OOBE anyone?


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi, I am interested in OOBEs! I have read a few books on the subject; and I joined these forums to learn more if possible. So, is this real? I mean, is it really possible to exit one's body and travel in astral realms? Has anybody ever done it here? I will be glad to know your opinion of it.
Hi Cazziea,

Have you done an intro thread? Maybe tell us a little about yourself, what books you've read and what brought you to the forum?

Nice to meet you. :)
Welcome Cazziea,
Your question is a valid one, but in the context of this forum, it is somewhat like asking about the tiniest bit of detail in a huge expansive painting. And it is likely that you will discover it is not a very important detail at that. So tell us a bit about yourself by introducing yourself, and prepare to have your concepts re-ordered. You can search the forum for info about OOBE, but if this is the only area of interest for you, you are probably in 'the wrong bar'.
Hi Cazziea.

Have you read any of the material from the Cassiopaea website or Laura's Wave series?

For esoterically very highly developed individuals, such a thing may be possible and/or useful (I wouldn't know from experience), but for the rest of us, I believe it is regarded mostly as 'phenomenon chasing' and a distraction from the Work that would be required to get us there, assuming there is a 'there' to get to. Does that make sense?

Please consider stopping by the Newbies area to introduce yourself. Thanks! :)
Hi people, For some reason i feel like I'm walking up to my own execution but would like to share something i hold dear?

When i notice a beautiful painting at first i am drawn to it as a finished work.
Once my interest is peaked i move closer to inspect the detail which led to the final product in all its perfection.
As i am understanding the brush strokes used i gain an appreciation for the techniques learnt.
Once i understand the techniques a flame is ignited and a deeper appreciation is achieved, not just for the finished product but for all the steps that led to is creation.
To me the painting is a compilation of small steps / techniques learnt over time that are just as important as the complete personal expression... the WORK of art
What a shame it would have been if that first brush stroke had not been put to canvas for fear that the painting should be finished by using only one stroke..... :)

Good to meet you also Cazziea,
I have had many of these style of experiences you speak of but not by choice. My first experience made me so thirsty to learn about what had happened, which over the course of a few years developed into an understanding of my own experiences. This level of consciousness does not reside in the conscious levels of the mind and the act of consciously looking for this state will hinder your attempts to experience it for yourself. You may find the answers you are looking for if you begin to meditate and relax. The greatest deceit ever told is that the mysteries are out there out of reach and to keep your eyes up when infact they are within. These will probably start for you as you come out of sleep and If you do catch yourself being aware that you are not operating from the place that your physical body rests try not to get the slightest bit excited as your conscious mind will take over and it will end. Its also helpful to start a dream journal.

Well have fun learning and before you know it a door will present itself for you to use your stepping stone for a greater good :halo:
Hi researcher_of_truth, I'm curious if you've finished reading the Wave yet? We don't encourage 'phenomenon chasing' here - which is what pursuing out of body experiences is. It is a distraction from the Work, which is the way to actually 'get out of here alive'. You have exhibited a tendency to phenomenon chase in your posts thus far and it would be greatly appreciated if you could finish reading the Wave (assuming you've not) and read through the many sections here in order to get up to speed with the forum and what we do here. Thanks! Smiley
Hi Anart and thanks for your guidence.
Are you talking about the novel 'the wave' by Todd Strasser?
Have you finished the painting of your lifes work yet? I may interested to see the beauty of the painting you are leading me toward and will even stand beside my desk to view it. :)

Im getting through the posts and as with all good things it takes time and time is not something i have a great deal of to spare each day. I will hurry as best i can as i dont want to hinder the flow of the forums tide ;)
researcher_of_truth said:
Hi Anart and thanks for your guidence.
Are you talking about the novel 'the wave' by Todd Strasser?
Have you finished the painting of your lifes work yet? I may interested to see the beauty of the painting you are leading me toward and will even stand beside my desk to view it. :)

Im getting through the posts and as with all good things it takes time and time is not something i have a great deal of to spare each day. I will hurry as best i can as i dont want to hinder the flow of the forums tide ;)

Anart is talking about The Wave series written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, the owner of this site. You can read the first few books of the series free online here.

Since the things we discuss here on this site revolve around The Wave series, which has a lot of Laura's research and her life's experiences in it, it helps for you to understand what this forum is all about and what we are referring to during our discussions.

There are also many other books written by Laura that you can purchase here.
Thanks for that Nienna eluch, much appreciated.
I love to learn about other seekers journeys and extract the parts which resonate with me to make me a better person and would love to learn more about your painting also at some point. :) I am not a follower nor am i a leader...i just 'am'

Anyway this seems to be getting off topic so it may be best if this is discussed in another thread and ill catch you all there.

Hope you find what you are searching for Cazziea and that it leads you to fulfill your own soul purpose in love and life :)
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