Notification when user quotes my reply


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to be notified when someone quotes a message I post?

Would be great to have, especially in threads with frequent posts where it can be easy to miss out replies to our own comments.

If that's not possible, no worries though.
What you can do is to simply click on "Show new replies to your posts" at the top left of your forum account. This won't tell you if anyone has quoted your post, but it does tell you about the replies in a thread you've posted in.
Thanks Aiming, I think I'll try that. So far, I've gone through my posts using the "Show Posts" link under my profile to check for any replies, so using both options should make things easier.
On the Post reply screen, if you click the + button next to 'Attachments and other options' below the post box, there is an option: Notify me of replies. Check the box, and you'll get an email notification whenever someone replies in a topic you've posted in. You only have to check it once, it will be the default setting after that.
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