Unit #3...over 2 years after the catastrophe emissions continue.

(below) This screencap is taken from a study by Sandia National Labratories and is NOT from the NRC FOIA documents. Sandia does work with the NRC and DOE however. Note that they 'do not take into account the reactor building explosion at 68 hours'...why?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: plume modeling "on hold" by NOAA.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: The President's worst case scenario was based on 4-5 day period of emissions.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: 'Melt-core' worst case get's big numbers on the West Coast. No problem, call in specialist Kathy Gibson. She's a magician with a plume model. And has almost as many of them as there are cards in a deck.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Here is a reference to the March 14th 'lube oil fire' which NRC employees claimed could not have been a lube oil fire at all...but something else. The discussion centers around running a model for this event and running it from the 14th forward. If you model from a later date the 'volatiles' may have decayed and may no longer be present thus the model will be inaccurate. See tactic #3 above.

(below) Radiation samples alarmingly high? Kathy Gibson to the rescue!

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: An email from Chris Miller (USNRC) to Ron from the DOE which incredibly enough is a list of reasons why the NRC needs the DOE to deploy their fixed wing aerial measuring system and almost comes across as a plea for help. Was the DOE actually questioning the NRC's need for their fixed wing aircraft?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Looks like it got so bad with the 'least-worst-case-scenarios' that the U.S. Ambassador in Japan actually had to request a 'pessimistic' model. (Map of US shown)

Another critical aspect to the Plume-Gate cover-up centers on the ‘rooftop grabs’ (radiation measurements) taken from nuclear power plants here in the United States. This data, reported by at least 18 Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), paints a picture of widespread Fukushima fallout across the United States. It also proves authorities we're well aware of the danger here at home but were unwilling to issue warnings or advisories (rainwater, milk, green leafy vegetables) so that the American public could take precautionary measures (remember that FEMA was ordered to 'stand-down'). Because of the nature of this 'smoking gun' evidence, the samples were carefully secreted into a password protected data base overseen by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), labeled as OUO (Official Use Only) and made available exclusively to the 'Federal Family'.

(below) modeling of Plutonium 239 (P-239) mirrors the map shown above of US Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that reported detecting fallout from Fukushima.

Authors note: to be clear, there is a difference between the modeling of fallout and the actual sampling and detecting of fallout in the field. Modeling is an assumption, an estimate of the plume and fallout, generated by computers. Sampling and detecting yields actual real time results of radiation levels (with varying degrees of accuracy) at a specific location or locations.)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: US nuclear power plants report fallout from Fukushima on a voluntary basis.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC 'giving the runaround' on the data from the rooftop grabs: "...we don't have anything, and EPA is who you need to talk to."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Add Palo Verde, SONGS, Diablo Canyon, Columbia and Millstone to the list of U.S. nuclear plants that detected fallout from Fukushima. Note that 'Industry has agreed to collect the data and provide to NRC for distribution with Federal Government.'

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is the focal point for data from U.S. nuclear plants and is developing an online database.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence of a briefing sheet that is approved for circulation inside a nuclear plant.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Checking for clearance before forwarding the briefing sheet along to the DOE, EPA and the states. I've never seen the DOE or EPA denied modeling or sampling results but I've found evidence that U.S. states were.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Checking for clearance before sharing sampling data with the DOE, EPA and California (CA).

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: '...we recommend that at this time we don't share with the state.'

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: '...environmental data that exceeds the reporting levels first come into the Document Control desk...'

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Evidence of a password protected database for air and standing water samples from U.S. nuclear plants. The public at large does NOT have access to this data.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NEI email shows widespread circulation...subject: 'US nuclear power plant environmental data resulting from Fukushima'

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: sampling data from US nuclear power plants reveals Fukushima fallout. It is important to note that there is a big difference between the amount of radiation sampled in a continuous sample, drawn over a 24 hour period, and a short duration sample of minutes or hours. It is analogous to testing the air filter of an automobile that has run all day compared to one that has run an hour.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Particulate grab samples from San Onofre and Palo Verde. Please note that myself and other FOIA researchers combed through hundreds of thousands of pages of documents to find these few pieces of evidence, well hidden from the casual observer in what I call the 'needle-in-a-haystack' effect.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a measured plume map from April 4th, 2011. It is important to note that a) most particulate grabs were of a short duration b) measured plumes from Fukushima were emitted on a constant basis well into April of 2011 c) aerosolized plutonium, from Fukushima, has been detected as far away as Lithuania and d) US rooftop grabs only reveal radioactive Iodine and Cesium.

(below) Results from my own rainwater sample of 3/15/12, a year after the Fukushima disaster, reveal radioactive Strontium in Gainesville, Florida.

(below) From the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Aerosolized plutonium detected in Lithuania in late March and early April of 2011.

(below) From the Sternglass study: doses to children may be as much as a hundred to a thousand times more than an adult.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 1) A March 31st, 2011 email from the Arizona Division of Emergency Management indicating something is amiss with the sampling: "...the Palo Verde data sample is different than what was collected from the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency." and "I just want to be prepared if I need to answer the question about why the findings are different."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 2) An email response to the Arizona Division of Emergency Management: "NRC is not publicly reporting the results that Palo Verde reports to us."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 3) Evidence that data, including measurements of I-131 in air and milk samples, was forwarded to a website and shared amongst the 'Federal Family'.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: How the rooftop grab information flows: NPPs to NRC, NRC to EPA. And when there is a chance that information may become public, Eliot Brenner sweeps in and takes control of the situation...

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 1) A March 23rd email indicating interest by the Protective Measures Team (PMT) in 'elevated environmental samples' at Nine Mile and Ginna NPPs.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 2) An email from Pamela Henderson expressing concern for who is collecting radiation data in the US.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 3) confirmation that the Protective Measures Team (PMT) received the information on the sampling at Nine Mile and Ginna NPPs.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 4) more concern for who is collecting radiation data is the US...

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 5) "...environmental data that exceeds the reporting levels first come into the Document Control desk..."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 6) the brutal truth: "...licensees do not have to report on elevated levels if it is not due to their licensed activities."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 7) The Protective Measures Team always get's the data...

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 8) serous concern that "Licensee developing a press release" over Ginna Nuclear Power Plant rainwater sample.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 9) "Ginna licensing manager anticipates that CENG corporate will be developing a press release..." (CENG stands for Constellation Energy Group...owners of Ginna NPP...also see more on NRC 50.72 below)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 10) Cancel that press release..."NEI will be representing the industry."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 11) "NEI may be issuing a press release."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC and EPA work together to present a united front of deception. The statement that there will be 'no health impact on the United States' was based on intentionally flawed modeling of short duration (96 hours or 4-5 days of emissions) and of radioactive Iodine and Cesium only.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Ginna NPP owners may have been caused angst by 50.72 (b)(3)(ii) which stipulates any condition that 'degrades plant safety' must be reported.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: if a news release is planned NRC wants to know so it can "...respond to heightened public concern."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an example of an 'unscheduled radiation release'. Since Fukushima fallout was not a result of activities at US nuclear plants, reporting was done on a voluntary basis.

Seek and Destroy: NRC Spends Millions to Search for Negative Press

The strategy is simple. The NRC wants to know who is writing or speaking out against nuclear power and they want to know the moment an article or video is published. In a flash, the 'Cyber Situational Awareness Team’ springs into action to 'handle' the situation. This is Big Brother at his best, clamping down on free speech and spreading disinformation through blogs and social networking sites such as FaceBook. Once the negative media is located, and this appears to be nearly instantaneous, the NRC begins an all-out information war to counter the effects of that particular piece. In many cases, a simple phone call will do to have an article removed or edited. Remember, these folks have corporate connections everywhere; writers have bosses and bosses work for owners. When the corporate owner of your newspaper calls and demands that you remove and anti-nuclear article, you better believe that article get's pulled (or edited) 99.9% of the time.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: searching all sectors of media for negative press...

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a complaint about 'news stories left out'.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: More on news being left out from a search...

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: plume map take-down (part 1) (part 2) (part3) (part 4) (part 5)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: updated MAR contract

About the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool:

The evidence, from the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima, has led me to believe that:

1) The March 11th, 2011 earthquake caused immediate structural damage to the Unit 4 building. Spent fuel pool coolant began to drain out through a crack or cracks that were a result of the earthquake.

2) There was an H2 explosion and a wall or walls of the SFP #4 were ‘blown out’.

3) On March 15th 2011, the hot offload of fuel experienced a zirconium cladding fire and subsequent meltdown to the floor of the spent fuel pool. According to the IAEA, SFP #4 was on fire and emitting radiation directly to the atmosphere for at least 9 hours and 10 minutes before TEPCO claimed it was extinguished.

4) 75% or more of the radiation contained in SFP #4 may have been released into the atmosphere. Modeling was done on a 100% release.

5) Any fuel rods recovered (official numbers vary on what the inventory was) will be ones that were unused and ‘cool’…probably less than 25% of inventory. It is possible that all fuel rods were affected and none will be salvageable.

The Evidence:

To be clear: I cannot prove that the spent fuel pool of Unit 4 has been destroyed or damaged. Nor can the nuclear apologists prove that the pool is full of water and the fuel rods are intact. It should be noted that those who claim that the damage to SFP 4 was minimal and that the rods will be recovered have only their rhetoric to back them up. They offer no proof. YouTube videos alleging to be of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool could be any spent fuel pool in the world. Is it not evidence in and of itself that they have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that their claims are true? How hard would it be to hold a current newspaper in front of a video camera and then make an inspection of Units 1-4 for the world to see? Do you believe TEPCO? Do you believe the NRC? Do you believe the Government of Japan or our own government? All of these entities have extensive track records of deception and dishonesty and they all have reason to hide the truth, especially in the case of the Fukushima disaster.

(below) The effects of a prolonged station blackout (SBO) caused by a 9.0 earthquake and 46 foot tall tsunami are catastrophic.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: normal operating temperature of the coolant in a spent fuel pool is 30 degrees Celsius.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 14th, 2011 the temperature of SFP #4 is now at 84 degrees Celsius.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 15th FAX from the IAEA to the NRC "Release Radioactivity Unit 4 Fukushima Daiichi NPP"

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 15th, 2011-Japanese authorities inform the IAEA that the spent fuel pond at Unit 4 is on fire and that "...radioactivity is being released directly into the atmosphere."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Japanese authorities claim the fire at the spent fuel pool of Unit 4 is extinguished 9 hours and 10 minutes after it begins. Evidence found in the NRC FOIA documents contradicts this claim. As of March 16th, TEPCO had yet to remove the rubble blocking the path of fire trucks and other heavy equipment to the Fukushima facility. Helicopter water drops, the only other method of delivering water to the spent fuel pools, are said to be ineffective by NRC officials.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Situation Report Update shows Unit 4 spent fuel pool in grave danger. Radiation levels are too high to initiate countermeasures at 30 REM/hr. Note that NRC officials were adamant that the 'lube oil fire' of Unit 4 was NOT a lube oil fire and instead referred to it as a 'seminal event'.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: As the spent fuel pools heat up, access problems (of which radioactive MOX sludge was a factor) and high radiation levels impede any response to the disaster.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 1 of a 5 part series) Plume modeling (direction of plume by elevation) from the 15th to the 18th of March, 2011 by the Japan Meteorological Agency. While this modeling may or may not be based on the releases of SFP #4, it is indicative of where the winds of that time period might have carried radiation.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: confirmation of damage to wall of Fukushima Unit 4.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: email from March 15th, 2011 "U4 zirc fire, catastrophe"

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (M.E.T.I.) News Release: at 10:30 UTC on March 15th-orders are given to extinguish the fire at Unit 4 and prevent "re-criticality".

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: email from March 16th, 2011-"U4 situation deteriorating. SFP water inventory is lost...dose rates around U4 make entry impossible..."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: email from March 16th, 2011 "The walls of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool have collapsed, and there is no water in there."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: cover-page for a March 16th transcript wherein the damage to Unit 4 is discussed extensively. Speakers include then NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko, Regional Administrator for Region 3 Chuck Casto and Director of the Office of Public Affairs Eliot Brenner.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Chuck Casto: "...we absolutely know that pool no. 4, though, the walls have collapsed..."

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Chuck Casto stakes his career on Unit 4 having major damage.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Mike Weber “The pool structure is no longer in existence. The walls have collapsed. So, you have spent fuel sitting there in a pile.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a discussion of “quenching” the pool (filling it with water…saltwater at first)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: this next series of screencaptures centers around a discussion about a video that TEPCO alleges shows water in the Unit 4 spent fuel pool. The TEPCO video surfaced after then NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko stood before members of Congress on the 15th of March, 2011 and announced that the spent fuel pool at Unit 4 was dry. Throughout the NRC FOIA documents there is evidence that TEPCO pressured officials at the NRC to ‘reconsider’ their position. A final back-and-forth between Gregory Jaczko, Chuck Casto and Eliot Brenner settles the matter when they decide Jaczko will not ’roll back’ any of his statements on Unit 4.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a discussion about the source of information about the Unit 4 spent fuel pool.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Jaczko will not be “rolling back” any of his statements on Unit 4

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: confirmation from a secondary source that the SFP of Unit 4 is dry.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 16th, 2011 inputs for a RASCAL (plume modeling) projection. Considering the assumption that “all of the fuel melted” on Unit 4 it’s no wonder this information was not to be shared outside of the NRC.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 17th, 2011 “…freezing out information from the other Commissioner offices” and ” the ET stuck to the story that U4 SFP is likely dry.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 17th, 2011 email-note that the NRC is sticking with the pool as being empty and offer reasons why.

below) From the NRC documents: a March 17th “NRC INFORMATION NOTICE” that states “Unit 4 suffered a total loss of water along with an inability to retain water.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Reactor and Water Pool Release Considerations as of March 18th, 2011. Note the peak of an incredible 400 REM/hr at the Fukushima facility and the statement that “periodic additional releases of radioactivity are occurring as the plants vent to atmosphere”.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Reactor and Water Pool Release Considerations as of March 18th, 2011 continued…”NRC believes that water from the unit 4 storage pool completely drained and a violent zirconium and water reaction occurred…”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Reactor and Water Pool Release Considerations as of March 18th, 2011 continued…Bettis Laboratory estimates doses at 50 miles from a spent fuel pool meltdown. Evidence throughout the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima indicates that estimates, assumptions and modeling was based on a worst-case-scenario at Unit 4.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Reactor and Water Pool Release Considerations as of March 18th, 2011 continued. Here is why they don’t want you to know what really happened at Fukushima Unit 4…”In the more extreme scenarios involving significant additional core or pool damage, there would not be sufficient time to evacuate Navy civilians, military personnel, and their dependents to avoid the higher exposure levels discussed above.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from March 18th, 2011…”Proposal to handle dried spent fuel pool.docx”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: emails from March 18th, 2011 show concern for the duration that fuel rods have been left to cool in the spent fuel pool. Fuel rods that are a fresh offload are much hotter than fuel rods that have cooled for 2 or more years. Hotter fuel is naturally more dangerous if coolant levels drop or if a spent fuel pool drains out entirely.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence of a fresh offload of hot fuel into the Unit 4 spent fuel pool.

(below) Cover-page for NRC’s “Waste Confidence Generic Environmental Impact Statement” NUREG-2157 for the next screencapture.

(below) From NRC’s ”Waste Confidence Generic Environmental Impact Statement” NUREG-2157…’time-to-release’ could be less than 10 hours if fuel has had less than 2 years to cool.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 18th brief: Unit 4 “pool may be dry; damage to fuel rods suspected”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 18th, 2011…the source term provided to NARAC (does plume modeling) includes the assumption that ”100% of the total spent fuel was released to the atmosphere from Unit 4.” Note the flawed modeling based on a limited 96 hour release. Measured plume maps found in the NRC FOIA documents prove that emissions were ongoing beyond the month of March, 2011.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a March 18th, 2011 email with a reference to then NRC Chairman Jaczko’s testimony that SFP 4 was dry. Jaczko’s information was derived from NRC officials that were ‘embedded’ with TEPCO, Conti and the Government of Japan.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a March 18th, 2011 email showing concern for the spacing of hotter fuel rods in the Unit 4 spent fuel pool. If freshly offloaded rods are clumped together, it makes a low or no coolant situation exponentially worse. “Checker-boarding” stores hot fuel rods next to cool fuel rods to even out the heat.

(below) From the NRC’s NUREG-2157: hot fuel rods stored in close proximity could allow the “runaway oxidation reaction to spread”. This is known as a “propagating zirconium cladding fire” or a “zirc fire”.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a March 29th, 2011 email showing the ‘perfect storm’ for the Unit 4 spent fuel pool: full core offload about 120 days ago, no checker-boarding of hotter fuel, structural damage, dry pool and “cladding/water” reaction.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: cover-page for a summary of the Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano’s press briefing of the 19th of March, 2011. Note the colored chart found below indicates that the Unit 4 spent fuel pool is “now in preparation for filling the water”.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a March 19th email from former American Nuclear Society President William Burchill asking relevant questions…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: saltwater injection to the Unit 4 spent fuel pool did not begin until March 20th, 2011 due to access problems at the Fukushima facility. Prior to the 20th of March, helicopter water drops and water cannons, both labeled ineffective by NRC officials, were the only means by which TEPCO could attempt to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: cover-page for the next series of screencaptures taken from March 20th, 2011 teleconference calls.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: mention of ‘signal events’ from Unit 3 and Unit 4. TEPCO’s cover-story was that the March 15th event was a ‘lube oil fire’. NRC officials disputed TEPCO’s contention/evidence about the ‘lube oil fire’ just as they did with TEPCO’s video ‘evidence’ of water in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: “…the Japanese, they just grilled us non-stop…”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: On the Unit 4 spent fuel pool “…they’re at a loss what to do.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: John Monninger on Unit 4 “…spent fuel pool…going through the floor…”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Brian McDermott on the Unit 4 spent fuel pool “…people are worrying that that stuff has maybe melted through that concrete floor.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Marty Virgilio on Unit 4 spent fuel pool “…I don’t see how there could be possibly water left in there.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Dave Skeen on Unit 4 spent fuel pool “…we’ve never seen any, any kind of steam or vapor coming out of Unit 4.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from March 20th, 2011 from Yama-Yamaguchi and a stunning admission ”We will be closed 1F-1 to 1F-4 permanently” and “we should have more strong emergency redundant cooling system required for fule pool…”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from Brian Sheron, NRC’s Director of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, in regards to some questions from Congressional staff. It appears as if someone was showing interest as to why the NRC decided the melted fuel rods would not ablate (burn through) through the concrete floor of the spent fuel pool.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from March 21st, 2011 about the Unit 4 spent fuel pool “the one that they’ve had trouble keeping covered”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: cover-page for March 23rd, 2011 teleconference calls…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 23rd, 2011 and TEPCO is trying another scheme in an attempt to get closer to the pool with a 50-meter boom truck…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC officials have problems with TEPCO’s thermal signature…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 23rd, 2011 water drops on spent fuel pool #4 continue with no change to external dose.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC Officials discuss the ‘bounding analysis’ that includes 100% of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 23rd, 2011…Robert Lewis, Director of NRC’s Office of Preparedness and Response, on a NARAC plume/dose model “It also includes I think a large fraction 100 percent of Unit 4 which we know has already had some release.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 23rd, 2011…NRC officials unable to take the Unit 4 spent fuel pool “off the table” as a source term (radioactive emission)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: seawater injection to the Unit 4 spent fuel pool from the 24th to 25th of March, 2011 causes “white smoke”.

(Continued in next Post)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from March 28th, 2011 calculations show that TEPCO is losing water in a 1 to 22 ratio in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4. Without leak a 44.60 inch increase in water height should have occurred after adding 125 tons of water. TEPCO numbers show a mere 2 inch rise in coolant height after adding 125 tons of water.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a March 28th, 2011 email evidence that some were questioning an NRC technical opinion that criticality in the Unit 4 spent fuel pool (probably re-criticality at this point if you consider the evidence already put forth in this article) is unlikely based on the presence of “low density racks of borated stainless steel”. Note that the Unit 4 racks were not borated. Also note the reference to 204 fresh fuel assemblies and “fuel damage due to uncovery’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: the effects of pumping seawater in a reactor or spent fuel pool after a meltdown…hot aqueous chloride would cause stress corrosion cracking of the stainless steel cladding and piping etc.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 29th, 2011 from an NRC brief…”…no access [to U-4] due to dose rates.” High dose rates=no repairs/countermeasures.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: GE had “first hand observations” based on “eye-witness accounts” from the refueling floor of the Unit 4 spent fuel pool when the earthquake struck.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 31st email indicating that a note about the Unit 4 SFP that was in an earlier report is now missing from an updated report…but was the “differing information about water levels” ever resolved?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: March 31st, 2011…an email that disputes then Chairman Gregory Jaczko’s statement to the ‘Deputies meeting’ that the Unit 4 spent fuel pool was full of water. Jaczko’s statement from the 30th of March, 2011, as indicated in this email, contradicts his own from March 15th, 2011.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an April 4th, 2011 email discussing the “junk-shot” that will patch “the Leak at Fukushima”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an email from April 6th, 2011 in regards to a presentation for the “European Melcore User Group”…one of the key points “…there was a leak from the pool which depleted the water.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: an April 6th, 2011 email…”Over the last few days, the makeup to the Unit 4 SFP has not been sufficient to offset TEPCO’s calculated losses from steaming.”

.......Note - unable to continue documentation - sudden computer problems - will update later.
(Using back-up unit to finish documentation)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: a Monday April 18th, 2011 email in regards to TEPCO’s “Roadmap towards Restoration”…note comment number 4.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: April 28th…TEPCO, possibly the world’s worst flip-floppers, now admit publicly that a potential leak in the spent fuel pool of Unit 4 may exist.

(below) From the NRC ‘s NUREG-2157…”the NRC confirmed that the overall risks oassociated with these types of accidents remain low because the spent fuel pool loss-of-coolant event probability is low (NRC 2001)” and “…no new information has emerged that would cause the NRC to question the results of this study.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Gary Holahan, Deputy Director for the Office of New Reactors , makes a stunning admission in response to President Obama’s directive of the NRC to conduct a comprehensive review the domestic fleet of NPPs : “…we likely will need to re-visit the issue of non-seismically qualified SFPs [in the US]…of which I recall there are many.”

(below) From the NRC’s NUREG-2157: decay times of less than 2 years (fuel rods that have cooled less than 2 years and are still hot) ”time-of-release” (time to release radiation) could be less than 10 hours. If the fuel rods have cooled longer than 2 years it could take longer than 10 hours…

Appendix of other important findings from the NRC FOIA documents

Let’s talk about Potassium Iodine (KI). Our nuclear plants don’t stock it and we are told by NRC officials it’s not that big of a deal to have in the event of a nuclear accident. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s see how important KI is to have in an accident like Fukushima:

(below) From the NRC website: the revised rule requires that States consider including KI as a protective measure. Considering to NOT stock KI is not a violation. Confused yet?

(below) Former NRC Chairman Jaczko on KI: it is the responsibility of the state and local governments. Representative Markey’s response: “I just don’t think they [the states] have the expertise…”

(below) FROM THE NRC FOIA documents: this is a measured (not modeled) plume map showing a cloud over 60 kilometers long from the 30th of March, 2011. Is the NRC being rational with it’s 10 mile recommendation for stocking KI? (to my knowledge, maps such as this have not been shared with US States.)

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: US States are denied the SitRep (situation report). How can US States make an informed decision about the use of KI when critical information is withheld from them by the NRC and other agencies?

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: the other side of the story…KI is a ‘must have’ during a meltdown.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: discussion of a world-wide ‘…run on potassium iodide…”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: the Japanese provide a list of needful things…one million doses of KI is on that list.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: 1 million KI pills from ANBEX confirmed.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence of KI being shipped to Japan.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: mass distribution of KI in Japan.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: NRC team members were given KI before they left.

There is evidence within the NRC FOIA documents that the US has many non-seismically qualified spent fuel pools and NPPs. Please watch the following video:

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence of many non-seismically qualified Spent Fuel Pools in the US…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence US Nuclear Power Plants are not prepared for a coincident earthquake/tsunami and evidence that the NRC doesn’t know everything about the seismicity of the Continental Eastern United States (CEUS).

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents (part 1 of a 2 part series): An email where NRC employees discuss former Secretary of Energy Steven Chu’s botched interview on CNN. Mr. Chu was asked if Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant could withstand a 9.0 earthquake. His response indicated it would not. This is a perfect example of why the NRC places such a high level of importance on talking points, questions and answers and the ever popular press release.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents (part 2 of a 2 part series): On Steven Chu’s bungled interview…Public Affairs Officer David McIntyre emails Eliot Brenner, the Director of the NRC’s Office of Public Affairs (OPA), and suggests that the Secretary of Energy should have lied during the CNN interview.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: the tsunami was about 46 feet in height.

There is evidence that TEPCO has been intentionally discharging radioactive water into the Pacific since March and April of 2011 and this evidence comes from the NRC FOIA documents. NRC has known this all along. Please watch this video on this important subject:

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: evidence that TEPCO intentionally discharged about 13,390 tons of ‘low-level’ radioactive water into the Pacific on April 10th, 2011.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: further evidence of intentional discharge of contaminated water…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: multiple discharges to the sea…one is ‘concentrated RW’.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: TEPCO report from April 8th, 2011…more evidence of intentional discharge into the Pacific.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents (part 1 of a 2 part series): An email to Former Secretary of Energy Steven Chu about the need for sampling levels of radioactivity in the Pacific Ocean near Fukushima. Concern over ‘political sensitivities’ is mentioned (remember that Plume-Gate occurred during Obama’s run for a 2nd term and that 99% of all sectors of media remained silent on the cover-up revealed in the NRC FOIA documents).

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents (part 2 of a 2 part series): On the heels of the Bechtel pump deal (see below), where the American taxpayer was bilked for 9.8 billion dollars, former Secretary of Energy Steven Chu shows concern over ‘who will pay’ for sampling of the Pacific Ocean for levels of radioactivity.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: The folly of man. At the end of the day it all came down to the Bechtel pumps that had to be shipped from Perth, Australia. DOD paid the bill of 9.8 billion dollars. Discharge radioactive water into the pacific was unavoidable.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Cost of the Bechtel pumps starts down low…then starts to grow!

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: payment on the Bechtel pumps

Plumes and Navy ships

I suggest to you that if Navy ships were moved in an effort to avoid radioactive plumes, they were not moved on the scale and to the degree they should have been. At the end of the day one simple fact remains: just as a warning of the radioactive plume and fallout to those living on the West Coast of the USA would have been a wake up call about the reality of nuclear power, moving Navy ships en masse would also have been an indication that the situation at Fukushima (and the situation with nuclear power in general) was much more grave than authorities had been leading the American public to believe.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: don’t run the worst-case scenario if you’re getting angst about moving Naval ships…

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Admiral Donald and Admiral Willard discuss radiation measurements taken aboard the USS George Washington.

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: Admiral Willard: “…35 samples of airborne radioactivity…” and “…we had three other plumes go over us Tuesday and Wednesday.”

(below) From the NRC FOIA documents: ‘Forward trajectories’ starting March 12th, 2011. Please note that while this modeling was available to the NRC, it was not done by the NRC.


Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment:

Bobby1 Fatality Index Study:

Sherman/Mangano Fatality Index Study:

Sherman/Mangano elevated hypothyroidism on West Coast study:

NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Japan:

Link to NRC FOIA document on Unit 4 and the TEPCO video:
Judge dismisses Salior's Radiation Case

WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN (March 23, 2011) - Sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14 man their brooms during a counter-measure wash down on the flight deck. Crewmembers scrubbed the external surfaces on the flight deck and island superstructure to remove potential radiation contamination. Ronald Reagan is currently operating off the coast of Japan to provide disaster relief and humanitarian assistance as directed in support of Operation Tomodachi. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Nicholas A. Groesch/Released)

A San Diego federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit alleging that U.S. sailors were exposed to dangerous radiation during the humanitarian response to the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

But Judge Janis L. Sammartino left the door open for a follow-on lawsuit, and the attorney representing several sailors from the San Diego-based aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan said he intends to refile.

The judge dismissed the case Nov. 26 on jurisdictional grounds, saying that it was beyond her authority to determine whether the Japanese government had perpetrated a fraud on its American counterpart.

The defendant in the December 2012 case was Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

The lawsuit argued that power company officials lied about the amount of leakage from the damaged plant, in concert with the government of Japan. It says the Navy used those reports in its own calculations about the safety of U.S. sailors in the relief effort, called Operation Tomodachi.

The carrier Reagan responded to the disaster and for more than three weeks stayed off the coast, launching aircraft to help Japanese survivors.

Two days after the disaster, the Navy repositioned the Reagan after detecting low levels of contamination in the air and on 17 aircrew members.

Sailors represented in the lawsuit were deckhands who washed down the flight deck, and performed over decontamination tasks on the ship.

Paul Garner, the Encinitas lawyer leading the case, said the sailors’ ailments include rectal bleeding and other gastrointestinal trouble, unremitting headaches, hair loss and fatigue. Some have thyroid and gallbladder cancer. Many are in their 20s.

Garner said he will refile the case without alleging the conspiracy with the Japanese government.

The number of plaintiffs is now at 51 people. Garner said he intends to add at least 20 more when he refiles.

51 U.S. Navy personnel acquire Cancers after helping mitigate Fukushima disaster

The 51 U.S. Navy personnel were some of the first responders off the coast of Japan aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. The sailors turned back that dreadful day, already in route to Korean waters to provide aid to Japan.

Charles Bonner “says that as a result of this exposure, the 51 sailors have come down with a host of medical problems, “They have testicular cancer, they have thyroid cancers, they have leukemias, they have rectal and gynecological bleeding, a host of problems that they did not have before … people are going blind, pilots who had perfect eyesight but now have tumors on the brain. And it’s only been 3 years since they went in.” Bonner pointed out that these service men and women are young people, ages 21, 22, 23 years old and no one in their family had ever suffered any of these kinds of illnesses before.”, according to the Turner Radio Network.

Although members of the crew knew that this is the type operations they may have signed up for, some blame the Japanese Government for covering up the meltdown which actually took place 5 hours after the earthquake on March 11, 2011. News of the meltdown was reported by Intellihub News early on then later confirmed by Tepco’s own admission and other sources.

Fukushima aftermath: 98 percent of Pacific floor covered by Dead Sea Creatures

According to an absolutely shocking study that has just been released, one area of the Pacific Ocean floor was 98 percent covered by decomposing sea creatures in July 2012. But in March 2012, only 1 percent of that same section of the Pacific Ocean floor was covered by dead sea creatures.

This study has been going on for 24 years, and the scientists that are running this study say that during “the past 2 years” they have seen “the biggest amounts of this detritus by far”. In other words, the scientists that are studying this section of the ocean floor have never seen anything quite like this before.

And when you consider this in conjunction with all of the other reports that have been coming in of sea creatures dying all over the Pacific Ocean, it is only natural to start asking some hard questions. Could radiation from Fukushima be responsible for all of this death?
Isn't it possible to independently verify hightened radiation levels if the plume causes higher radioactivity in places like Hawaii, Alaska or the West Coast? Some people expect truly apocalyptic consequences for the Nothern Hemisphere (eg. ENE news website), but on the other hand I heard that the Japanese people do a lot of independent measuring themselves - they do not trust the official information. If things are more or less stable in Japan, can it really get that bad thousands of miles away?
Things are not stable in Japan with three reactor cores out of containment, continuously releasing radiation into the air and sea. The jet stream carries pollution from Japan to America in two to three days. Rain and snow, or wet deposition, falls to earth spreading radioactive fallout across the northern hemisphere. Radnet stations were turned off during the initial plume. Stations go offline when rads increase too much.

The beta count spiked to 1000, the limit of the counter, on Dec 5th and is still not being reported as of today, Dec 27th. The gamma counts keep going up. Before 311 Denver readings of the 30's was considered high because of the altitude. Two years ago readings were averaging in the 100's. Now I think anything less than 300 cpm is a good day. Estimates of Fuku fallout so far are at 3 times the 50's-60's nuclear bomb testing fallout when the increase in cancer scared everyone into test ban treaties. If an accident occurs at a spent fuel pool tons more radionuclides enter the air, a release that would equal or exceed what was released march 2011 at Fuku. The effects of radiation are cumulative, each release may be below legal limits (recently raised 2700 times previous legal limits) but add them all up.

And as for food testing, waving a Geiger counter in front of food is not sensitive enough to detect low level radiation. To really test it the food must be reduced to ashes and tested with expensive scintillation counters.

Read more from Japanese activists:
Could radiation from Fukushima be responsible for all of this death?

Could be.

Or it could be a contributing factor.

Mass animal deaths in the Pacific and elsewhere were being noticed before the March 11th, 2011 event:

12 May 2008 - German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-Off

9 Jun 2008 - UK: 21 Dolphins die after mass stranding

24 Jan 2009 - One Whale Survives Mass Australian Beaching

21 Sep 2010 - New Zealand - "Unprecedented" Mass Whale Stranding

21 Oct 2008 - Earth In Midst Of Sixth Mass Extinction: 50% Of All Species Disappearing

25 Jan 2011 - Mass Death of Birds and Fish: Is There a Cover Up?

14 Jan 2011 - Magnetic Mayhem - Is Earth's fluctuating magnetic field responsible for recent spike in mass animal deaths?

In addition, the oceans, including the Pacific, were turning into dead zones before the March 11th, 2011 event:

March 7, 2010 - Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists

25 February 2010 - Pacific Northwest 'dead zone' hypoxic events unprecedented

10 August 2004 - New Hypoxic 'Dead Zone' Found Off Oregon Coast

12 August 2006 - Pacific 'Dead Zone' Worse Than Thought
Dumping nuke waste into the ocean has been going on before Fuku; Sheffield nuclear power plant releasing to the Irish sea, probably Hanford, old nuke subs and ships, dumping off the coast of Somalia, Italian mob dumping into the Med. In normal operation nuke plants release tritium. Tritium is lethal to aquatic species.

"tritium produced measureable, dose dependent, and irreversible suppression of immune capacity in affected fish."
"It appeared that there was no threshold or significant dose-rate effect for either beta or gamma rays on germ cell survival, and that tritium beta rays were more effective than cesium-137 gamma rays in germ cell killing."
"For scientific purposes, the generally accepted value for the half-life of tritium, as measured by Mound Laboratories, is 12.323+/-0.004 years (4500.88+/-1.46 days)."

Radiation has been a contributing factor along with all the other toxins we've been pouring into the water and air. Since plutonium is vital to the military we hear little about radiation hazards except that its all safe.
From what I understand, most of the radiation is released into the ocean - so the amount carried by the jetstream is comparatively small. However, the radioactive water will also reach North America, probably within a year or two:
For some reason, the radiation is much higher in Amarillo, TX all the time:

Other places like Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona experience occasional bursts, such as around December 19/20. Though the general levels there are also quite elevated when compared to most other places:

Here is also someone checking his air filter at home in Amarillo with a Geiger counter about 2 weeks ago and getting similar results:
As Fuku and others continue leaking the dilution solution results in saturation levels. Tritium levels had fallen by 2010, some forty years after the test bans started. Recent releases appear to be affecting life in the Oceans. Sea mist carries the radiation to land. The cesium, strontium, uranium, and plutonium will bio-accumulate affecting us all and our genome. Will the Universe throw rocks at us for killing the Ocean?
A Green Road - Coverup of Radiation Exposure of US Servicemen Near Fukushima and Operation Tomodachi
36 signs the Media is lying to you about how radiation from Fukushima is affecting you

The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this. What you are about to see is a collection of evidence that is quite startling. Taken collectively, this body of evidence shows that nuclear radiation from Fukushima is affecting sea life in the Pacific Ocean and animal life along the west coast of North America in some extraordinary ways.

#1 Independent researchers have measured alarmingly high levels of radiation on the beaches of the west coast. For example, the video posted below was taken on December 23rd, 2013 at Pacifica State Beach. As you can see in this video, radiation levels near the water are up to five times higher than normal background radiation…

#2 According to Oceanus Magazine, the total amount of cesium-137 that has been released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima is 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than the amount released into the oceans by the Chernobyl disaster or by the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests of the 1960s.

#3 Former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur has admitted that while he was at MSNBC he was instructed not to warn the public about the radiation coming from Fukushima…

#4 71 U.S. sailors who assisted with the initial Fukushima relief efforts have developed serious diseases such as testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, Leukemia, “unremitting gynecological bleeding” and brain tumors since that time as a result of exposure to radiation coming from Fukushima.

#5 Something is causing starfish all along the west coast of the United States to literally disintegrate into piles of “white goo“…

#6 Bald eagles are dying in unprecedented numbers in Utah, and nobody can figure out why this is happening…

#7 Huge numbers of dead birds are dropping dead and washing up along the coastlines of Alaska. It is being reported that many of the carcases of the dead birds are “broken open and bleeding”.

#8 The recent deaths of thousands of birds in Oregon is absolutely baffling scientists.

#9 Something is causing large numbers of seals and walruses up in Alaska to lose hair and develop “oozing sores”.

#10 Substantial numbers of polar bears along the coast of Alaska are suffering from fur loss and open sores.

#11 There is an epidemic of sea lion deaths along the California coastline.

#12 The population of sockeye salmon along the coastlines of Alaska is at a “historic low”.

#13 Something is causing Pacific herring to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs.

#14 Dangerous levels of cesium-137 have been discovered in mushrooms and berries grown along the west coast.

#15 According to an absolutely shocking report put out by the National Academy of Sciences, it has been proven that Pacific Bluefin tuna have transported radioactive material “across the entire North Pacific Ocean”…

#16 Something seems to be causing a substantial spike in the death rate for killer whales living off of the coast of British Columbia.

#17 Experts have found very high levels of cesium-137 in plankton living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the west coast.

#18 One test in California found that 15 out of 15 Bluefin tuna were contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.

#19 Back in 2012, the Vancouver Sun reported that cesium-137 was being found in a very high percentage of the fish that Japan was selling to Canada…

• 73 percent of the mackerel

• 91 percent of the halibut

• 92 percent of the sardines

• 93 percent of the tuna and eel

• 94 percent of the cod and anchovies

• 100 percent of the carp, seaweed, shark and monkfish

#20 An EU-funded study concluded that Fukushima released up to 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 into the atmosphere.

#21 One very experienced Australian adventurer has stated that he felt as though “the ocean itself was dead” as he journeyed from Japan to San Francisco recently…

#22 It is being projected that the radioactivity of coastal waters off the U.S. west coast could double over the next five to six years.

#23 The deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee for Natural Resources, Maxim Shingarkin, says that seafood captured off the northwest coast of the United States is so radioactive that it represents a “danger for mankind”…

#24 According to one recent scientific report, radiation from Fukushima could affect our seafood for “many generations” and ultimately kill more than a million people…

#25 The Japanese government has estimated that approximately 300 tons of highly radioactive water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility every single day.

#26 A senior researcher of marine chemistry at the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute says that “30 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium and 30 billion becquerels of radioactive strontium” are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day.

#27 According to Tepco, a total of somewhere between 20 trillion and 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima disaster first began.

#28 According to a professor at Tokyo University, 3 gigabecquerels of cesium-137 are flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every single day.

#29 It is being projected that significant levels of cesium-137 will reach every corner of the Pacific Ocean by the year 2020.

#30 It has been estimated that the entire Pacific Ocean will soon “have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher” than what we witnessed during the era of heavy atomic bomb testing in the Pacific many decades ago.

#31 The immense amount of radioactive material being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima has caused environmental activist Joe Martino to issue the following warning…

“Your days of eating Pacific Ocean fish are over.”
#32 The Iodine-131, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 that are constantly being released from Fukushima are going to affect the health of those living in the northern hemisphere for a very, very long time. Just consider what Harvey Wasserman had to say about this…

Iodine-131, for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer.

Cesium-137 from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California. It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles.

Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes to our bones.
#33 Outdoor radiation levels at Fukushima recently hit a new all-time high.

#34 According to the Wall Street Journal, it is being projected that the cleanup of Fukushima could take up to 40 years to complete.

#35 Yale Professor Charles Perrow is warning that if the cleanup of Fukushima is not handled with 100% precision that humanity could be threatened “for thousands of years”…

“Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable. The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo. Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years.”
#36 There are very alarming reports that new “unexplained plumes of radioactive steam” are rising at Fukushima. Japanese officials are not able to get inside and see what is causing these plumes. Some are speculating that the crisis at Fukushima just got a whole lot worse. The following is from a recent Ecologist article…

Unexplained plumes of radioactive steam have been rising from Fukushima’s Reactor Building 3, Could a major meltdown be on the way?

Fukushima’s Reactor Building 3 exploded on 13th March 2011 as a result of a hydrogen buildup, breaching the building’s containment and emitting a huge plume of radiation. The reactor itself is in meltdown.

And now fresh plumes of steam have been seen coming out the structure. These have now been confirmed by Tepco, the owner of the nuclear plant, from 19th December onwards. The company believes the steam is coming from the fifth floor of the building.

However it does not know the cause of the steam. Lethal levels of radiation and the physical damage to the structure have so far made entry and inspection impossible.
New TEPCO Report Shows Damage to Unit 3 Fuel Pool MUCH Worse Than That at Unit 4 :

As the eyes of the world have been focused on the Unit 4’s removal of spent fuel, TEPCO released a report that contains some astounding information regarding Unit 3.
TEPCO has just acknowledged that at least 50-tons of rubble has fallen on top of and into the spent fuel pool in Unit 3. This 50-ton pile of debris means that the Unit 3 spent fuel pool and its cleanup is some kind of a real nightmare...
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