Operation BITE, any takers?


Tarplay said:
Operation Bite: April 6 sneak attack by US forces against Iran planned, Russian military sources warn

WASHINGTON DC, -- The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now on track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 am on April 6, the Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly “Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his account.

The attack is slated to last for 12 hours, according to Uglanov, from 4 am until 4 pm local time. Friday is the sabbath in Iran. In the course of the attack, code named Operation Bite, about 20 targets are marked for bombing; the list includes uranium enrichment facilities, research centers, and laboratories.

The first reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, where Russian engineers are working, is supposed to be spared from destruction. The US attack plan reportedly calls for the Iranian air defense system to be degraded, for numerous Iranian warships to be sunk in the Persian Gulf, and for the most important headquarters of the Iranian armed forces to be wiped out.

The attacks will be mounted from a number of bases, including the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Diego Garcia is currently home to B-52 bombers equipped with standoff missiles. Also participating in the air strikes will be US naval aviation from aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, as well as from those of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. Additional cruise missiles will be fired from submarines in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of the Arabian peninsula. The goal is allegedly to set back Iran’s nuclear program by several years, writes Uglanov, whose article was reissued by RIA-Novosti in various languages, but apparently not English, several days ago. The story is the top item on numerous Italian and German blogs, but so far appears to have been ignored by US websites.

Observers comment that this dispatch represents a high-level orchestrated leak from the Kremlin, in effect a war warning, which draws on the formidable resources of the Russian intelligence services, and which deserves to be taken with the utmost seriousness by pro-peace forces around the world.

Asked by RIA-Novosti to comment on the Uglanov report, retired Colonel General Leonid Ivashov confirmed its essential features in a March 21 interview: “I have no doubt that there will be an operation, or more precisely a violent action against Iran." Ivashov, who has reportedly served at various times as an informal advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is currently the vice president of the Moscow Academy for Geopolitical Sciences.

Ivashov attributed decisive importance to the decision of the Democratic leadership of the US House of Representatives to remove language from the just-passed Iraq supplemental military appropriations bill that would have demanded that Bush come to Congress before launching an attack on Iran. Ivashov pointed out that the language was eliminated under pressure from AIPAC, the lobbing group representing the Israeli extreme right, and from Israeli Foreign Minister Tsipi Livni.

“We have drawn the unmistakable conclusion that this operation will take place," said Ivashov. In his opinion, the US planning does not include a land operation: “ Most probably there will be no ground attack, but rather massive air attacks with the goal of annihilating Iran’s capacity for military resistance, the centers of administration, the key economic assets, and quite possibly the Iranian political leadership, or at least part of it," he continued.

Ivashov noted that it was not to be excluded that the Pentagon would use smaller tactical nuclear weapons against targets of the Iranian nuclear industry. These attacks could paralyze everyday life, create panic in the population, and generally produce an atmosphere of chaos and uncertainty all over Iran, Ivashov told RIA-Novosti. “This will unleash a struggle for power inside Iran, and then there will be a peace delegation sent in to install a pro-American government in Teheran," Ivashov continued. One of the US goals was, in his estimation, to burnish the image of the current Republican administration, which would now be able to boast that they had wiped out the Iranian nuclear program.

Among the other outcomes, General Ivashov pointed to a partition of Iran along the same lines as Iraq, and a subsequent carving up of the Near and Middle East into smaller regions. “This concept worked well for them in the Balkans and will now be applied to the greater Middle East," he commented.

“Moscow must exert Russia’s influence by demanding an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to deal with the current preparations for an illegal use of force against Iran and the destruction of the basis of the United Nations Charter," said General Ivashov. “In this context Russia could cooperate with China, France and the non-permanent members of the Security Council. We need this kind of preventive action to ward off the use of force," he concluded.




Webster G. Tarpley is a journalist. Among other works, he has published an investigation on the manipulation of the Red Brigades by the Vatican’s P2 Suite and the assassination of Aldo Moro, a non-authorized biography of George H. Bush, and more recently an analysis of the methods used to perpetrate the September 11, 2001 attacks.
I'm a fan of Tarplay's work, especially Synthetic Terror. His writing style might be a little too high brow for many (he does seem to mix in a lot of words from other languages to get his point across) but, usually, his info is pretty good. As for this who knows, the darn thing has been dragging on for 2 years plus, and all signs look like the Ziocons are getting impatient.

This also reminds me of something I read last week by our good friend Ken Welch who's always a good source of mild entertainment.

Welch said:

Posted 3/16/07
You have to admit, this isn't that original. It's basically just a rehash of last year's little plea for attention. One thing I find interesting is an entry in his Disinformation Campaign section

Welch said:
Duration: 7 Months - primarily Internet
Purpose: Sucks energy from 9-11 Hoax opposition. Pre- conditions for false-flag events. Details change every 30 days or so.
Status: Strong - many agents involved
Being a bit too up front with us eh, Ken? ;) Many agents involved indeed.
My take is that if this were actually planned, Tarplay would not know about it - nor would his Russian sources. Every March for the past few years we hear of impending doom - it may still happen, you never know - but saying "secret attack on Iran on...." - uhhhmm - not very secret is it?

It's obvious that little Georgie is going to attempt to engage in a nuclear attack in the Middle East - and it's even fairly obvious that the U.S. will not avoid a nuclear strike on it's own soil, either as a catalyst or in retaliation - so this whole 'secret attack on a specific date' thing just sounds like Barnum and Bailey to me. Step right up! But - that's just me.

Oddly enough, this thread is discussing this theatre as well ... http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=5542&p=1
anart said:
My take is that if this were actually planned, Tarplay would not know about it - nor would his Russian sources. Every March for the past few years we hear of impending doom - it may still happen, you never know - but saying "secret attack on Iran on...." - uhhhmm - not very secret is it?
My sentiments exactly. Wolf has been cried so many times that I could barely care less anymore whenever I hear about "secret attack on Iran will happen [fill in the blank, June 2005, Nov 2005, March/April 2006, August 2006, whatever]." If you look at the archives in alt news sites for the past two years all you see is a mosiac of "the coming/imminent/inevitable war with Iran." My guess is that it has a better chance of happening now than it did in the past, but still, if nothing happens this Easter I won't be the least surprised. As for Tarpley I'm sure the guy has picked up a lot of contacts over the decades, but again, that could be a good or bad (read: disinfo) thing. Sure, an attack this size is kinda hard to hide, but why leak to Tarpley of all people?

Welch's chicken little script is not only old, it's a weak, almost silly carbon copy of the same thing he literally wrote last year. At least he put more effort into it last year. Heck, the so-called "reversals" are just silly, he even hears his name in one of them! This guy's ego just won't let up. I guess he found his golden goose.

It's obvious that little Georgie is going to attempt to engage in a nuclear attack in the Middle East - and it's even fairly obvious that the U.S. will not avoid a nuclear strike on it's own soil, either as a catalyst or in retaliation - so this whole 'secret attack on a specific date' thing just sounds like Barnum and Bailey to me. Step right up! But - that's just me.
Agreed, there's not all this sound and fury for nothing. It's not as easy as the Ziocons planned since they've been majorly set back in Iraq, but Ahab still has to get his whale. 9/11 set the precedent of shocking everyone, especially in the alt news community, to expect anything from the government now and everyone is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The government knows that and milks it for all its worth with fake "disclosures" of either a nuke going off or Iran attack every couple of months. Just like Welch, who must know that more than most people ;), wrote. Like you said, Barnum and Bailey, a sucker's born every minute.
Obviously releasing details about a "secret attack" means that it wasn't a secret nor will it be a surprise. I suspect that the intent of any plans of an attack on Iran is to have it be the end result of a chain of events, precipitated by some action attributed to Iran.

The fact that a plan is predicted means that if it comes to pass, Bush & Co. cannot claim the "surprise" factor. This may be enough (we can only hope...) to prevent the attack from occurring.

In other words, perhaps this is the Russian's way of heading off our (i.e. Bush & Co.) plans.
I was thinking that this could also be "testing the waters" in preparation for an actual attack. To see how people react to such a "leak" etc.
perhaps it is a spoiler intent to say to the UK-US : "back off!"

a friend of mine sent me this today:

It seems Webster Tarpley (author of the online "The Unauthorised Biography of George Bush" (Snr) and somone close to the Lyndon Larouche network is part of an effort that may well have originated with French and/or Russian military/intelligence to circulate a story claiming an imminent US attack on Iran at Easter 6th April. The story is zooming round the independents but has so far been ignored by the mainstream media. This is not to say such an action may not actually be planned or may not be in the process of planning, but the story may in fact simply be a spoiler, a Franco-Russian shot across the bows of USUK to say :"back off!" rather than an accurate prediction of a US attack at that date. The date is so close that the only thing in present circumstances that could trigger such an attack would have to be another major 'terrorist event' that the US could tie to Iran.
The Russian General in question - Ivashov - was Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. Here http://www.voltairenet.org/article133909.html you see a photo of Tarpley alongside Ivashov at the "Axis for Peace Conference", Brussels 2005 and further down, Ivashov with ex-American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn.

Tarpley provides the following links: L'Iran serait attaqué début avril (experts militaires russes) and Le Pentagone va attaquer des cibles militaires iraniennes (expert russe).
ThAEther said:
The Russian General in question - Ivashov - was Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. Here http://www.voltairenet.org/article133909.html you see a photo of Tarpley alongside Ivashov at the "Axis for Peace Conference", Brussels 2005 and further down, Ivashov with ex-American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn.
The saga of Réseau Voltaire appears, from what I know of it, to be a sad one, the inevitable result of what happens when you don't pick your friends carefully and you have no knowledge of psychopathy and ponerology.

Meyssan's work on 9/11 was very impressive. Prior to that, he was active in bringing to light the underside of the Front National in France - their "para-military".

Then with 9/11, they got in with anyone and everyone in the so-called Truth Movement. RV sponsored a series of Jimmie Walker conferences in Europe. Tarpley was there. Prior to the conferences, we had some contact with RV following the Pentagon Strike flash animation. RV translated it into French and put it on their site. But the price for working with them was that we would have had to have laid off our discussion of UFOs, etc.

Well, you can imagine our response to being told what we could say or research. We weren't invited to the conference.

After the 9/11 conference came the anti-imperialist conference in Brussels. By then, RV had fleas from laying in bed with the dogs. Historically, the slogan for anti-imperialist fronts runs along the lines of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", a tenuous premise at best of times and one certain to lead to disaster without the knowledge of ponerology and psychopathy, as a picture of Tarpley with Bolyn demonstrates.

It has been sad to watch because much of their work, on the FN, on the networks of spies left in Europe after WWII, on 9/11, is very well documented and thorough.
Ark posted in another thread:

After some more checking I have found the article by Uglanov, where he states that the day of attack on Iran is scheduled on April 6. The source


I was not able to find it before. Today's edition repeats this claim:


But, according to this political tabloid, Russia is trying hard to convince USA that it will be better to delay the attack for 60 days. So, perhaps, Russia will win, and nothing is going to happen on April 6 ;)

In another issue of the tabloid you can find an "interesting" article about Russian "psychic warfare":


Ken Welch decided to give an update last wekk. At least now he gives us a little more to chew on and ponder.


Welch said:
Events on the ground confirm that a massive attack on the Republic of Iran is imminent. Armageddon is definitely still on. In this update I'll provide a view of the news from the week that followed our initial posting above.

The hot story from the Middle East is the 15 British marines who were arrested for being armed in Iranian waters. If you thought Muslims were supposed to be bloodthirsty you should see the responses from readers at many of the U.K. news sites! Many demanded that Iran be nuked immediately. These, of course, are artificially planted; an inexpensive way to influence public opinion.

The original story given to the press has some big holes in it, and in today's world of illusion one must learn to be very skeptical of anything you see on the networks. The British story is that six Iranian patrol boats entered Iraqi waters to kidnap the men while a British naval vessel, presumably equipped with surface radar, simply stood by and let it happen. Sounds pretty odd to me. I would expect that Iran, just as they have done for quite some time, will end up behaving in a perfectly civilized and reasonable manner. Regardless of the propaganda, they are not stupid.

I continue to pick up random references to nukes in reversed speech. Now that governments are simply "fronts" for corporate cartels, there is huge pressure to bring out the nukes and finally get some "good" out of them. But no one dares be the first to use a nuclear weapon on human beings. There is only one way this can be done. Someone who already owns nukes must set one off in a way that can be blamed on someone else. Once that occurs, the gullible will be cheering when more nukes are used on the "bad guys," and our whole perception of nuclear weapons will change. Nukes will suddenly become general-purpose tools, and the Bush Doctrine, that any country can be attacked and destroyed for any reason, will become the new standard in world affairs. This will be America's sad and final legacy to the world.

During the past 60 days, top guns from the Bush Administration have done an amazing amount of travel, visiting key foreign capitols around the globe. You can review the itineraries and make a pretty good guess about the various countries that are now signed on to the Armageddon Train without their citizens' knowledge.

Watch For People Who Know Too Much - Operation Bite

Last year, some insiders who were privy to the plan involving a nuke south of Houston just couldn't keep their mouths shut. The allure of being seen later on as particularly wise or credible is very strong. Before we published, we pretty much knew all the details of the plan. When those details appeared in the writing of, say, a senior staffer at a Washington newspaper, we knew we had found an insider who knew too much. The same went for professional disinformation agents who were pretending to tell the straight dope on the Internet. You know them, the ones who claim that real intelligence people are such blabbermouths that they are happy to tell this guy their in-house secrets so he can spread them all over the net?

Rense.Com, not exactly wedded to truth, refused to link to our report just as they always do, but then a few days ago published similar information, including the date, in a report by Webster Tarpley. This is an intriguing piece, and all the more so because it depends heavily on the main disinformation theme that Iran's learning to play with uranium is some kind of immediate threat to the planet.

So the main thrust of it is that the U.S. will be taking out Iran's nuclear power facilities (as if we actually had a right to do so). Of course, we will also destroy a number of military facilities simply because we don't like their attitude! Sadly, many Americans today will accept this as perfectly reasonable.

The Tarpley story becomes even more fanciful when it claims the U.S. expects this operation to cause the people of Iran to revolt, tear their country into smaller pieces, and make them all U.S.-friendly.

It also claims that the U.S. will use a few nukes simply to get the job done more efficiently, subliminally suggesting that the people of planet earth no longer object to the use of nuclear weapons on human beings. However, it makes no attempt at all to explain why a Christian country would launch a nuclear war on a Muslim country on Good Friday. Of course, we believe that a false-flag attack here at home is intended to make it look the other way around; a story that might seem vaguely believable if Iran wasn't staring down the barrel of more firepower than was used in World War Two.

This is a disinformation piece serving multiple purposes, and one of those purposes is to counter the report you are reading right now. The Russian story has now been blasted all over the net, far beyond the reach of this website. Many people will remember the Easter date and assume they needn't listen to any other stories that mention Easter. They have also been assured that when we decimate Iran it will not be a naked grab for Iran's oil reserves by the Houston Cartel.
There is some truth to this. The Russian story is now all over the place, from Israel to Australia. This stands to reason that it is indeed a disinformation piece although not necessarily for the (rather egocentric) reasons Welch gives.
Welch said:
Note that Tarpley names the source of the material, and he is the reporter and not the originator. I would assume that it comes from the same Russian propaganda office that runs "Sorcha Fal." Pysops operators are often overly impressed with their own cleverness. So I had to laugh when I saw that only a few days after we published the Bush reversal that Welch was "biting" at the Al-Qaeda hoax, the Russian team decided to say that the American attack plan was code-named "Bite"!
*Sigh* I really wish this guy would get over himself. Anyway, it is funny he should mention the always comical and amusing Sorcha Faal who's propaganda and disinfo is beyond parody. Faal has been surprisingly quiet about the recent revelations, the last piece being on that meteorite that almost hit the airliner. Normally, given their MO to take stuff like that, take it out of context, blow it out of proportion, sprinkle doom and gloom and use it to pitch whatever crap they're selling, they would usually be the first to jump on this tantalizing news piece. Perhaps, Welch is right, that the same gurus behind Faal are behind this thing as well.

More on the name "Bite" later.

Welch said:
Why are Russians involved in hiding the Armageddon details? There should be little doubt that they've been fully informed of the real plan and signed off on it. We learned last week that stories about a payment dispute halting Russian work on the Iranian nuclear power project are actually a cover for the fact that Russian workers are being evacuated as quickly as possible. In fact, most of them are already gone.

By the strangest coincidence, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Moscow on Monday in what appears to be a rather hastily arranged trip to discuss Armageddon and its aftermath. Should China follow through with its commitment to protect Iran? If not, will Russia offer to make up the loss of oil supplies? They definitely have a lot to talk about!

Russia stands to benefit greatly if the Houston-based Oil Cartel can finally get enough adjoining territory together to build the pipelines she needs to get her oil to international markets. A halt to oil shipments from the Persian Gulf means that the value of Russian oil, like everyone else's, will probably double immediately. That means Russia has a pretty good stake in turning Iran over to new owners. Don't believe any stories you read about Russia opposing the U.S. over the situation in the Middle East.
He makes a lot of assumptions here, and simplifies the situation. It is true that Russia does stand to gain from higher gas prices but I doubt it would enjoy having the US right on its southern flank. It's a complex situation and I say Welch is just as wrong as the people who say that Russia will automatically defend Iran. In all likelyhood they'll just pout like they did for Serbia in '99. As for China, well who knows.
Welch said:
Israel To Annex Syria

So many European diplomatic staffers have been telling Syrian officials their country is about to be attacked by Israel that World Net Daily, an unwavering purveyor of Houston's propaganda line, had to run a story downplaying the idea. In fact, it appears that Israel's role in Armageddon has been upgraded since last year.

Last July the Israelis were told to find some excuse for attacking Lebanon. This would set the emotional stage for Gambit, the false-flag nuke, and in the process they were to blow all but a handful of the country's roads and bridges. That would prevent opposing forces from interfering with the small but heavily armed U.S. force that was waiting off the beaches to dash across Lebanon the short way, west to east, and invade Syria through a relatively unprotected border.

There is nothing left to bomb in Lebanon, and there are no longer any U.S. troops to use in Syria. All U.S. forces have been reserved for Iran this time. So it was no surprise when I ran across a planted story on AFP* with the usual lack of names or confirmation, claiming that Israel was afraid that Syria was about to attack THEM. Why? No less than four imaginary military and government officials were claiming that "in recent months Syria has deployed hundreds, possibly thousands, of medium- and long-range rockets along the border with Israel."

So at this point, all the Israelis have to do is dynamite someone's barn, and off they go on the road to Damascus. They have just completed war games on the Golan Heights, the most direct invasion route into Syria.

* AFP is Agence France-Presse, oldest wire service on the planet, and like virtually all media these days, they print whatever they're told.

Germany A Target?

An accomplished disinformation agent appeared in Internet forums last week claiming that European military and intel people were all abuzz over the fact that Germany was to be the site of the next 9-11, and soon. The writing was very typical of similar fakes in the past.

The most likely purpose is to mask heightened readiness status for U.S. forces in Germany. If you are in Germany and you accept the fake-out, you would assume any activity you see is because of increased fears of terrorism (white hat or black hat). Otherwise you might catch on that the Americans are preparing for heavy troop movements from Germany into Iran once a beachhead is established. Forces currently positioned for the attack on Iran are woefully short of ground troops and armor. Much more will be needed, if only to hold the oil fields while the population withers away from radiation sickness.

If this information reaches anyone in Germany, perhaps they will let us know what they are seeing.

Iran Surrounded, Censorship Begins

How many aircraft carriers do you need to park side-by-side to scare off terrorists?

On Wednesday, March 21st, the P/R office aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier John C. Stennis reported that the ship had hosted a visit by the captain of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which had just joined Stennis off Iran's southern coast. This was posted on two websites, Navy News Stand and Military Family Network. It would have gone unnoticed except that Debka Files picked it up and ran it the following day, creating significant interest on the net.

Debka Files is a classic disinformation shop registered in Israel, but nonetheless fairly popular as a source of news from the Middle East. While they make the standard claim of having their tentacles into all sorts of unnamed intelligence circles, they simply glean their news from a large host of standard news sources and then add a heavy-handed spin of their own. Nonetheless, if you simply take the headlines and ignore the rest you can get a good grasp of the day's key stories related to the Middle East. Or at least the ones that the psyops people want you to see.

The De Gaulle story was spectacular because no one had imagined that another Carrier Battle Group would join the ring of steel that now threatens Iran. Although Debka was trying to play the story down by putting a reverse spin on it, they must have been told right away that this was news that was not supposed to get out. They quickly killed the report and stuffed the text into fine print in a different article. Now you would never know it is there.

The arrival of a third carrier was also spiked on U.S. wire services. A search on Google News revealed that only one newspaper was nimble enough to pick it up, the small Reno Gazette. The Chinese have 40,000 people involved in controlling the Internet. We get by with perhaps a quarter of that number and pull double duty: both inserting internal propaganda into every nook and cranny, and censoring valid news at the same.

Why was the story stopped? Because it encouraged the reader to wonder just how many carrier battle groups there actually are off the Iranian coast. The annihilation of Iran will probably be dramatized as a knee-jerk, spur of the moment craziness. People are not supposed to wonder, after the fact, that all the pieces were in place long before the event.

The Eisenhower is in the Persian Gulf itself, so that makes three carrier groups plus the Expeditionary Strike Group centered around the Boxer. A second amphibious assault carrier, Bataan, is only a few days to the southwest. That makes five carriers all gathered in one tiny spot on the globe.

Boxer, a carrier that uses helicopters and landing craft to put troops ashore, ran invasion exercises on beaches in India just before her recent arrival south of Iran.

A fourth U.S. carrier, the Nimitz, cut short a refitting in San Diego not long ago for a rushed deployment to the Gulf. I thought she might be arriving also, but apparently this was not practical. A check of the amazing San Diego webcam shows her still at the dock today. Nimitz would be an appropriate replacement for Eisenhower which could easily be sunk in the first minutes of war. The Persian Gulf is a very confined space, and Eisenhower faces Iranian anti-ship missiles at virtually point-blank range.

Israel's Leaders Agree to Risk Tel-Aviv

To me, the biggest news this last week was the answer to a puzzle. We know that last year the Armageddon Plot ran into a Chinese missile that stopped the whole thing in its tracks. Despite the propaganda drums that are trying to persuade everyone there is a huge crisis in the Persian Gulf right now, virtually nothing has happened in the Middle East since the August failure, and there certainly is no crisis.

The way I saw it last fall, Houston had to secretly find and disable the nuclear-tipped missile aimed at Tel-Aviv, or work some kind of side deal with the Chinese, guaranteeing that their oil contracts with Iran would still be honored after a takeover. There was never any indication of either of these actually happening, and I honestly expected that the Middle East would stay quiet for a long time.

However, we heard from our RS on Cheney that Houston is desperate, and I guess they must be since we are off to war again. But what about the damned missile?

This question was finally answered in news reported from Israel.

In a March 18th Haaretz.Com article titled "U.S., IDF hold joint exercise on response to nuclear attack" we learn that the two countries have simply decided to gamble that incoming nukes can be shot down before Tel-Aviv vanishes in a nuclear fireball. U.S. anti-missile batteries and their sister units in the I.D.F. set up their communication links last week to mesh their computers together for maximum effect.

The I.D.F. will use the older Patriot PAC-2 system and their new "Arrow" system, apparently rushed to completion after last year's discovery. The U.S. is described as "testing" a new Patriot PAC-3 battery, along with something called a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system. The latter name has a sound of desperation to it, like something you might try when all else has failed. Information is that it was designed for the lumbering SCUDs of the original Gulf War.

It's a nasty situation since there may be more incoming nukes than the one whose photo was handed to Bush last year. If China continues to protect her business partner, these will be modern, Russian designed systems, perhaps even a version of the Sunburn which is frightening indeed. New missiles are designed with the other side's defenses in mind, and they come very, very fast. In the long run, it's a contest between two opposing design and programming teams who've never actually fought except on paper.

Perhaps Israel's government has concluded that they are "feeling lucky" this year since they weren't lynched after the Lebanon debacle. However, they are going through the motions to demonstrate that they care about their population. The Home Front Command held a nationwide drill last week simulating incoming missiles that could cause such things as a "mass casualty event" in Tel-Aviv. News releases specifically referred to missiles rather than rockets, a serious difference. Sirens were sounded throughout central and southern Israel to kick off the drill. When Israelis hear the sirens next time, they will have just enough time to jump into the nearest ditch and say a quick prayer.
Can't say I'm sold on Welch's assessment. He puts words in Tarplay's mouth, offers very few links and sources for his info, and generally offers a lot of simplified information with very little context. Again it revolves around his Easter Nuke theory of which he offers NO details at all. The bottom line is that all he does is end up PROMOTING the very disinfo he tried to discredit, namely that an attack on Iran is imminent. He doesn't bother considering whether or not such an attack is feasible in the first place which suggests he takes it for granted or his in on the take, vectoring the disinfo.

Chossudovsky has this to say:


Chossudovsky said:
While the Russian report must be acknowledged, there is, however, no corroborating evidence, which would enable us to pinpoint the exact timeline of a military attack on Iran.

Moreover, there are several important factors which suggest, from a military organizational standpoint, that unless we are dealing with a case of sheer political madness, the Pentagon is not ready to launch an attack on Iran.

Key Military Appointments

Several key military appointments were made in the course of the month of March. Of significance, Admiral. William J. Fallon, was appointed Commander of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) on March 16 by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. It is unlikely that Admiral Fallon would activate a military operation directed against Iran, within a few weeks following his appointment as CENTCOM Commander.

Admiral Fallon

Meanwhile, another major military appointment was implemented, which has a direct bearing on Iran war preparations. Admiral Timothy J. Keating Commander of US NORTHCOM was appointed on March 26, to head US Pacific Command, which includes both the 5th and the 7th fleets. The 7th Fleet Pacific Command is the largest U.S. combatant command. Keating, who takes over from Admiral Fallon is also an unbending supporter of the "war on terrorism". Pacific Command would be playing a key role in the context of a military operation directed against Iran.

Of significance, Admiral Keating was also involved in the 2003 attack on Iraq as commander of US Naval Forces Central Command and the Fifth Fleet.

While these key appointments point to a consolidation of the Neoconservative military agenda in the Middle East, they also suggest that the US military would not launch a new phase of the Middle East war prior to consolidating these command appointments, particularly those at the level of US Central Command (CENTCOM), which is the key operational command unit in charge of the Middle East war theater.

Admiral Fallon is fully compliant with the Bush administration's war plans in relation to Iran. He replaces Gen. John P. Abizaid, who was pushed into retirement, following apparent disagreements with Rumsfeld's successor, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. While Abizaid recognized both the failures and the weaknesses of the US military in Iraq, Admiral Fallon is closely aligned with Vice President Dick Cheney. He is also firmly committed to the "Global War on Terrorism" (GWOT). CENTCOM would coordinate an attack on Iran from the Middle East war theater.

Moreover, the appointment of an Admiral is indicative of a shift in emphasis of CENTCOM's functions in the war theater. The "near term" emphasis is Iran rather than Iraq, requiring the coordination of naval and air force operations in the Persian Gulf.

US Naval Power in the Region

At present there are two aircraft carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf region, including the Eisenhower and the Stennis.

In comparison, the deployment of naval power prior to the March 2003 blitzkrieg against Iraq was on a significantly larger scale.

In the early months of 2003, there were five US aircraft carriers within striking distance of Iraq plus one British aircraft carrier. In the 2003 campaign, three carrier strike groups were present in the Persian Gulf (Lincoln, Constellation and Kitty Hawk) and two other US carrier groups (Roosevelt and Truman) were involved in coordinating the bombing sorties from the Mediterranean.

The USS Nimitz nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and its accompanying battle group is currently on its way to the Persian Gulf., which would bring the number of aircraft carriers up to three.

It is unlikely that military action would commence before a third aircraft carrier is positioned in the war theater. (Official statements, however, have indicated that the Nimitz would take over from USS Eisenhower and that only two carrier strike groups would be present in the Persian Gulf Arabian Sea region.)

Moreover, US weaknesses in the Iraq war theater, Iran's capabilities to retaliate and inflict significant damage on US forces inside Iraq, as well as mounting opposition to the US presidency, have a direct bearing on the timing of a military operation directed against Iran.
So there you go, turns out the situation's a little more complicated than either Welch or Tarplay's source Ulganov puts it out to be. Notice the discrepency between the two number of carriers in the area. Chossudovsky does negelct the De Gaulle but that's not really as relevant. The Tarplay piece seems to have juuuust too much details to make it seem credible, after all you'd expect the US military to have a tighter lid on its secrets.

In all likelihood this attack business is bunk, or at least it won't happen within the coming week. Israel keeps talking about a war in the SUMMER and it seems that both they and the US still have some things to prepare before they kick start the firework. That and I'm still not convinced that the 15 hostages business is enough to convince people of the legitimacy of an attack of an Iran regardless of how many Americans remember the hostage crisis of many years ago.

Oh and let's take a look at the name "Bite." Does anyone else find it rather odd that the US military would give a major operation (which includes the real possibility of heavy losses) such a simple innocuous name? Normally the military gives cheesy macho soap opera melodramatic names to their operations like Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Throbbing Manhood, Male Insecurity, (ok I made the last couple up but I'm sure you all get what I'm insinuating ;)). So why give the name Bite? In fact the whole thing is disinfo and you can tell just by the name Bite, which gives it away! BITE as in Bite the BAIT, as in TAKE the BAIT, or will the suckers take the bait? (The suckers being alt news junkies, the Iranians, whoever).

Me thinks this is just disinfo for us to get us all worked up in a frenzy, distracting us from something else that is MORE important that is going on. They use Tarplay and Welch as two poles to keep us stuck in the middle concluding that an attack is imminent and we should get our feathers all ruffled up worrying about it. Who knows, maybe it is a Russian warning to the US to back off, maybe a nuke will go off, maybe bombs will fall, never say never. But I for one am rather skeptical of taking a BITE out of this bait.
Hmm seems Blair decided to join in on the the huffing and puffing...


Reuters said:
Blair says next 48 hours critical in Iran row
Tue Apr 3, 2007 10:43AM BST

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Tuesday the way was open for diplomatic efforts to secure the release of 15 marines and sailors arrested and detained by Iran, and the next 48 hours would be critical.

"The most important thing is to get the people back safe and sound and if they want to resolve this in a diplomatic way the door is open," Blair told Real Radio in Scotland. "The next 48 hours will be fairly critical."
Hmmm 48 hours eh? That means after thursday well, who knows what will happen! :rolleyes: In all seriousness either Blair's in on this Bite stunt and following his script to a T or the Nerocons and their Zionist kissing cousins are actually gonna light the Middle East on fire on Easter. Sure hope it isn't the latter.
Well, we'll see, as usual - and at this point, I wouldn't be surprised or shocked at anything they do. Seriously - they're a pack of madmen and maybe they'd get their 'jollies' even more to do it when their spokesman said they would. It's all such a sick, sick game and sport to them - but normal humanity dies in earnest.
OPINMYND81 said:
Oh and let's take a look at the name "Bite." Does anyone else find it rather odd that the US military would give a major operation (which includes the real possibility of heavy losses) such a simple innocuous name? Normally the military gives cheesy macho soap opera melodramatic names to their operations like Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Throbbing Manhood, Male Insecurity, (ok I made the last couple up but I'm sure you all get what I'm insinuating wink)
That made me laugh out loud! Now that they have been released as 'an easter gift' The press will string out the captives personal stories out for some time i am sure. There will probably be a reality TV show made out of it to continue to incite racial hatred. Operation 'happy ending'? :D
OPINMYND81 said:
...Faal has been surprisingly quiet about the recent revelations, the last piece being on that meteorite that almost hit the airliner...
Hum… I am just wondering could perhaps all this boy cried "nuke", be just preparation for the eventual asteroid or comet hit, which of course can be shown as a terrorist or terrorist nation surprise attack. Maybe they are just preparing there population for the aftermath of an asteroid or comet strike under the guise of nuclear war. I don't know if this would be relevant but my spouse showed me some articles in our local paper about a push to get all range of people trained and certified in operating ham radios. Especially young people. I don't know if it’s connected but it seems odd for such a push about an old technology that is virtually an amateur hobby these days. I wonder all this Armageddon bandwagon and all this shuttle diplomacy is the final act of "forces of man vs. forces of god" i.e. comets, as Laura has theorized.

On another note if this war actually does start with Iran being lunched by the U$ and its allies, how do you suppose Venezuela is going to respond? I wonder if they will sit idly by. I'm not sure but didn’t Iran and Venezuela sign a mutely defense policy, and how would the rest of South America respond? All the talk is focused on China and Russia, but what about Venezuela?
Hi Neema,

Laura noted in another thread that she contacted you and Nina regarding a pressing issue. If you haven't already, you'll want to head over here.
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