


I dont know where to put this in the forums.
So I decided to put it right here.

I am new here on this forum although I follow signs-of-the-times and the C's for quite a while.
Living in the Netherlands and not having English as my mothertongue, excuse my childish way of 'speaking', so to say.
reading is easier and more understandable for me.

I have read the article from Laura on Monsters and I was wondering if the published photo's on the Rense page: where they describe horrible looking young borns as the result of the Afghan war and uranium mutation has something to do with the interfering of humans and reptoids.
Hello Mareiki- I am realtively new to these forums as well-I went to the site link on and must admit the images presented are pretty awful-they stayed with me all day.

But that was the intention of the writer. He wanted to put these dreadful images "in your face" and screams look what the filthy Americans have done! Look at what your tax dollars have bought!

It is a classic bit (In my opinion) of "hate" inspiring, inflamatory journalism.

Firstly, most Americans do NOT support the use of depleted uranium weaponry, chemical agents or nuclear weapons. This country went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq AGAINST the wishes of the American people-the world must realize our (US) Government no longer cares what the (American) people think-we all do NOT hate Muslims or anyone else for that matter. We do NOT want innocent people to die horrible deaths-especially women and children.

The photos are suspect in a couple of cases-we do not know for certain that these disfigurations were caused by depleted uranium/plutonium weapons or that they even came from the same time frame (Afhgan/ Iraq war) but that still does not excuse the use of such things-and I have no doubt (I have seen the photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki) that such weapons do unspeakable things to humans and animals.

But in answer to your question-I do not believe these unfortunates are the product of direct reptoid / human interaction-that is failed genetic hybrids. I assume you refer th the "chicken man" which was allegedly the result of a human female being physically raped by a reptilian-which resulted in a pregnancy-which the C's said was virtually unheard of. Even though we carry reptilian DNA (yes-we ALL do) we are not compatible as genetic species-at least under normal conditions. The C's did not elaborate on how this incident managed to produce a viable embryo that thankfully did not make it to term.

But indirectly-as the C's have said many times- ALL HUMAN INTERACTIONS ARE INFLUENCED BY THE 4TH DENSITY / ALIEN CONNECTION. So indirectly, in a way the reptoids WERE responsible-but we have to realize these things are subjective-what appears EVIL to us is NOT evil to another group-that is the double edged sword of free will.

In their minds it is RIGHT and JUSTIFIED to use weapons that will leave radioactive waste lying around for thousands of years. IT FITS IN with whatever their agenda is-but they are not sharing that with the rest of the world-we only get the end results-death, destruction and hate.

As much as we detest what is happening now in terms of our governments seeming to abandon all reason and people engaging in acts of depravity and what can only be described as bestial (animal like) at times-that all of this is supposed to be happening right now at this point. We have to learn what it takes to transcend it-Knowledge Protects! We have Laura to thank and the C's for waking us up and giving us a chance to GET OUT.

I hope this helps you in some small way.

Hello Tschai,

I think it is a good thing to show the world all the uglyness that is done in wars. I mean in wartimes, the publicity
is more focused on the issues of war so to say and the secret things that where and are going on in the world are more unveiled. So I dont mind whoever publishes these kind of pictures.

As a mother myself it would be unbareble for me if I would give birth to such a deformed child. I can only have the deepest sympathy with the mothers who gave birth to these children.

I refered to the cicken man indeed Tschai and I was just wondering if these reptoids are experimenting in such a 'public' way.
Knowing that we all have the reptilian brain, it still is not a normal human being as most children are not being born as much deformed so i just wondered if these entities have reached a point in their 'investigations' and experiments
that eventually deformation of a human being becomes more and more an option.
Hi Mareiki,

I agree-we here in the US are often "spared" the horrors generated by war-including the grizzly scenes-but if you can imagine-there are actually people that get a THRILL out of seeing such horrors-they think it is AMUSING and actually laugh at these things. The more lurid the picture the more they laugh.

This is a common thing in times of war I suppose-in order to more easily kill their fellow man (and women and children) the agressor dehumanizes the enemy-they are no longer a man but an "it" whatever image helps to stop thinking of them as human. "It" must be exterminated. They are vermin-like cockroaches or rats that must be destroyed.

The horrid aftermath becomes like a trophy-Wow-look what we did to this guy! He is burned to a crisp! HAHAHA.
and so on...

Again-(and I am not an expert by any means)-I do not think the images are of reptoid / human experiments-they do not NEED to replicate directly with humans-and from what I understand they (Reptilians) have a clandenstine program which has been in place for quite sometime and in fact is supposed to be near completion right about now-where they have been creating human / reptoid hybrids artificially in their hidden laboratories.What that entails and has in store for us-I shudder to think. I believe this information was detailed in an article somewhere on this site titled "Secret Underground Bases".

I don't know how to insert a link to these articles-I need to learn how to do that.

In my opinion the Reptilians have no desire to be "human"-the only reason they create these hybrids is so they can more easily infiltrate human society and possibly remain in Third density longer, in physical form-but I am not certain of that. I think they somehow transfer their "essence" into some of these bodies? Again I am not sure. I do recall that they (the Grays and Reptilians) take dead humans from the battle field and re-animate them somehow for their use as a kind of "robot" under their control.

As the father of two boys (one is actually not a boy, he is 20, and the other will be 13 in a few weeks) I too would have a hard time dealing with an infant that would be born in such a way-and feel the intense rage and helplessness of these people-the why did you do this to us?War is always going to inflict horrors on innocents-always has and as long as there is war, it will continue. It is especially hard though when there is no clear cut motive for the fighting-or is based on lies and deceit.
Hello tschai,

Yoy know, I grew up with the memories from my parents who where teenagers in WWII.
The horrible stories and the trauma's they suffered became a part of my identety. Many European childe=ren that where born between 10 years after the end of this war have surely memories.
it took me a long time not to prejudge on germans as my parents did

When 9/11 happened in The States, so many Europeans had the feeling that The US was in a kind of way overreacting to this because we as Europeans we 'know'a lot about attacks, about wars and so on.
Not that the 'accident' didnt affect us.
And now we soon how well this 9/11 thing is orchestrated as all the wars are.

last year i went to iran for the first time as I have many Iranian friends living here in Holland and I was so curious about that country.
This year I went again , just came home...................
The middle east ( I have been in many more middlen eastern countries) is such a special area and it is the average people have qualities the so called modern world just have lost.
Qualities like: hospitality, kindnes and curiousity, interest in foreign people.

The people of Iran, most dont agree with their new president but they are strong and very proud people.
Iran, lying next to Irak and Afghanistan where there are teribble wars going on. It just breaks my heart seeing civilisations, old and wonderful, destroyed by these forces.

Lets hope that nothing of nucleair and atomic things will happen there.............
It would be devastating.
excuse my poor english.

I cannaot find the topic about Underground bases but I have read about these things.
In WWII they experimented with human and animals as my grandfather always told us. We didnt want to believe that but now it seems that anything is possible................

Life is hard.
Hello Mareiki,

I can certainly relate to the above-my father fought in Germany (US Army) during World War II-and as kids growing up my brother and I used to try to get him to tell us "war stories"-he did tell us a few but only amusing anectdotes (funny stories) and never did mention the other things I know he must have experienced-

But his brother (my uncle) told us when he came back, my dad used to wake up screaming in the middle of the night (although I don't know how true this is-uncle was a joker and liked to tell stories that were not really true)

But it must have been horrendous-he was only 18 when he went over to Germany and was in the Glider Corps.

They would put all of the soldiers in this contraption and tow it behind an airplane-it was basically a box like thing with wings and a rudder for the "pilot" to try and steer it.

My father said these flew like a rock and were very hard to control. The glider was towed with a cable behind the lead airplane (the glider had no motor of it's own)and when they got close to their intended traget area the cable dropped off and the glider was supposed to "gently" and quietly land-generally behind enemy lines.

But more often than not the things went out of control, and crashed killing or seriously injuring the soldiers inside.

If you made it down in one piece, you were expected to leap out of the glider and get ready to fight. I can't imagine what that was like.

My folks grew up during the Depression and instilled upon us to value everything-and never waste anything-because you never know when it might be gone.

So I grew up learning to discount most material things and make do with what I have (although now I have more than I ever thought I would-but I could learn to do without again since I am used to this)

I feel less is more-but my wife is not like this. But that is o.k.-but it will be real hard if things go bad here0and they certianly seem to be going that way. Our economy looks like it will finally crash and many will suffer-but it is our own fault.

Back in the Seventies when I was in the US Navy I had the opportunity-and good fortune-to be on one of the ships chosen to go to Israel and Egypt (Moshe Dyan was Prime Minsiter of Israel at the time) and the contrast between these countries was amazing.

Israel was very modern in comparison - and all the people were very consolidated and supportive of their country. It was very strange to me-they were fighting on the West bank-which was not far from where we were (Haifa) and would take buses to the fighting like we take a bus to go to work.

But when you go to work-you come back home at the end of the day. Some of the Israeli soldiers did not come back...It was so strange to see all the young people in military uniforms-their military is compulsory (they have to serve) for two years after they get out of high school (I am not sure what you call this in the Netherlands) I remember admiring the young ladies (their uniforms were very tight and they were very attractive!) but all carried automatic weapons and pistols-there were guns EVERYWHERE. Even in the shops, restaurants, hostels-guns guns guns. Everyone had guns!

Egypt was like stepping back in time-it was absolutely amazing! The people were extraordinairly friendly-greeting us like we were old friends-the little kids ran after us down the street saying you American? you American? We like America! Tell us about America!

But oh my-the absolute poverty. These people have a very large segment of poor people that have very close to nothing except the clothing the have on-and that is most likely rags. Our ship tied up in Alexandria and some of us took a bus into Cairo to visit Giza and the Cairo Museum of History and we saw people still living in their wadi just like thousands of years ago.

Ruins of ancient Egypt mixed in with the rusting hulks of old cars and trucks, camels, goats and donkeys walking down the street along with motor cars. lorries and buses. And traffic! Our bus came to a complete halt-and all these Egyptian business men were leaping out of their cars-shaking their fists and yelling in Arabic at each other-it was unbelievable.

But even though these people were poor as dirt-they all seemed ecstatically happy! They always smiled and didn't seem to have a care in the world. Perhaps having too much stuff makes us all really lose perspective-we take all this for granted-whereas if you already have nothing-you have no fear of losing it all. Maybe WE are the ones who are really poor-poor in spirit.

By coming to this site and networking perhaps we can also learn how to become spiritually "rich" and from that we will earn happiness.

Didn't intend to ramble. Your English is fine. I find a lot of people who do not have English as their primary language often are easier to understand than those who do! The language here has degraded to the point where you cannot understand what people are saying. They use stupid slang expressions and are lazy in everything they do-even when they speak.

It is really horrible. All the world is laughing at the US and it is deserved. It makes me sad to see this happening, because most of the folks here mean well-but there are many, many others that are just greedy, lazy and stupid. I have not been to the Netherlands-I always wanted to come there but did not get the chance when we were in Europe. My favourite country was Spain. I would love to go back to Spain! It was wonderful.

Well-I got off topic here and I need to return to my work. Take care.
Hello Tschai,

Your expierences are well bedded inside your soul and that is good to know.
And then who says poverty and hapinness doent go together? right?
Of course it is within humans to streive for more and more but than comes a point where you can ask yourselve do I need more and more. ?( I am speaking of material things)
First, it is more then human to have all the primairy needs like water, a house and clothing..........
and it is more then shamefull halve the world doenst have these kind of things.
Instead they have wars, children that are born deformed, insecurity................and so on.
Well I know we are off topic and I was really wondering if these deformed children are a product of lizzy interfering.
I am not convinced they are not.
But I dont know how to inverstigate.
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