more blood in Gaza


realm of adore

it has been the 7th day of the israeli aggression against citizens in gaza strip town of Bieth Hanoon , till this moment they have killed more than 90 citizen withen those 7 days

what is most important about this , is the kind of strange weapons used in the attack , these bombs explode in a strange way to make fatal damage of human body , cuts abd burns more than any bomb we have ever experienced ... so this is why the number of kills is very high till now , and for the most important that even the wonded , thay almost have no hope to cure , as the damage that happens to their bodys .. the Palestinian Health ministray believes that some nuclear radiations might be contented in these weapons , as they can not really understand what is going on

till now . as i said more than 90 were killed and more than 500 wonded , tens in danger ... and more than 100 handdicapped as the type of weapons they use ..

the israelis destroyed many houses , and they killed many trees in simple words a New Jenin Camp if you remember what happened in Jenen , they destroyed roads , electricity and water nets.. in simple words what happened was a n earth quack , during searching some houses they stole what they found , , some cellphones and PCs and gold

what is happpening now that they israelis partially withdrawn from Beith Hanoon , but not completely as some media say , for that more than 9 were killed yesterday morning by israeli snipers , or air raids and the army still ocuupying and having terrorist militant activities against civils which caused tonight

some thing that happened which might be good to consider here , is an israeli aristrike against the house of Jamila AL-Shanty , the member of the Palestinian Legaslative Council which caused the death of her sister and her sister's husband and an other passer

about the school bus it happened the day before , they shot the female teacher insidet he bus in front of little kids about 4 and 5 years old , imagine how would they grow up ?

today there has been aggression using arsenal , the israeli arsenal killed more than 20 civilians as they bombed houses over the heads of the inhabitants , so many kids and women were killed or injured this morning...
Can you give links to articles, documentation?
the 2nd day of the operation 2nd Nov. http://www(dot)pchrgaza(dot)org/files/PressR/English/2006/120-2006.htm

the 2th day 4th Nov http://www(dot)pchrgaza(dot)org/files/PressR/English/2006/122-2006.htm

the 6th day 6th nov http://www(dot)pchrgaza(dot)org/files/PressR/English/2006/123-2006.htm

today 8th nov http://www(dot)pchrgaza(dot)org/files/PressR/English/2006/124-2006.htm
i don't really know if it is allowed to publish photos

but i think they are important to clarify what is going on to poor civilians there





[Moderator: Pictures deleted. Links adjusted. Reason should be clear.]
realm of adore said:
i don't really know if it is allowed to publish photos

but i think they are important to clarify what is going on to poor civilians there

[Moderator: Pictures deleted. Links adjusted. Reason should be clear.]
These pictures are absolutely gruesome. The people commiting and ordering these crimes are monsters. They may look human, but they cannot be.
I saw three of them. Have no gut to see the last one. Tel-Aviv official called murder of women and children in Gaza "a tragic mistake". Has Israeli army from top to bottom and government several humans in it? Those are nazi SS.
The guys doing this crimes consider human beings to be less than a piece of paper.

They must see other beings as an object. So for them, a destroyed human, must be similar to a destroyed toy. There is not a single inch of conscience within them.
i posted the pics with only a short comment and no warning to the internal forum of a political party which runs on slogans like "alternative" and "human-rights friendly" and "anti-racist".

i got myself trounced as an anti-semite, holocaust denier and revisionist despite the fact that i had with no word said anything to put in doubt either the holocaust or the official account, that the only thing i said was that palestinians are the victims, it is genocide and jews are the perpetrators. of 25 or so answers, nobody bare one lady understood that i was talking about genocide. the only thing they understood was that i am an anti-semite, anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, deluded hater. not one of them answered any of my questions.

the moderator found the pictures ugly and opined that in the future, netiquette should prohibit posting such gruesome pictures to their forum.
My God... just when you think it has gotten to the worst it can get, this happens and the evidence pours in that it's BAD, WORST, AND UGLY.
It truly is worst than I or anyone can possibly imagine. No living being should be treated this way.

And I agree, to those psychos doing it, they don't care at all. The only people that deserve to live in their eyes, are them. All of us with consciousness are just bad garbage to be gotten rid of, and the Palestinians are the stinkiest garbage of them all to those psychos.

The only thing I keep telling myself when I see these pictures (so i don't break down) is that it is not the body that matters, but the soul. And these people (Palestinians) have the strongest spirits and souls. And that life is all lessons, and somehow they are also learning from this.

I live everyday with you in my heart Palestine. You give me strength Palestine. One day you will be free Palestine.

i should really show my respect yo you all for your sypathy ...

for real and for truth , this is just a part of the real misry of these people ,me personally i've lost 7 of my friends , it is the way life is . . . .

some people should forget and have nu humanity to think they got the right to kill civilians , kids and women ,

my regards to every one who read my words , and feel a little bit of the pain we feel
name said:
the moderator found the pictures ugly and opined that in the future, netiquette should prohibit posting such gruesome pictures to their forum.
I wish there was a compilation of photographic evidence of the genocide altogether in one place. If a picture speaks a thousand words, this would be the way to convey the horror. After all, how many photographs of the holocaust have we all been exposed to in order to evoke pity for Jews?

I hope that someone begins collecting all these photos and publishes them on the net in one place. And then, someone should print out brochures and flyers and propagate them in the millions everywhere. I hope that someone will print out coffee table books of them like they do about the Holocaust.

Maybe then the conscience of some will be awakened to how they have been misled, deceived, and made to bear responsibility for these horrors.

If the rest of the world does not wake up to this soon, those images will be multiplied millions, if not billions of times around the globe.

Wasn't it Cain who said "Am I my brother's keeper?" Seems to me that the Zionist government are the children of Cain.

The truth is, we are not our brother's "keeper," we ARE our brothers and whatever is done to them, is done to us.

Added: it would help the rest of the world a lot if there was more material coming from inside Palestine that was in English. I know that is expecting a lot, but the truth is that people are kept apart, kept separated from each other more by language than any other single thing. Religion comes next, of course, but then religion is often used to reinforce separation by language.
Laura said:
I hope that someone begins collecting all these photos and publishes them on the net in one place. And then, someone should print out brochures and flyers and propagate them in the millions everywhere. I hope that someone will print out coffee table books of them like they do about the Holocaust.

Maybe then the conscience of some will be awakened to how they have been misled, deceived, and made to bear responsibility for these horrors.

If the rest of the world does not wake up to this soon, those images will be multiplied millions, if not billions of times around the globe.

the problem i see is that these pics are so horrible that people recoil in horror and go into denial.
apart from that, the discourse in the west absolutely promotes the "we are morally superior" along with "jews are the only victims" and "jews are NEVER perpetrators". westerners have been conditioned by the 50 or 60 years of continued propaganda along those lines to simply NOT SEE what is going on at the periphery. same thing about global warming or depleted seas.

an apt comparison to how westerners parse such information is functional illiteracy: people who are able do decipher written word but are not able to assign it any meaning, any context whatsoever. you can tell people that the globe is overwarming, show them the pics of melting or nonexistent glaciers worldwide, and they will forget about it after they change channel. you can tell them about depleted seas and they'll react like "yeah, terrible" and discount it all after they see the full racks of frozen fish boxes at the local supermarket.

these pics go into the same cognitive void: they are terrible but they contradict everything most westerners know and have experienced, so they are assigned the labels of "propaganda" or people become angry that one would show them such horrible things or disrespect the victims by showing the pics in first place.

there is enough material from palestine, in english and in other languages, to amply demonstrate, if not document, that a genocide is happening as i write this. the problem is not the availability of information, the problem is that the western mind has been closed by conditioning and filtering of available experiences and possible interpretations thereof. in this sense the mind of the average westerner can be said to be in a state of deep religious trance, and we know how this manifestates itself when transgressed against: as symptoms resembling the hysteric behavior of the schizotypes described by lobaczewski.

there are many people who understand the message, but they are not enough.

not more information is necessary, the opening of the western mind is necessary for justice to have a chance.
An article from yesterday's Independent.

Johann Hari: Ethnic cleansing returns to Israel's agenda

The silence over Lieberman's appointment is a bleak sign of how far Israel has drifted to the right
Published: 13 November 2006

When Jorg Haider's far-right Freedom Party joined the governing coalition in Austria in 2000, the world offered a collective retch and moved to isolate the country. In the past fortnight, a startlingly similar far-right politician named Avigdor Lieberman has joined the governing coalition in Israel - in the lofty position of Deputy Prime Minister - but the world's gagging reflex has yet to respond.

Lieberman is an ex-nightclub bouncer, once arrested for attacking a boy who he suspected of insulting his son. His party, Yisrael Beytenu (Israel, Our Home), has campaigned on two ugly issues. The first is the claim that Israel's two million Arab citizens are "a danger to the country", to be dispensed with, in part, by ethnic cleansing. Lieberman wanted to bus thousands of released Palestinian prisoners to the Dead Sea and drown them.

Today, he has moderated his stance and merely wants to "transfer" many hundreds of thousands of Israeli Arabs - inevitably by force - to the scraps of remaining land that will be labelled Palestine after Israel has annexed the major illegal settlement blocks. If your name's not on the list, you're not staying in.

His model is Cyprus in the 1970s, where the mixed Turkish and Greek populations were separated out at gunpoint. "The final result was better", he sighs. "Minorities are the biggest problem in the world". He would like to begin these racist expulsions with a simple, swift move: executing Israeli Arab members of the Knesset. Since they have spoken to the democratically elected Palestinian leadership, they are "traitors", Lieberman argues.

His second issue has been an attempt to streamline and centralise power into the hands of one Strong Man. Lieberman grew up in the Soviet Union. His support base is overwhelmingly among the one million Jews who emigrated to Israel after the fall of Communism. Much as they despised Soviet anti-Semitism, many have imbibed Soviet habits of mind and do not see why faffing about with coalitions and supreme courts should be allowed to get in the way of the Great Leader vanquishing the Great Enemy.

It is important to stress that Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister, says he rejects Lieberman's views, and will not carry out his policies. But he has placed Lieberman in charge of the largest single issue in Israeli politics - how to respond to Iran's imminent nuclear bomb. We already know his views on this: Lieberman was calling for bombing of Iran as long as 2001, and says Israel is "on the frontline of the clash of religions". (...)
One has to pay to see the complete article. However, it will probably be available for free over here any time now:
knowlaw777 said:
The guys doing this crimes consider human beings to be less than a piece of paper.

They must see other beings as an object. So for them, a destroyed human, must be similar to a destroyed toy. There is not a single inch of conscience within them.
I think objectification presupposes the ability to regard another human being as a human being. The treatment of humans as cattle indicates that the perpetrators have neither the capability nor the desire to regard entities without as more than cattle. Kind of like a supreme narcissim/egotism. There seems to be a Shan Yu-esque curiosity to it all that makes it that much more disturbing, it's more than sport, it's revenge.
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