Peter Myers Newsletter contains delusional disinformation


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I was reading a newsletter from Peter Myers in Australia, something I got onto via one of Laura's references some time ago. The latest newsletter has a long article about Zionists and the disappearance of journalist Chris Bollyn by Darryl Bradford Smith. Buried near the end of the article is this little gem:

"Can we trust

Occasionally somebody will ask us why judicial-inc is promoting dishonest websites, and why they don't seem capable of spelling Hufschmid's name correctly:

Near the bottom of that page are their recommended websites, and it's rather shocking that most of the sites they promote are Zionist propaganda sites. The two most extreme are:

Their spelling errors may be innocent errors, but why would a site that is so critical of Zionism promote Zionist websites? Perhaps they can't resist promoting a site that provides some good information; after all, that is the reason many people promote the judicial-inc site. They have a lot of very good information, and so it's easy to overlook their promotion of dishonest websites.

However, it is possible that they have been trying desperately to lure people away from Hufschmid, Smith, and Bollyn, and if they had been successful, we would have disappeared long ago."

So how in the world did this guy come to the conclusion that SOTT is an extreme Zionist site? Maybe he has never bothered to read the site....
It's Darryl Bradford Smith and Eric Hufwhatever's delusional article. Feel free to search the forum for either of their names, or Christopher Bollyn - you'll understand why they 'feel' this way about SotT. I read the article as well, earlier today and laughed my way through it, since it alleges that Zionist's have 'disappeared' the 'Bollyn Family' - when the rather obvious fact of the matter is that little Christopher ran away from the police in his home town since he was about to be held accountable for his illegal actions - all of that is in the Bollyn thread on the forum as well.

No idea why Peter Myers has hooked up with the likes of DBS and Hufshcmid, but it sure doesn't reflect well on him - it seems those two guys are getting more delusional by the day - they'll probably fake their own disappearance some day to prove how important they are.
If Bradford-Smith and Hufschmid are saying something it is wise to look 180 the other way. They call everyone Zionists, Zionist-owned, Zionist-etc, etc.

They really irritated me a little over a year ago when they attacked writers who I admire. Bollyn showed his stripes when he traitorously turned on the folks at American Free Press who had loyally supporting him even though he had recently submitted an unsubstantiated 911 story to them. He never retracted that story even when his "eyewitness" admitted he was nowhere near the area that day and that he was diagnosed as mentally unstable. Bollyn is in the proper company with these two conniving, misinformation amateurs. Please excuse me for repeating the preceding here; I am pretty sure it is also in the long Bollyn thread.

By the way, I noticed this user name here at SOTT: The Force is strong with this one 1 2006-11-02

It is the name of Smith-Hufschmid's website and I would imagine that many here at SOTT are already aware of this. Someone from "somewhere in France," as Smith says, may be listening in. But, SOTT has nothing to hide from these clowns anyway.
flashgordonv said:
So how in the world did this guy come to the conclusion that SOTT is an extreme Zionist site? Maybe he has never bothered to read the site....
Apparently someone wrote to Myers a week ago or so about Hufschmid and Bollyn and DBS the following, which Myers passed around:

From: "BCM" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 21:38:09 +1000

Re Hufschmid and Bollyn

The former is related to the Rupert Murdoch family and the latter has a
serious problem with alcohol.

Bollyn's wife also has Israeli military connections.

Michael Collins-Piper of American Free Press and Republic Broadcasting
Network has shown that these guys are up to no good. Bollyn used to work
with Collins Piper, so they know his history. Bollyn also apparently
staged some sort of incident with police in his home town and has since
disappeared after his court appearance.

Your newsletters are excellent but you have a duty to your readers to
fill them in on these two.

I, myself wrote to him as follows, (which he also circulated):

From: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 13:07:21 +0200

> Benjamin Fulford is a fake - Daryl Bradford Smith & Eric Hufschmid
> From: Richard Wilcox <>
> The website The French Connection, the Daryl Smith/ Eric Hufschmid
> website denounced this Fulford chap as a Zionist agent. I also think at
> one point in the interview Rense asks Fulford about the Zionists and he
> replies that they can be our allies to fight the Illuminati. Fulford
> also says some other things that sound quite implausible, such as that
> he was offered the job of "Finance Minister" of Japan by someone
> blackmailing him. If I heard that right, it is laughable.

Interesting item:

2007 by Mark Glenn, correspondent, American free Press Newspaper

{note by Peter M.: Laura’s email says “by Mark Glenn� , but I could not
see any attribution of authorship in this webpage}

Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing – Darryl Bradford Smith’s Talmudic and
Zionist View of Jesus

SATURDAY, JUNE 2ND, 2007...5:29 PM

Since having gotten involved in this business of the Middle East
conflict (as well as all the other social and cultural problems that we
are facing in the West today stemming from Zionist treachery) I have run
into hateful statements from Jews who feel it no longer necessary to
hide their feelings concerning this man named Jesus and His message.
Recently I was sent an email from a `nice Jewish boy´ who had the
following to say about the man who preached justice, compassion,
humility, submission before God and service to fellow man. I apologize
ahead of time to the reader for the language.

`I don´t believe in your PUSSY ON A CROSS GOD...Any fool can believe in
a god, and fools like you are soon worm dirt. As for your Christ on the
cross, he was a fag with a foot fetish, and your god can suck me. It is
time to FLUSH...´

There was more to it of an equally-venomous composition, but I will
spare the reader.

Shocking, yes, but should we be in the least bit surprised? After all,
`they´ do not need to hide such feelings anymore. `They´ have all the
guns, whether such guns are political, legal, financial or whatnot.
`They´ have grabbed the most powerful nation in the world by the throat
and are able to make it dance like a marionette without a will of its
own, and therefore these folks are not as worried as they once were
about any bad PR coming from exposing the inner workings of the
Beast-meaning the Babylonian Talmud-and all its sentiments
concerning-not only Judaism´s organic hatred of Gentiles, but as well
its statements concerning Jesus, His holy mother Mary and His followers.
Besides gloating over Jesus´ death, I have personally run into Jews who
say that He was gay, that He had an incestuous relationship with his
mother, that He `got what he deserved´ and many, many others statements
that would (and indeed should) outrage any Christian or Muslim who holds
Jesus in the high esteem that is deserving of who He was and is.

Now, I have run into something equally vicious in its content, both
towards the recipient of the email (typical amongst Zionists who cannot
express themselves intelligently but who must resort to ugly, vulgar and
vindictive language in trying to make their point) as well as to persona
of Jesus Christ. The reader will note the common mood in both the
emails, although they were-presumably-written by two different authors.
I say `presumably´ because of the ease with which people can hide their
identities online with fake names and email addresses. Again, I
apologize ahead of time for the graphic language-

`Go -flick- yourself and all that think like you! Do not write me any
more you -bad person-!!!!!! Bite me! Eat shite and die!!! Or -flick- off
!! Jesus should have been a victim of abortion!!!´

As I said, assuming that the writers of both these emails are different,
nevertheless the two individuals are basically birds of a feather with
regards to their sentiments and delivery. They both lash out at others
whose opinions they find intolerable and both express themselves with
vulgarity and viciousness as if they were addicts of violent pornography.

However, what makes the 2nd email pertinent is the fact that it did not
come from the now-typical anti-Christian, anti-Muslim,
Jewish-supremacist bigot who is a slave to the idol worship of Zionism,
nor from some self-absorbed, dangerous settler living in the West Bank
who has made the study of the Talmud his life´s work...

Rather it comes from an individual who has ostensibly made speaking out
against Zionism his raison d´etre, who claims that everyone and his
brother is an under-cover Zionist trying to fool the unsuspecting
masses, and his name is none other than Darryl Bradford Smith of `I am
the witness´ fame.

{comment by Peter M.: when I listened to several of Darryl Bradford
Smith’s radio interviews, some months ago, I noted his sympathy for
Christian fundamentalists he was interviewing. Not that he was a
fundamentalist himself. And so I am surprised at this language he is
alleged to have used}

Now I realize that the reader is probably sick-to-death of hearing about
this business involving Smith and the two pimples on his derriere -
Huffschmidt and Bollyn - and I recognize that there are bigger fish to
fry these days, but what must be remembered is that we are involved in
the fight of our lives and therefore all threats need to be taken
seriously. The body of mankind has been invaded by a dangerous, deadly
virus and right now the last thing we can afford to have happen is for
any of us `white blood cells´ to be tricked by other viruses dressed in
white-blood-cell- clothing. Lest we forget, we were warned by none other
than Jesus himself that there would come a time in the future when evil
would be so prevalent that you could slice it with a knife and that
false prophets would come to lead people astray. He went further by
saying that He sends His followers out as `sheep amongst wolves´,
warning us to be careful that we are not deceived.

And now it is obvious that we have a new wolf among us pretending to be
a sheep. Of course, the signs have been there all along, but for the
most part these signs merely suggested that Smith and his 2 cohorts
suffered from personality disorders rooted in delusions of grandeur and
paranoia. With Smith´s latest verbal defecation however, what we see is
that the problem goes much deeper than one of a simple schoolyard bully
who thinks that the playground and all its toys are his domain.

In addition to the recent revelations by Christopher Bollyn that Eric
Huffschmidt is Jewish and related to ultra-Zionist neo-con Rupert
Murdoch by marriage, that Bollyn himself lived in a communist enclave in
Israel and was married to a woman whom he claimed was working for
Israeli intelligence, we now have an additional piece of the puzzle
indicating that the entire `I Am the Witness´ operation is an intel-op
designed to sow dissention within the anti-Zionist movement and to lead
people´s energies and resources off into a direction where they pose no
threat to the overall agenda.

The latest revelation is one that (like all great discoveries that have
benefited mankind in the past) came by accident in an email exchange
between Smith and one of his followers. This individual (who shall
remain anonymous at this moment) was, up until this point a faithful
devotee and was questioning some of the seemingly irrational, baseless
and contradictory accusations that Smith was making about other
individuals within the truth movement whom she knew to be genuine. As is
typical with all cult leaders, free thought and free inquiry are
intolerable vices and something for which Smith obviously has no
patience, as evidenced by the tone of his podcasts and website with the
WITH US OR BE COUNTED AS OUR ENEMIES´ statements. When the former
follower refused to relent with her questioning, Smith let loose with
the aforementioned barrage of graphic and vulgar insults.

Just to make sure that all the i´s were dotted and t´s crossed, I
contacted Smith personally and enquired as to the veracity of this
charge. His response was of the typically-Jewish variety, meaning
haughty, unrepentant, and expressed in the form of a one-sentence,
smart-alek, non-answer-of-an- answer. When I let him know that I planned
on writing something about it, his response was to the effect of `Print
whatever you want´. Again, in the interest of affording him the
opportunity of refuting his statement or at least explaining it
contextually (how one could do that, given its nature is beyond me) I
again contacted him with other questions, and, again, his response was
to `Go ahead with it´, adding that he didn´t want `religious - bad
people-´ around him anyway. Finally, in the same brave, fearless, manly
fashion that Smith constantly claims is his calling card as an anti-NWO,
anti-Zionist freedom-fighter he threatened to sue me if I breathed a
word about the incident.

It is fairly well-known that Smith-sadly-suffers from alcoholism, and if
other reports are true he is also presently suffers from serious liver
problems that may be terminal in nature. This being said, it is easy to
chalk this latest incident up to the fact that as a result of his
sickness he may not be of `perfectly sound mind´. We should all
certainly hope that this is the case, for the good of his own immortal soul.

Nevertheless, we also have to pay heed to the words of Jesus himself
who-when dealing with the viciousness of His own Jewish-supremacist
enemies-said that `Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks´.
Whether Smith nurses an organic, visceral hatred of Jesus (to the point
where he believes the world would be better off had Jesus been cut to
pieces in utero rather than cut to pieces by his Jewish supremacist
enemies 33 years later) or whether it is the booze talking, the fact is
that the diagnosis his words provide indicate he is one sick puppy and
perhaps should be avoided at all costs.

Personally, if someone accused me of saying something as horrendous as
`Jesus should have been aborted´ I would be horrified beyond words and
would not rest until I had done all that I could in refuting it. In my
opinion there is nothing more horrible or evil that could be said than
this. It is something straight out of the Talmud itself, the same Talmud
responsible for bringing forth the vicious creature known as Communism
responsible for butchering hundreds of millions of people in the last
century, the same Talmud that has spawned Zionism that has butchered
millions of innocent Muslim and Christian Arabs and which has plunged
humanity into the war to end all wars, and yes, the same Talmud Smith
and the rest of his entourage pretend to oppose with their website and
pod cast.

Is Smith a closet Talmudist who is working in the service of the Zionist
agenda? Only time and circumstances will tell. What must be remembered
though are the following established facts-

1. He is joined at the hip with a known Jew who in the initial days
following 9/11 conspicuously avoided mentioning Israel´s role...

2. He works closely with another individual who lived in Israel and was
married to a Zionist Jewess whom he himself has claimed worked for Mossad...

3. He has spent the last year dividing the anti-Zionist movement,
casting slurs and suspicion upon everyone who has been working
assiduously to expose the inner-workings of what is taking place, and now-

4. He has spoken the language of the Pharisees themselves in saying that
Jesus should have been murdered. At the very least, what we can glean
from his statement is that he-like the Jewish supremacists who are out
to destroy the world today with their poison-revels in the hateful,
ignominious end that Jesus endured.

Jesus warnings were clear - that we were not be fooled by `men who dress
themselves in sheep´s clothing but who inside are ravenous wolves...By
their fruits you shall know them.´ By his recent statement and refused
denial of same, Darryl Bradford Smith has now revealed himself for what
he truly is-an under-cover follower of Talmudic thinking, despite
whatever flowery, patriotic and high-sounding words he may offer in the
meantime. People of good will who are interested in knowing the truth
about what the REAL reasons are for all the chaos that has descended
upon the world would be best served to avoid Smith and his operations as
if collectively they were a colony of lepers. The fact that he would
make such a statement betrays the fact that he does not understand the
true gravity of what is taking place in the world today with regards to
the battle between the philosophies of Christ and AntiChrist.

In the best of circumstances, he is a madman who does not understand the
gravity of his words nor the diabolic sentiments that fueled them.

In the worst of circumstances, he is an enemy who is bent upon the
destruction of all that we hold dear.

(5) Eric Hufschmid attacked - by who?

{I cannot see any attribution of authorship. Go to the article for the
implicit links}
Odd that he didn't scroll to the bottom of the piece where the author's name is posted.


Revised May 31, 2007

According to Eric Hufschmid, 99% of 9/11 truth seekers are worthless and
part of "the criminal network". The activities and claims of Eric
Hufschmid, Daryl Bradford Smith and Christopher Bollyn provide evidence
that they are agent provocateurs and intelligence operatives. The trio
are principal players in the criminal network of Crypto-Zionist agents
employed by the psychopathic orchestrators of synthetic terror. This
page is a compilation of the various developments and information that
surfaced from the time of the Sam Danner hoax in the summer of 2006. It
includes a review of some talk show archives, directing readers to the
more notable portions.

Hufschmid and Bollyn's connections to Zionists and Israel are intriguing
enough, such as Eric's relationship to Rupert Murdoch, his Swiss,
Italian, and Jewish ethnic status, and the fact that Bollyn's first wife
(when he lived in Israel and worked at a kibbutz) was Israeli, and
worked for Israeli military intelligence. At least, that's what Bollyn
said in an email. But that is not enough to convict them. The crucial
evidence consists of writings, conversations and actions. Hufschmid and
Smith's concerted attempts to provoke a schism in the truth and patriot
movement, and their economy with the truth, belie their claim to be
anti-Zionists who are fighting corruption.

The theory "Daryl Bradford Smith is sincere" fails because Smith
promotes contradictory premises which cannot both be true: 1) American
Free Press is "run by Jews" and is a de facto Crypto-Zionist
organization, with Mike Piper, Willis Carto et al being blackmailed or
controlled by ADL handlers. For example, refer to Smith's Dec 16 show
with Eustace Mullins, at about 16:30 minutes into the broadcast. 2)
Chris Bollyn has done an excellent job in exposing Zionism and Zionist
involvement in 9/11.

But if AFP was a Crypto-Zionist outlet, why did they allow Bollyn to
expose so much about Zionist crimes? Was Mark Lane, who according to
Smith is a "Zionist" who was running AFP, sleeping on the job? If AFP
were not censoring incriminating articles exposing Zionism, then they
were not acting as Zionist puppets. And if they were Crypto-Zionists,
why was Bollyn happy to stay with them for so long? If he was trying to
gather evidence and document it, he should have published some articles
on it by now. And the idea that Smith and Hufschmid are idiots who are
too silly to know they are lying is contradicted by the publicity that
their operation has already achieved.

Another contradiction in The French Connection's position is
demonstrated from a juxtaposition of their claims: 1) Hufschmid and
Bollyn are great at exposing Zionist crimes (see the excerpt below in
bold type). 2) The Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) is
"Zionist-controlled", and its owner John Stadtmiller is a "liar" who is
part of the Zionist "criminal network".

On May 22, 2007, RBN's Piper Report was a rebroadcast of the Piper
Report originally aired by RBN on 6-6-06, which featured Chris Bollyn
standing in for Mike Piper whilst he was away in Asia. Eric Hufschmid
was also on the program. If RBN was Zionist-controlled, they would have
been running a great risk in allowing two of the world's "greatest
exposers of Zionism" to go on air for an hour. There would have been no
telling what Zionist crimes they might have exposed. Maybe RBN could
have pulled the plug in time, citing a "technical error" if Hufschmid /
Bollyn started exposing too much about Zionism on that broadcast, � la
the BBC's advance report that WTC7 had "already collapsed". In fact,
when Eric and Christopher had the chance to expose Zionist crimes, they
chose to spend a lot of time talking about the Apollo missions and
whether NASA is a "hoax"!

In 2002, Eric Hufschmid published a book and video about 9/11 that
failed to mention Zionist involvement. Yet prior to publication, Eric
had been working closely with Chris Bollyn, who, along with his
colleagues at American Free Press, had been looking into evidence of
Zionist involvement that was already publicly available. Hence Eric, the
"great Zionist exposer", deliberately chose to cover up the Zionist angle.

And consider the 'quality' of Hufschmid's arguments:

Take a look at all the audio files of Daryl Bradford Smith since 2005:

Now compare that to what comes from Alex Jones, Ted Gunderson, Anthony
Hilder, Mark Lane, Mark Weber, Curt Maynard, Webster Tarpley, the
antiwar groups, the veterans groups, the Institute for Historical
Review, Don Harkins of The Idaho Observer, and all other investigators
and truth seekers.

The three of us (Bollyn, Hufschmid, and Smith) are the newcomers. Yet in
the span of a few years, we have produced more important material that
all of the other people put together. And all of those other
investigators try to ignore us.

There are not many ways to explain this. Either the other people are
incredibly stupid, or they are Zionist agents.

If you look closely at any of the un-productive people, you will find
that they are not stupid. Instead, you will find that they have
mysterious connections to one another.

It is too difficult for any of us to understand what these connections
are, but you can see that something is suspicious. As an example,
consider the strange connections between Anthony Hilder and other
suspicious people.


So Smith, Hufschmid and Bollyn are the only true truth-seekers, they
don't know what the "mysterious" and "strange" connections are between
people, but it must be "suspicious". Talk about baseless allegations,
unsupported assertions and paranoid conspiracy theorists! If Smith's
outfit were genuine, they would realise that they would do a far better
job if they stopped their constant dissing of valuable contributors in
the movement, and concentrated on putting out anti-Zionist information.
A mere 2 minutes 20 seconds into his December 16 show, Smith is already
slamming Mike Piper and David Duke as "a couple of clowns", and at 18:00
minutes Smith suggests David Irving is a homosexual pedophile who has
been compromised by the Zionists. It is likely that people avoid Smith
and Hufschmid precisely because they can see through the deception and
recognise that the gossiping Smith and hate-mongering Hufschmid are
agent provocateurs. Isn't it quite possible that Smith himself is a
pedophile whose CIA sponsors gave him the ultimatum: Work for us and
you'll be protected; refuse, and you'll go to jail as a pedophile?

Eric and Daryl have called for "all Jews to step back from the 9-11
investigation until we can figure out which Jews participated in 9-11
and which ones are innocent." However, in a delicious irony, it turns
out that Eric is part Jewish, and Eric and his pals attempted to cover
this up with a clumsy damage-limitation exercise.

Eric Hufschmid's connections and ethnic background provide important
clues as to the motives of the terrible trio. Eric's half-sister Kathryn
Hufschmid left the north-west US with her mother for Australia many
years ago, and Eric says he has not seen her since she was about four
years old. Kathryn, who was a model and marketing executive, married
Rupert Murdoch's son James in June 2000. Eric admits on his own website
that the Kathryn Hufschmid who married James Murdoch probably is his
half-sister (they share the same father). James Murdoch is CEO of
British Sky Broadcasting Group, and Lord Jacob Rothschild is Deputy
Chairman. As further evidence of the Hufschmid - Murdoch connection,
consider that Hufschmid promotes the fake "Apollo moon landings were a
hoax" conspiracy theory on his websites, and Murdoch's Fox TV network
ran a documentary entitled "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the
Moon?" in February and March of 2001. The plan was to discredit 9/11
skeptics as "crazy conspiracy theorists", establishing the groundwork in
the months leading up to the attacks.

Michael Collins Piper's The Judas Goats has an entire chapter (Forty) on
how Rupert Murdoch was installed by the Rothschild-Bronfman-Oppenheimer
Mafia, in order to provide a controlled conservative 'opposition' to the
Zionist-dominated liberal media. Murdoch has a formidable media empire
at his command, including the William Kristol-run The Weekly Standard
magazine, The New York Post, British newspapers such as News of the
World, The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times, the Twentieth Century
Fox motion picture studios, Fox Television stations and cable outlets
such as Fox News. The idea was that Murdoch would dispel the increasing
public perception of a media that was too representative of a Jewish
elite. In fact, Murdoch himself is a crypto-Jew, and has certainly been
promoting the interests of the Zionist elite. And Eric Hufschmid is
another member of this fake 'opposition'; a "Judas Goat" amongst 9/11
truth-seekers and investigators of Zionist Mafia crimes.

Eric must have an eye on inheriting a share of Rupert Murdoch's $9
billion fortune. Is he really going to risk throwing that away by
exposing Zionism, or guarantee a share for himself by carrying out the
Zionists' agenda of luring truth seekers onto the equivalent of a
spinning hamsters' wheel where they are no threat to the Zionist Mafia,
and then tarnishing the evidence of Zionist crimes by association when
TFC ship is scuttled?

However, the May 28, 2007 Piper Report provided information regarding
Eric's ethnic background. Piper said that in the summer of 2006, when
the Hufschmid Conundrum started to rear its ugly head, he started asking
Chris Bollyn some questions about Eric. One such question was "what is
Eric's ethnic background?" Bollyn sent an email replying that Eric is
Swiss, Italian and Jewish. Piper pointed out that this was after
Christopher had been dealing with Eric on the telephone almost on a
daily basis, and had stayed at his house for several weeks. And we know
that Eric and Christopher had been corresponding as early as 2002, prior
to the publication of Eric's book and video. Piper also recalled Bollyn
previously mentioning in passing that Eric was "part-Jewish", and said
he refuses to believe that Bollyn could have made a mistake over Eric's
ethnicity. But Bollyn then sent another email, saying he had been
corrected by his wife Helje Kaskel (Kaskel is a Jewish name), and Eric
wasn't Jewish, but he had a Jewish stepfather, who was a "very nice
fellow" who'd helped Eric send out his books and videos. But wait a
minute! According to Eric, he and his half-sister Kathryn share the same

Are we to believe that there were two mothers and two fathers, which
itself would be evidence of Jewish debauchery? If Eric had a Jewish
stepmother, that could explain how Kathyrn was deemed kosher to marry
into the Murdoch family without Eric being technically Jewish. But it
looks rather like Eric originally came up with the correct cover story
about the Jewish stepmother, and then Helje slipped up badly by
forgetting it was supposed to be a stepmother; instead, making the claim
about a "Jewish stepfather" and going on to fabricate an ad hoc story
about him being a "very nice fellow" who'd helped Eric send out his
books and videos.

In order to herd in their followers, the iamthewitless Gang of Three
exploit the phenomenon whereby named individuals and publishing outlets
hold back for fear of a lawsuit, or of losing their job or of being
labelled an anti-Semite or a conspiracy theorist. For example, Liberty
Lobby was sued by E Howard Hunt when The Spotlight newspaper published
an article implicating him in the JKF assassination. Hunt initially won
a substantial settlement, but the judgement was reversed on appeal.
Incidentally, note that it was Mark Lane who got the judgement reversed
in favor of Liberty Lobby, which doesn't do much for Smith's claim about
Lane being a "Zionist". Since the iamthewitless trio are working for the
criminal network, they can say whatever they like. They will then claim
that other truth-seekers are holding back, not because they are being
kept in check by the established institutions and taboos, but because
each is being blackmailed or bribed by an ADL handler. This is as silly
as someone who observes a crowd of 1,000 who have got wet from standing
in the rain, and then concludes: "No, it wasn't the rain. It was 1,000
invisible men, each with a water pistol!"

According to the Hufschmid team, it is all a grand conspiracy involving
hundreds of thousands or millions of "Crypto-Zionists". Are the Zionists
paying $5,000 a month to all those people, or blackmailing them? If it
costs them just $1,000 per month per Crypto-Zionist and there are a
million of them, the total cost over 5 years amounts to $60 billion. And
how many controllers does the ADL need to employ to handle the million?
How do they ensure that someone won't talk - "I used to be a Crypto-Jew,
a shill for Israel and World Jewry!" - hire a lot of hit men? Smith
should get his supporters to raise funds to offer a reward for one of
these "Crypto-Zionists" to defect and tell their story.

Some cannot accept the idea that Bollyn, Hufschmid and Smith are Zionist
agents, because they have "done too much to expose Zionism". However,
the concept of gatekeepers who shift attention from Israel over to the
Bush administration is generally accepted by truth-seekers. An early
example was Jared Israel's Emperor's Clothes site, which debunked the
official 9/11 story and detailed incriminating evidence against Bush,
Cheney and Myers. Gerard Holmgren produced an excellent article
debunking the official story but suggested the Bush regime was to blame,
and Alex Jones fights the Orwellian police state and exposes the crimes
of the "globalists". All three tend to avoid mention of Israel, or say
they do not think there is evidence against Israel. This has raised
question marks over their sincerity, but does not prove that they are
secretly working for Israel. A better explanation is that they are not
secretly receiving payments, but are genuine anti-war, pro-liberty
activists who share the view that their approach of not broaching the
subject of Israel provides the best prospects for their career.

Zionists could include the Israeli state, the Mossad, the CIA, the Bush
regime, the Rothschilds, organised World Jewry, all of whom are not
necessarily one big happy family. For example, when Pan Am 103 exploded
in 1988 in the skies over Lockerbie, the bombing is believed by some to
have been the work of the Mossad, in order to eliminate CIA operatives
who stumbled upon a Mossad drug running operation. If it is not too
unreasonable to imagine that Israel might sponsor agents to shift the
blame on to Bush, surely the CIA or Bush regime would correspondingly
try to divert attention to Israel. Daryl Smith has often suggested that
Dubya is merely a moron who couldn't even "wipe his own fanny". Bollyn,
Hufschmid and Smith expose some of Israel's crimes, in order to present
themselves as "genuine anti-Zionists". Their intelligence agency
connections would provide them with relatively harmless information to
'reveal'. A proportion of disinformation would be thrown in to tarnish
the credibility of the sheep who fell for the Judas goats' deceptions
and replicated the claims. In any case, many of Smith's disclosures
relate to old material such as Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik
Revolution, which does not threaten contemporary criminals.

The Zionists employ a few key people such as Smith, Hufschmid and
Bollyn. Their agent provocateur role is intended to create division and
mistrust between people in the movement who should be natural allies.

Smith's followers - call them the Smithsonians - are taught that
iamthewitless is the one true truth-teller, and Smith skeptics are
"Crypto-Zionists". If a Smithsonian sees someone posting in an internet
forum who is anti-Smith, he or she is encouraged to counter it. In turn,
Smith skeptics suspect the motives of Smithsonians. Note that the
Hufsmith team's labelling their critics and rivals as "Crypto-Zionist
agents" is a typical Zionist tactic of blaming others for their own
crimes. E.g., a critic of Jewish supremacism is called a "racist" or a
"white supremacist", or an opponent of state-sponsored terrorism is said
to be a "terrorist". But Smith and Hufschmid's operation is designed to
poison the truth movement by creating a cult following of Smithsonians
who blindly follow Smith on ideological grounds. Thus, they are
inadvertently acting as Zionist agents when their only 'crime' is
naivety and inability to distinguish between their enemy's enemy and
their enemy who poses as their enemy's enemy. There was a theory that
the Mossad-controlled Church of Scientology could be the force behind
Hufschmid and Smith. If the pair have been trained as professional
manipulators, this could explain Smith's ability to entrap Eustace
Mullins, for example, into saying what Smith wanted him to say, and how
Smith can attract something of a cult following. However, the CIA could
have provided them with similar training.

The regular disinformation agents would include the likes of Tom Flocco,
Mike Ruppert, and Richard Grove. Other supporters of Israel will
volunteer out of a misguided sense of tribal loyalty, encouraged by
organizations like GIYUS. The Judas goat will then try to promote
himself as a 'genuine' truth seeker and anti-Zionist by publishing some
good information, targeting the bad guys and taking advantage of the
newspaper or prominent person's requirement to tread carefully. Judas
goats generally have a guardian angel: friends in high places.

It is always possible that Eric Hufschmid is correct and he is one of
the few honest Zionist exposers, but his theory implies that the
Zionists' criminal network includes so many people such as Germar
Rudolf, Ernst Zundel, David Irving, David Duke, Michael Collins Piper,
Victor Thorn, Lisa Guliani, James Fetzer, Mike Berger, Jim Hoffman,
Gerard Holmgren, Wayne Madsen, Kurt Nimmo, Webster Tarpley, Frank
Whalen, Willis Carto, Christopher Petherick, John Stadtmiller, Dylan
Avery, Mike Rivero, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, etc. On grounds of economy,
it would seem more logical that most of these people are genuine.

Eric makes a false analogy in which all of the above characters are
assumed to be merely the equivalent of some anonymous Chicago gang member:

This is as stupid as somebody in 1920 saying:

It is possible that John Doe is correct and that there are several
organized crime gangs fighting for control of Chicago, but his theory
implies that these gangs have dozens of members! On grounds of economy,
it would seem more logical that most of these people are honest.

The difference is that one can read, say, Germar Rudolf's books such as
Lectures on the Holocaust or Dissecting the Holocaust, and it will
become evident that he is no Zionist plant. It's the same with Ernst
Zundel; why would he volunteer to spend his twilight years in jail to
help the Zionists? Hiring gang members is trivial compared to persuading
long-standing anti-Zionists to defect, getting them to successfully pose
as anti-Zionists, providing them all with handlers, and ensuring that
not even one - just one! - ever blows the whistle on the scheme. Yes,
there are suspect names on that list. And there probably are a lot of
disinfo agents out there, given that 9/11 was worth trillions of dollars
to the crooks. It is possible that some Jews are not actually paid
disinfo agents, but unconsciously end up 'volunteering' to help deflect
attention from the criminals because brainwashing has led them to
believe that Jews can do no wrong. But there are many individuals who
have been critical of Zionism for years - Piper, Carto, Duke, Rivero,
etc. The probability that these were all ADL moles for so long, or the
Zionists have managed to recruit them after many years, becomes
vanishingly low. Smith even promotes the lunatic conspiracy theory that
the Iranians are "crypto-Zionists", which is about as crazy as imagining
that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were crypto-communists!

An audio file at the following link is essential listening!

It features Michael Piper's recent explosive charges against Bollyn,
which open up a whole new can of worms. He describes the information as
"very disturbing" and "frightening".

Piper says American Free Press had long suspected Bollyn, and in fact
Piper himself suspected Bollyn of being an intelligence operative soon
after they met. In Piper's The Judas Goats (Chapter 10), he recounts how
he correctly identified Roy Bullock as an ADL operative. It turned out
that Willis Carto had already been independently informed, by Dr Edward
R Fields of The Thunderbolt newspaper.

American Free Press recently hired a top private investigator, who was
dispatched to investigate Christopher Bollyn. In the preliminary
investigation they found that Bollyn was receiving money from overseas,
and that he was being visited regularly by an individual or individuals
bearing untraceable license plates.

The P.I. went on to report, "This case contains many unanswered
questions. ... As your investigator, I do not recommend you proceed
further. I have discovered the distinct possibility of involvement by
intelligence people of a higher order. Briefly stated, there are certain
risks to be considered before proceeding. The target (Bollyn) is
spending more money than he is capable of earning." Piper says that
Bollyn is "being protected at the highest level."
Interesting. We also hired a private investigator to investigate Vincent Bridges and he came back with the same conclusion.

Piper makes the point that Bollyn's second wife Helje Kaskel is
apparently of Jewish origin; "Kaskel" is a Jewish name. His first wife
was Israeli, and apparently Israeli intelligence to boot. Piper also
claims to have information, from a "reliable source", that CB dosn't pay
tax. A good - but very long - thread with in-depth analysis of the
Christopher Bollyn case can be found at the Signs of The Times (SOTT) forum:

This is important reading for those trying to understand what has been
happening with Bollyn. For readers who haven't the time to wade through
that, some important points about Bollyn's Israeli connections and
pro-Zionist activities are covered below.

For more background from another perspective - and the newcomer would
probably be best advised to start here, following events in
chronological order from July 2006 at the height of the Danner hoax - it
is worth downloading some of Piper's radio talk shows at the Republic
Broadcasting Network archives:

...and listening to some relevant parts concerning Hufschmid and Piper.
One can then reach a judgement about who is more likely to be lying -
Piper, along with another 99% of the truth movement, or Hufschmid. It is
not necessary to download all shows or listen to the entire hour; many
of the more interesting points are listed below. The RBN show archives
appear to be largely restored; the Piper Reports (2006) can be found
here. Alternatively, our local cache has the description of RBN Piper
2006 archives along with some of the audio .mp3 files from 2006 that are
missing in the RBN archives.

Those who want to go right back to the Sam Danner affair, that is from
July to early August, could start with the July 7 broadcast. (The
narrative at the above link is a pointer to most of the particularly
interesting dates, although there are no notes for July 7). July 7
features Piper and Bollyn, but Sam Danner does not call in. At this
point, Piper and Bollyn are friends and Hufschmid is at least on
speaking terms with Piper. Piper and Bollyn introduce the story of Sam
Danner, who claimed to have seen something rather like a Global Hawk hit
the Pentagon. July 10 and 11 feature Sam Danner as a guest, along with
Bollyn. Danner had initially approached Hufschmid; Hufschmid and Bollyn
are the main promoters of the Danner story, and at this point it appears
as if Eric has scored an excellent coup.

Over the next few weeks it gradually became clear that Danner was lying.
The proof of this is demonstrated by these voicemail recordings of Sam
calling his son Matthew, which include quotes such as "the made-up stuff
like the Global Hawk and all that crap", and Sam says (about his story)
there was "some lying in it" and it was only about "65% true". He also
claimed in one message to have cancelled his ISP and email accounts and
said he would never send any more emails, and then said in another that
he would be sending emails to people. Some researchers such as Russell
Pickering saw through the hoax relatively quickly. Piper became
suspicious, but Bollyn and Hufschmid mysteriously kept trying to keep
the Global Hawk story alive. Even after Sam Danner had admitted lying,
they were trying to excuse that with other lies about Sam being
intimidated by "sunglass-wearing Feds in a large, black government SUV"
who "rammed Danner's car". There was no evidence to support that (such
as damage to Sam's car), and when that story fell apart, Hufschmid
continued to suggest - in spite of all the evidence - that Danner might
have been lying when he said he lied, or the voicemail recordings might
have been faked.

The Bollyn arrest and assault, discussed on Piper's August 16 show,
followed hard on the heels of the Danner fiasco. The thread on the SOTT
forum started on August 16; it did not take long before people were
pointing out the inconsistencies and peculiarities of the Bollyn arrest

Piper's Thursday August 24 broadcast sparked off the rift between him
and Bollyn. This show gets quite heated at times. Eric Hufschmid, who
was on the Friday 25th show but not Thursday's, had been claiming that
American Free Press had "censored" Bollyn's work and refused to publish
four of Bollyn's articles, allegedly because AFP had been "infiltrated"
by Zionists. Piper, who writes for AFP as an independent contractor (as
did Bollyn), had denounced Hufschmid as a "liar". At around 25:00
minutes into the August 24 show, Victor Thorn (Scott Makufka) asks
Bollyn several questions including whether he will publicly denounce the
"lies" of Eric Hufschmid and Daryl "Bradford Smith" (Setter) and whether
he agrees with them that AFP has been infiltrated by Zionists. (Daryl
says that his real name is Smith, so the "Setter" may be a creation of
Zionist agents such as Karl Schwarz. However, Daryl is a known liar.)
Bollyn refuses to answer the questions. At 26:20 minutes, Piper weighs
in and confirms that he did denounce Eric and Daryl (as "liars" and
"parasites"), and then Bollyn continually refuses to defend his
employers by saying whether or not he thinks they have been infiltrated,
or to say anything against Hufschmid. He says that if "Scott Makufka"
has an issue with Hufschmid he should take it up with him. At 29:15,
Piper states three times that "Eric Hufschmid is a liar" (regarding
Bollyn's articles being "censored").

It turned out that none of Bollyn's work had been censored; only one
article had failed to appear and that was because it missed a deadline.
On the Friday August 25 show, Eric calls in (34:20 minutes). He has no
defense to Piper's refutations of his claims that AFP "censored"
Bollyn's articles, except to admit that his subscription to AFP had
lapsed and say (35:18 minutes) that he made a mistake. But he does not
retract his claims about "Zionist infiltration" at AFP. Hufschmid
doesn't come across at all well in this confrontation.

In late August 2006 when the fallout from the Sam Danner hoax and the
Bollyn arrest led to doubts about Hufschmid's integrity, it was still
possible to make a case that Christopher Bollyn was a genuine,
first-rate Zionist exposer, and the cabal's plan was to drive him away
from American Free Press and into the camp of Hufschmid, in reality a
"Judas goat" who posed as the friend of Bollyn and Danner. However, in
hindsight, in order to make that hold up, it was really necessary to
overlook the discrepancies in Bollyn's accounts of his arrest. And
subsequent events were to indicate that not only is Hufschmid a probable
Zionist agent working for Rupert Murdoch, but Christopher Bollyn appears
to have been installed in 2000 as Israel's agent-to-be in the 9/11 truth

Bollyn's arrest back in the middle of August, following the discrediting
of Danner as a reliable witness, had some suspicious anomalies. The
police said that there wouldn't have been a situation if Bollyn hadn't
created it, and unfortunately the police account is more consistent than
Bollyn's version. Bollyn started out closer to the police account, with
him turning to go into the house in order to "call his brother", being
tasered and then the handcuffs put on him after he'd been forced to the
ground. Then, in radio talk shows, he changed his account to being
tasered after being handcuffed. There was never any mention of being
shocked twice, and being shocked whilst walking away versus shocked
whilst in handcuffs is not the sort of detail that one would be expected
to confuse or forget. The police version is that he was tasered and then
restrained because they thought he might be going to get a weapon.
Bollyn did not explain why he lied over this.

Another of Bollyn's lies was that he claimed the three police officers
who arrested him were "heavily-armed agents" from an "undercover
tactical unit", "wearing body armor" ... a "covert gang-suppression
unit". In fact, all three of them were regular traffic cops. Officer Tim
Stoy had been given a DUI enforcement award for making 25 arrests,
Officers Michael Barber and Darin Felgenhauer had received "Honorable
Mention" awards relating to DUI, and Michael Barber had a Police Dept.
Meritorious Police Duty Award relating to Hurricane Katrina.

The Piper - Hufschmid row led to a split between Piper and Bollyn, who
aligned himself with Hufschmid / DBS. On the August 28 show Piper
announced that his friendship with Bollyn, going back to about 2000, was
over. However, callers to his programme said there was no need to be so
hasty, and on August 31 Piper was still asking people to send
contributions to Bollyn's legal fund. Later, it was announced that AFP
would return all the money to contributors, and Piper expressed doubts
that Bollyn spent any funds that he did receive on "legal expenses".

Piper outlined an intriguing theory on his August 28 show regarding a
"sinister force", an organization that could have played a role in
orchestrating the Danner hoax and "stop Bollyn" operation. In order to
save RBN from a lawsuit, Piper did not explicitly name the organization.
He said it is considered by many to be a cult - a very weird, very
wealthy, very powerful cult. It has a history of harassment against
people. On the face of it, the organization has nothing to do with
Israel or Zionism, but it is controlled from behind the scenes by
Israel, the Mossad, wealthy Jewish organizations and wealthy Jewish
families. Some say that the Bronfmans bought the organization in 1981,
source: Secret Societies, van Helsing, Jan.

The organization Piper refers to is the Church of Scientology, which has
been described as a "school for psychopaths". The "Church" was found to
be offering "counselling services" to 9/11 victims at Ground Zero.

The Thursday 31 August broadcast concerns what Piper calls "The
Hufschmid Conundrum" (he launched into it in detail soon after 35:00
minutes). The archives page has a particularly extended summary of this

On the Monday September 11 show, Piper is still supporting Bollyn - and
pointing out (at about 11:00 minutes) that Bollyn is on the ADL's hit
list, confirming that he must be doing a good job. Piper talks more
about Hufschmid (from 18:00 minutes), saying that Eric's operation is a
modern-day equivalent of a notorious 1960s ADL-FBI cointelpro operation
known as "Deguello" (de-gway-o), which was designed to divide and
discredit leading figures in the nationalist or patriot movement. At
about 50:00 minutes, Piper says that there is almost a cult following
(behind Hufschmid and Smith/Setter).

Friday September 15 is another show where (18:00 and 37:30 minutes)
Piper repeats the point about Hufschmid and Smith developing a cult
following, adding (at 37:50) that "new people who don't know anything
about it will believe what they say". At 19:00 minutes he talks about
how a lot of good, decent people have "become entranced" by Hufschmid
and Smith. At 36:25 minutes, a caller - Mark Glenn - offers another
theory: "Hufschmid and Smith - they're lunatics ... they're just nuts".

In October 2006, American Free Press fired Christopher Bollyn and issued
a statement regarding the dismissal. Daryl Setter / Bradford Smith's
site contains a copy of the email that Chris Petherick sent to Bollyn
telling him not to send in any further articles, and that they would be
unable to pay his salary. This included a quote of the ancient Roman
legal maxim: falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. In his Tuesday October 10
broadcast, Piper talks about the firing of Bollyn and reads out (34:00
minutes into the show) and comments on the dismissal email.

The Wednesday November 1 show soon goes into Piper talking about a new
claim of Bollyn: that Piper has a gay lover named Phil, who is a Jew,
who is Piper's handler for the ADL. However, if this was true and Piper
was secretly a Zionist agent, would they really be likely to walk
hand-in-hand along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC?

The 2007 Piper Reports are available at:

In the January 8, 2007 show, at 2:09 minutes Piper says there is a "real
poison inserted into the American patriot movement", going on to talk
about Smith, Hufschmid and Bollyn. At 4:35 Piper says that Eustace
Mullins is not going to have any more to do with Smith. Eustace comes on
the show, and it turns out he has never met Smith, never even seen a
picture of him, but Smith wanted Eustace to move to France and stay with
him. Piper points out that would be "pretty dangerous". At 11:40, Piper
says: "I gather, Eustace, from what you told me that he seems to call
you up and kinda try to pump you for information, or try to put words in
your mouth, and then he gets you on the air, and just starts running at
the mouth himself." 11:56: Eustace Mullins: "Oh he does, and he leads me
on about things that I have no interest in whatsoever." At 13:46,
Eustace points out that he is alone when he does the talk shows, and he
does about a dozen a week. Piper: (14:30 minutes) "I had someone here
call this program one time who was apparently trying to lead me into
endorsing violent acts of..." Eustace Mullins: "Oh yes, that's a typical
FBI technique." Piper: "Yeah, yeah... Now this guy Smith has apparently
perfected this as one of his operations and..." Mullins: "Well I really
think so, because judging by my experiences with him, this has been a
deliberate entrapment." 15:45: Mullins: "I knew Chris (Bollyn), and he's
a very fine person, and I could not believe that he was involved in
something like that." At around 24:00, Piper explodes Smith's myth about
Mark Lane being a "Zionist" who controls the American Free Press, saying
that Lane is not even the lawyer for AFP, and since 2001 he hasn't been
in the office more than about 8 times.

When Smith found out that Mullins had exposed his FBI entrapment
techniques, Smith was forced to denounce Mullins as a "bare assed liar"
with "zero credibility". Eustace Mullins is yet another one to add to
Smith's list of "Crypto-Zionists", which includes William Rodriguez,
Mike Rivero, Mike Piper, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ellen Mariani,
Jim Hoffman, Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, David Duke, Mark Glenn, David
Irving, Willis Carto, Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zundel, John Stadtmiller, Sam
Danner, and all the rest. Smith should have been a comedian, not a
Scientology-trained disinformation agent!

On Piper's February 21 show (start of broadcast), he says how angry he
is with Smith, Hufschmid and Bollyn. They have published a document on
their website that accuses Eustace Mullins and two other gentlemen many,
many years ago of committing a homosexual rape on a teenage boy.
Evidently, this was a baseless slander in an attempt to discredit
Mullins. Piper describes it as "bullshit", and none of the three went to
jail. Piper describes the iamthewitless terrible trio as "pieces of
garbage" who are "below the sewer", "coprophiliacs" and "hookworms
regurgitating garbage" who are assaulting the integrity of an
83-year-old man.

On the April 6, 2007 Piper Report, he suggests that a cash-rich
Mossad-controlled cult (which is the Church of Scientology) could be the
secret force behind Eric Hufschmid - the ultimate answer to the
"Hufschmid Conundrum".

The task of the iamthewitless partners - who became a Gang of Three
after Bollyn's cover was blown at AFP - has been to drive a wedge
between 9/11 researchers, and to discredit those who identify the true
By presenting themselves as "Zionist Exposers", they hoped
that those who had correctly identified the North America-based Bronfman
Mafia and Israel as the guilty party would blindly side with them on
ideological grounds, and against others who were "Zionist Deniers" or
shills. These "Zionist Deniers" would even include people who were
writing about the Zionist Mafia's crimes more than twenty years ago,
supposedly decades before the concept was even a twinkle in Hufschmid's
eyes. Hufschmid's own book and video about 9/11 had little, if anything,
to say about Israeli involvement, which is why it received plenty of
publicity - a classic case of "limited hangout". By posing as their
'friends', the agents probably gather e-mail and other personal
information of individuals within the truth movement.

Smith has been known to post to some internet forums, posing as a
'genuine' anti-Zionist. The funny thing is, it appears that in one of
his personae, he pretends to be a Smith groupie who has been brainwashed
by him, hook line and sinker. It is also possible that the poster Fester
is one of Smith's team, or really is a cult member who has been
bamboozled by Smith. Either way, this is evidence of Smith's deception.

Rudolf, Irving and Zundel were jailed precisely because they had been
doing such a fine job - and reaching a lot of people - in exposing
Zionist deceptions and correcting a decades-old hoax, whose purpose was
to establish the crooked parasitical apartheid pariah state of Israel as
a means for establishing a fascist global dictatorship, a tool for war
criminals and a sanctuary for swindlers. They were not part of a stunt
where they would be paid to be knocked down and discredited after having
made deliberate error-riddled half-hearted attempts at debunking the
hoax. Wing TV could be another "Deguello": Thorn (Makufka) would spend
two or three years establishing himself as a "Jew-hater", as Wing take
the opportunity to knock other researchers. They then self-destruct as
planned, with Lisa Guliani assigned the role of pointing out Thorn's
psychological shortcomings. But the Wing split looks genuine enough. It
does not seem likely that the cabal would consider it worthwhile to
employ Thorn and Guliani to run Wing TV for several years simply so they
could make Zionist Exposers look like psychologically-challenged
"anti-Semites" by a staged 'falling out over ideological differences' in
November 2006. The jury is still out. As for Piper, if he was a limited
hangout disinformation merchant, his modus operandi just might include
writing a book about the JFK assassination that contains so much
information that many will never read it all, and will just think that
it was an incredibly complex web with Israel playing some part but "the
(Italian) Mafia" having been the arch-villains. But that is being too
cynical; this could equally apply if Piper was genuine. He has written a
number of other books critical of Zionism, which also bear no
resemblance to a mixture of diluted facts and misinformation that seeks
to deceive, and it is inconceivable that he has been a clandestine ADL
mole for so many years.

There is a small probability that Rense and Alex Jones are getting up to
$5,000 per month from the Zionists, but Rense's policy of including
dubious material such as UFOs and Jones' preference to talk about
"globalists" as opposed to "Zionists" are much more convincingly
explained as career strategies that would leave them less vulnerable to

We may be sure that Richard Grove is an impostor, since he lied
about witnessing a gold heist, and if part of his testimony is false,
why should we trust the remainder? His story about hundreds of billions
of dollars' worth of gold bricks being stolen from beneath the WTC
before the collapse was a lie, since (i) the amount of gold stored there
was much less than that (ii) the weight and value of gold that could be
physically removed in 102 minutes was much less than that (iii) 9/11 was
about a $ hundreds of billions or trillions Pentagon swindle, a $
hundreds of billions or trillions ruse employing remote controlled
planes, a compromised media and puppet regimes to obtain the use of
"Coalition" forces for Israel's benefit, and a $ billions insurance scam
(iv) any attempt to deflect attention from Israel and Zionists to a
fictitious $10 million crime that would not have been worth the trouble
or expense is clearly disinformation. Deborah Simon, Karl Schwarz, Phil
Jayhan, Dylan Avery and Co could well be part of the 9/11 cover-up, but
given that this theory was promoted by Hufschmid and Bollyn, it loses
most of its credibility. As for the likes of David Duke and Willis Carto
secretly working for Zionists, the idea is bunkum.

Eric correctly identifies some agents such as James Fetzer who is
working with the obvious shill Morgan Reynolds (who is a 'former' Bush
Admin member in the same sense that bin Laden was or is a 'former' CIA
and the probable mind control victim Judy Wood, to discredit the
very genuine and appropriately qualified Professor Steven E Jones. Jones
is yet another of Hufschmid's "Crypto-Zionists", along with Kevin Ryan
and Jim Hoffman! Reynolds and Wood promote ludicrous absurdities such as
"no planes hit the WTC", along with their "Star Wars beam weapon"
distraction theory. Wood's students at Clemson university generally
thought that she was not a good teacher and did not really know the
material. Bizarrely, she had been in a coma for six years. A poster on a
Clemson forum described her as "arguably the dumbest person [he'd] ever
met, and by far the most incompetant [sic] instructor Clemson has ever
hired". It doesn't seem likely that a Professor of Philosophy could be
taken in by shills and retards; Fetzer has been bought out, but possibly
after forming Scholars for 9/11 Truth. But Hufschmid's handlers would
have giving him plenty of good information to mix in with the
disinformation. The aim is to give an impression that Hufschmid is an
unusually good researcher - albeit with some idiosyncrasies like his
"moon landings hoax" and "Germar Rudolf a Zionist agent" ideas. The same
strategy was employed with another prominent player who at one time
seemed worthy of the title "the best reporter bar none"...

One theory is that Eric suffered a sort of breakdown and temporarily
lost his grip on reality. But then we have the question of Christopher
Bollyn's veracity. If the "mental breakdown" theory holds, then both
Bollyn and Hufschmid would have to be victims. Both of them were
supposedly suckered by the Sam Danner "Global Hawk" hoax. If only Eric
is ill, then Bollyn should not have been lured over to his camp and away
from AFP. But it would be a remarkable coincidence if the two brightest
stars in the 9/11 truth movement happened to be the very two who
suffered from paranoia, and those who thought that 9/11 had been done by
the "Russians" or the "Black Pope" or the "Saudis" or some other
crackpot theory were normal, well-adjusted personalities who simply
lacked critical reasoning skills.
Moreover, this outcome would have been
a remarkably good result for Israel and the Zionist Mafia. And Bollyn's
'mistake' about "spikes" in the seismic record as the towers started to
collapse would have to be a genuine error, along with the coincidence of
the convenience it lends Zionists in discrediting Bollyn's reports of
pools of molten steel in the basements of WTC 1, 2 and 7. But the
publicity achieved by iamthewitless does not support the theory that
Hufschmid is merely a paranoid blogger, Bollyn is a third-rate out of
work journalist with a fervid imagination and something of a Walter
Mitty character, and Smith is a nutcase.

Here is the theory regarding Bollyn's role: Back in 2000, Bollyn was
installed as an Israeli agent. His job would be to expose Israeli
involvement in 9/11 along with the physical evidence that disproves the
official theory as set out here, such as pools of molten steel. He would
then be discredited and tarnished as an unreliable source, casting doubt
on the validity of all his articles.

The 9/11 planners would have known that their WTC 1, 2, and 7 demolition
procedure would leave an unmistakable fingerprint - tell-tale signs of a
smoking gun - such as molten iron and steel, heavily sulfidated steel,
high barium levels in the dust, and the risk of video evidence of molten
iron or steel pouring from the side of a tower in the minutes leading up
to collapse. This would pose severe problems for the official theory of
"fire-induced collapse" as a result of "Muslim suicide pilots".

What better than to install a man (Bollyn) in 2000 who had spent several
summers working on a kibbutz in the Jordan valley, who spoke fair Hebrew
and Arabic and whose first wife was Israeli {see just over halfway down
at that link} and worked for Israeli military intelligence, according to
Bollyn himself. But more on that in a moment. Their man would infiltrate
American Free Press after being introduced to Michael Collins Piper
using a dubious cover story about a library banning a book, and
establish his credentials with truth-seekers by being allowed to
photograph David Rockefeller at the 2003 Bilderberg conference and
writing a number of hard-hitting articles that exposed Israel's complicity.

Bollyn would write truthful reports on molten steel and the Israeli
connections, but would make some deliberate mistakes such as the
'seismic spikes' and the Sam Danner 'Global Hawk hits Pentagon' hoax. A
particularly important scoop was when Bollyn got to relay Peter Tully
and Mark Loizeaux's reports about pools of molten steel at the bottom of
the basements of WTC 1, 2 and 7. It is possible that Loizeaux said that
molten steel was found at various levels from near the surface right
down to the basement, down seven levels at the bottom of the elevator
shafts, with Bollyn spinning that into it all being found at the bottom
to make it seem more sinister. He would also work with the Hoffman
Estates police department (and be photographed smirking with them) in a
stunt in which he was supposed to have been tasered, denied water whilst
in jail, and suffered a minor fracture to an elbow. Hence, his truthful,
excellent identification of Israel's central role in 9/11 could be
knocked down and dismissed.

Interestingly, Hufschmid's website carries a photo of Christopher
Bollyn's wife Helje toting a gun and posing rather like a "secret
agent". Maybe Helje is part of the team, and the three of them perceive
themselves as rather like James Bond characters.

The problem with Bollyn is that he is rather economical with the truth.
Consider his claim that his first wife worked for Israeli military
intelligence, in an email by Bollyn - using his email pseudonym Sam
Brand - to Mike Piper. But in a speech available on a video at this
page, Bollyn starts talking about his time in Israel (41:30), saying
that he only had a D visa, and "I'm a Christian ... as a Christian, you
cannot get married to an Israeli, you cannot own land in Israel." So ...
was he lying in the email, or was he lying in the speech?

Another interesting part in that video is where Bollyn says that he got
to meet David Rockefeller in the park. He starts talking about
Bilderberg at about 38:20, saying "I've met a couple of them
[Bilderbergers] in the park; I've met David Rockefeller in Paris the
other year when he came walking back from the Chateau at Versailles."
And in an article Bollyn wrote for AFP, he tells how he was able to
photograph the attendees and meet David Rockefeller in the park with his
bodyguard. A top NWO / Zionist / crypto-Jewish / globalist who is on
friendly enough terms with a representative of an anti-Zionist
publication that he doesn't tell him to get lost? John D. Rockefeller's
paternal grandmother was Lucy Avery Rockefeller (1786-1867). Lucy Avery
is believed to be descended from Edmund Ironside, the English king,
crowned in 1016. And Chris Bollyn admits on his own website that "the
Bollyn family is related to Sir Thomas Boleyn, the father of Anne
Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I."

A major advantage of thermate as a cutting agent to take out the lower
core box columns below the targeted impact area and the perimeter
columns at the impact area (both perimeter and box columns being hollow,
so the thermate powder could be pumped in through the access holes) was
that the criminals' disinformation agents could then promote "it's a
natural phenomenon" disinformation theories as 'explanations' for the
pools of molten steel or iron and sulfidation of structural steel.
Retired scientists such as Frank Greening could be wheeled out - whether
paid, useful fools, or loyal to Israel - to propose various specious
hypotheses such as "natural thermite reactions", "acid rain", "sulfur
contamination from burning gypsum wallboard", "eutectic reactions",
"exothermic reactions between water and molten aluminum from the
planes", etc, which don't stand up to scrutiny. In order to make these
'theories' work, there are about half a dozen stages that are either
impossible or about as likely as winning a lottery. And they fail
Occam's Razor. The idea that "natural reactions" just might have melted
the steel is rather like a scenario involving a murderer found in a
locked room with a smoking gun and a corpse riddled with bullet holes.
"But just think of all those chemicals in the body," says the killer,
"there is potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, water... Isn't it
reasonable to suppose that these might have combined to produce
exothermic reactions to account for the observed wounds?"

The other problem was all the obvious connections to Israel, from Larry
Silverstein's close links with Binyamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon, Ehud
Barak, etc, to Dov Zakheim to the Zim Shipping company. It was clear
that individuals such as Hufschmid and Bollyn would have to be installed
in order that they could "take a dive" several years later, the plan
being to discredit honest, accurate truth-seekers and researchers as
"paranoid, lying anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists".

In Bollyn's article about the molten steel, he mixed in some
misinformation about "sharp spikes" in the seismic record. If he was
sincerely working to expose Zionist crimes back in 2002, he could have
genuinely misunderstood the Palisades seismographs, imagining that on
the compressed x-axis expanded y-axis version, the 50-second period of
relatively low amplitude disturbances following the collapses was the
10-second collapse time, and the 10-second period of waves twenty times
the amplitude was a sinister 2-second spike at the start of the
collapse. On balance, the odds would seem to favor the idea that this
was a straw man that could be easily knocked down to cast doubt on the
molten steel reports.

This link is to a typical Bollyn article on Israel's involvement in
9/11. Unfortunately for the criminals, the reports of molten steel or
iron were confirmed by numerous other sources, as listed here and here
and here. And although Mark Loizeaux said that he did not personally
witness the pools of molten steel - that was reported to him by
contractors - he did not deny that such pools were found in the basement.

One theory holds that almost everyone in the 9/11 truth movement (apart
from Hufschmid, Smith and Bollyn) are working for the Zionists, and so
are jailed historical revisionists and nationalist types who have been
accused of being anti-Semitic white supremacists. A second theory has
Hufschmid and Bollyn both suffering some sort of breakdown, and teaming
up with Smith who is also nuts. In both of these theories, Hufschmid's
connection to Murdoch and Bollyn's ties to Israel are just coincidence,
rather like the official story claims about Larry Silverstein, Dov
Zakheim, and the "dancing Israelis" being linked to 9/11 and to Israel.
It is also a bizarre coincidence that three of the 9/11 truth movement's
most brilliant researchers have psychological problems. According to the
third theory, most truth-seekers are genuine, but a trillion-dollar
crime on the scale of 9/11 would include the installation of some agent
provocateurs to stifle the truth movement and muddy the waters.
Hufschmid, Smith and Bollyn were three of the principals who were
promoted and provided with some important scoops. One was supplied with
a limited hangout book and video that raised "Painful Questions" and
exposed "Painful Deceptions" (but not about Zionism). His goal was to
divide and distract honest researchers. Another was fed a lot of genuine
information about Zionist connections to 9/11 before other researchers
got to find out, allowed to photograph David Rockefeller at the
Bilderberg conference, and named on the ADL's hit list to enhance his
credibility. His role was as a fall guy, to be knocked down by Zionists
attempting to deny the physical evidence of WTC demolitions (e.g. molten
steel) and Israel's connections to 9/11. Another was given the job of
presenting a radio talk show in which guests would be encouraged to
gossip and slander others in the truth movement. The first two theories
suffer from so many inconsistencies, impossibilities and improbabilities
that they can be safely dismissed, which leaves us with the third theory.

So the Zionist Mafia doubtless have an influence on seemingly
unconnected cults which they employ behind the scenes in order to
manipulate events. To some observers, it might seem as if two
researchers (Hufschmid and Bollyn) who did sterling work in exposing
Zionist involvement in 9/11 have become unhinged, and are lying and
acting so as to discredit their previous work. But Hufschmid and Bollyn
appear to have been cointelpro right from the start. Hufschmid (working
for Murdoch and / or the Church of Scientology) was installed to
discredit researchers trying to expose Zionist crimes, and Bollyn (a CIA
or Israeli agent) was charged with discrediting those pointing out
Israel's crimes. On the face of it, his articles are quite good and have
some very useful information, but contain some deliberate errors (such
as claims of "seismic spikes") that the researcher must identify, else
they will be used as straw men to be knocked down. American Free Press
fired Christopher Bollyn because they could no longer trust everything
Bollyn wrote, and were not prepared to check the veracity of his
articles. Smith was brought in later, when the truth movement snowballed
way beyond the expectations of the Zionist planners and theorists in
2000 and 2001.

However, an excellent article of Bollyn's from October 2003 on Rupert
Murdoch's foreknowledge - a must read for those who haven't seen it -
demonstrates that we cannot dismiss the theory that Bollyn was a genuine
anti-Zionist, the seismic spikes claim was an honest mistake, and
Christopher was manipulated by Hufschmid and Smith, maybe being
persuaded that he would still be benefiting the anti-Zionist cause.

The Scientologists could have helped to deliver Sam Danner to Hufschmid.
They might even have influenced the Hoffman Estates police department
(there are several Scientology bases in Chicago within ten or twenty
miles of Hoffman Estates), but Bollyn appears to have been deliberately
belligerent in order to provoke his arrest. They could be the force
behind Eric Hufschmid. However, Rupert Murdoch and the CIA are also
suspected sponsors of Smith, Bollyn and Hufschmid.

In Bollyn's January 2007 interview at CNN's Paula Zahn Now he gives the
impression of a genuine anti-Zionist, but as an agent this would have
been his brief. Even intelligence operatives would only receive
information on a need to know basis. It is likely that Paula Zahn
regarded Bollyn as a "racist" anti-Israel, anti-government type. But a
comparison between the original unedited audio and the CNN version can
serve as a stand-alone refutation for those still seeking to deny Jewish
influence of the media.

Supporters of Smith / Hufschmid / Bollyn - the Smithsonians - claim that
all the evidence against the terrible trio, copious as it may be, is
merely circumstantial. But this exposes another of the long chain of
contradictions inherent in their position. They are quick to criticise
Alex Jones, etc, as "Zionist deniers". Along with the Zionists' previous
record, there is a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence against
Israel, the Mossad, and powerful North American Zionists as the prime
suspect for staging 9/11. The multiplication of improbabilities
transforms this circumstantial evidence into the equivalent of smoking
gun evidence. The Zionists are not only the prime suspect, but the
evidence is sufficient to convict them. Zionist deniers refuse to accept
this reasoning, and see the evidence against Israel as merely
circumstantial. Yet the Smithsonians lambaste them for this and cite it
as evidence that they are "Zionist agents".

However, in the case of Murdoch's trio, Daryl Bradford Smith, Eric
Hufschmid and Christopher Bollyn, the Smithsonians complain that, even
though there are reams of evidence against them, it is all merely
circumstantial. But we are not trying to convict Murdoch's trio of mass
murder and send them to the guillotine or the gallows. The charge is of
being Zionist agents who are not worth listening to. So the standard of
proof against the terrible trio need not be as high as that required to
convict Israel.

In summary, Hufschmid / Smith / Bollyn's modus operandi is: 1) Impress
anti-Zionists by telling them what they want to hear, affirming each
listener's own beliefs. 2) Waste the anti-Zionists' time by supplying
titbits of information on audio files mixed with gossip and rumors about
how all their rivals in the truth movement are "Zionist agents". 3) Sow
the seeds of fear and mistrust in the listener. 4) Present the French
Connection trio as the "one true truth tellers" who can be trusted.
Thus, they establish a degree of control over the flow of information.
The last thing the Zionists need is thousands of pesky truth seekers
conducting their own personal research and delving into evidence of
Zionist complicity in mass murder for profit and power.

The evidence is more conclusive than ever. Hufschmid, Smith/Setter and
Bollyn are Zionist agents: intelligence operatives and agent
provocateurs. They should be shunned like the plague. With a trillion
dollar crime such as 9/11, it was always inevitable that some "Deguello"
operations would be set up.

Revised May 31, 2007
The fact that Myers keeps passing around the DBS crap says more about HIM than it does about anything else.

Also, in the above, there is a link to the SOTT forum investigation of Bollyn, and that gives us a hint as to why DBS and his gang of stooges have decided that we are the most evil Zionist agents around... we are just way too dangerous to their little scam.
The latest from Peter Myers' today:

(3) “Daryl Bradford Smith is a Pretender�

From: Jeffery Cole <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 05:32:17 -0500

> How can Zionists take control of the USA? - Daryl Bradford Smith

I think Daryl Bradford Smith is a Pretender. How do we know that HE is
not a product of his own words. "Trust nobody?" Well, if Mr. Smith
believes that we should take a cynical approach to everyone who says
they are a freedom fighter, a truth teller, then, I would start with him.

My goodness, how absurd can a person get and be taken serious? Call me
gullible, but I have always given every person I meet my trust until
they give me a reason not to trust them. Then, if they violate that
trust, they must earn it through repentance. If everyone listened to the
Daryl Smiths of the world, NOTHING would get done. Frankly, if there is
anyone I will not give my trust to is someone who says "trust none."

I suppose that would make me a Zionist, right Mr. Smith? Bah! Humbug!

Comment (Peter M.):

I’ve been around these debates for years now, and I think there’s
another explanation.

Many people just don’t know about the power of the Jewish lobby.

Take Eric Hufschmid. He knows about it now; but when he made his video
on 9/11, he didn’t know. That’s why there’s no mention of the Five
Dancing Israelis, of Urban Moving Systems, or of the Odigo text messages
warning of the disaster BEFORE it happened.

A person who homes in on Zionism as a factor, is likely to find it hard
to discuss this topic with the many “political virgins� out there. And
therefore tends to mix with those of like mind. It’s easier.

But it’s dangerous. One becomes impatient with those who can’t “see� .
One overstates one’s case, allowing others to spot errors which
discredit it. One descends into name-calling those who disagree.

This forum breaks out of that mould, because of the diverse range of
viewpoints of the participants.

Virtually all US Presidents are Freemasons; JFK is the only recent
exception I know of. Couple this with the Eye on the Great Seal of the
United States, and a rival theory, that of Illuminati control, has
credibility too. One that carries no stigmas or penalties. It does not
lead to ostracism or unemployment.

To argue for Zionist control, one therefore needs to show how it
includes the Freemasons, uses them, is superior to them. This requires a
more elaborate theory.

There are many times when I receive antagonistic emails, to which I feel
like replying immediately, when in an emotional state.

But I force myself to delay, to do other things until I have calmed
down, and can write a rational reply.

By such means, discussions continue rather than being terminated.
Sometimes the outcome is quite beneficial, in that both participants
discover common ground.

I think that many people who fall out on the internet, do so for lack of
etiquette. They have never learned good manners. As a result, minor
differences become magified, and molehills become impassible barriers.

I am not saying this in a boastful way. I have just told how I have to
struggle to contain my own emotions at times.

Anyway, such an interpretation of the fallouts between those on the same
side, leads me to try to stay on good terms with as many as I can,
looking for merit, the half-full glass rather than the half-empty one.
Myers could be ignorant, delusional, or deliberately disingenuous. Hard to tell. Doesn't matter, though, because the result is the same. By not standing up to lies and liars, he de facto supports them.
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