Maybe is not the right place, but...


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
could you tell Red Pill Press to pay attention on the quality of the books? ...Im not sure if it was by a "rough trip" in the mail service, the fact is that the pages have been disjointing from the glue.
h Mabar, I work in a library and quite often make minor repairs to books.If you use that ordinary white glue that has the consistency of cream (sorry don't know tte brand name but it's very common, used in schools etc) and paint a very thin line on the inner edge of the odd numbered page (ie the back of the page that has been placed on the right hand side) put it in as close to the spine as you can and carefully repeat the process on any other pages that need to be put in place. Start with the highest numbered pages first . When all the pages are in place put a suitable sized rubber band around the book and leave for an hour or so. Hope this helps-hope what I said makes sense too!
Thanks! That's a good tip: ...the rubber band, I did it without one and also applied durex before I read your post, and right now it looks like it has a lot of band-aids :P. I already finished it but its a book I considered as a referenced one and it will be used more often. So, I will take to a print shot to get it fixed.
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