New Mexico is for Lizzies


The Living Force
I was flipping through the January issue of Saveur, a foodie magazine when I came across the weirdest print ad from the New Mexico Tourism Department. :scared: The ad featured two scary looking Lizzies, a male and a female, dressed in evening wear, sitting at a table for two and toasting each other's wine glass while the human waiter, towel over arm, bowed in front of them (maybe hoping not to be eaten?). In large letters below the copy read: The Best Place In The Universe. New Mexico, Earth.

I haven't been able to scan the ad yet (new machine) but found a couple of other pictures from the tv spots they're also running. Apparently, not everyone is happy about this ad campaign, though and a contentious debate is raging among tourism officials over the new state-financed advertising campaign.


Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

See the post I put up in Real World - RE: lizzie worship in NM. I think this is what the C's were saying was the SW US parts have already become 4th density.
Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

Starmist said:
See the post I put up in Real World - RE: lizzie worship in NM. I think this is what the C's were saying was the SW US parts have already become 4th density.

Actually, the C's indicated that there were certain areas of the southwest (and under other cities) that would be going through a 'bleed in an bleed out' of 4D due to the presence of underground alien/human bases. It appears this is an ongoing process - not that it has already occurred - though the underground bases are supposedly 4D, so perhaps that is what you meant.

Have you had a chance to read the complete online version of the Wave yet? Some related transcripts:

960127 said:
Q: (L) Previously you told us about the SouthWest region of the United States
becoming 4th density. Will the people who live there become 4th density beings? Or
will they be 3rd density beings in 3rd density?
A: Some of both bleedin and bleedout.

951104 said:
A: OK, time for us to teach patience. We are going to illuminate you! Why do you
suppose there are roads around Dulce NM where people have become confused when
traveling on them? Because the 4th density vibrational frequency emanating from the
nearby base more and more frequently resonates on surface.
Q: (L) OK, continue.
A: Then going to 4th density: road seems straight as seen in 4th density, when curved in
Q: (J) It seems straight when seen in 4th, but it's actually curved in 3rd? (SV) In other
words, accidents! (J) It changes configuration from 3rd to 4th! (T) When people drive
those roads out there, as the fourth density seeps out through, and is seeping out farther
and farther, they become confused because they're moving between 3rd and 4th. As
the road curves in 3rd, and the car, which is in 3rd, should be curving with the road, the
driver sees the road as straight, and drives off the road, because he's confused by what
he sees.
A: Exactly.
Q: (J) It's all about perception! (T) Now, we're back to perception of reality!
A: In 4th, you see full circle from any vantage point.
Q: (L) We talked about that before. (T) So the road looks straight, because you're
seeing it from all angles, therefore, instead of it being curved on one, you're seeing it
every way, so the road is now straight. But, it's not really straight in 3rd, and you drive
off the road. (L) OK, continue on with what you were saying...
A: The entire New Mexico region is on verge of moving to 4th density permanently!
Q: (L) OK...
A: Because of the bases.
Q: (L) So, in other words, the rumors of the bases being moved, being filtered down
from other densities, through some of the distorted channels, is in essence, somewhat
correct... (J) Because they need to have the base in third density! (LAURA ) Only,
they're not moving them to Paris, Washington or Buenos Aires, they're moving to 4th
A: Close but the bases are already there, pity the host regions. Why do you think there
is so much activity seen there!
Q: (L) Does this mean that when that whole region goes to 4th density, that it's going to,
for all intents and purposes, disappear from 3rd?
A: No.
Q: (T) OK, answer your earlier question, then. Why is there so much UFO activity
there? Tell me.
A: Bleed through.
Q: (L) So they're flying around in 4th density... (T)...and they're showing up here in 3rd
A: Wait 'til shift is complete.
Q: (L) Do you mean the shift of New Mexico? Or the total shift? (T) I think they're
making the sarcastic statement: "Wait till shift is complete... We ain't seen nuthin yet!!"
We're just beginning to.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Now, this opens up some questions. First question. You made the statement
"But the bases are in 4th density." What happens when the 3rd density base, which is
vibrating itself into 4th density, runs into the 4th density base that's already there?
A: Merge.
Q: (T) They become one base?
A: They already are.
Q: (T) What do you mean by "They will merge?"
A: To same density.
Q: (J) I've got a question... (T) OK, now, is this moving of the third density location a
side effect of the bases? Harmonic resonance, and all that, as in the beginning of the
Matrix? Are we talking about the fact that it's been there so long, that that section of
third density is now resonating itself to the fourth density frequencies, and that this is not
exactly what they wanted it to do, but it's a side-effect of the fact that they're there?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they know that it was going to happen?
A: The 4th density STS did, but not 3rd.
Q: (T) One of the little surprises they weren't told about before the deal was cut? (J) If I
may ask my question now: You've got these third density bases that are going to move
to fourth density. Are they going to need to re- establish another third density base to
continue their work? To replace the one that's gone?
A: Why? The whole "territory" will be in 4th then. Tremendous reality shock will occur
when it crosses the border.
Q: (L) How will we in third perceive it? (J) We won't! (L) Now, wait, don't make
assumptions here! How will we in third perceive it? Let's play make-believe here. What
are they going to say?
A: Tremendous reality shock when cross border.
Q: (L) Are you saying that this whole region will go into fourth density when the Realm
Border crossing occurs, or is it going to happen shortly?
A: Before!
Q: (L) OK, this is going to be a tremendous reality shock to us, in third density? (J) I
guess! (SV) Well, New Mexico's not going to be there any more! (L) Well, now, how
are we going to perceive it? That's what I want to know! Are we going to see a big hole
in our world? Are we going to see a vast, empty desert?
A: New Mexico will still be there, but suggest review driving skills, for but one example!
[JR's note: New Mexico's vehicle license plate does say "Land of Enchantment."]
Q: (T) New Mexico will still exist, but the perception, when you drive into it, is going to
change completely, because you've moved into a different density?
A: Cooking will be fun too!
Q: (T) Because it's fourth density. (L) Wait, now, stop a minute here... (T) This is not
something that can be covered up very easily... (L) Now, hold on, back up. What will
we perceive... I mean, what is it going to say on the news? Everybody in New Mexico
disappeared? (J) Or they all go nuts... (T) I would hazard to guess...
A: News blackout.
Q: (T) They're not going to say anything. Now, what is the government's response? I'm
sure they will do something like ... "An underground nuclear facility for old rods," and
they have to block the whole state off... (L) That's tangential. (J) They're going to have
to keep people out! (T) How will they explain it? They will not let anybody in! (L) But
they still have... What I'm getting at is... That's begging the question! (T) I have another
question... (L) The question is, what will... (T) It will look like New Mexico! (J) It will
be different every time... (L) But the question is, will there be people there? Will there
be buildings there? If you fly over it, if you could fly over it, would you see a landscape?
Would you see cities? (T) It will look like New Mexico... (L) They didn't say that!!!
A: This requires 1,000 answers!
Q: (L) In other words, there is an issue here! (T) Yes, there is, and there's another
issue. That's only one base. OK, we're talking bases...
A: Colossal issue.
Q: (L) My question is a colossal issue here. What's going on here? This is the whole
thing. (T) My question, I think, is important, too. There's more than one base. If one is
doing it... (L) Well, they said the whole territory... (T) Not New Mexico; there are
bases in South America, there's supposedly a base off the coast of Florida... (L) OK, is
this going to happen to all the bases? (T) There are bases all over the world...(L) But
New Mexico is where they're hearing all that "business." (T) They're hearing the "noise"
in a lot of places around the world. (L) OK, are there other bases and areas around the
world where this is going to happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it going to happen simultaneously?
A: No.
Q: (L) It'll happen as it develops... (T) The same way it developed out there. (L) In
other words, they'll move their activities to the other locations, once one place... (T)
A: No.
Q: (J) Yes, because I asked, and they said no! (T) The bases were not all established at
the same time. The base out there is becoming affected.... (L) The oldest...(T) We don't
know if this is the oldest, we don't know about other places in the world... (L) That's
true. (T) ...where nobody can go. We don't know what's going on in Russia, and in
China, in Africa, in the middle of the rain forests, what's happened there... But, as the
bases, as our perception of time goes by, each of these bases will experience the same
thing, in their due time. (L) This brings to mind a couple of questions we discussed a
couple of weeks ago, when my brother was here. After we had talked about the
underground bases, and the soldier effect, and the taking of the souls out, and so on and
so forth, and I don't know if we got into it effectively or not, but I don't think so. Is
there some connection between these bases and their activities and a concept that has
emerged in our culture, of Hell being underground?
A: No.
Q: (L) OK, is there some connection between these bases going into fourth density and
the idea of some of the ancient prophetic literature that the...
A: Bases are partially 4th density already, and always have been. It is the surroundings
that are in for a massive change.
Q: (T) OK, now, this brings up an interesting concept. Two interesting concepts. When
Roger Santilli was here, we talked about his compatriots messing around with this stuff
on a small scale. This is on a massive scale that's getting out of hand on purpose. (L)
And they mentioned that these things had been being done by whom, and blah, blah,
blah... (T) Yes, now, the question is, they told us that the Lizzies want to control us, not
in third, but in fourth density. They've also told us that this wave realm border is coming,
which is our human chance to move to fourth density on our own and escape, if we can
do it, as a group, the Lizzie's control. The Lizzies have brought fourth density to us
before the realm border gets here. Everybody who's in a fourth density area, like the
New Mexico people, like you were just asking, what happens to everybody, gets
transferred into fourth density, where they are controlled by STS, fourth density, in
physicality, right on up there, before the wave gets here, before they understand what's
really happening to them... (L) That's what I was trying to say earlier... (T) It wasn't
coming out well, but that's it, right? (L) The ancient prophecies, where they talk about
taking out the negative, and that this amount to the taking out of the tares, the weeds,
the chaff. (T) It's not only in this location, it's in many locations, so they're going to
grab... (L) Gathering them together ... (T) ...a whole bunch of humans by way of these
bases that they told the different governments a lie about the purpose of the bases. The
bases weren't for any of this other stuff that they told them. The bases were there
specifically to generate the resonance effect within the area. (J) And spread it... (T)
Yes, well, they knew it would grow, therefore they can grab everybody within the area.
In New Mexico, depending on how big an area, they're hearing it out to Taos and as far
southeast as Albuquerque. That's a big city. There's a lot of people there, in that area of
northern New Mexico. To the north of that, they can take out Las Vegas, which is
another large city. Plus the tourist areas throughout the National Parks. Now, the bases
have been in out of the way places. The information, or disinformation, is that, the bases
would be moved under large cities. Is the experiment that they have performed, and
they calculated out, to see if this works on a sparse area first? And then, to move to
large population areas, and do it again, and on a second level of experiment, accelerate
it? (L) OK, let's ask. Is that the idea, that they're trying this there, and then move to the
large cities for the same purpose? (J) Like trying it out in Boston...
A: No. Remember, you are moving to the density 4 anyway.
Q: (J) My question is, in the case of the New Mexico locality, is this a "contained"
A: Regional "blip".
Q: (J) OK, so it is contained, it would not spread. (T) Well, it's not big enough to
spread. But it is bigger than what Santilli's buddies are messing with. (L) OK, is there
anything happening under the cities of Buenos Aires, Washington and Paris? Along
these lines?
A: There are things "happening" under all cities.
Q: (L) OK, I know you said "things", but I said along these lines.
A: Yes.
Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

I finally figured out how to scan and then post the ad to the forum.

Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

This took me completely by surprise!
I knew about the subject matter from the C's transcripts, but I never knew about this tourism campaign.

Seems Fox News carried a story about this from the Associated Press on Monday, November 26, 2007.

Also, carried an article dated April 14, 2007:

Where was I? I never saw any print or TV ads! hmmmm
Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

All these ad's seems to be a means to ridicule the real observer ( and to shut up) or promotion of denial the actual reality as a mere advertisement.
Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

;D I see humor with those advertisements.
:lol: I smile every time I look at those.
:D I can't help myself but grin.
I am new to this forum, new to Laura's work, (in the process of reading the online, 'Wave' book -- WOW!), and this is my first post here.

Regarding this topic: I live near Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona and been noticing similar 'conditioning' of reptillian 'icons/imagery' all over the place, emerging at an accelerated pace in the last dozen years or so. Most noticeable has been the freeway infrastructure through north Scottsdale on the 101 Loop. The concrete walls of the underpasses display reptiles repeated ad-nauseum in relief sculpture. I counted over sixty of these large relief 'Lizzie images' one day driving through in an area of about 2 miles. I first noticed this when they were building it in the late nineties, around the time I was discovering David Icke's work, and for me, at that time, it was a validation that he had a piece of the grand puzzle in terms of there being reptilian overlords controlling the human controllers of this planet. Of course, there are many other examples in the media and business and the advertising world. Nothing is hidden from us if we simply look at what's right in front of us!
I also find it no coincidence that the atmosphere of North Scottsdale is decidedly: extremely wealthy, materialistic, corporate and soulless!
Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

seek10 said:
All these ad's seems to be a means to ridicule the real observer ( and to shut up) or promotion of denial the actual reality as a mere advertisement.

Yes, this is the same technique as is routinely used in the film/entertainment industry. They make a lighthearted spoof of something very true and serious in order to divert attention or realization of the truth of the matter.... make it into a fiction... make fun of it, in a satire of the absurd. I've come to see it as a sophisticated and commonly used programming technique. But once one becomes AWARE of such psychological maneuverings however, they lose their power. This is a GREAT example of what Laura was bringing out in the Wave: that KNOWLEDGE protects one from being a victim of attacks and disinformation. That it is the best insurance policy we can own. Once you see a particular manipulation, and clearly understand how it is implemented and thrown onto people, we become immune to it. It often takes several experiences of being deceived before one fully integrates this knowledge, but it's worth it, for once you do, you don't fall for the same falsehoods again.
Hello Tomatochip, welcome to the forum.

Seeing as you are new to the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum and Laura's work, how long you've been reading the forum and/or the SOTT page, etc.

Re: New Mexico is for Lizzies?

951104 said:
A: Then going to 4th density: road seems straight as seen in 4th density, when curved in
Q: (J) It seems straight when seen in 4th, but it's actually curved in 3rd? (SV) In other
words, accidents!

Thanks for posting this. I have had some VERY odd driving experiences lately and this explains it. I DID almost drive into the oncoming lanes. It seemed there was a moment of choice where I was able to choose to remain in 3D perception before getting totally sucked into 4D perception which was drawing me in.
Hi BHelmet and welcome to the Forum. You can post an intro in the Newbies section. No need for personal data - perhaps how you found the Forum, books you've read, etc. :)
Q: (L) My question is a colossal issue here. What's going on here? This is the whole
thing. (T) My question, I think, is important, too. There's more than one base. If one is
doing it... (L) Well, they said the whole territory... (T) Not New Mexico; there are
bases in South America, there's supposedly a base off the coast of Florida... (L) OK, is
this going to happen to all the bases? (T) There are bases all over the world...(L) But
New Mexico is where they're hearing all that "business." (T) They're hearing the "noise"
in a lot of places around the world. (L) OK, are there other bases and areas around the
world where this is going to happen?

Hi, I am new at posting comments, so I hope I have pasted this properly. This whole discussion about underground bases blew me away. A few years ago, I was in Brasov Romania, hiking around the mountains, and my Romanian friend, commented on an underground military base under the mountain. He told me how there was UFO activity around there, and parts of the hiking trails blocked off, with guards in the woods.
I thought he was a little paranoid, and really didn't believe him.

We went up the mountain, and went off on a less travelled path. After a hour or so, we both felt like we were being watched, which is a really weird feeling, and not seeing anyone. We decided to turn around and came back to the main path.
We took a short cut down the side of a hill and I turned around, and was stunned, as I watched a man in green military hip wader clothing, coming down behind us.(it was a really hot day, and his clothing struck me as bizarre) He realized that we were watching him, and he stopped. I pointed my camera at him and took a picture. He sat down on the ground and continued watching us. We continued down the hill, not looking back.

This was one incident in a string of strange people following us, while we on the mountain. By the end of my stay, I was so friggin paranoid. Strange place!
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