Mother Meera


Jedi Master
G'day All

Hope this is the right section to put this, apologies if it's not. Went to see Mother Meera back in '95 in Germany, it was an amazing experience. Reading the wave reminded me that there was an amazing series of synchronicities in my journey to her door. She's regarded as some sort of Avatar, what's your take on her?


She's not and never was my guru or anything, I've long been a believer that 'you're the boss' when it comes to spiritual matters, she was part of my early exploration into these things.

Thanks all!

I couldn't find much about her on the net except she sounds more like at best another new age spiritual guru. she seems to give light , who ever asks and recommends japa another variation of mediation based techniques. some how I feel , there is lot of extra stress on personal darshan.

---- from _

Mother Meera is known to thousands all over the world. I am told she is an avatar: someone born enlightened. A friend whose opinion I respect visited Mother and reported a lasting change in his perspective. In dire need of inspiration, I recruited another desperate friend and we booked a flight to Germany.

Mother gives darshan in silence. One kneels in front of her (pranam) at which time she helps the soul, then looks into her eyes (darshan) which helps the personal life. Neither my friend nor I saw or felt anything unusual after attending seven darshans, nor did we notice any effects in the following weeks or months (as some devotees suggested we would). Perhaps we are spiritually dense.

There is a lot of controversy over Meera. Andrew Harvey's Hidden Journey and Martin Goodman's In Search of the Divine Mother are third-party accounts. I observed an obvious inner circle of devotees who do their best to create a holy atmosphere around Meera. Everyone tries to act very pious and reverential as they wait like cattle for their turn at darshan. Meera doesn't talk for well-explained reasons, but silence is often a cover for lack of wisdom rather than an indication of enlightenment. There is no charge for darshan, but rumors of expensive properties and possessions abound.

Visiting Mother Meera was an expensive and disappointing trip for me. She fails my test of logic and feeling. My theory is that from an early age she was told she is an avatar. Much like the young Tibetans who are raised to believe they are reincarnated llamas, she believes she is an avatar. Mother Meera seems like a nice, sincere person, has little to offer a seeker of Truth. Save yourself a trip and bow before the God in your neighbor or within you, instead.

There is no official Mother Meera page, but this one lists helpful information if you want to meet her:

from godlikeproductions ( which we know as cointelpro) from the interview with a guy called rudra chakin , calls him self called Kalki . All Kalki stuff is another matrix diversion.

V.Q.: Do you see Mother Meera in Germany as a complementary Avatar?

R.C.: I am the Real Divine Self of Mother Meera. She is a secondary
incarnation of Myself through a Nirmana Chitta, artificial causal body.
She is a special channel of my Mother Mercy side of My Godself. She
is not a reincarnating soul or individuality. She is only nominally
human and her "answers" or "teachings" are just nominal
fill-ins. I have kept Myself partially in that body to fulfill a need
to provide blessing to random visitors who need that sort of thing from
Myself. For Me, she is just a reflex. I have other secondary bodies
on the Earth for yet other necessary functions I need to fulfill at
this time of great transition of humanity on Earth.

V.Q.: I still don't understand how you, obviously a man, could also
do Mother Meera.

R.C.: My Reincarnational Causal Body is right here. It is
predominantly male and full of individual knowledge and experience. My
artificial incarnations are not like this. You are challenged to
meditate on this conundrum as part of your learning process.

R.C.: I inwardly help them find the Cosmic Teacher they need when they
are ready and deserving of it. This is especially a function of the
Greater Avatar.

My various enthusiasts will just have to make the most of what I am
presently providing on Interactive Resources. I have no ashram for
them to come stay at. They are free to visit me in the form of Mother
Meera and get my blessing that way for the psychological reassurance.
That is why that body is alive there in Germany. Do drop in there!

Since you have seen me here, try and recognize me there in Mother
Meera. It will do you good!

If this person is linked to Kalki and all that schtick, then the following thread may be relevant:

That stuff is far more serious than merely being a distraction. And I think it'd be a good idea to stay as far away as possible from people connected to it.
.....has little to offer a seeker of Truth.
I would apply this statement to the concept of "darshan" in general - where people mostly go to gain peace and not understanding. The concept of an "avatar" or enlightened being setting things right and imparting salvation to followers perhaps appeals most to those who also believe in the concept of "free lunch". To my knowledge, serious traditional teachers of spirituality from India do not encourage this concept - they used to stress on a lot of work on the self to gain understanding. The methods advocated by them however mostly required separation from worldly affairs in contrast to 4th way teachings and methods.
I went to see her in DC maybe 15 years ago. Soon after reading about her, I heard she was going to be there, so I went. There was sort of a group healing, maybe 500 people in a room at a Hindu Center up there. At the end, people were told to sit quietly to be completely healed and cleansed of everything, for about an hour, to get their special reward, something like that. I think it was explained in the informational letter, as one had to register for thee session. I got very uncomfortable sitting there for that last part, so I left the room after maybe 5 -10 minutes. I didn't see anyone else leave. Looking at the crowd and checking out the cars in the parking lot, it seemed to be a wealthy group in there. I don't remember there being any fee for the event.
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