Norwegian Folk Tale : Enkesonnen/The Widow's son


The Living Force

I just stumbled on this story from Norway about a Widow's son who after many perilous adventures becomes Prince,
I don't know if this might be of interest but I thought I'd post just in case.

Resume :

"Widow's Son", English translation of the Norwegian Folk Tale "Enkesonnen"

The Youth Transformed to a Horse

A boy becomes a servant in a devil's/ogre's house, and is forbidden to enter certain chambers. The boy disobeys and discovers curious things: a stick, a bottle of water, a stone etc. In the last chamber he finds a magic horse/donkey, which helps him to flee. The devil pursues them, but as he approaches the boy throws the magic objects behind him. They become obstacles and stop the devil. The boy covers his golden hair with a wig, saying he has a scald head, and takes service at a king's court as a gardener. The princess falls in love with him, and they are punished. With the magic horse's help he displays his prowess in battle to the king, but remains unknown until after the third day. He marries the princess, the horse begs to be decapitated, and is transformed into a prince.

The full story is here (It's 4 pages long) and his more detailed.


From the C's session 970726

Q: What is the meaning of 'The Widow's Son?' The
A: Stalks path of wisdom incarnate.
Q: Why is this described as a Widow's son? This was the
appellation of Perceval...
A: Perceval was knighted in the court of seven.
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