New Mexico is for Lizzies

Howdy happehrts, and welcome to the forum.

If you wanna get some thoughts about those "strange" things, check out this thread:
You're welcome. I hope there is enough info there to getcha thinking...
Happy Learning...
And there are many, many excellent people are here to talk things over with you.
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Thanks Al, alot of huh thoughts going on as I read this thread. One comment by a member named gaman reply #64, made me pause. They mentioned naming the days of the week do re mi fa so la si do when looking at when things happened. What struck me as odd, was not so much the theory of it all, more the familiarity of this sequence.

I was in South Korea a few years ago and a monk invited me to their I went for the weekend, having no idea what to expect...(their english was a limited as my Korean) There was a yogi there from Australia(who spoke english) and as I sat for the 4 hour meditation(legs screaming in protest)...this Yogi spoke about this scale going through our body. I had never heard this before, and now just read it. My big huh.

Will keep reading... :)
happehrts said:
... My big huh. ...

Perhaps also be called "Ah Ha" moments. I read that somewhere within the forum... What's neat to me is the exhilaration or "feeling" the "eureka" of discovery.

:D :D :D
Thanks Al,
I like how you worded that. I burst out laughing when I read it :) I started to read The Wave again. I read it last year, and I did not absorb or understand a lot of it. I keep reading about "realm border crossing", and this another "aha" moment for me. I have heard this before and had no idea what it meant.

I read in Chapter 5 of the Wave, that time freezes during abduction. Well this got me wondering.

I have seen time stand still. I was at a wedding, and everything froze. The groom was at the front giving a speech, and kept repeating, "this is for one person in the room, and you know who you is about the journey, it has always been about the journey." I looked around the room, wondering what the heck was going on, and realized that everyone was frozen in mid action. It was the strangest thing. The groom repeated that phrase 3 times, and than everyone started moving.

The person that introduced me to this site asked me about a UFO sighting I saw as a teenager. I told them about it and said nothing happened, other than an object hovering above. I didn't think anything more about it, until I read Chapter 5, and the thread you suggested. I don't know what to make of it all.
happehrts said:
... it is about the journey, it has always been about the journey. ...

Yep... You'll "see" the following written all over this forum. "All there is, is Lessons." I view life here on this BBM kinda like going to school. And I think of this forum as a very large study group. We are all here to learn lessons pertinent to each individual. There is sooo much to learn AND unlearn.!.!.! Seems you have lot's to "talk" about and have some "interesting" life experiences, as many of us have had.

I could go on but I don't wanna hijack this thread. so...
Keep on reading and asking questions. Feel free to begin a new topic when needed.
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
happehrts said:
I have seen time stand still. I was at a wedding, and everything froze. The groom was at the front giving a speech, and kept repeating, "this is for one person in the room, and you know who you is about the journey, it has always been about the journey." I looked around the room, wondering what the heck was going on, and realized that everyone was frozen in mid action. It was the strangest thing. The groom repeated that phrase 3 times, and than everyone started moving.

Wow! That is wild! So you were the only person in the room who could move? Were there any windows and if there were, did you see anything outside move as well?
Yes Al so much to learn and unlearn. I am very happy to have found this forum and read about others' experiences and comments. I thought I was going nuts when a lot of things started happening, and when I found this site, I was comforted by what I read. There were other people, having strange things happening, and were talking about it. My eyes are still popping out, as I read the Wave.

Truthseeker I was the only one able to move. My head swung around looking at everyone as it was going on, cause I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. We were in one of those ugly ballrooms for weddings, that had fake sliding walls, so there were no windows. There was a door at the end of the room, yet I did not notice if anything was moving outside the room.

The wedding was on a Saturday night, and the week had been strange. During the week, I had what I can only describe as the Northern Lights radiating down in my kitchen, a garbage bag dancing around in the kitchen, and my computer typing pppppp all on its own, across the screen. I had no idea where all this was coming from and it scared me. Every scary B movie was running through my head.
happehrts said:
... Every scary B movie was running through my head.

:D :D :D

I'm not making light of your experience, but the "B movie" comment brought back childhood memories of watching those old movies on a black & white television every Friday night & Saturday. Instead of my dad saying "Where's the remote?", he'd say, "Where's Al?" :D And we were lucky to have a good antenna with four(4) air channels on a good day too!

Yeah man, I'm at a loss for words to the feelings of discovery and getting closer to understand to just what the heck is going on here... And they can be BOTH good or bad. Sometimes discovery is thrilling, or quite painful. If I may suggest: Take each experience and pick some descriptive key words, search words, and surf/search this whole forum and "see" what you can find. I found that sometimes addicting...

:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Thanks Anart for posting the quote #951104; this was truly an eyeopener for me.

Tomatochip said:
I also find it no coincidence that the atmosphere of North Scottsdale is decidedly: extremely wealthy, materialistic, corporate and soulless!
Tomatochip, the way you described the atmosphere of North Scottsdale reminds me of Calgary where I reside right now. It is like a soulless city based on materialism and greed. I am planning on moving to a much smalle city located in a different province next year, as I truly can no longer be able to live here any more, no matter how hard I try (I have lived here for 27 years). It is just this weirdest feeling I have, that is hard to describe. I am not aware of any underground bases being under Calgary, but that does not matter, because whatever is above seems like a trap waiting to unleash something very unpalatable very soon. The atmosphere here just does not feel right.
Mona said:
Tomatochip, the way you described the atmosphere of North Scottsdale reminds me of Calgary where I reside right now. It is like a soulless city based on materialism and greed. I am planning on moving to a much smalle city located in a different province next year, as I truly can no longer be able to live here any more, no matter how hard I try (I have lived here for 27 years). It is just this weirdest feeling I have, that is hard to describe. I am not aware of any underground bases being under Calgary, but that does not matter, because whatever is above seems like a trap waiting to unleash something very unpalatable very soon. The atmosphere here just does not feel right.

I think I know what you mean. Unfortunately it's not confined to upscale neighborhoods. When I was in Wales (Camarthen area), I had this feeling myself. It's as if there's an air of evil surrounding certain areas. I'm not sure if it comes and goes or is a more permanent fixture.
Hi Mona, you said;
Tomatochip, the way you described the atmosphere of North Scottsdale reminds me of Calgary where I reside right now. It is like a soulless city based on materialism and greed.

Humm, yes – seems that many Calgarians winter in North Scottsdale - same values?

It is like a soulless city based on materialism and greed.

Don’t think it has always been that way but there is such visible disparity between socio economic demographics there and those on the top of the heap who made fortunes while the I-wars were in full swing – Oil bonuses there have built much of the Eastern BC province with their 2nd and 3 rd homes that make most of our 1st homes seem like shacks. Measurements of success are made with comments like, “what neighbourhood do you live in and how many sq ft is your cottage”.

Calgary (white collar Oil town) grew so fast that it seems people’s cultural and community identities were replaced by Stetson Hats, similar to GW from the east coast pretending he is a dyed in the wool Texan, complete with its lingo so foreign to his nature. However, your point is noted because whenever I go there, rarely these past few years, the city itself seems cold, inanimate, suburbia even worse. There are of course many fine people there, people like you who are looking for answers and engaged in deep Work of thyself while that other little work that pays our way and gets in our way, the dynamo vector that leaves us to exhausted, so often an an impediment to the real Work; but herein is the freewill question, however not so easy with families and other external influences. So we look for balance – moving can work; change – after 27 years one can get very deep roots so it is harder.

As for underground bases; it is possible, much has been said of Cold Lake in Alberta, certainly as described in the C - communications, networks, latticework’s of tunnels may surly exist deep under.

If it’s any consolation, at least Calgary is close to the mountains which can bring solace from the city trenches; I was always happy when seeing the city disappearing in my rear-view mirror. :scooter:
Wow, this is my first time reading this about New Mexico. I spent much of my childhood there. Some general, personal observations I have :

  • The license plates from NM do indeed say "Land of Enchantment". There was a joke where I grew up that it was "Land of Entrapment" and that you would "Come on vacation and leave on probation".
  • When I was a child, I hated that we moved there, and wanted to get out as soon as I could. When I turned 18 I finally moved out.
  • For Thanksgiving last year my wife and I went back to NM to be with family. She was born and raised there. We drove down from the north, and about an hour after getting into the state I could notice a difference, energetically speaking. There just seemed to be less life energy there, but that probably has alot to do with it being a desert. Still, it was unsettling and made me eager to get back to my home state. On the way home, an hour or so leaving the NM border the energy seemed to return to normal.

The thing I am wondering is, will this primarily be a negative thing that people there will transition to 4D? The C's said a "tremendous reality shock" will occur which sounds pretty traumatic. I imagine a big part of that would be not knowing what the heck just happened to you, which would be traumatizing and put you at a serious disadvantage when it comes to protecting yourself.

I am also worried because most of my family still lives there, and in fact my mother is becoming even more entrenched with a recent property purchase. She would not have a very open mind to the idea of crossing into 4D so I guess there is not much I can do there. But I think I need to find a way to talk to my siblings about it.
Aaron said:
Wow, this is my first time reading this about New Mexico. I spent much of my childhood there. Some general, personal observations I have :

  • The license plates from NM do indeed say "Land of Enchantment". There was a joke where I grew up that it was "Land of Entrapment" and that you would "Come on vacation and leave on probation".
  • When I was a child, I hated that we moved there, and wanted to get out as soon as I could. When I turned 18 I finally moved out.
  • For Thanksgiving last year my wife and I went back to NM to be with family. She was born and raised there. We drove down from the north, and about an hour after getting into the state I could notice a difference, energetically speaking. There just seemed to be less life energy there, but that probably has alot to do with it being a desert. Still, it was unsettling and made me eager to get back to my home state. On the way home, an hour or so leaving the NM border the energy seemed to return to normal.

The thing I am wondering is, will this primarily be a negative thing that people there will transition to 4D? The C's said a "tremendous reality shock" will occur which sounds pretty traumatic. I imagine a big part of that would be not knowing what the heck just happened to you, which would be traumatizing and put you at a serious disadvantage when it comes to protecting yourself.

I am also worried because most of my family still lives there, and in fact my mother is becoming even more entrenched with a recent property purchase. She would not have a very open mind to the idea of crossing into 4D so I guess there is not much I can do there. But I think I need to find a way to talk to my siblings about it.

Well I wish you luck, I'm really surprised by those ad campains, here in Peru, people are more lay back and relax when it comes to UFOs or paranormal activity. Your siblings have already established there??? have they bought properties??? I hope your family remains close, as is one of the most precious thing in the whole world, I don't know what would I do without my family.
You know, maybe I live above a secret base to, Lima Peru, but having my family close, does make it easier in every aspect.
Best wishes!

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