Living in times of absurdity


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
There have been a couple of questions or suggestions on how to distill some of the basic information we have learned here in this forum. I keep thinking that we have to be able to explain something simply to demonstrate that we do in fact understand the material. I have given it a go here and have used life experiences, emotions and the true desire to help those who are close to me and want to see... see. Even keeping it to the 3D world and just highlighting some of the main points, it is still pretty long but it did help me get it out. Sometimes I think that others (people who are not apart of this forum) get lost with too many facts and figures and being somewhat new to tying things together, it may also help others who are brand new to the realities of the world to see it from some of us who are just a little further on the path. Or maybe not, my thinking could be way off? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated...

Living in times of absurdity

Most of my life, I have observed many people doing things that just didn’t make sense to me. It can be said they might have thought the same thing about me. As time moved along I learned and understood the principles of perception, subjective viewpoints about reality and the difference between critical thing, cognitive dissonance and blind faith. I understand that despite the fact there IS an objective reality, I had to wonder why so many people cannot or will not be able to perceive it no matter what. I also had to include myself in that category because we all wear blinders at least at some points in our life.

When I’ve had to ask myself am I one of those people? The answer is… yes at times. Depending on the situation and other persons involved, I chose to see the illusion of what I thought was right, could be or what I wanted instead of the bare facts, even when I was presented with those facts with harsh lessons. It’s easy to do when emotions get involved because emotions can overrule the most intellectual brains when activated. I don’t pretend to be an intellectual or even have the healthiest emotions because I know that I don’t.

I have written in detail about growing up with my family and the long and short of it is, that I have felt like I’m an outsider looking in more often than not. Relationships may be easy to develop in the beginning but after some time, they become hard to maintain for a variety of reasons. If I had to put the reasons in order they would be lack of collinear people or even people I had several things in common with. The second would be that I don’t have the knowledge on how to be in a healthy relationship, but I am trying to learn. The third is simply the desire NOT to be miserable just for the sake of being that way. And let’s face it, there are some mighty miserable people in this world.

That is not to say I run at the first sight of being miserable. Situations present themselves which can and will be miserable and we must find a way to navigate through them. From suffering there is great potential for learning and growing and that just may be the reason why we all here. I also understand myself enough to know I would rather find solutions to problems and compromise with others so that we can all keep going in this world. I’ve known others who not only create problems but collect them so they can enjoy the act of being miserable but share that misery with others because they enjoy the company in their misery. From what I’ve seen it creates drama, chaos and lifelong resentments that are difficult to overcome. I figure I have enough issues to overcome so I don’t want to add any more especially if they are unnecessary and unproductive.

So while I may have been on the outside looking in, I’ve also learned things about myself and the little micro world I reside in along the way. But that was my goal even if I didn’t truly realize it at any given time. The gnawing need for freedom and to be independent presented many opportunities to learn and most of those were the hard way in the beginning. When you start with so little knowledge and a lot of determination, it is bound to be a painful process especially if there is little guidance from others that have traveled the same road. One thing I have learned about myself is that I am not an authoritative follower. I have felt that authority needs to make sense and too many times they simply don’t.

When I was growing up, I told lies and now understand that I did so because I was looking to gain something without actually having to work for it. That was a misconception of what freedom meant. Although I was free to tell the lie, I was not free from the consequences of doing so. After being lied to about many things later on in life, I became aware of the necessity to find the truth so I could make proper decisions based on facts. I learned that depending on others to tell the truth was all but impossible for many reasons . They had their own agenda, pride, ignorance or the unwillingness to see the truth. It took many years for me to be able to accept that. But it also made me more determined to avoid lying and to look deeper for the truth even if I didn’t know exactly what that was.

So it is with these basics that I started to really dig deep when I felt I had lost everything else in the world that really mattered to me. When you feel like you have nothing else to lose and have long conquered the fear of dying, things have a way of clarifying themselves. Most of the unnecessary trifles of life have been stripped away and there was an awful void that I didn’t know what to do about. I really begin to think about matters that no one seemed interested in and have posted about many of those things such as greed, poverty, wars, injustices, human trafficking, psychology, health and sometimes flat out hatred of others based on the smallest of differences. Most of those posts were of a different viewpoint than was usually put forth and gave me more food for thought about the nature of this world.

In other words, why is the world so hard and unforgiving? Why is it that there is so little love and understanding? Why is there so much disinformation in the world when there is a super highway of information? Why are things so backwards that we rarely feel like we get anywhere in life? Why are so many people damaged mentally, physically and/or emotionally? The answers are ugly. Too many people don’t want to face ugly or even believe that it is real and not only exists but is the very cause of the plight of many today. Too many people have faith in things thinking or believing that they are truly benevolent but in reality are so insidiously evil that just the thought of them can turn my stomach. And sometimes when they do give it a moment of thought they are apt to blame the wrong people, situations or causes for the problems.

Too many good men and women have died throughout the ages simply because they were trying to do what is right for humanity by standing up for things like peace and freedom for all or revealing the awful truths about people in power. Despite everything against them, they took a stand against the forces that would enslave us using a variety of methods and paid the ultimate price. These are well known names like John F. and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Princess Diana to name but a few. There deaths have been discussed in great detail by many and I suspect that in 100 years or so from now they will have been vilified as many others throughout history have been. History is written and rewritten by the victors, never mind that the victors stole, murdered, pillaged and plundered their way through to the finish line leaving a wake of destruction that would rival a category 5 hurricane. All the while claiming their innocence and fawning shock at such thoughts.

And that is how and why we are living a life of absurdity now where everything is upside down or inside out. The working people work very hard to have very little. The ones, who make the rules, make and keep most of their money while doing very little for it. And think for just a moment about the job you may have. Do you see the inefficiencies and the wasteful spending on things there while raises are routinely small if there is one at all? Do you see people promoted who are unqualified for the job? Do you also see people who do the actual work there get fed up and leave? If so then apply what you see there to all businesses and government and you will start to see a bigger picture of the insanity we live with on a daily basis. We may complain but we rarely do anything about it. We live by laws and are punished sometimes severely when those laws are broken but let those who are making the laws go free when they break them, even on a massive scale such as the 2008 banking crisis where they not only went unchallenged but were awarded payouts on a scale that boggles my mind just so they could continue the graft. We complained but nothing happened so we went back to our regular life and continued on.

We live in a world where the GDP is buoyed by perpetual war and that means many people are dying including civilians such as women and children. Sometimes they are the main targets just for the sensational factors to ramp up the fear to keep you in your place. Never mind the fact that when they wage war on something, it doesn’t seem to end the problem, only to enlarge it such as the war on terror, drugs, hunger and poverty. There is a reason for that you know. These wars are not meant to be won. They are meant to be sustained to spread the misery far and wide for the consumption of power for the few. And never mind that most of these wars begin on false premises and are geared more for plundering the region resources that ever bringing democracy to the people of that region. The evils of the world feed off of our fear and use it against us every chance they get. We complained but nothing changes because we don’t understand how the world really works. We may think we do but in reality we simply have so little idea. Even I have a hard time truly understanding of why human life is values so little.

Since 9/11 we have given up more and more of our freedoms for the illusion of safety against these invisible dangers and within the last year many, many are willing to give up the last few rights and freedoms to keep pretending that the world is not rotten to the core with the infection that has taken over. No, I am not talking about the corona virus; I am talking about the psychopaths that run every faucet of our life. They are in the top positions of every business, military, government, science, education and religion. They are the true virus in today’s world and the evidence is all around us. This infection has been left unchecked and has spread far, wide and deep. We have lived with it for so long, we have forgotten what it feels like to healthy, whole and without constant fear.

Many don’t understand what they are or what they do. They may think they do based on movies and tv but that isn’t even close to the barren landscape that is within a psychopath. The may look human but they do not have human morals, values, emotions and there is no empathy to be found in such individuals. They can lie, steal, cheat and murder many without breaking a sweat, while looking you in the eye and promising that they have your best interest at heart. They know what they are and they laugh at us because we do have those human qualities that they lack. They laugh while they are using those very qualities against us. Because we are human, we think that we are dealing with other humans that have the same inner qualities as we ourselves do and that is a deadly mistake on our part. Because of our own ignorance they have taken over everything that touches our life. Too many of you want to emulate them because they are successful but since many don’t understand what they have done to be successful, they have no clue that it is not possible or even advisable to follow in their footsteps. Most of us simply do not have what it takes to rise to power because we do not understand what a psychopath really is or does. Having a conscience is a barrier to that.

They have divided us into ever increasing factions and force us to fight each other over things like gender, color, culture, sexual orientation, politics, religion, resources and especially class systems of the have, have nots. They have spent years learning how to break us down using our physical and mental health, education (or the lack thereof), using our fears of many things including of others turning it into hatred just so we won’t be watching them take everything there is to take, while leaving us with scraps to fight over. They have studied us for many, many years without our knowledge and know us better than we know ourselves and use that knowledge against us every chance they get for their own person gain, amusement and ends. We bought into it and complained about the wrong things but still did nothing to change the way things were.

In my opinion one of the most insidious ways that is used to divide us even more so effects each one of us only in different ways. They have twisted the meaning of love into everything it is not. It fact it seems like they are trying to eradicate love all together, whether it is between families, friends or between two people. The biggest problem I see today is the perversion of sex and now gender. Over the many years love has been steadily removed from the physical act by a variety of means and the porn industry has been instrumental in turning healthy desires into a sad parity of what they once were. The depravity in porn had to be escalated to satisfy the ever increasing de-sensitivities that were fostered in those who became addicted to it. As if that were not enough then they use sex to sell everything from toothpaste to cars and want us to have as much of it as possible while feeling guilty for doing so and then scare us with the fear of contracting HIV or going to hell. Or both!

Another factor I have seen in person is the need for young women, having little to no choice, finding themselves forced to sell their bodies for money. Sometimes they are able to do so without a handler but all too often there is a pimp and that in turn feeds the human trafficking industry. This affects every nation and it is the most profitable business in the world. One of which the most powerful of people don’t want you to know of, much less their involvement. Not just young women are the commodities in this business but young children of both sexes are victims of this gross human depravity that runs rampant today. In a classic move they have co-opted the gay and lesbian movements for their own agenda which is to have rights to be pedophiles out in the open. And does anyone else think it is horrible that they are influencing children under the age of 10 and sometimes even younger than that to not only explore their sexuality or bisexuality but to not even commit to a gender? There are places that have laws now where you can’t even use the pronouns such as him or her and can face penalties or fines. And what about subjecting these children to trans drag queens at public places? Take a moment and think about what this all means.

So these psychopaths have learned how to co-opt many movements and protest to control the opposition and negate the effects. They have been doing it for years and the one that surprised me was the hippy generation and the music of that era. Since WWII and through the 60’s and beyond they have refined their techniques to capture the human mind and redirect it where they will. They use movies, tv, music, printed material and many other means to hijack your mind and even your very soul, the essence of what we are. We bought into it hook, line and sinker with the exception of a few who either saw through it or were the victims of their atrocities. Those victims tried to tell us but were silenced or we didn’t believe them because it just couldn’t be possible to live in a world that would allow that to happen. But we do live in that world, everyday despite what we may think.

The lies that too many believe today are giving this virus of psychopaths so much joy they can hardly contain themselves with the glee they feel. They have convinced you to wear a mask to obstruct your oxygen, while rebreathing your toxins, which causes your immune system to decline and depleting your brain of brain cells to contain another virus that mainly affects people with already compromised immune systems. The irony in that is many more people will become sick because of the mask they are compelled to wear. They are enforcing lock downs, closing business and causing more deaths this way than the corona virus ever could do if left alone. Meanwhile, the business giants having decimated small business made trillions of dollars in 2020 and laughed all the way to the bank. Even if you know this, you may still be wearing the mask and staying at home because you don’t want to stand apart or stand up for what is right. Or some of you are wearing them stating it is a sign of respect for others who have to wear them all the time. You may complain but you are still complying and nothing is changing.

The social distancing between people has little to do with the corona virus and much to do about breaking the last remaining connections of humans. Families, friends, neighbors, coworkers and strangers alike. The fear has taken over many and those are the ones staying at home afraid to go outside and enjoy fresh air. They have given up all that is important to them so they can have that illusion of safety not realizing that it has nothing to do with a virus and everything to do with control of their lives based on one big fat lie in a long line of big fat lies. We may have complained some but many did it because they believe that it was for their own good. But the complaints were about other people not complying for their own good and they are being blamed for the continued draconian measures that are in effect today. And when those elderly people died alone, afraid and lost again many blamed other people instead of the pathological deviants who care nothing for humanity. And they sure haven’t blamed themselves for going along with it in the first place.

We saw an election being stolen in real time and we allowed big tech to censor as much of it as possible. My political views were/are both parties were/are so corrupt that they are both useless to the people and interchangeable. Even with those views it was still disgusting to watch that happen in real time while the people complained but did little else to hold those accountable. For those of you waiting on a savior to come and clean up the mess that we are all in, the wait will be long and unfruitful. I have learned the hard way you must save yourself and it is not going to be easy nor will it be pleasant, in the least. Since we ourselves were complicit for so very long, we only have ourselves to blame because we have had many opportunities to not only see what was being done but try something different in at the very least.

The old saying that we don’t learn from history is correct. Too much of our history has been erased, rewritten and obscured because it is controlled by the victors for any truth to be taught much less the chance to learn. I have learned about the cycles of life and can apply them to empires, civilizations and group consciousness. I have also learned that the objective truth can be found if one is interested and it can be learned from as well. It isn’t easy especially in today’s age of disinformation and programming but it doesn’t change the fact that we are here to learn and have chosen this time to do so. I don’t have all the answers but I am willing to ask the questions, do the research and most importantly think about things that are uncomfortable. So my question is, do you not understand that you are making judgements based on small part of the story that is scripted, manipulated and designed to trap you and me both in a cycle where we all lose everything that is important to us? When we believe lies we are not aligned with the truth. When we live blindly or by blind faith we live poorly and that is evidenced today.

But we are all responsible for this world we live in and we have given too much of our power away over the years. Our ignorance is also one of the biggest hurdles to overcome and the most important thing to remember is this; we are in a war now and the war is a spiritual one. Our very soul is on the line and it is up to us as to whether we give in without a fight or we stand up to fight for it. If you have a soul and it is important to you, then the time has come for you to overcome your ignorance, programs, indecisions, prejudices, emotions and most importantly your fear of dying. Our souls are struggling mightily and have been for quite some time. We have submitted to what amounts to slavery by economic, political, religious and indoctrination by the psychopaths and it is only going to get worse from here on out with a totalitarian regime that may take over the White House this January.

I have mixed feelings and thoughts about that. Trump may prolong our demise a bit longer and give more people a chance to really see the world as it is, not as they wish it to be. My hope is that more of the souled community will realize what is at stake and begin to push for those simple but difficult notions such as freedom and peace. But Biden will issue in that demise of any pretense of freedom and peace swiftly and with a force that many of us have never experienced in our life. Most of us understand that Biden is a demented puppet that has few faculties left and may only remain in the position in a comatose state while the real powers make the rules and decisions. That may sound good but will bring the end to your freedom, peace and comfort because that is their unstated goal. If you are sitting in your comfortable home and feel like it is too much to deal with anything I have written then you should enjoy that comfort for a little while longer before it is completely wiped out. But once it is gone then complain to that administration and not to others for your lack of understanding of what was at stake.

It is not a judgement on you wanting a comfortable life because I would like one too. It may be a goal of many to have such as life. The problem is remaining in that comfort without understanding the need to move out of it when times demand that we do to stand up for our rights as well as others. It is like pulling the pillow back over your head and going back to sleep when a burglar breaks into your house hoping that they will just go away. And what is going on today is just like burglars breaking into our homes stealing our peace, love and security because they know we are home with all the surveillance we are under. They know we have a soul and that is the ultimate prize.

They cycles I mentioned earlier are about to come to an end. At least this cycle is before the next one begins, whatever that may be. I may seem like the scraggly old person with a sign claiming that the world in going to end but even I am not that pessimistic. I do understand that the cosmos will intervene if we can’t or won’t. It will do so in the forms of comets, meteors and asteroids which will cause severe weather related phenomena that will break this oppressive system we live under to dust. Unfortunately we will also be turned to dust. I also understand that there is a price to be paid in karma for the destruction we have caused this go around and the cosmos will extract payment one way or the other. We may not have personally caused harm to others but we have sat back and let it happen time and time again, which makes us responsible in the end.

Many of you also have to understand that not everyone is going to be able to do let go of their beliefs and the invisible chains of slavery and they will suffer greatly in the coming times. For that will increase our own suffering because as humans we do care about others and what they will go through but unfortunately we cannot save them. They are not ready to see the horrible, ugly, nasty truths of this world and there is a reason for that. A reason that we cannot know at this time but must accept nonetheless because we can only save ourselves and offer help to others who are ready in the end. I have struggled with faith in a GOD all my life and now understand a little more as to the why of it.

It is more than tough to have faith in what others consider a benevolent GOD when you see the cruelty of this world up close and personal. It is even harder to have that faith when you step back and see the atrocities that are committed on a daily basis around the world. I have thought many times that too many people were waiting on GOD to do something for them instead of understanding that the forces of this world work through us, not for us. And the forces of this world are not all benevolent but they are what we would consider both good and evil. I have learned that the ultimate choice is service to others or service to self and when you serve others the potential for growing and learning is the ultimate form of giving and receiving love. The servicing of the self leads to a contractile being until they reach the level of nothingness. I am not nothing nor do I wish to be.

I have been learning things most of my life and understand that it will continue as it should because life is the religion and we are here to learn the lessons that are taught here. I have faith in that and that my soul is what is important. Not the body or any of the materialist junk that we pretend we can’t live without. I have faith that there are higher powers around and above us and we are not alone in the cosmos. I have faith that this miserable world cannot be all that there is in our existence but just one of many existences. I have faith that I am not alone even when it feels like I am sometimes. I have faith there are others like me who can see, feel and understand the things we do because they have the determination to seek the truth in the times of absurdity. I am forever thankful for them too.
Thank you for sharing this @KristinLynne it was very heartfelt and meaningful. I hope to see more of this and less anger and cynicism from everyone going forward, myself included, even though I suspect it is a tall order given that everything seems to only be amplifying from here. If hyperkinetic sensate means amplification of all that we hold inside ourselves, clearing out that old and used-up weight seems to be important more now than ever before.

I still believe in another path that hasn't been presented or fully made available just yet, and I hope it's not just wishful thinking, but I suppose if there is one thing in myself that will never change, it is that hope in the power of each of us to light the way forward.
I enjoyed this read thank you. It certainly is hard at times to not let the weight of all the absurdity come down on you. There are times where I'm truly left baffled and hurt when people act so rude to me for reasons I don't understand. Partners stop talking with you, friends abandon you, mental strong-arming, arguments happen over such petty matters, helping someone is responded with impatience and rudeness. It hurts even more when it's people that love you, or so they say. I lost my closest and only friend a few months ago and I'm having to very slowly learn that people are all free to travel their own paths.
I find myself more often going back to this video. The lines really resonate with me:
So much death... What can men do against such reckless hate?
Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.
For death and glory...
For rohan, for your people.

LoTR nerd in me in coming out, but those are thoughts I had from reading your piece. Thanks for getting me thinking.
I enjoyed this read thank you. It certainly is hard at times to not let the weight of all the absurdity come down on you. There are times where I'm truly left baffled and hurt when people act so rude to me for reasons I don't understand. Partners stop talking with you, friends abandon you, mental strong-arming, arguments happen over such petty matters, helping someone is responded with impatience and rudeness. It hurts even more when it's people that love you, or so they say. I lost my closest and only friend a few months ago and I'm having to very slowly learn that people are all free to travel their own paths.
I find myself more often going back to this video. The lines really resonate with me:

LoTR nerd in me in coming out, but those are thoughts I had from reading your piece. Thanks for getting me thinking.

Thank you Jo Bugman. These are sad and trying times and our relationships are being put under tremendous strain. I work in retail so I can understand how you feel about dealing with all the negative emotions from others. When I encounter them, I tell myself that they need an outlet for the stress they are under and I guess I'll be that outlet but know that it isn't me personally they are angry at. Well most of them anyway, but because I don't wear a mask at work with a medical waver, there is one who has a big problem with it. In this case I understand I should be externally considerate but if I put one on for her then it becomes a whole new can of worms and the pressure to conform will be even greater. I am so sorry you lost your closest friend so recently and know that it makes dealing with the rest of the world even harder. Thank you for your kind words and sharing the video clip. It is something to remember. Hugs.

This bit really rings true for me...and applies to everyone, even the psychopaths when in the end game
Thank you gottathink. I agree and my one true hope is to be able to see it for myself!

Thank you for sharing this @KristinLynne it was very heartfelt and meaningful. I hope to see more of this and less anger and cynicism from everyone going forward, myself included, even though I suspect it is a tall order given that everything seems to only be amplifying from here. If hyperkinetic sensate means amplification of all that we hold inside ourselves, clearing out that old and used-up weight seems to be important more now than ever before.

I still believe in another path that hasn't been presented or fully made available just yet, and I hope it's not just wishful thinking, but I suppose if there is one thing in myself that will never change, it is that hope in the power of each of us to light the way forward.

Thank you Pearce. When I write, I try to convey what is in my heart without sounding like the New Agers but the topic of love, human connections and the possibilities of what could be have been on my mind for a long time. And I too feel so much anger from many now as I am sure most of have at some point. With so much information flowing around people sometimes they really don't know what to think or believe. These are the ones who haven't been completely programmed and may need just a little assurance they are not alone.

As for getting those programs under control and out of our systems, it is important and difficult to find the time and resources if they are not apart of this form. I know I still have a lot of work to do but I hope that I can at least give someone the chance to see so they can make their own choices.
I know I still have a lot of work to do but I hope that I can at least give someone the chance to see so they can make their own choices.

I feel exactly the same. And perhaps in the end that's all we can do. Sure feels some days like I wish I can do more, but other days I feel those thoughts may just be delusions of grandeur. We are only human after all, but who knows how far the ripples from butterfly wings will travel.
Thank you KristinLynne for expressing your thoughts so eloquently.

Now and again we have the privilege of reading something at just the time when we may need a bit of a 'shock', to help us see what we may not want to see in ourselves.

If you have a soul and it is important to you, then the time has come for you to overcome your ignorance, programs, indecisions, prejudices, emotions and most importantly your fear of dying

There is so much in what you wrote that spoke to me, but I thought I'd just highlight these thoughts.
Just how many times I have realised the importance of what you have expressed here and then, as you say, put the pillow back over my head; it's hard to say. I thank you for the timely reminder to remain vigilant against this tendency, especially at this time.

I am not alone even when it feels like I am sometimes

You helped me to feel the same way. Again, thank you.
Thank you KristinLynne for sharing observations of your life struggle, which so much resemble my own experience, and it warms my heart. Some of your descriptions about your choices for lying or need for freedom and independence are so familiar, it is like from my personal book. I guess many of us here recognize it such. Even though we are spread far and wide around the planet, we're so similar and thus closer then we think. We are living in times of absurdity and it all makes somehow perfect sense, seeing chaos at the end of grand cycle. It is really jaw-dropping shitshow, but our choice of experience made us tough and now we are ready to face the tsunami. Hold fast.
Thank you KristinLynne for sharing, as others this does resemble much of my own experience. From a personal point of view it has been quite painful to watch people close to me going astray though this is their own choices, and learning path. It has been really interesting to see how things have evolved, and I am grateful to have the network and all the work done here, which help cope and gradually understanding what is happening. Thus at the moment, sitting back, watching and learning.
Then again, being able to share, network and learn from like minded persons does make a huge difference.
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