Moderators - Thank You

Al Today

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Moderators, I THANK YOU ALL. I consider y’all kinda like classroom monitors, perhaps even like a teachers’ aide. When I was in public school, someone had to take charge and maintain an environment that allow students who want to learn, the opportunity to learn. When I’m in a library, trying to read, understand, and comprehend what a given author is trying to convey, I really get bugged when some bullyish type creates unrelenting, annoying, and disruptive NOISE. Why does a person act up in public? For what reason does a person reach for attention? What gives others a right to infringe upon my free will, attempt to force acceptance of their views upon me? Or better yet, why do some think they should be the teacher? Seems to me that some people just enjoy the fight rather than entertain an open discussion. I can't say how many times I see bullys walk onto this playground and attempt to be the center of attention. Appears that some just have to be in front of the classrom speaking, rather than listening.

Thank you for taking your personal time and having the patience to “talk” with the unruly ones who may just want to distract and confuse others. All I can say is if one does not have facts to prove a point, at least be open to possibilities. And yes, even proven facts can be disproven at a later date. Anything is possible. Some have opinions, no facts, and state they KNOW answers to the hardest questions. Closed mindedness, I guess… Indeed, ALL should have an opportunity to learn, be involved in classroom discussions.
So, thank you moderators for doing this work for us.
I want to give anart some attention and credit :) he/she tirelessly pick out faulty logic and nonsense. *pat on back*

+All others who I haven't commented specifically about.

<3 sott
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