Monarch - A Documentary

It's disturbing. I think the best part is the direct testimonial evidence, but otherwise its a rehash of information I've already been exposed to. The video and audio quality is also quite poor. The direct attacks against whistleblowers is something new, and while I was aware of other ways they were targeted I had not heard of them being attacked with covert electromagnetic weaponry.

It is the same, you are right the word "macrowave" is pretty odd, but if you do the search with ELF or VLF you would find lots of technical references, mainly EM theoretical research, transmission lines theory, Maxwell theory, all stuff commonly taught in engineering.

But nothing of the effects for biological organisms. What I find curious is that practically all the material you find regarding mental control and biological damage is attributed to microwaves; but that doesn't not seem to be the case, at the light of information we have about HAARP and this video, for example.

However there is research of the biological damage caused by EM fields of industrial frequency, 60 Hz in USA, 50 Hz in my country, and this is ELF. But there is a big controversy and discussion regarding this issues. However it seems to be true that industrial frequency EMF indeed cause some mental effects, mainly confusion, headaches and dizziness.

I think you are in the right track, the keys sure are the penetration distance and the energy required. ELF could well be used as you speculate, like a maser.

Imagine to be able to use the entire planet as an antenna and think about the earth magnetic field.

But if this is the case the huge amounts of material related to microwaves and its effects on mind and biology could be misleading. The answer is much more simple and at hand of any undergraduate engineering student. You need no more than classical EMF theory and Maxwell laws.
Keep in mind that it does not require 50-60Hz as in end-user
voltages be it 110, 220v, multi-phased and so on, as a starting
power source... power curves are easily manipulated to suit specific
purposes. Think about high frequency, high power transmission
lines... therein lies its strength to high power delivery systems.
These transmission lines criss-cross the globe...

The military uses entirely different frequencies, to be sure?

As for HAARP and weaponized satellites - where does it's energy
source come from? Classified?

We have thousands of miles of transmission lines in ELF all around the world. Thousands of transforming and generation stations.

There seems to be enormous power involved in HAARP project. This level of power can not be provided by usual means.

I ignore how they get the power, however common sense tells me there has to be ways to use the widespread EMF generated all over the world by the electrical systems. Keep in mind overhead electrical lines do generate important levels of EMF.

We all are under the effects of the electrical system at industrial frequency. I have researched extensively the effects of 50 Hz EMF on human biology (I work in an electrical utility) and there is, as I said, a big controversy, the research is not conclusive, there are those who blame EMF and those who say there is no effect. What is true is that I couldn't find conclusive and concrete studies correctly conducted from the technical and mathematical point of view. There are very important statistical considerations to keep in mind if you want to prove EMF effects on people.

Interesting topic and a good starting point to do some research.
I searched for information in my job and found some interesting sources I had used to present my conclusions in the company I work in.
In this article you can read this:


Evolution of mankind on Earth took place in natural electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Earth’s currents, electromagnetic radiation of Van-Allen belts and natural cavity resonators predetermined EMF spectrum in which everything living evolved.
In particular, electrical activity of human brain is related to extremely low frequency (ELF) Schumann waves, extracted by the closed, 40000 km, Earth-ionosphere resonator. According to International Band Designators, ELF range is 3-30Hz.

On the other hand, same resonator has another, a short-range mode, extracted between Earth’s surface and a floor of the ionosphere, 50-80km above. It supports very low frequencies, VLF, 3-30kHz. Quantitative difference between both modes brings to their different qualitative action on mankind.”
Though it concerns mainly in natural induced ELF EMF it provides interesting information about the brain effects you may expect from them

1. Influence of ELF Fields

The major danger of Earth-generated fields is based on the two following factors:

1. 1.Electric potentials and currents, induced by external field in an organism, and;
2. 2.Spectral matching of the inducing field and operating frequencies of the organs.

Both the factors destabilize normal functioning organisms. In particular, the spectrum of Earth’s fields overlaps that of electroencephalography (EEG).
Scientists have shown influence of technogenic ELF electromagnetic fields on humans. Their impact can be dramatic: they entrain brain waves, considerably altering them [2-4].

However, Earth’s own fields can produce even more drastic results than localized industrial fields, because they cover extremely vast areas of human habiting.
It’s commonly accepted in physiology to admit the following relation between brain waves of different frequencies and the associated physiological states:

A simple comparison of Fig.1 and the table above reveals matching the frequency band in the table with the originated ELF spectrum induced by turbulent water.

The comparison underlines the social importance of the problem: natural sources can produce ELF fields which dangerously match in spectrum that of human organisms while being more powerful.

It is clearly stated that technogenic ELF EMF can “entrain brain waves, considerably alter them”, the references given:

2. Robert C. Beck. Preliminary Research Report. ELF Magnetic Fields And EEG Entrainment, 1978.
4. David S. Walonick. Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves,

The webpage cited in reference 4 is alive and is very interesting.

As you see naturally induced EHF EMF can alter brain waves, the same technogenic ones. If this issues are known sure there are technical development and extensive experimentation already done on biological subjects, be them human or animal.

Wallonick says in the cited reference:

“The specific ELF frequencies I was interested in studying are 6-10 Hertz. These frequencies are the same as those produced by the human brain in the theta and alpha states. Generally, specific brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. Frequencies below 8 Hertz are considered theta waves. While these seem to be some of the least understood frequencies, they also seem to be associated with creative, insightful thought. When an artist or scientist has the “aha” experience, there’s a good chance he or she is in theta. Alpha frequencies are from 8 to 12 Hertz and are commonly associated with relaxed, meditative states. Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep. Alpha waves are strongest during that twilight state when we’re half asleep and half awake. Beta frequencies (above 12 Hertz) coincide with our most “awake” analytical thinking. If you are solving a math problem, you’re brain is working at beta frequencies. Most of our waking hours as adults are spent in the beta state.

A question of importance is: “If we can electronically shift the brain wave frequencies to alpha or theta, will a person’s moods or thought patterns change to those commonly associated with those frequencies?”. In other words, if we can electronically move a person’s brain waves to the alpha frequencies, will they become more relaxed? Will their state of consciousness change to coincide with their brain waves, even if those brain waves were electronically induced? These are important questions with far reaching implications. […]”

“Each ELF exposure consisted of a ten second, sine-wave transmission separated from one another by 45 – 60 seconds of no exposure. The voltage fed to the coil was 3.1 VAC (RMS). The coil was positioned 18″ in front of the subjects head. The outputs from the ELF transmitter (function generator) and the brain wave monitor were fed directly into the computer A to D board, allowing both to be displayed on the computer monitor (and recorded on disk) simultaneously. The sampling rate of the A to D converter was set at 2000 samples per second for the entire experiment. This was sufficient to visually detect differences of .1 Hertz between the ELF and brain wave frequencies. Subjects were not told when a transmission was beginning. However, at the end of each transmission, they were asked to “report”. This was their current relaxation level based on the zero to ten scale. They also reported any feelings they had experienced and these were recorded verbatim. Twenty-one frequencies were presented to each subject (from 6 to 10 Hertz in increments of .2 Hertz. For half the subjects, these frequencies were randomly selected. For the other subjects, they began at 10 Hertz and were decreased by .2 Hertz with each transmission. Subjects were not told the order of frequencies that would be presented to them.[…]


Examination of the computer data revealed substantial differences between subjects. Some subjects showed lock-on (entrainment) over a wide frequency range, while other subjects showed no lock-on whatsoever. In general, lock-on occurred most frequently from 8.6 to 10 Hertz and less frequently below 8.6 Hertz.
One subject displayed lock-on for all frequencies from 7.4 to 10 Hertz. Two subjects displayed no lock-on over the entire frequency range. While I did not test a sufficient number of subjects to be statistically significant, I suspect that susceptibility to ELF entrainment follows the normal (bell-shaped) curve. At this time, I do not have any hypothesis that would allow us to predict who is susceptible and who is not.

Several interesting observations were readily apparent. Lock-on generally occurred very rapidly… within a quarter of a second in most cases. If lock-on did not occur at a specific frequency in the first second, it didn’t at all. When the brain did lock on, the amplitude of the brain waves increased to nearly double their normal size. This is typical for naturally (non-ELF) produced alpha patterns. The brain locked on to higher frequencies (9-10 Hertz) more readily, and maintained the lock-on for the entire duration of the transmission. As the frequency was lowered (below 8.6 Hertz), lock-on for most subjects occurred in bursts, rather than being continuous. For example, there might be immediate lock-on for two seconds; then the brain would “fight” the ELF frequency for a quarter of a second, and then lock-on again for another few seconds, etc.. I use the word “fight” because it looked like the brain was fighting the ELF to maintain its own frequency. The “fight” was characterized by low amplitude beta frequencies in the 15-20 Hertz range. These may, of course, have simply been analytical type thoughts, but they were not observed when the frequency was in the 9-10 Hertz range. This “fight” became more frequent as the frequency was lowered, until no lock-on was observed at all.

None of the subjects were able to consciously detect the presence of the ELF field. One female subject was able to detect whenever the field started or ended, but could not accurately say when if it was on or off at any given time. In other words, she was able to detect the change in the magnetic field, but not the presence or absence of the magnetic field itself. She thought she felt it because it aggravated her sinuses. When lock-on occurred, the brain waves lagged behind the transmitted ELF. This appeared to have been the “reaction time” of the brain to the ELF waves (approximately 60-80 milliseconds). More accurate experimentation is needed to explore this relationship.

Subjects verbatim reports were quite revealing. (Keep in mind that none of the subjects actually said they felt the ELFs.) The most common verbatim reports occurred between 8.6 and 9.6 Hertz. Common statements were subtle “tingling” sensations in the fingers, arms, legs, teeth, and roof of the mouth. Two subjects reported a “metallic” feeling in their mouth. One subject reported a “tightness” in the chest and another subject reported a “tightness” in the stomach. Several subjects also reported sensations when the ELF frequency was between 6 and 7 Hertz. The verbatim responses in this range were “ringing” in the ears, “flushed” face, “fatigued”, “tightening” in the chest and “increasing” pulse.

Lock-on occurred at lower frequencies more often when the transmitted frequencies were progressively lowered, rather than randomly presented. It would seem that the brain prefers a gradual lowering of frequency rather than a sudden or abrupt change in frequency. This may have been due to the extremely short duration of each transmission (10 seconds). It may be that this effect would disappear if longer transmission times were used.

There was no significant correlation between subjects reported level of relaxation and the ELF frequency or the occurrence of lock-on. Again, this may have been due to the extremely short duration of each transmission.


It is clear from these experiments that brain waves do in fact lock on to artificially produced ELFs in the 6 – 10 Hertz range. It is equally clear that the 10 second transmission was not sufficient to alter subjects moods to any consistent degree.”

Very interesting indeed and note they are talking about brain “locking on” at frequencies so low as 6-10 Hz, far away from the hundreds of kHz and Ghz of microwaves. As far as I know, microwaves produce heating in matter exposed, they increase brownian movement of molecules by transmission of energy, heating in this way the exposed material. I do not know if they can have the particular effects ELF have on brain waves, I suspect they don't. If this is the case, the main threat to human health would be in the seeming inofensive low frequencies.

As I said in a previous post, there is practically none officialy conducted study in this subject, you can find no conclusive results in IEEE research (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and nowhere in mainstream oficial scientifical research. This is suggestive, indeed.
Frankly, I'm not sure what to think. When I was researching the electronic harassment/organized stalking phenomena, I saw a few videos. Some of the footage in those were spliced into this one.

I've never experienced the electronic experiences that were discussed except for some minor vibrational stuff. Also possibly some weird "thought induced" stuff. I have however spoken with some people directly (in person, via telephone and internet) who said they were experiencing it. I've also read some of the letters they have written. There are some variations in symptoms, but most fall along the same lines.

The worst case I saw was of a gentleman who would wake up with some type of sores on his body (sometimes in patterns). Most of the people I spoke with who were experiencing this were not whistleblowers and had come up with their own reasons as to why this may have started.

The biggest problem for me is determining exactly where the truth lies in all of this. I was never able to find out exactly to my satisfaction how the whole thing started. Was the history of Monarch used as a way to make sense of what was happening to people who were just randomly targeted?

The fact that so many people are allowed to post these things leads me to wonder just how much truth there is to it.

I however do think that the weapons may exist.
Laura said:
Ya'll watch this documentary:

...and let me know what you think.

remember what Julius Cesar did to the Gauls...cut their arms off and sent them home to tell the rest of the villagers about the might of Rome? this is same thing, is my first impression. i have not seen rest of "Monarch" series...but implies continuous uninterrupted "study" of mind control techniques from time of 3rd Reich until present and name is perhaps double meaning...

as for "feelings of rage" being triggered by "nothing" that is a fact of my life...the only triggers i have identified for myself (and possibly different for each individual) are certain smells and certain sounds (high pitch and loud volume) Pavlovian response here...and very hard to interrupt it, would love Cs practical tips on interrupting EM...and what if anything these folks could do to protect themselves, their kids...assuming tin foil caps are not gonna work...

I am wondering about the "rabbit" as a post hypnotic suggestion and the repeated use of white rabbits in films...not just but including "Darko" type films for young people....and any related symbolizing in The Hunter having to stomp on the Hare to keep focused on the goal while he leads Orion...what i came up with is knowledge + empathy = wisdom, knowledge - empathy = self that completely off track or anywhere near making any sense to anyone else?
I do not think they can "induce specific thoughts", what I think is they indeed can cause altered emotional states, stress and mental confusion. It's probable depressive states of mind and generalized anxiety states could be induced with this technology.

Although detailed psychological manipulation is not expectable, the mere fact they can cause the above damage to human mind is quite scary and dangerous.
I finally had a chance to listen to this -- and was creeped out by all sorts of stuff, not the least of which were the various references to southern Arizona. Was that little girl about 2/3 of the way through basically being raped? That's the impression I got, but the quality was poor enough that I wasn't absolutely sure. That was pretty horrible to watch.

I agree that this seems pretty plausible and in line with all that we know. I took a look at the websites mentioned, and nothing looks particularly suspicious about them. This one needs to be updated:


And this one has a couple of PDF books by the creator of the video:


The first one has a section on HAARP, and what the author says seems to be on the right track re: HAARP and mind control (seeing as how there is some discussion of HAARP above).
Yeah, I visited the stop covert war site over a year ago. The problem I find with these sites is not in the sincerity of it, but rather the bits of information that may or may not be true. I do think that there are whistleblowers (and others with some types of connections) going through these things. The problem I always had was that I was going through some of these things and am not a whistleblower or have any government/military connections (that I'm aware of). So I think something's missing, just don't know what yet.

On this page of the site: _ is a list telling you how to find out if you're a target of multiple stalkers. There is quite a bit of assumption in what are supposed to be facts. When I started looking into this, I eventually found that quite a bit of the symptoms matched up with accounts of alien abductees.

I currently think the creators mean well with these sites, but I believe there is unintentional disinformation woven in. This is what causes the most harm.
truth seeker said:
On this page of the site: _ is a list telling you how to find out if you're a target of multiple stalkers. There is quite a bit of assumption in what are supposed to be facts. When I started looking into this, I eventually found that quite a bit of the symptoms matched up with accounts of alien abductees.

I currently think the creators mean well with these sites, but I believe there is unintentional disinformation woven in. This is what causes the most harm.

I think that's a good point -- it's interesting what you mention about the symptoms dovetailing with those of abductees too, since from what I understand there is a lot of overlap between 3D abduction and 4D abduction, and to really figure out the difference would be difficult (assuming that you had indeed experienced one of the two). There is also the possibility that this kind of thing is Cointelpro damage control, with enough truth woven in to make it legitimate but enough disinfo to vector people away from the ultimate truth.
Shijing said:
There is also the possibility that this kind of thing is Cointelpro damage control, with enough truth woven in to make it legitimate but enough disinfo to vector people away from the ultimate truth.

This is also the conclusion that I have slowly been coming to. Most of the larger, more popular sites concerning this subject say the same thing. Many, it seems, even copy/paste the same information.

On the forums, there's always a couple of people (usually the better known "targets") who basically spam with the same information over and over again. What ends up happening with many of the people seeking help is that they take the information given at face value. Anyone with another opinion can end up being shouted down or called a "perp" (one of the people involved in perpetuating the stalking).
As to the name origin of the Monarch project, this from Freeman:

Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to the god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
The idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado is called the “Butterfly Effect”. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. What unseen trigger set these latest pop star phenomena into motion?

The movie “The Butterfly Effect”, starring Kabbalist Ashton Kutcher, is a recipe for trauma-based mind-control. Rape, murder and child pornography are just a few of the concepts presented in this AOL Time Warner production. In the film, Ashton’s character, Evan, is passed genes from his father that give him the ability to go back in time. The MKUltra mind-control project known as “Monarch” is so named because the Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a master race in part through genetics…it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control.

The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Child prostitute rings, human slavery, and bloody ritual sacrifice are used everyday by those in power. Few have escaped the grasp of this dark force to bring forth this knowledge; the Mother Goddesses themselves, Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder are two made popular through the works of Fritz Springmeier, Cisco Wheeler and David Icke. They tell us that, most victims of Monarch come from broken homes that usually involves sexual abuse. The Illuminati seek parents that are pedophiles. They want fathers that will abuse baby girls. The handlers program the children with the expectation that they will be “thrown from the freedom train” when they get to age 30. They own you, and when they are done, they kill you. Could our leading stars be part of an Illuminati Satanic Ritual Cult that eats babies for Moloch? The idea is not as far out as it seems. The truth is, this is the more likely reality.

It would seem that Monarch was purposely chosen as it accurately depicts their agenda.
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