Pleasant Herbal Tea to Boost Health.

Panther Black

The Force is Strong With This One
Here are two recipes for a pleasant tasting herbal tea, which will help your body to stay strong in the changing of the seasons, like right now, between summer and autumn.

This tea is made with Reishi (Ling Chi) mushroom and Pau d'arco. I get the Ling Chi mushroom in bulk at a Chinese herbal medicine store in my city, about 12 or 15 mushrooms in a bag for 25 dollars. And I get the Pau d'arco, inner bark chips, from a health food store in bulk as well for about 10 dollars.

I take an extra large stainless steel soup pot, (which could hold about 3 chickens) fill it with filtered water, put a Ling Chi mushroom into it, and a half a handful of Pau d'arco, then set it on number 3 on the stove until it simmers then switch it to 2 and keep it simmering there for about 24 hours. The water will be a little less than halfway when it's done. This is a very light and pleasant tea on its own. If you want you could add honey to taste. I use the dark forest honey which is imported from Croatia, that I get from a store around here. This tea is good for keeping out any cancer cysts, or breaking them up if there are any in there. And also good for youthfulness/longevity because of the Ling Chi mushroom.

This other tea is very helpful and tasty too. You get fresh ginger, and Jasmine tea. (Jasmine tea has stimulant in it similar to coffee) Chop about 2 inches off a root of ginger and dice it into very small pieces. Then put it into a big pot with about 8 to 12 cups of water. Put it on 7 on the stove and let it boil. When it boils put it on 3 and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, then drop about a teaspoon of Jasmine tea into it. Let it sit on 1 to keep it warm while you're drinking it throughout the day. It has a very pretty scent to it, and a touch of a bite because of the ginger. And even though you can drink it without honey, it does taste better with a little bit of it anyway.

Ginger is also another one of those herbs which keep cancer out, as well as breaks down any cyst if you have it in you. But you already know, that would you to have any cyst in you, you would have to drink very much of this kind of tea all day long in order for it to do its work properly, as well as stay away from processed foods, and do other things like apply a mixture of Castor oil, Cold Pressed Olive oil, and Sunflower or other spreadable healthy oil to your whole body so that your skin can soak it up to get rid of the cancer and to nourish the body with the nutrients in the oils.

Anyway, this is a nice tea, but the only thing about it, is that it stimulates appetite. It's also good for helping your food to digest better, to get more nutrients out of your food, so it's a nice tea to use before and after eating. You don't have to add the Jasmine tea, but I do because that is what I use as a gentle energy booster.
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