More Information About Todd Beamer and the State of Israel


The Force is Strong With This One
Previously, I wrote an article that described the connections between 9 passengers of the 9/11 hijacked planes and the state of Israel.

To see the article, go to the following Internet location:

This Internet location is a thread on the Signs Of The Times message board. The first posting in the thread, written under the username Eagle54, is the article.


Two of the passengers that I wrote about were Todd Beamer and Jeremy Glick of United Airlines Flight 93. Well, I have now written a follow-up article on Beamer and Glick. My main source for this new article is the book "Let's Roll", which was written by Todd Beamer's widow Lisa Beamer.

The article appears below. For each paragraph that has page numbers at the end, the page numbers refer to the pages of the hardcover edition of "Let's Roll" where the information in the paragraph can be found.



Todd Beamer, one of the people who supposedly fought terrorists on United Flight 93 on 9/11/2001, was employed by Oracle Corporation.

On 9/13/2001, Larry Ellison, chief executive officer (CEO) of Oracle, sent an email to Oracle employees. In this email, Ellison praised Todd for Todd's heroic actions in fighting the terrorists and in stopping the plane from reaching its destination in Washington DC.
(pages 184, 185)

There was just one problem. No authority from United Airlines or from the government had yet announced to Todd Beamer's family or to the public that Todd Beamer had been involved in fighting the terrorists. In fact, Lisa Beamer was told by a United Airlines employee in the evening of 9/14/2001 that the FBI had just publicly released information about Todd's heroics. So, Lisa wonders, how did Larry Ellison know about Todd's heroics one day before the FBI released the information to the public? (pages 185-188)

Maybe Larry Ellison helped the US Government concoct the "official" story of 9/11. Maybe Ellison arranged for Beamer to be on United Flight 93 for the sole purpose of providing a hero for the 9/11 story.


Let us look at how Todd Beamer ended up on Flight 93 in the first place.


During the first week of September 2001, Todd and Lisa Beamer were in Italy. Todd and Lisa were without their kids, but Todd and Lisa were not traveling alone. The Beamers were joined by 500 Oracle employees and guests. This trip was a reward from Oracle to employees who performed well. The trip was a combination of business and pleasure. During the daytime, the employees and guests went sightseeing. During the evening, there were business dinners. The final day of activities (sightseeing and business dinner) was 9/9/2001. (pages 148, 152, 153)

Because of the high number of people on this trip, it is very possible that CEO Ellison himself scheduled the trip.


At some point before the trip to Italy began, Todd was told that he would be attending some meetings in San Francisco on 9/11/2001. Todd would have a meeting at 1:00 PM San Francisco time and a dinner meeting at night. (pages 153, 154)

Thus, before the start of the trip to Italy, Todd knew that he would have to be in Italy until 9/9/2001 and then in San Francisco on 9/11/2001.


If the trip to Italy was scheduled by Ellison, then who scheduled the meetings in San Francisco? According to Lisa Beamer, the meetings in San Francisco were extremely important. Todd would be meeting with some executives from Sony Corporation, who would be flying in from Japan. The meetings would also include Oracle's chief financial officer (CFO). (pages 153, 154)

In most American companies, the CFO works closely with the CEO. Therefore, it is very likely that these meetings were scheduled by CEO Larry Ellison.


Given that Todd would be in Italy for all of 9/9/2001 and that Todd had to be in San Francisco by 1:00 PM on 9/11/2001, Todd had two travel options:

1) Todd would fly to Newark International Airport in Newark, New Jersey, from Italy on 9/10/01 and would fly to San Francisco on the same day. On 9/11/01, Todd would attend his meetings.

2) Todd would fly to Newark on 9/10/01 and would fly to San Francisco on 9/11/01. Then Todd would attend his meetings on 9/11/01.


The Beamers left Italy in the early morning of 9/10/01. Todd pondered his two choices while on the flight to Newark. Todd decided that he would arrive in Newark on 9/10/01, spend one night at home with his wife and his kids (whom he had not seen in a week), and then travel to San Francisco on 9/11/01.
(pages 153, 154, 158)

Actually, it is possible that Todd did not have to make any decision at all. There was a fire at Newark Airport in the late afternoon of 9/10/01. So, the evening flight to San Francisco that Todd thought about taking was cancelled. (page 158)

According to Lisa Beamer, Jeremy Glick, who would help Todd fight the terrorists, was supposed to fly to San Francisco from Newark in the evening of 9/10/01. Glick's plane was first supposed to land at Newark. However, the fire caused the plane to be rerouted to JFK Airport in New York City. Glick had the option of traveling from Newark Airport to JFK Airport (presumably by car, bus, or train) and boarding the plane to San Francisco at JFK Airport. However, Glick chose to go home to Hewitt, New Jersey, and to fly to San Francisco from Newark on 9/11/01. (page 204)


Even without the fire, Larry Ellison could have reasonably assumed that Todd would choose to fly to San Francisco on 9/11/01. Ellison could have assumed that taking two long flights on the same day would be a big strain on Todd. Or, since Ellison knew that Todd's trip to Italy would be for adults only, Ellison could have reasonably assumed that Todd would want to spend one night with his kids before leaving town. However, the fire improved the chance that Todd would not fly out on 9/10/01. The fire certainly deterred Jeremy Glick from flying out on 9/10/01.

So, was that fire an act of arson? Was someone trying to make sure that Beamer and Glick flew out on 9/11/01?


Also, why DID the fire deter Glick from flying out on 9/10/01?
It is a relatively short drive from Newark Airport to JFK Airport.
It can not be said that Glick wanted to spend one more night with his family before leaving town. Glick had a wife and a daughter, but they were vacationing in upstate New York. So, Glick went home to an empty house. So, was Glick really deterred by the fire? Or did Glick simply use the fire as an excuse to travel on 9/11/01?


There are a few more items that should be mentioned.

Item 1
9/10/01 was a Monday. As mentioned above, on the plane from Italy to Newark, Todd Beamer thought about whether he should fly to San Francisco on 9/10/01 or 9/11/01. Another thing Todd thought about on the plane was the workweek ahead. Todd was dreading the upcoming workweek. Todd was not looking forward to that week at all. This attitude troubled Lisa Beamer. In the past, Todd had always been excited about work, even during challenging times. However, Todd was now complaining that he would have a lot on his plate at work that week. (pages 154, 155)

So, the obvious questions are the following: Why was Todd so afraid of work suddenly? What was Todd told by his bosses at Oracle about that workweek? What did Todd think was going to happen?


Item 2
Jonathan Oomrigar worked in one of Oracle's California offices and was one of Todd Beamer's favorite Oracle co-workers. Jonathan participated in the Oracle trip to Italy, and, before the trip to Italy, Jonathan and Todd had traveled together on business to Israel. (page 148)

According to Todd's cell-phone records (which Lisa Beamer presumably saw after Todd died), Todd called Jonathan on the morning of 9/11/2001. According to Lisa, Todd and Jonathan spoke about Todd's San Francisco meetings. (page 191)

Presumably, Todd's phone records do not reveal the content of the conversation. So, only Todd and Jonathan would know for certain what the conversation was about. Since Todd is supposedly dead, Jonathan would be Lisa's source as to the content of the conversation.

So, what did Todd and Jonathan do in Israel? What did Todd and Jonathan discuss while they were in Italy? And what did Jonathan and Todd discuss on the morning of 9/11/2001?


Item 3
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has a connection to Israel. In September 2001, Ellison owned 70% of an Israeli company called Quark Biotech.

Source: 9/3/2001 article in Fortune magazine


In summary, we have the following:

1) Both the trip to Italy and Todd's meetings in San Francisco may have been scheduled by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison.

2) Given the schedule of the trip to Italy and the San Francisco meetings, Todd Beamer had only two options for traveling to San Francisco (9/10/01 or 9/11/01).

3) In order to spend time with his children, Todd chose to travel on 9/11/01. However, even if Todd had chosen to travel on 9/10/01, the 9/10/01 fire at Newark Airport would probably have prevented Todd from doing that.

The fire did prevent Jeremy Glick, Todd's partner in fighting terrorism, from flying to San Francisco on 9/10/01. Alternatively, Glick was not deterred by the fire, but rather used the fire as an excuse to travel on 9/11/01.

4) Todd was worried about the workweek of 9/11/01. Previously, Todd had always been excited about work, even during challenging times. Now, Todd was worried.

5) Jonathan Oomrigar, a co-worker with whom Todd had traveled on business to Israel, was in Italy with Todd and received a phone call from Todd on 9/11/01.

6) In September 2001, Todd's boss Larry Ellison owned 70% of an Israeli company.

7) Larry Ellison knew about Todd's heroics aboard United Airlines Flight 93 about one day before the FBI released that information to the public.


So, were Todd Beamer, Jonathan Oomrigar, and Larry Ellison working on some operation for Israeli intelligence? Were Beamer, Oomrigar, and Ellison helping Israeli intelligence to perpetrate the United 93 portion of the 9/11 attacks?
This is really interesting to me, Eagle54. I've been looking into Beamer and Flight 93 for a long time now.
I think the connection linking Beamer's father when he was CEO of Legato Systems and their no-bid contract with the Pentagon reconstruction project is also very "coincidental".

Have not been able to speak to Lisa Beamer, though not for lack of trying on my part.
Got as far as her "lecture agent", who thought I wanted to 'bond" with Lisa B., which was odd in itself, since I specifically requested an interview for an upcoming article.

Also emailed with a guy who wrote an article about Todd, Lisa and the Beamer parents, and confirmed with him that his sources for the article were Beamer's parents, and not through some third party.
However, it seems to me that only "certain" journalists are allowed access to the Beamer family - typically mainstream reporters and writers.
He was supposed to pass on my request for info and an interview to the Beamer parents, but nothing ever came of it.

I did spend 16 hours trying to find where Todd Beamer was actually supposed to be buried - and one cemetary vault dealer told me that nobody is supposed to give that information out, and he was very amazed that I managed to find out.
Not too hard, really, when you get around to schmoozing with little old ladies who work in the post office there in Cranbury, NJ...:-))

Brainerd Cemetary behind the Presbyterian Church in Cranbury, meager headstone, neglected look to it, obscure, very old cemetary, not exactly where one might expect to find a "national hero" buried.
Have several good photos of the headstone, too.
We asked the 9-11 researcher who lives 20 minutes from Cranbury to check it out and he said it looked as though nobody had even visited that grave for a while.

The personnel at the Presbyterian church lied to me about where he was buried when I first inquired of them.
They had worked alongside Todd Beamer teaching Sunday school there and were supposedly friends of his.
They told me they didn't know where he was buried - and this is AFTER I found out he was (allegedly) in the ground right behind their church, which I am certain they's implausible to me that they wouldn't know, since they were all good friends and worked with him - and she had a small, very private service for his "burial".

I was able to obtain the Beamer obituary from the Cranbury, N.J. newspaper from their internal archives by making a request, but they shut down all communication with me after they sent it and I started asking them questions.

There is a fortress built around Lisa Beamer.
It's been impossible to gain access to her or to Todd Beamer's parents.

Lisa said:
There is a fortress built around Lisa Beamer. It's been impossible to gain access to her or to Todd Beamer's parents.

Thanks for sharing the info Lisa, seems there has to be a very interesting reason why Lisa Beamer is off-limits to anyone with a website and no agenda other than the truth. First guess would be whether he really was a true believer in Jesus who carried the lord's prayer bookmark or would have recited the 23rd Psalm with the operator. I suppose there might be some clues in her book "Let's Roll"...

The Phantom Flight 93 book I sent you also addresses this a bit, but this stuff that Eagle is presenting is something I would like to know more about.

Beamer's name has not come up on the SSDI thus far, and it appears that the Beamer marriage records haven't yet surfaced either, last I heard. The weird thing to me was being told that the public is not supposed to be told where he is buried. There are newer and larger cemetaries in the area, yet she buried him in this old, rinky-dink neglected cemetary. The cemetary vault dealer also told me that there are locals who are pretty suspicious of Lisa B. for (their perceptions) "exploiting and capitalizing" on her husband's death.
It took her less than two weeks after 9-11 to start the "Let's Roll" money machine rolling.
This evolved into:
A foundation, products, T-shirts, sports caps, etc...

The phone number I had for her was never answered by either machine or human.
And anyone who tries to access her is closely screened.
I had to talk to layers of people just to get to her lecture agent, who told me that Lisa Beamer is not doing anymore interviews and just wants to resume a "normal life".
Yet she contimued to give speeches, mainstream interviews and do book signings.

I liken the difficulty in accessing Lisa Beamer to the difficulty I had trying to interview Shanksville coroner, Wally Miller. These people have no fear of mainstream reporters who will toss them softball questions and never challenge them. They will easily sit through one of those "tearjerker" fluff interview sessions, but if you manage to corner them with some real questions, they immediately begin to squirm.

Miller caved in under the pressure when I tried to ask him questions.
I've got both he and Vicky Rock (Somerset county newspaper correspondent) on audio.
Rock contradicted and refuted Wally Miller twice on the matter of victim identification.
Miller says all on board Flight 93 were identified and became very agitated at being asked this question.
VERY agitated. Rock says "no, not all people on board were identified." And she insists this is so, and couldn't understand why Miller would say otherwise.
She cited a relative of Hilda Marcin, who perished on Flight 93 - Relative's name is Betty Kemmerer. Rock related to us that Kemmerer asked a question at a previous meeting which family members of flt. 93 victims attended, regarding the Flt. 93 Memorial - and Kemmerer's question was this:

She wanted to know if the rest of the UNIDENTIFIED remains were going to be entombed at the Memorial site. She was told by the authorities present at the meeting that "it would be taken care of."

Vicky Rock was firm on this, that not all people on board Flight 93 had been identified. As I said, she firmly refuted Wally Miller twice, because I spoke to her again after I talked to Wally Miller.
Wally Miller became so enraged with me, in spite of the fact that he'd agreed to talk to me previously, that he began to unravel. This is the guy they call "Mr. Unflappable" and the "Rock of Shanksville".
And I was VERY polite to him. Miller has given numerous mainstream interviews - all of them softball "heartstring tuggers", which he had no problem sitting through and handled easily enough, from the looks of things.

YET, he completely lost his composure with me after I asked the first question. The second question made him go ballistic. As I said, he hung up on me twice and told me to ask the FBI in Pittsburgh.

When I asked him if he was under a gag order, he told me "no".
Yet, in the next breath, he's bellowing at me, telling me to ask the FBI my questions.
Odd business...

Of course, it didn't bug Vicky Rock enough to actually follow up on this little contradiction of her statements by Miller.
Didn't even seem to bother her much when I stood in her newsroom and told her that several of these famous 9-11 heroes, including Beamer, Bingham, Glick and Burnett, are not showing up listed as dead on the SSDI years after the fact. I asked her if she wasn't the least bit curious about that and if she planned on following up on it to see what's what.

She said "no".
She doesn't think there's a story there.

No story there. These people are somethin'.... else.

22 Questions for Flight 93 Coroner Wally Miller
by Lisa Guliani
Hi, Lisa. Thanks for responding to my posts.

Your responses raise some interesting questions.

You wrote:

I did spend 16 hours trying to find where Todd Beamer was actually supposed to be buried - and one cemetary vault dealer told me that nobody is supposed to give that information out, and he was very amazed that I managed to find out.
Not too hard, really, when you get around to schmoozing with little old ladies who work in the post office there in Cranbury, NJ...:-))

How do little old ladies who work at the post office know where Todd Beamer is buried?

I was able to obtain the Beamer obituary from the Cranbury, N.J. newspaper from their internal archives by making a request, but they shut down all communication with me after they sent it and I started asking them questions.

Exactly what questions did you ask them? Please be as specific as possible.

Miller has given numerous mainstream interviews - all of them softball "heartstring tuggers", which he had no problem sitting through and handled easily enough, from the looks of things.

YET, he completely lost his composure with me after I asked the first question. The second question made him go ballistic. As I said, he hung up on me twice and told me to ask the FBI in Pittsburgh.

Once again, exactly what questions did you ask him?

it appears that the Beamer marriage records haven't yet surfaced either, last I heard.

Where exactly have you searched for the Beamers' marriage records? It is strange that these records have vanished.

Also, Lisa, I have sent you a private email via the email link in one of your posts on this message board. So, please check your email. Thanks.
How do little old ladies who work at the post office know where Todd Beamer is buried?

The little old ladies in the Cranbury Post Office apparently know everything about everybody, or it sure seems like it. I think the PO is nearby to the cemetary and the church. It was probably the biggest event to happen to that place, much like Shanksville. Who ever heard of shanksville prior to 9-11? Now it's become a little bit of a tourist town. They sell the End of Serenity photo by Mcclatchey at Ida's Restaurant.
Kinda tacky...
I was able to obtain the Beamer obituary from the Cranbury, N.J. newspaper from their internal archives by making a request, but they shut down all communication with me after they sent it and I started asking them questions.

Exactly what questions did you ask them? Please be as specific as possible.

I asked them if they thought it strange that Beamer wasn't showing up listed as dead on the SSDI.
I also asked them if they could tell me where he's buried, and why a lot of folks around there who one would expect to know, told me they didn't know. Like the people who worked with him teaching sunday school or catechism or whatever religious indoctrination is called today. His own friends told me they didn't know, and the guy is supposedly buried right BEHIND where they are, at the church. And they sounded pretty suspicious of me asking them where he was buried. I was polite and simply said I wanted to pay my respects. They were very tightlipped and said they didn't have any idea where Beamer was buried. The funny thing is, I already knew, because I'd talked to the old ladies at the post office, who sure seemed to know. I asked about what kind of funeral service she had, who was present, and why there was such a curious reticence about disclosing such information as the burial site.
Very interesting.
Miller has given numerous mainstream interviews - all of them softball "heartstring tuggers", which he had no problem sitting through and handled easily enough, from the looks of things.

YET, he completely lost his composure with me after I asked the first question. The second question made him go ballistic. As I said, he hung up on me twice and told me to ask the FBI in Pittsburgh.

Once again, exactly what questions did you ask him?

Lisa: They are in the article I posted previously above, but I'll repost the link here:

22 Questions for Flight 93 Coroner Wally Miller
by Lisa Guliani

it appears that the Beamer marriage records haven't yet surfaced either, last I heard.

Where exactly have you searched for the Beamers' marriage records? It is strange that these records have vanished.

Public records was searched. I didn't search that myself, as I was digging around in other areas of flight 93, like the SSDI stuff, trying to talk to Wally Miller, talking to the newspaper correspondent in Somerset County, the media spokesperson at the hospital there, interviewing locals in Shanksville, New Baltimore and Indian Lake, Cranbury newspeople, the folks at the Presbyterian church, cemetary vault dealers in the area, locating the cemetary and the actual "grave", researching Todd & Lisa's backgrounds, trying to access the Beamer parents, and people who have actually gained access to any of these people and written about them, the wreckage deficit at the crash site, the anomalous photo of Mcclatchey, the cell phone calls, the debris trail, etc..
I was BUSY!..:-) Yes, everything about Flight 93 is strange. Everything about 9-11 overall is "strange".
But so far, from what I've seen, nobody has been able to pull up the marriage records. I hope they do surface.

Also, Lisa, I have sent you a private email via the email link in one of your posts on this message board. So, please check your email. Thanks.

Yes, I've responded, so check your email...:-)
You're welcome, hope this helps.
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